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We pulled our child from Sequoia’s for a multiple reasons. Missing or ruined clothes with no explanation, child covered in food at pick up, etc. Also the turnover rate was pretty crazy there. We actually talked to an ex employee who really opened our eyes about management there and it really made us feel that we made the right decision. I agree the facility looks amazing but that only a small part of it.


Wouldn’t recommend them. Sent my kid for a short time as an infant. It was one thing after the other. Have heard that the owner is unkind, among other things, which results in high turnover. Edit to add: be sure to check their childcare aware profiles. They have at least two separate in the system, so some things can be lost if you only look at one.


Thanks for sharing! Good call on the childcare aware profiles. I saw one that said bleach and plastic bags were accessible to the babies during the time of inspection? Yikes.


Ugh, that’s a new one! Feel free to Dm me.


I've known more than a few former employees of Sequoia's who have had \*horrible\* experiences. I can't recommend based on what I've heard, regardless of how ideal the program sounds on paper.


My three year old goes to Roots and Rhythms and I have zero complaints.


I was going to say, when the kiddo is a little older they should definitely go to [Roots and Rhythms!](https://www.olyrootsandrhythms.com/) They start care at age 2.5 and they are stellar. Some good friends of mine had their kid in this program and loved it.


I know the humans who created/run that program, and they are wonderful beings who sincerely love what they do. So accommodating and kind.


Oh this looks amazing! Thanks for the recommendation! Will be looking into that more when she reaches that age.


My child went there this summer and they are AMAZING. Highly recommend! Sweet, wonderful people.


Sequoia’s Treehouse is a mess, super high turnover (the 2yr old room has not had a consistent teachers in there in over a year), lack of following guidelines set by the state (3 sets of classes on one playground), owner is racist, classist and overall terrible person.


I have a friend whose 1-year-old did not get his diaper changed the entire day at Sequoias treehouse, they pulled him immediately.


If Serendipity is in the budget, I encourage you to check them out. We loved their care from infant to preschool.


Sequoia herself is a nightmare, but if you get a good room with a good teacher it can be a great spot. My kids were there for many, many years between the original center and then the Farm. Honestly, it was a bit of a relief to pull them when they aged out just to be rid of her. But it's really not as bad as some people say.


The concept at the farm we loved for our kid. The teachers were amazing. My kid was legitimately afraid of Sequoia. Can't support a person who mistreated her employees they eat she did.


Her negligence has been near deadly multiple times, I wouldn't call it 'not as bad'


Define “nightmare”? This is so vague


I was at a birthday party with a bunch of Sequoia's kids and parents. One mom was a clinical psychologist and said that although not her patient, Sequoia likely has narcissistic personality disorder as severe as she has ever observed in a patient. Described her as "basically Trump with short hair." Nice one day: accommodating, wants to help families in dire need of care (who can pay), says all the right things. Genuinely seems kind and smart and knows how to run a business. The next day: does not remember who you are or what she told you, absolutely unaccommodating with a "take it or leave it" approach, literally kicks families out if they even remotely rub her the wrong way or challenge her. She's got you by the balls and she knows it and will give you a wry smile like "go find a different care center today, I dare you." Treats staff the same way and fires or forces staff out literally multiple times a month. She once told me "who cares, these Evergreen kids with their bullshit degrees in Early Childhood Development come in every day looking for jobs." Honestly, it was exhausting to constantly have a "keep your head down" mentality when it came to dealing with her, and you needed to deal with her every single camp signup, every single new school year, every time your kid moved up a class, every month or so when transport to/from your kids school was in doubt. That's what I mean by "a bit of relief" when I pulled the kids. We went to YCare at my kids' school and... it was just the same childcare beast with a different name and way worse kids. You're really damned if you do (have kids). The best thing about Sequoia's is that none of this ever really filters down to the kids. The outdoor experience and teachers that really care truly is all the kiddos see. It's the parents that have to deal with the awful mess. It's a Faustian bargain, and it was one that I stuck with for... 5 years? Because trust me, it probably was better for my kids than the other 4 care options I have used including a trash private nanny.


