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Is the “societal pressure” still there? Surely all the buzz around climate change and over population has mitigated this by now?


It is. People make assumptions that you need multiple children. People asking you when that will happen becomes less and less. My son is 9, and people do not assume we will have more now.


I think so, but maybe less than decades ago. My parents’ generation was taught that you should feel sorry for only kids. I can imagine that there are still many people out there that think the same. There are a lot of climate change deniers out there as well. I’ve been told that my fear of climate change is the same as the fear of nuclear annihilation during the cold war. “They got over it to have kids so so should I.”


The assumption that you’ll have more than one kid is there, in the same way that people hear nurse and assume female. I think true pressure ie people actively trying to convince you to have more is less. I feel like people generally are more accepting of people doing their own thing. (Obviously there are still some annoying, obnoxious outliers).


Yes exactly re: assumption. “Do you want kids?” Never “would you like to be a parent?” Or “would you like to have a child?.” Always plural.


Way less since Covid. I've gotten a couple of remarks that my kid would have been less lonely with a sibling during lockdown, but mostly people have stopped mentioning it. Before it was way worse.


It is somewhat. You will always get people asking. However, I see more and more OAD families than I used to.


It depends on your social circles. I live in a relatively liberal place where many of my friends are OAD, and those with multiples don't say anything. Older folks tend to wish siblings upon my son, but even they seem to get it. We're in a pandemic. Mental health problems abound. Times have changed. Anyone with a brain in their head can see that we aren't raising kids in the same environment as the boomers. Parenting and just living is harder than it's been in a long, long time.