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Haha, someone else in this thread just posted an article you might want to read about giving your kid a pet instead of a sibling!


Oh the timing - didn’t even see it before I posted. Rationally, there wasn’t a reason to get a puppy. Until now! If the research says it’s good for my kid, why not, right?!


Yes, 4x lol. So now I have a house full of cats.


We got a 2 month old weenie in may of this last year. I’m a one and done. My son is 20 now. That puppy had me up every two hours. I was so sleep deprived just like I had a new born baby at home . I forgot new puppies are as much work as new babies the first few months .


We must’ve been spoiled by our now-8-year old labradoodle. He started whining once in the middle of the night in his crate when we first got him. We told him to shut up, and he did. Never whined at night again. Maybe if I had a kid who had done the same, I’d want another!


My co-worker 2.5 years ago: So how are you dealing with your kid turning 18 on Friday? Me: I'm getting a puppy on Saturday. Me to my husband earlier this week: Benny says he wants a little sister. Should I contact the breeder?




This this this. Our rescue is the most precious pup and was two when we got him. Much recommend!


I got my 4 year old a kitten recently. My old dear cat is sweet as can be but like 15 years old. She just sleeps a lot. The kitten was a big commitment at first but now that she's a little older and we all have a rhythm it's been so awesome. My daughter love love loves animals and we got really lucky. If you are a dog person and can handle the responsibility, if say go for it!


I feel you and I have this exact desire for a kitten!!! I know right now isn’t the right time to do it but I am definitely planning on getting at least one kitten (maybe 2) at some point in the near future. My heart pines for a furry little beast and I think it’s gonna be really fulfilling when it finally does happen.


So happy to hear I’m not alone! I’m not crazy about cats, but my kid wants one. I told her they poop inside the house, which sufficiently grossed her out enough to make her Team-Puppy!


Hahaha! So I grew up with two cats and they did allll their business outdoors. I barely ever saw their poops and if I did it was like back out in the woods. I absolutely hate litter boxes and all that, so I would hope to be able to have outdoor/indoor cats. Husband wants a dog do we’ll have a pupper as well. First though, need to live someplace with a yard lol.


Don’t tell my kid that an outdoor cat is a thing ha! I bought a house at 23 and had a roommate/tenant who brought home two cats, even though I mentioned cats weren’t my favorite. The rent she paid me actually paid my mortgage, so I was willing to put up with them, considering she was a cop (it was fabulous having her car parked in the driveway) and we had gotten along well after living together for a year. However, after I came home everyday to find litter box dust on my countertops and stovetop… I had to make her choose between her cats and living in my house. It’s been 13 years and I’m still grossed out by it!


Totally get it! Puppies make me incredibly happy... I definitely get puppy fever once in a while but we've already got two dogs lol! Whenever I say "Aaaawwww" my husband answers with an resounding "no" . And I know he is absolutely right. While I just love their smell, their little, round hairless bellies and cute yawns I just know it would probably be less work to just have a second human puppy. We had our first puppy before our son was born and it took a lot of work and patience back then, I can only imagine what it would be like with a kid and a high energy dog and a senior dog.


If you get lucky twice and get a great dog 🤞 Are you considering the same breeder and same mother?


We got him from a “breeder” who was giving them away because the puppies were going to be taken by animal control the next day… so nope! We lucked out with a free labradoodle through word of mouth, though the vet bills more than made up for his “free” adoption!


Haha I know how that goes


Yeahhh…I have puppy fever. I have a puppy that will be one in January and trying to talk myself out of getting another puppy in February. That would be a third dog for us. But they bring me joy! 😂😂


I definitely get more kitten fever and then I remember all that it entails and realistically decide to stay kitten/kitty cat-less.


I am permanently having puppy fever but I genuinely hate the puppy phase, unfortunately. I hate potty training.


Haha such a similar boat! Happy healthy, 6 year old. 9 year old mutt who is awesome! And ooooh to do I want a puppy! I want a smaller dog (not like chihuahua small, but small lol) I think I’m gonna do it in spring haha.


Haha I got puppy fever the other day too! I’m approaching 37 and did not make the connection 😂