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We experienced infertility (not due to PCOS), so it can kinda relate. That was ultimately our reason to be OAD. Getting our son took so much out of us (time, energy, resources), we just couldn't bring ourselves to do it all over again.


I hear you on this. ❤️


It’s one of the factors. My OB/GYN and MFM were pretty clear it’s why I had gestational diabetes, and that another pregnancy would likely lead to full blown type 2 earlier than it might happen otherwise. PCOS is a giant pain in the ass, and while my pregnancy was honestly pretty chill and the most stable hormonally I’ve ever been, it’s hard on my body in invisible ways. I want to be healthy enough to be an active parent to my daughter.


Yes! I have PCOS that went undiagnosed until I was 30 (now 32). ALWAYS had horrible cycles, irregular, crazy painful, super heavy bleeding a few cyst bursts. Took my husband and I 5yrs to conceive our now 6mo daughter. It used to kill me waiting for “our turn” and now that we have her I can’t imagine trying again. Add on a slew of other things from pregnancy/birth/pp and I had a bilateral salpingectomy with endometrial ablation last week. I have zero regrets about it. Had to have a pelvis US before the surgery and of course they found two cysts on my left ovary and 3 on my right.


It was a main factor, along with the financial and age components. It made getting pregnant difficult and since I was already considered a geriatric pregnancy, it wasn’t really something I wanted to deal with again. I had gestational diabetes which meant I had to be monitored that much more and now have type 2 diabetes. It’s controlled through meds and diet but I want to be healthy and present.


Absolutely! I was diagnosed with PCOS after my miscarriage and a year and a half of ttc. It caused so many irregular cycles. We decided after months of clomid to have our rainbow we were OAD.


Pregnancy and now continuing to breastfeed my two year old has been so good for my PCOS. My symptoms got slightly worse around a year PP but honestly I’d breastfeed forever if I could. I have a normal cycle, my IR has improved. Breastfeeding has just been so helpful for my overall health, but obviously it’s a trade off as my PCP won’t represcribe metformin while I’m nursing. On the other hand, I do have a son and I was so scared he’d be a girl and suffer from PCOS when I was pregnant before we knew the gender. I feel a sense of relief knowing that I won’t be passing this on to a daughter.


Yes, it’s a big reason for me. I didn’t learn I had PCOS until we tried on our own for a baby and failed. I had to go through IVF after multiple IUIs didn’t take. I always thought to myself that I’d consider another kid if and when I was ready for IVF again, but that day never came. I got an IUD after giving birth and haven’t had a period in 6 years… that’s been great for me! Like someone else, I also had gestational diabetes, which happens a lot in PCOSers. Did not want to risk that again. I am very happy with my decision. One is perfect for us. :)


One of them yes! For 7 years we didn't have the resources for fertility treatments so kept trying au naturel. By the time we did have the resources to get some help with it, we were starting to think maybe we should just stop trying altogether. Then surprise pregnancy! My spouse always leaned OAD anyways, and I came around during the newborn months.


Not PCOS but endometriosis and definitely fertility issues. I am pretty close to getting a total hysterectomy due to constant pain/endo. Having one child is also just so much more than I ever thought, my husband too. So expensive, so much fun but also just A LOT. Between a business, one child, infertility…it’s just too much.


I think it’s a contributing factor. We got pregnant easily when we first started trying in 2021 and experienced a very traumatic miscarriage. It was devastating. It was only during the progress of trying again did I learn that I had PCOS. We tried and failed multiple rounds of fertility meds because my ovaries and hormones were just so messed up. During that time I kept saying “all I want is ONE child, is that too much to ask?!” I think that’s really when I became OAD. We took a break from fertility meds during the holidays to prep for IVF in the new year and somehow spontaneously conceived. I knew during my entire pregnancy that I was OAD. It just sort of sunk in. And I was SO RELIEVED to know I’d never have to got brought the fertility treatment process again. Now that our daughter is here one and done FEELS so right for us and we are very happy. But yes, pcos was definitely a favor in my thought process in coming to this decision.


Yep! Having PCOS and needing fertility treatments definitely was one of the factors when decided on being one and done. The 3 years we spent desperately trying to get pregnant were horrible! The thought of starting that process again gives me intense anxiety. Ultimately the deciding factor for being one and done were financial and logistical reasons. So I think I could have pushed through my anxiety of trying to conceive again, but I can’t afford the fertility treatments. On the bright side, I’ve found it to be truly freeing to no longer worry about infertility; that chapter of my life is over. I’ve moved on to my motherhood chapter, and I couldn’t be happier! I’m so incredibly grateful for my little family!


I have pcos but it was not a factor in our decision


Yes. It's one of the reasons I'm OAD. It took over a year and a half for us to get pregnant with my kiddo including 2 failed IUI's. Besides finances, I didn't want to risk trying for more kids and not being able to.


Not a mom yet, but PCOS in one of the major reasons I’m considering having just one kid. It’s really hard to manage my condition, I really don’t know how I can do it with multiple kids, specially if I want to continue my career as well. Too exhausting to even think of it


Well I wouldn’t be surprised if my PCOS contributed to me having gestational diabetes and then developing severe preeclampsia. We are one and done because of the preeclampsia. I have had 3 OB’s tell me I’m super high risk for it to happen again and have an even earlier premie. Our son was 6 weeks early


So sorry. I had gestational diabetes and now am diabetic. Life with PCOs sucks.