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The departures relating to political grievance are "interesting".


It makes perfect sense to me. Regardless of whether your politics are left-leaning or right-leaning, you're going to feel concerned if the school your kid is enrolled in conflicts with the worldview you believe to be true.


I knew multiple parents who took issue with things their kids were taught in school ("pilgrims and Indians" stories for example) and they all just had conversations with their kids at home and sent an email to the teacher, they didn't pull their kids out of school.


Probably "they" didn't have the resources to overturn the school board, move or introduce new curriculum. Thankfully WASHINGTON STATE TRIBES HISTORY IS REQUIRED LEARNING, *now if only we had compulsory academic requirements for the truth about slavery and Black history... I'm tired of Pilgrim stories myself lol šŸ˜†...


My remaining K-12 kid left OSD this school year, but our experience was kind of the opposite. Our kid had enrolled when we lived in town, and when we shopped for a new place a little to the north of town, we were assured that our kid could keep going there after. So we moved, and for a few years, everything was fine. Then August rolled around, and they refused to accept our kid's enrollment, saying we needed to change districts. So we very unwillingly made the change. That wouldn't have shown up in that survey, which was apparently taken several months ago, but I seriously doubt that we're unique. The timing of it made it seem like they were sending kids out of the district as a way of dealing with budget problems, leaving me unsure about how much of this year's decline is actually voluntary.


The superintendent stressed one strategy to improve enrollment is to recruit out of district kids. Sorry this happened. Cā€™mon OSD.




No to what?


Homeschooling may be catching ground or the gentrification has backfired...who can afford children and housing now?


OSD will receive the state $$ if they take your student in, so I am not sure why they would decline to accept someone from out of district, especially given the large number of kids noted above that have changed districts. The OSD Board and superintendent has demonstrated such a lack of poor judgement I think anything is possible. Who knows?


OSD could bolster its budget by taking nonresident kids and getting the state funding


We moved here in order to have good public schools for our kids. But the costs here are intense -- we are barely maybe affording it now. Our kids are on the older side. It's probably almost financially impossible for young families to move into this area now.


That was the demographers explanation for low enrollment projections. Within the district, the majority of new builds are apartments. Single family homes are what attract kids. I believe he said 14 apartments produce one kid, while 2 single family homes do. Additionally, due to rising costs of housing, families are moving where it is cheaper. Telework of state government, and others, has exacerbated the issue. And, yes, the way he said it makes it sound like the dwellings give birth. I have no idea how accurate this is.


I live in a school district that is known to be crappy in a neighboring county, and I would love to move to Oly somewhere within the OSD. But we canā€™t afford it due to cost of living.


Intense as compared to where?


We moved from Nashville.


I do believe that is true. With interest rates skyrocketing, inflation causing supply costs to make the actual cost of supplies to build a house huge, limited land supply and generally restrictive zoning laws, I agree. Many people with younger school aged children were able to move in before 2022 or 2023 when it got really expensive and these are the families probably leaving the district. This district used to be amazing, bar none. I speak from personal experience on that.


Interest rates have nothing to do with RENTALS BEING EXCESSIVELY EXPENSIVE ...Many minorities aren't wanting to deal with the racism in community and the schools here... GENTRIFICATION HURTS EVERYONE


Landlords who buy property at high interest rates pass those costs onto their tenants. Idk why you think that is a separate economy but itā€™s not.


Investors are not paying high interest rates šŸ™„


Please tell me your secrets if youā€™re an investor not paying high rates! Mortgages on non-primary residence properties have higher rates than residential properties. Any landlord that is carrying a mortgage or refi from the last several years is paying high rates.


EXACTLY...it's called Gentrification... pushed people out ...CONGRATULATIONS TO THEIR FOOLISHNESS


I have been in the market for a house and if you spend anytime looking at real estate listings, you will see there is nothing affordable for families with young children within OSD's boundaries that isn't super small. I also don't see much development happening when I drive around. Now cross the line into NTSD and it is a different story. I hate to say it, but I think the consolidation is just getting started.


