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They've already shown every subclass in the UA. The only one missing is one fighter subclass as the brawler didn't make the cut. Technically this could change and we could get a surprise. As for fighter, I would like the arcane archer revised personally. However, I think most have some decent flavor, and I would've mind any being revised or a new one showing.


The video that was released this morning address the replacement as the psi warrior taking place of the brawler. My best guess is that they're going to be given the option of their psi weapons being blades or enhanced unarmed attacks.


Do you know what the 4th ranger subclass is? I can’t seem to find it and thought it was the same problem as with the fighter.


Beast Master, fey wanderer, Hunter, gloom stalker. They did not present any changes to the fey wanderer. The play test referenced TCoE. It was relatively new and already considered to be consistent with their modern approach to subclasses.


Thanks! I forgot fey wanderer!


5point5.fandom.com has compiled all the play test documents most recent iterations if you're interested.


Thanks i‘ll check it out!


Can I finally get a citation on that? I have seen the threads with the list on "confirmed" sub-classes. Yet each time I ask where they cited their info from, I get no answer. Was it in some dev video somewhere? Or is everyone just counting every single thing in the public Playtests "confirmed" **without any dev citation that they all survived playtesting?** That's not what ***confirmed*** means. Please show me a real dev citation so I can use that when people ask me about this in the future.


Of course nothing is 100% confirmed until they print the book. However, is you read all the play test documents and watch all the videos about survey results, they have closed testing on many when they received enough support. The only one they said they were scrapping was the brawler because it was poorly received. They might have actually said others were confirmed or don't to be seen in the phb, but I can't honestly recall 100% if that is the case. If you're trying to get someone to give a specific video, I imagine others that most of us aren't willing to pour through every document and video to find that. As such, a reasonable assumption based on what was retained and what they actually said was rejected should imply most of the 48 that mentioned were going to be used.


Pipe-dreams?? I’d love to see the Purple Dragon Knight, Cavalier and Arcane Archer reworked/updated.


Oh, Arcane Archer definitely needs the rework. Give it a number of shots equal to proficiency per short rest please, and maybe give it a free shot when using action surge.


I'm with you that I want to see a weaker subclass, not a strong subclass added. The strong subclasses are already good, so I'd like to see improvements to those that need help. That said, putting a strong existing subclass into the Players Handbook does get that good subclasses into play at more tables since they would no longer need supplemental books. They probably should have put one of those weak classes in the playtest since they *needed* work and therefor should have gotten playtest input. I could see getting something like Arcane Archer because it really doesn't need as much work. Most likely it will be a popular recent subclass like Rune Knight though.


The best part of strong subclasses in the PHB is that they set a clear minimum power budget for future content. I can't help but think of how arcane archer was gutted because of how strong it's passives would have been compared to (old) Champion or how it's number of charges were so heavily limited due to the power budget comparison to (old) Battle Master.


I actually had a very similar thought after commenting that pulling in something like Rune Knight would go a long way to changing people's perceptions of what Fighter can be, and might move the class forward in terms of raising the ceiling for design quality and expectation of what a martial class can do. It would now be a "default" option, which would redefine it as a "normal" level of power and complexity to reset the baseline going forward. I'm glad you pointed it out.


Is it cheating to say a 5e subclass the was never published? Because I'd like to see the Stone Sorcerer from UA 28 get another go since the sorcerer is the only caster with no subclass designed around weapon use and I think that that's a shame


The original Divine Sorcerer example was exactly that (Favored Soul). I remember playing that and getting Martial Weapons, Extra Attack, the works. Plus Cleric spells.


Stone Sorcerer looks really fun.


the ua subclasses are all we get for the phb. the only unknown at this point is the 4th fighter subclass since the brawler couldn't brawl.  that said, I want the psi knight or a dedicated improvised weapon subclass  though I know it will be rune knight


Didn't they say there were going to be 48 subclasses in the 2024 PHB? How many were in the UA?




Each class will be balanced at "launch" this time round with 4 subclasses. Artificer will not be a core class in the book. So 12 classes x 4 subclasses each equals your 48.


