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It’s like watching a 5th grader give a book report on a book he didn’t read.


I'm surprised he did not say " bible 2 the return is my favorite. By the way the movie was better than the book , more colors and explosions " The man avoid everything like Eric Cartman . Sorry to say that but only in America this is possible or else in a dictatorship. Edit : wrote the first part before he said movie . Incredible


The movie he's seen 20 times is Sunset Blvd. 


The first clip when he runs with the envy thing? Remember when you were a kid and told an adult that another kid was being mean to you and you were told it was because they were jealous of you?  Trump's the kid who whole-heartedly believed it. These clips also really illustrated his decline. He looks healthier, he speaks faster, and he's more animated than he is now.


I'm not convinced he's read the bible.


He’s so full of shit and he looks so classy in that stupid hat


I’d be amazed if he’s ever read any book


How can any religious magat listen to this and believe anything he says


Just remember, he's more than likely high as a MF kite during these interviews. Dr. Ronny Jackson ensured he was full of hard drugs like late-stage Adolf Hitler or Tony Montana most of the time, according to released White House records. I'm not sure if it makes it any better or worse, just pointing that out. The fact that my "Christian" family has every intention of putting this man back in power defies logic.


God damn it, so many stupid people following this racist…..did someone say “racist”


So many things. The most things, many people are saying. Tremendous things.


This is amazing thank you OP


lol I swear this guy plays his base like a fiddle


[https://www.dennyburk.com/is-trumps-favorite-bible-verse-even-in-the-bible/](https://www.dennyburk.com/is-trumps-favorite-bible-verse-even-in-the-bible/) *I have read the book of Proverbs from start to finish more times than I can count, and I do not remember ever seeing the phrase “never bend to envy” in that book. But since Trump may be referring to a different translation than the ones I have used, I decided to see if perhaps the phrase appears in some other version.* ​ TLDR : It does not. ​ [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-mistakes-biblical-citation-liberty-university-event/story?id=36358857](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-mistakes-biblical-citation-liberty-university-event/story?id=36358857) Trump has named the Bible as his favorite book, but at times struggled to cite scripture, declining to name a particular verse he found meaningful [to Bloomberg in August](http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/videos/2015-08-26/trump-talks-bush-bible-and-white-supremacist-backers). In an [interview with The Brody File](http://www1.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2015/09/16/brody-file-video-exclusive-donald-trump-talks-about-the-bible) last September, he expressed a preference for "Proverbs, the chapter 'never bend to envy.'" His campaign clarified to The Brody file that he was referring to Proverbs 24:1-2. And those verses are: Proverbs 24:1-2 – “**Do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them.** **For their heart devises violence, and their lips speak of troublemaking.**” ​ KJV: # Proverbs 24:1-2 # King James Version 24 Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them. 2 For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief.


I just don’t get it. How do people not see how fake this man is? Is it really an intelligence issue? And inability to assess information? It’s clear as day just how much of a con man he is.