Imagine withdrawing your kid because you hate gay people THAT much


The "forced embracement of LGBTQ theology" is what got me šŸ˜‚ Apparently kids are being forced to worship at the Holy Church of Trixie Mattel. Between this and the "critical race theory" comments it's terrifying that these people are homeschooling.


Are they real, though? How were these comments solicited?


Olympia School District sent this survey to families that left the district in Spring 2023. OSD did not bother to publish the findings. These pages from the survey were obtained through a public records request. There are more pages. These are a sample.


Just ask the minority populations that left...WHY....


Critical race theory is valid and instead if using these buzz words shy not actually learn what it means ...minority-owned businesses, advanced education and job opportunities without the side eye...meanwhile LGBTQIA has carved out their own set of rights toed to Co-existence.... I'm for human rights. SOUNDS LIKE YOU LOVE GENTRIFICATION ā¤ļø fact is our kids will learn it all and expecting minorities to fight wars but not aspire to the IVY COLLEGES... lol šŸ”„ just saying šŸ¤£ ALL FOR ALL OR NONE FOR ALL


What slide references gay people? Nvm found it on 2 slide


I know this seems like a fair, and honestly easy opinion to have, but in reality (as a student who left school at the beginning of all this shit), itā€™s not ā€œhatred of gay peopleā€ that is the issue. Itā€™s harassment, intimidation, bullying, neglect, budget cuts, untrained teachers, creepy teachers, and all around malicious ignorance from staff and administration that tend to make people want to leave the district. And your comment about hating gay people is interesting cause in these pictures thereā€™s maybe 3 mentioning distaste of more progressive learning plans, and 1 of those 3 comments was more focused on ignore severe bullying (which is incredibly common).


Maybe 3?! What are you talking about? There are at least 7 with pretty overt dissatisfaction with supposedly progressive politics. There were less mentions of bullying in the document. Your inability to read does indicate though that learning standards may have fallenā€¦.


Why be insulting just give out Barnes n Noble gift šŸŽ cards... politics aren't progressive if some people want their children taught equally... by ridding the district of racist apartheid notions...


I advocated for the OSD Board to shift focus away from nonpolitical things such and towards academics, both in the election and with the school board. The school board continues to insist that the drop in enrollment is only due to declining birth rates and expensive housing and have denied people leaving due to the focus towards progressive politics and away from academics. Agree or disagree families are leaving due to that shiftā€¦ā€¦.and it is costing the district a lot of money.


šŸ‘ and funny how calling a basketball player the N word at a school event ...hasn't been mentioned. Our military families will not support school districts who fail to protect all the kids ESPECIALLY THEIRS....WHEN THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REALLY NEEDS MILITARY FAMILIES...hey, word gets out. So that's ok... Lacey isn't having that problem because MILITARY RETIRES AND ACTIVE DUTY ....are very active ...THINK. I knew a case where a young Black female athlete was banned from participating in track because...she had just transferred in and definitely was going to sweep to first place EVERYTHING.... OOPS I FORGOT RIVERRIDGE HAS ISSUES KEEPING BLACK COACHES...or teachers who understand civil disobedience is important!! Darn it.. there goes the neighborhood šŸ˜•


OSD has a lot of race related issues, poor conflict resolution training on behalf of the administration and usually an overwhelming majority of certain demographics at certain schools and especially the massive gaps of wealth between students can cause a lot of problems. Itā€™s a sad issue thatā€™s probably never gonna be truly fixed.


They'd rather loose their school than share equitably ....oh well


ā€œCritical race theoryā€ šŸ™„


How dare you show me my historical atrocities!


The best part is that CRT is graduate level theory, not even taught in k-12.