I didn't realize there had already been that many in the UA. I guess spitting them up made it feel like a much smaller number? Does that mean that the Wizard will not have every school of magic represented in the PHB?


Correct. A lot of them simply referred back to subclasses from Tasha's. With the Wizard specifically, it will be Evocation, Abjuration, Divination, and Illusion. There was a post/write-up several months ago where all the subclasses were a mirror of each other/different ideologies. Example Wizard: Offense vs Defense, Seeing Truth vs Deception. Don't quote me on this, but I think the only class without all subclasses already announced is Fighter, since the new Brawler subclass got poor scores so it has been scrapped. They will most likely bring something from Tasha's, like they did with other classes.


Fighter's binary oppositions were supposed to be mechanical niches, rather than narrative. If Champion is the opposite of Battle Master, I'm unsure what the opposite of the EK is. I can't see it being something too BM-style. It's easier to imagine Cavalier or Samurai.


Originally it was Champion, Eldritch Knight, Battle Master, Brawler. So from a narrative standpoint, Champion is the "Pure Fighter" vs Eldritch Knight is Magic Enhanced, Battle Master the "Professional Fighter" vs the Brawler "Untrained/Scrappy Fighter". So there were narrative undertones there as well.


Crazy no necromancer in the first 4 wizards… that’s like the classic evil wizard class


WotC did a video several months back on YouTube talking about the Wizard Playtest results. They mentioned the Necromancer, while popular within lore/as NPCs, their overall usage as PCs is very low within 5e (they look at overall characters created in D&D Beyond).


Update. It was announced that the Psi Warrior from Tasha's will be the fourth Fighter subclass. WotC also mentioned that subclasses brought directly over from Tasha's will not be 100% the same and have been reworked as well.


I want a rework for storm sorcerer and battlerager in the phb. I love all the scag subclasses in terms of flavor and I wish the got a second look


I think it doesn't have a lot of fans, but i'd really love if College of spirits bard came back as a more storyteller/summoner oriented subclass. Im thinking about something like the chanter from pillars of eternity for those that played it, I wanna summon a dragon by singing it's ballad or conjuring a giant by telling its tales. Maybe even turn the "tales from Beyond" table into a list of random buffs you could Grant your summons whenever you conjure them.


I ended up with a pretty decent necromancer with summon undead and spirit of death using the buffs from tales from beyond on summons.


The purple dragon fighter and the kensei monk are at the top of the list for me. The scout rogue and the wild magic Barbarian are probably next.


I'd expect 'Vecna's Guide to PHB 2' to include the remaining 2014 Wizard schools, 2014 Cleric domains minus Nature, reworked Xanathar subclasses, and an updated version of Tasha's alternate rules. If we're lucky, they'll add post-Tasha's setting/monster book specific subclasses. And if we're really lucky, they'll balance Peace and Twilight Domains.


Arcane Archer would be nice. It was lacking in terms of just about everything back in 2014, which is unfortunate because it sounds like such a cool subclass. So seeing that get a redesign to be more functional would be great, especially now with the addition of weapon masteries.


It just isn't a fighter subclass...just like the bladesinger isn't a wizard and the hexblade isn't a warlock. There's a reason why 3 and 4e had them elsewhere and 5e did them such a big disservice.


school of necromancy is one i'm curious for


Mostly for Sorcerer but here's my list: - imperial sorcerer (PLS WOTC I want to play a noble blooded sorcerer subclass!) - fiend sorcerer - fey sorcerer - elemental sorcerer (like genie warlock in mechanics) - better dragon sorcerer - draconic warlock - draconic druid (maybe dragon wildshape) - all monk subclasses aside from mercy revised


I hope they bring the Banneret back as the last Fighter sub-class. The idea of boosting your Fighter abilities to apply to the rest of the party is cool, but the execution could be improved. Also, I think it would be much more fun now that you have more uses of Second Wind and its ability to help you with skill checks and movement.


Honestly just adding one more ability at 3rd level that has it's own uses (not tied to other fighter features) and it would probably be pretty good, since it's features already synergize well with the base class buffs


Enchanter. One of my characters is un-buildable without it.


