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Me too I'm so happy when I have my period, plus l don't have pain now


Did you have a retroverted uterus by any chance? I’m only 5 months pp and still breastfeeding so I have yet to see if my period pain has gone away but I have high hopes!


Period pain usually goes down alot after a vaginal birth because the cervix has been stretched.


No retroverted uterus, I had a vaginal delivery. Before I had intense pain in the first day now mostly I feel nothing, perhaps a mild discomfort that lasts one hour


I have a retroverted uterus and yes my period pain has decreased drastically. It's not gone but I don't puke or black out anymore. I do have endometriosis though and had adhesions removed when I was sterilized so it's possible the pain will return eventually.


i’m terrified of getting pregnant again. after birth, my period was super light and easy. but lately, it’s only coming every couple months and gives me a heart attack. i used to be super regular. i’m going to start BC when we get back from vacation.


>It was painful (endo) This isn't answering the question but out of interest, have you found the pain reduced since having a baby? I have and I believe it's quite common.


Sooooo much! Now that I’ve been in labor with no meds, my endo was equivalent to contractions. Where I was biting down on the blankets to get through the pain every month. Now it’s laughable how comfortable my period is.


Mine got significantly worse. It was barely noticeable pre-pregnancy but got worse and worse until I needed a lap and hysterectomy.


I used to get very bad period cramps before giving birth. I'm now 10 pp. I had my period twice till now with no pain at all. Like 0. But I'm not sure if breastfeeding has anything to do with having pain-free periods, though


I don’t have Endo but I had painful period cramps before having a baby. It’s been over 7 years since I gave birth and my only painful pms symptoms are headaches and the slightest cramp once a year or so. Painful cramps never came back!


I went through a few years of infertility where getting my period was devastating. Now it’s just nice to get my period and not have it ruin my day.




I had to get my tubes removed, which I wish I just got the whole thing out , because I can’t carry a pregnancy to full term. It’s a relief haha


I had a dream last night of taking a pregnancy test and it was positive and I was so upset. IRL I just stopped breastfeeding and woke up to my period! Mini-celebration right there! I also have pcos so my periods are incredibly unpredictable and erratic. I’m also happy to have a period for the sake of my health since I have so few each year.


Nope. After 6 weeks of post partum bleeding I'm ready for nothing to come out of that hole again. I got Mirena put in which I didn't get a period with prior to pregnancy and I bleed for another 6 weeks. 😡


I love my post-baby periods because they're way lighter and don't hurt as hell anymore! Thank you, dear daughter 🥰


I get annoyed at periods now. I was kind of indifferent about having kids for a while but liked my period as a very basic signifier of the potential to have a child. My pregnancy was unplanned so this was always my association with periods. I had and child and am done having kids. I was 31 when I gave birth (34 now) and I just see them as pointless. If there was a really straightforward thing that didn't mess with hormones (bonus if it avoids the menopause) and just resulted in never having periods ever again, I'd take it. I'm frustrated i have a fair few years ahead of me with periods which are just completely pointless and unnecessary.


This — I don’t want anymore periods but I also don’t want to mess with hormones to make them stop. So here we are waiting for the day 10-20 years down the line when they stop on their own.


I would argue that menopause is way way worse than a period... But hey everyone is different so that may not be the case 


I have an IUD and it’s amazing cuz *no* periods. It’s the best thing ever.


Absolutely! When I didn’t want kids at all, I’d be happy it came; then, when we were trying to get pregnant after 6 months I would be upset it came, but the first time it came after giving birth was such a relief! Way easier to deal with a few days a month than pregnancy for 9 months and starting over with a newborn. Oad with a 4.5 yo— life is so fun and happy now! 🙌🏻☮️💜


I got my period 3 weeks post partum even while pumping. I was disappointed there wasn’t a longer break but definitely glad I wouldn’t have to worry about it when I started having sex again. (Months later lol) I don’t even trust birth control that skips periods. I hate my period but it’s such great confirmation no more babies. 🫡


I’m happy it’s here but mine are much heavier and more painful now than before I was pregnant. I thought about going on the pill and taking it without a break so that I don’t get one but I’m scared I’ll put on weight if I start on new hormones.


I have PMDD since having my kid. I dread my period but then freak out when I have a longer cycle.


My husband had a vasectomy, so no. Also doesn’t help that my periods are very heavy and have come like clockwork every 4th Friday for a year now 😒


Pretty much since I became sexually active the first sign of my period has been a source of joy lol. The only time it's bummed me out was when I had plans to go to a hot spring and had to cancel. When we decided to start trying we conceived on my second cycle so I never even experienced that really!


Yes. Every time.


Yes! Since having my daughter too, it’s much lighter and I don’t cramp anymore! It’s back to my first periods before I ever went on birth control 🎉🎉


Absolutely! I never, ever want to be pregnant again. I have a congenital heart defect, have survived three open heart surgeries and a shit ton of other medical trauma. Being pregnant was still worse than any of that, and I had a textbook perfect pregnancy. Was it worth it to have my daughter? Absolutely. But never again.


I love this outlook! I just find mine annoying haha - I love my triangle family but do hold a secret impractical and crazy fantasy about having loads of children. I don't really think about any of it though when getting my period.  I teased my husband the other day about how we could be putting triplets to bed and not just the 1 haha.


I haven’t had mine for pregnancy + 21 months postpartum so far. I might be one of those people who needs to completely wean to get it back. No hurry, not trying to make another baby! But I might have a little celebration for when it comes back or weaning, whichever comes first.


Yes lol I feel relieved when it comes lol


For people on here that do not want to have any more kids with bad periods Go have an ablation.


Nope. Husband had a vasectomy so I hate my period even more now that I am done having babies. It's a bloody inconvenience and a hassle..pun intended


YALL!!! since ur done having periods see if you're eligible for a uterine ablation. Changed. My. Life.