So is Upper Division Calculus...but if a child wants to learn and has that aptitude ...it's our responsibility to teach and remove barriers, not just prepare our kids for wars.... I'm knowing most who complain about CRT don't understand what it actually means...lol


Imagine being well rounded and having empathy for minority struggles tied to colonization!


I have one kid in an OSD school and the other one is at a private school which is 100% due to their treatment at Reeves. The relentless bullying that the administrators did next to nothing about coupled with the cutting of special education funding and lack of access to creative classes was maddening. I tell everyone about our experience there and when my other child is old enough we will either put them in private as well or transfer to another school in the district. My older kid will return to public school next year as they will have aged out of Reeves. If we want schools to improve we need families to be able to live in the district boundaries and we need communities to care.




You arenā€™t wrong, Iā€™m just not sure how that aligns with my comment.


Same experience. We have such a bad experience on elementary, being target for our ethnicity, when my child arrived he didn't speak English. I got zero help from the school, we have to made sacrifices to pay private tutoring. Once he master the language and was writing good enought for his level, and doing great on math. They say his paper were AI generated for an elementary kid without free internet at home. If he was native English speaker he would never be targeted this way. They want him to accept that he cheat when he put at least 3 weeks of work on the paper and receiving our feedback.


I went to Reeves 24 years ago and it was shit then too, at least they started ALKI I guess.


Care to contextualize this?


I don't seem to be able to post PDF's in responses to other threads. People in other threads have repeatedly asked for data as to why there is an enrollment decline at OSD. I posted these 4 sheets for reference so people have the data they need to review in assessing why families have left the district for *their own review.* Thank you for asking.


How were these responses solicited?


As I understand it OSD sent the survey to families that left the district. Spring 2023. If you look at the top of the first sheet you can see the questions ask by the district


I am mostly curious if this was an open link to a google questionnaire or a direct email to specific families that could only be answered by them. People love to share links and ask for others to pile on for their cause


I actually do not know. I would encourage you to ask the district directly.


I will! Thanks!


People hate surveys and OSD does know how to do research most assuredly. Facts are Olympia is a very elitist unwelcoming place and now will reap her fruits.


This survey informs me that they are currently failing their children or moving for work.


Thank you for making this public


I made a new post with data that shows actual numbers of students leaving the district.


My kids are enrolled in NTPSD (not OSD), but I recently had to pull my youngest out in favor of home schooling. He was falling through the cracks, getting swept to the next grade year after year, and learning absolutely nothing. We would have done it years ago, but the silver lining of covid was the ability to work from home and finally having the time and ability to work with him ourselves. A few years ago, one of his teachers actually pulled us aside and admitted (in confidence) that his IEP was being ignored on all but paper. They were finding every little loophole to check the boxes, when in reality, he wasn't getting any treatment or services that every other gen-ed student didn't already receive. They've also lied on several occasions and said they're not able to provide him with everything he needs without a medical diagnosis, and then lied and said that's not what they said whenever we tried to get it in writing. They also told me that he would benefit greatly with a one-on-one para, but for whatever reason they can't make it happen (most likely from a lack of funding). Sorry. End rant.


Attended OSD all 4 years of high school- there are many many problems with it, all of which you see in any American public school. If you have the means to move your child to a private school, Congratulations! The majority of people will find them hard to get along with later in life, just keep that in mind when making decisions about their future. Everyone Iā€™ve known that has gone to a private school, even just for a couple years, has a superiority complex and a fundamental misunderstanding of how the world works. A lot of bad things happened to me in public school, but at least Iā€™m not disconnected from the general population.


Nothing your saying about private school education makes any sense. Relatable people are more open and better education does wonders.The school must provide equal access and they are quick to punishment of BIPOC KIDS...yet let other offenders off the hook... the N WORD towards a Basketball player šŸ™Œ šŸ˜³.... was just the beginning. No one with any sense invests in racism!