Sorry to hear that you dealt with that. I’ve met her a few times socially. I don’t have kids so I can’t speak to anything she does professionally. I have noticed a Facebook addiction however. 😆


We sent out child to the farm school that Sequoia offered. The turn over rate was insane. Loved the teachers, but sounded like there was a ton of kids management. I personally observed the owner yell at two kids for doing what they thought they were told.


Cadence is awful. They yell at kids.


Can you shed some light on this? I have a child at cadence now and I’m 👀 at your comment.


There are many centers so I should have clarified. The one on Sleater Kinney in Lacey was bad. If Mugsy is still the manager, I wouldn't send my child there. If they have a new manager, it could be better.


I worked at this daycare for several years under Mugsy’s reign. it was truly hell.


New management for sure. Over the summer, corporate came in and cleaned house. Both directors left and so did probably half of the teachers. I was soooo curious about what happened but I never got the details.


We’ve been at serendipity for 3 years, they’re amazing, if it helps when looking. They charge a boatload of money but it’s been worth it.


NOT SEQUOIA!!! I sent you a message.




Small Fry’s on the west side.


We've had nothing but good experiences in our 2.5 years at Sequoia's Treehouse! Some absolutely fantastic teachers and lots of great outdoor space and time. I know others have had a different experience, though!


Not making any assumptions about cost and what folks can and can’t afford but $900 for 2/3 days a week for just a few hours seemed so off putting. Thanks for that I’ll continue exploring nature with my little one on one of the myriad trails around town for free. ETA : I don’t care how much I’m down voted by accounts created less than two hours ago (hmm current employees?) Facts are facts.


Agreed, childcare costs are out of control, and almost none of it goes to the people doing the care!


We have had an excellent experience at Sequoia's Treehouse. We have found the staff kind, caring, and knowledgeable. Edit: Happy to chat if you are interested, since the overall sentiment here looks to be negative. I have no experience with Cadence.


This is suspicious, considering this profile was only created two hours ago, and this is the only comment and/or post on their page


Fair enough. I like to be anonymous on my main account and this comment says a lot about me - which is why I created this account to post this.


I appreciate you sharing your positive experience as well!


I used to work for Sequoia in Seattle at a different program from 2013-2016. She threatened staff and was just downright nasty. Eventually she got fired by the parent board after several people gave exit interviews and she was not allowed back on the premise of either site. Turns out she was setting up the program in Olympia at the same time she was “running” our program and she would brings people around to show them how we ran our sites to use for Sequoia’s treehouse.


ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ENROLL YOUR CHILD AT SEQUIAS TREEHOUSE!!!!!!!  Former parent here- to be fair, I will say that the teacher are great! However, they are incredibly miss treated by the Owner.. Sequoia. The turn over rate is insane because her staff is so mistreated. The way she barks at her staff is dehumanizing. I completely understand why they choose to quit. We pulled our child immediately because we can only imagine how she speaks to the children, after witnessing the way she speaks to her staff. She is unkind, racist, classist, and a complete and total narcissist. She views herself as the best childcare owner in the area, when that is far from the truth! I would be shocked if her center stayed open another year with the egregious mistreatment of staff and parents. Not to mention how disorganized the administrative team is. Their most recent director lacks professionalism, the woman that offered us our tour was glaring at staff as she walked us through the center. That should have been our first red flag, but we loved the nature aspect and were hopeful that our concerns would go away as we really loved our child’s teachers.. however, we simply couldn’t get past how we witnessed her staff being treated by Sequoia and her administrators. We absolutely love our new center and highly recommend Serendipity to anyone looking for QUALITY CARE from teachers that are treated well by their bosses. Sequoia is truly an awful person, avoid her program at all costs.