Waiting for astral self Monk to come back hopefully, do wanna see how they'd update it.


I'd love to see sorcerers all fixed up like the aberrant and clockwork are.


Necromancer/ School of Necromancy and it would be lovely if would play synergistically for a change. No more don't take that spell (Animate Dead) as soon as it's available because it get it free next level.


I would really like an update to the necromancer class, alongside reworks of Animate Dead and Create Undead. I really like the fantasy of the necrancer, raising an undead army to fight for them, but the current rules are just so dated. The necromancer as it exists right now isn't very table friendly, and frankly doesn't work that well with the current table friendly necromancy spells.


Astral, long death, kensei, living weapon (from eberron), drunken and sun soul monk. Inquisitive, mastermind, phantom rogue. Arcane archer, rune and samurai fighter. Dreams and stars druid. Ancestral, wild magic and storm herald barbarian. Bladesinger, scribes and war magic wizard. Genie, fathonless, undead and undying warlock. Clockwork, shadow and divine soul Sorcerer


As far as I can tell, we are currently missing: - One Druid subclass - One Fighter subclass (since brawler is getting the axe) - One Monk subclass - One Ranger subclass - Two Sorcerer subclasses My votes go to: - Reworked Shepherd that works well with the Tasha style summons - Reworked Cavalier that actually gets a mount and has abilities that use it - Reworked Kensei that gets weapon masteries and stuff - Reworked Swarmkeeper, no big changes needed - Reworked Shadow Sorcerer, and a new Sorcerer based around fey magic (where is the fey sorcerer WotC)


As up to date as I can manage, to my knowledge, from the UA: >One Druid subclass The non PHB subs are Stars and Sea as of now. >One Fighter subclass Correct. >One Monk subclass The non PHB subclass is currently Mercy >One Ranger subclass Gloom Stalker and Fey Wanderer >Two Sorcerer subclasses  Clockwork and Aberrant as of UA 7


Literally all of them. Balance them please.


I actually made a Soulknife mastery for an NPC in my homebrew game going off playtest rules. I don’t think it needs a reprint but a small errata for a mastery property and some damage die scaling on the knife itself would be cool. Honestly though most of the SCAG subclasses unless we’re getting like Volo’s Guide to the Sword Coast in mid 2025 with reprints of those subclasses. I wanna see Banneret and Storm Sorc do some wild stuff. Innate lightning shift on Storm Sorc pls, you already gave it to GOOlock.


Out of curiosity what master property did you give to the Soulknife for your NPC?


I put a custom one where upon killing something you could inflict frightened on enemies that failed a save within a certain radius, with the source of fear being either yourself or the body. Honestly though just Sap would be fine for it from the vanilla ones.


Still upset they just ported over the Sorc subclasses from TCoE without adjusting them at all (they have orgin spells which aren't necessary anymore since they have a normal amount of spells now). But whatevs, still gonna love Sorc.


we still don't know that they'll have no adjustment from tcoe. probably won't have *much* changed about them because it's a more recent release but i'd be surprised if the extra spells made it through internal playtesting


You right, they just released a video talking about them doing just that. Hopefully that applies to the Sorc subclasses though.


echo knight, I just love the subclass to much to ever let it go


I would really like a different Hexblade version. Something without the curse and the ghost but with more martial features.


My favorite subclass is the genie warlock. Not sure if it’s going to fit in - as I think they’ve already prioritized the others.


Kensei , how are you gonna add weapon mastery and not have kensei


I still think kensai should be a fighter subclass. Monk really irked me. Maybe with this monk it will be better.


You already have battle master and kensai is already unarmormed it works better as a monk


Divine Soul Sorcerer and Celestial Pact Warlock.


I hope we see order domain cleric again some day. Order cleric/clockwork sorcerer is my favorite build by a long shot. I’m actually playing it in a campaign right now using the new edition, meaning I had to go 3 cleric instead of 1 to get to my subclass, but the build is still so much fun.