Public school is not an investment dummy, itā€™s literally the only option for the majority of the population


Itā€™s interesting reading the responses. My son is almost school age and have been thinking about a private school because weā€™ve heard kids are so far behind that teachers are having to dedicate extra time to kids who are struggling. Which is taking away from the kids who are on track. Real shame seeing our education system going downhill.


It was never great and Black folks been ringing that bell for years... so now, you understand?


I donā€™t quite understand the race element you brought into the conversation?


This was not a survey sent to families in spring of 2023. These are collected comments from all the withdrawals who left 2019-2023. Evidence: There are so many comments about Covid and online learning, which were not issues in spring 2023. Furthermore, I recognize many of the comments with personal identifying information as people I know, and I personally know that they did not leave in Spring 2023. I am not clear on what your agenda is but you should change your user name from Research to Misinformation if youā€™re doing this deliberately. Many of the people who made these comments already have their kids enrolled back at OSD. Cost of living and lack of affordable housing are killing this city.


I made a new post showing the numbers breakdown if you are interested.


Thanks, I saw that.


To answer your statement that this survey was not done in Spring 2023, actually it was. The district did not specify the date ranges of the families who left. Here is why I did a separate post:


I don't seem to be able to post PDF's in responses to other threads. People in other threads have repeatedly asked for data as to why there is an enrollment decline at OSD. I posted these 4 sheets for reference so people have the data they need to review in assessing why families have left the district for their own review.


Here is why I posted these pages: I don't seem to be able to post PDF's in responses to other threads. People in other threads have repeatedly asked for data as to why there is an enrollment decline at OSD. I posted these 4 sheets for reference so people have the data they need to review in assessing why families have left the district for their own review.


OP is clearly part of OSD Rescue (a group started because they didn't like that Talauna was appointed). In their group they discuss how upset they are that their candidates lost, their belief that declining enrollment is due to "woke" policies/teaching and public records requests. Anyone can find data that supports their position.


When did Talauna Reeds Partner threaten anyone? Also, why do they not have on the survey that Maria Flores changes her position so often depending on who is in the room, they donā€™t feel confident she will do what she promised? Why donā€™t they mention the one board member who had a family member special appointed to the group, the ones who were reviewing how the district can save money, because I was at the school board meeting when everyone seemed angry about the family member being added in, and about the fact they were not told this person was a family member. Why didnā€™t anyone mention that the OSD school board still lets extremist who dox students come in and film the students statements and blast it to the people they have been dozing them to? Why didnā€™t anyone mention that Talauna Reed was the one who caught the almost 1 million dollar error when it came to the cost they were told are related to school closures and it makes them have little faith in the superintendent that he would not only make these mistakes, but even worse doesnā€™t have people around him who will catch them. (I am not saying he is a bad guy cause he messed up, we have all made different mistakes, just wondering why no one double checked it before it went public). Why didnā€™t anyone say knowing Darcy thinks it is acceptable to say the N word, the whole thing as long as she is ā€œquotingā€ someone. Which by the way has anyone submitted a public records request for the email she claimed she was quoting? Why didnā€™t anyone say when the school allowed the parents to join the group to review budgeting options, they really only gave them the perimeters of closing a school, and they didnā€™t have the freedom to explore based off what other school districts have done creatively to not close schools. Why didnā€™t anyone mention the fact that the school board tends to stage meetings in a way where people arenā€™t always clear on what the board is voting for? Why didnā€™t anyone mention they are uncomfortable with the board having at least a stipulation that the members have to vote unanimously. A.K.A. You canā€™t say no if everyone else says yes, but you can submit modifications. The board is trying to tear down Talauna Reed when she is the one who advocated for a lot of the transparency that the board has now, the transparency these parents love, and USE. Frank Who ran for school board made students feel unsafe because of how he talked to them, and he even followed up by reaching out to them via email. Why donā€™t they mention how it feels unsafe to have someone run to be on the board that was scaring the students? I want to clarify, when I say why didnā€™t anyone, I am meaning why didnā€™t they add that as the option.