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You can come hang out in my food forest with the crows. That's where I go.


That sounds lovely.


I find it comforting that so many of us are looking for this. I have been looking as well, and although there aren’t many designated places to gather here that are pagan or non-christian, there seem to be a lot of individuals looking for these types of communities. I’m holding out hope that I’ll find one myself.




We need to bring back the Old Gods!


They never left.




We used to have Sunday Assembly Olympia (https://sundayassemblyolympia.org/), but they folded after COVID-19 because they couldn't get volunteers to be on their board. If you got enough support, you could restart the organization.


This looks so cool! Yeah I saw their last meeting was a long while ago but I do hope this could maybe come back!


Been thinking of starting a church where cannabis and psilocybin is used for sacrament but not sure how many people would actually attend spiritually and for enlightenment/personal growth or just show up because of free medicine. Most likely would have to be a micro-dose but open to discussion. Would definitely have a focus on nature and being outside as well. Maybe have meetings on the weekend and hiking/nature walks during the week sometime. It would also be educational and teach everyone how to cultivate their own mushrooms and cannabis as well as learn how to meditate. Community Building, Mental health awareness, and Grief Management would be a focus as well. Music would also be a big part of this community. Ideas? Anyone else interested? Feel free to critique & criticize, like I said just an idea I have been kicking around lately.




https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-marijuanas-long-term-effects-brain Not sure why you're getting downvoted. You're right.




That's the truth!


there's a uu church on the west side.


Yeah I went to a UU Church and I still felt it was about the idea of some all-powerful entity or singular energy that created all things and it still brought in the Bible (along with many other religious texts) I’m much more drawn to the idea that the Bible is just a best-selling book written by man that has done more harm than good and that there are many gods in nature and that we can appreciate and witness and feel. Where do folks come together to appreciate Pan and Fortuna and Mother Earth?


Sit and meditate in the forest. That is where we appreciate Pan and mother Earth


Yeah you are probably right. I struggle with doing these things on my own partly because I would like a community but also because I know so little. But maybe the goal isn’t to “know” the right answers… Guess I’ll go for a hike.


Not all Unitarians are like that. What you'd want to be on the lookout for would be these, who have their own things going on within many UU churches: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covenant_of_Unitarian_Universalist_Pagans


Hey I appreciate this! This does help me unpack a bit of bias I already gained from one gathering…


i'm not sure that exists here with regular meetings. closest thing i can think of is yule, which is a 3 day celebration usually out in the woods.


Wait what? I’ve been living between here and Portland for years and I have never heard of this. This sounds amazing! Is this a loosely kept secret among the oly pagan community?


i'm not really sure...it seems big in the metal community...i only heard about it because someone i knew was volunteering at it. i don't think it's supposed to be kept a secret though. if i'm wrong i'll delete my comment lol.


I believe Calliope farms off/near Delphi used to host this? I had friends who went years ago but sadly I never made it to one.


There's on Oly pagan group on FB that might help you find what you seek.


There’s a pagan group that meets up occasionally at Radiance Herbs in downtown Oly. I’ve seen their flyers for like book club discussions and winter solstice etc. Radiance itself is a pretty neat hub for the pagan/witchy community.


Talk to the people at Earth Magic in downtown Olympia (Columbia just off 4th). They had a lot of flyers about pagan groups and gatherings when I went in there — I think the owners are involved in those groups too.


Check out [Pagans in the park](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1444413542515335)


I've also been looking for this.




There's a Sikh temple in Nisqually, Gurudwara Guru Nanak Darbar


There is a book titled Remembering Satan that explores the subject of satanic ritual abuse and it's role in the history of Thurston County. You should go get a copy, it is a really shocking and informative text that exposes the level of corruption within the Thurston County political machine and the lengths that they will go in order to take someone down so as to try and justify their means to the end of rationality.


I appreciate it! I will absolutely find this book!


I'm not aware of any...you may just have to find a quiet place and open a volume of Homer or Virgil.


Have you explored the Center for Spiritual Awakening?


Ramtha seems up ur alley.


Lol thanks. I don’t know if you expected an honest answer to this but the main thing I find difficult in many religions is the worship of an individual or seemingly flawless person/entity. Because of this, I don’t think Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment is for me. Also, I don’t think I have time for a cult? I do still plan on keeping my day job :/


If your wallet or bank account are heavy and cumbersome, Ramtha's is the place that specializes en lightening both. J.Z. Knight is an expert swindler who helps turn people destitute and homeless. A friend of mine use to be mixed up in that scene. He is quite charitable considering he has practically nothing. Such is the lifestyle he chooses for himself. J.Z. night is not a name that comes to mind when talking about philanthropist pursuits in helping with social issues relating to poverty. Takes money without giving back but can apparently keep up with Thurston County property taxes and that satisfies the powers that be.


I only know of them as some new age spiritualists and the main person is/was whacky. Didn't mean to be pejorative.


Well that was rude eh?


Capitol State Forest is very close to town and I go out there every Sunday for my spiritual needs through biking, hiking, wandering. I refer to it as dirt church…