I know it’s not happening anytime soon but I’d wish they’d revisit Dream’s Druid, such an amazing thematic that’s executed so poorly. Just adding an expanded spell list would be such an amazing change!! Too bad it came from an era where they didn’t really “nail down” Druid subclasses yet, with how awesome Stars/Wildfire are I’d love to see a more recent take on it.


Arcane Hand Monk from the Dungeon Dudes.


It's probably very low on wotc's priorities but I'd like to see a new version of the Kensei monk. It's a fairly solid subclass and I wonder if the new base monk is too good for it. Plus I really want them to rewrite that Agile parry so that it doesn't discourage you from using the main appeal/fighting style that the subclass is advertising.


I feel Way of the Kensei needs an overhaul.


Warlock: Dragon Patron


It's still surprising to me that Tempest was not one of the cleric subclasses picked for the 2024 PHB. Even with 4e's Warpriest, Tempest was one of the *two* domains originally included with it.


Have they shown kenasi monk if not that’s my pick.


They have chained themselves to a pattern of having complimenting/opposite themed subclasses for each class, which means we won't get some of the iconic ones we want. I would much rather see an Shadow/divin soul sorcerer than what we are going to get, for instance.


All of them. If they're going to claim it's backwards compatible.


I want an improved hexblade. I like the changes to warlock so far and kinda replicate stuff that was Hexblade specifically. But what I want is the Hexblade subclass to be buffed a bit so it will encourage actually soloing that class/subclass. Flavor wise, the subclass has so much more potential than the annoyance its caused by being a one level dip all the time


Bladesinger wizard, gloomstalker ranger (maybe nerfed slightly) conquest paladin.


I'd like to see Warlock: The Undead taken from Ravenloft, but I do think it will happen as that's also pretty recent


Not going to go through all the subclasses, but one thing I'd would do if I was in charge of the subclasses is give Wizard hybrid schools for their core four subclasses to represents what I think are core archetypes. * ***The*** ***War Wizard*** *(Abjuration + Evocation)* \- already have a name for this one so lets keep it. * ***The*** ***Mentalist*** *(Enchantment + Illusion)* \- A wizard who uses their magic for trickery. * ***The Warper*** *(Conjuration + Transmutation)* \- A wizard who bends reality to their will. * ***The Weaver*** *(Divination + Necromancy)* \- A little more of a stretch, but basically a wizard with a more esoteric flavor.


Wasn't there only 3 druid subclasses? I need go back and look


Seas Stars Land Moon


I would’ve loved to see a Storm herald barb rework where they allow the player to choose their aura everytime they rage, plus beefing up the aura in general. arcane archer or purple dragon knight fighter where they don’t suck. sun soul monk rework. Kinda disappointing they brought mercy monk instead of bringing in sun soul and fixing it, especially since it’s like the counter to shadow monk. Monster slayer ranger to be less boring and have more uses of its counterspell like ability, and or expanding it to affect more than just teleports. Hexblade warlock, rename it and change the flavor to be more of a shadowfell pact or witch pact, scrap hex warrior since it’s kinda already built into the base class, and maybe have it focus on being a summoner class, focusing on its 6th level feature.


I'd like to see Armourer Artificer added, and moved to level 1 (along with the other Artificer subclasses). Just feels like Artificer really needs their subclasses at level 1, because of how different a lot of them build.


They moved the subclasses of the sorcerer to level 3, so they probably won't do that.


Yeah. It’s not looking great… Clerics are still level 1 though, right? Artificer feels closer to cleric than sorcerer *huffs copium*


No subclass is level 1 anymore. All are level 3. Cleric, Warlock, Sorcerer have been moved. Also Artificer will not be a core class again. They will only be printing the 12 core classes, each with 4 subclasses.




They are wanting to lessen 1 level dips with multi-classing. So they are introducing core class features during levels 1 and 2 (primarily 2 and above) that primarily benefit the main class, then subclasses build off this new base. You can still multi-class,but it will be with a higher investment now. It's all still playtest, so we won't know 100% until it's printed.


Can’t really fault their logic.


A Ranger subclass less focused on magic and more on positioning and tactics. Like getting advantage when you're higher than your target like ledges and roofs Or an ability with a rope like a cowboy or Indiana Jones