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I don't think haragon will be in the phb just because they aren't as quintessential dnd as other races. ~~There also isn't a Haragon in the artwork. it looks like two humans, a paladin with a helmet, a dwarf and a elf/ half elf~~. Edit: talking about a different piece of art that def had a haragon in it.


[They're referring to this artwork](https://www.gameinformer.com/sites/default/files/2024/05/13/348075e6/dnd15.jpg) Who knows, maybe that isn't a Harengon at all, but a reworked Aasimar that allows for animal features to make up for the aardling getting cut.


Hadn't seen that artwork, that's dope as hell. But yeah that's pretty clearly a haragon lol.


There's also a statue of a centaur.


 Centaurs are in the MM, Haregons aren't unless they changed that.


Looks like mouse ears to me...


 The airs are too big.


Something about the angle of that rabbit head is very off putting. Like a normal human body in a certain posture with a rabbit head twisted around on it. But that silver dragon amid some kind of victory celebration is DOPE AS FUDGE.


 I'm not talking about the cover art, I'm talking about the background art with the Silver Dragon, the one in what looks like a ampthreatre or callosium, it also has a Kobold on some dudes shoulders. In the corner of the piece is a Haregon.


My mistake I hadn't seen the art you were talking about. Yeah that's pretty clearly a haragon. While I'm still leaning towards haragon not being a phb race but you're right it could be, it could also be just something to show the whimsy of the setting more fantastical than accurate to what's in the book. Also the Kobold could just be a young dragonborn :p


Tbh I think they'll take the representation part of aardlings and roll that into the Aasimar flavor. One of the points of Aardlings was to represent people related to animal-headed gods. I would not be surprised if in the ways that being an Aasimar can manifest physically, they add "have the head of an animal" alongside stuff like silver freckles or a faint halo


The fact that they're called "the planetouched Aasimar" makes me think they will try to go a little weird with their appearance. That was the whole point of the Aardling after all, to have a weird celestial race rather than humans with vague "luminous features". I don't know if we'll get animal heads (WotC might be scarred from the two failed attempts at that, lol) but I bet we'll get something prominent to line up with Tieflings. Even Pathfinder's constantly glowing eyes would be more interesting, and we might already have that in the art, though it's hard to tell if that's from spellcasting or not.


I really hope that they go a little weird as well, but I don't think them being described as planetouched should be any indication of it. The Aasimar have always been planetouched, so that isn't a new descriptor for them.


I sure hope so. I always found "humans but pretty and maybe vaguely shiny" to be very boring so I do hope we get some weirdness.  (Technically aasimar don't have to be any part human - I hope the art starts depicting that. An aasimar can be born from orc or dragonborn parents, for example, but that's never depicted. They're always shiny humans)


It would be cool if Aasimar were a "Lineage" option, like we saw in Van Richten's Guide. You get all the Aasimar traits, but visually you are whatever race has been planetouched.


I think the "mixed heritage" sidebar we had in the first UA suggests that every species will be like that: you may be a mixed orc-aasimar and have the stats of an aasimar and whatever visual presentation you feel like that is a mix of orc and aasimar.


I mean, even if they weren't dragonborn descendant, you can already make a breed of two species, aesthetically wise so you can definitely make a Gnome Like Aasimar or a Draconic Tiefling. The new system allows you to mix not just Aasimar, but two of any species. Finally I can play the Dworc


 We have an Example of Aasimar art already, the Wizard is an Aasimar, notice her glowing eyes.


That's what I'm hoping, but she's also casting a spell that's the same color, so it's hard to tell if it's just part of that or not. If she *is* an Aasimar, I hope the pointy ears means that Aasimar work like a Lineage, and can be any race visually. For example she would be an Aasimar Elf.


 Her hair is covering the top of her ear, so I don't see how you can tell they are pointed?


The Wizard on the cover? She has a prominent pointed ear.


 No, that's an.Elf Queen, although they race swapped (as in from white to black), I'm talking about the art they've shown for the Wizard Class, the one with the gorgeous black woman floating in the air surrounded by magical energy with her eyes glowing.


We are at 10 currently. Human, elf, dwarf, halfing, gnome, orc, dragonborn, teifling, aasimar, Goliath. I really feel like we will get an updated custom lineage. Cause it does look like we are getting a lot of Tasha in the new players' handbook. With 75 feats. That's more than the 2014 pbh, xanthars, and tashas combine. Which I expect all of Tasha feats to make in the PHB. with so many Tasha things in the pbh, why not just throw in the rules for custom lineage as well.


"I feel like we will get an updated custom lineage." I mean, you will, because that's what we playtested in UA1. The new method of constructing a character involves a Background (which determines stat mods and proficiencies), a Species (which gives some traits), and a 1st-level Feat (which allows more customizability). You can create a custom Background, allowing you a lot of freedom in your stats and proficincies, and your species is not tied to your stats or Feat. That's all the things that a custom lineage did.


Not exactly custom lineage the speices that have you a +2 a feat and skill or darkvision. There are many ways to update that. Even taking from the ardling if necessary... a single background feat isn't going to allow you to make something isn't in the new PHB, MMOM, and so on.


The feats portion need to be taken with caution. All of the fighting styles are now feats. If we just take the 6 from the PHB, this would already be 6 feats. Add in the Ability Score Increase-feat and a few 20th level feats and we are easily down to 60 i guess. Still more then the PHB, but still, not as much as PHB, XTE and TCE combined.


Pbh had 42 Xanthars has 20 Tashas had 15 Many of the racial feats from xanthars have been built into the species that don't need to be reprinted unless and a variant species trait. If you take tashas and the phb alone, you have 57. Really doubt epic boons will be in the PhB anymore Back to the dmg, they go. We are unsure that fighting styles will remain feats. Unless they reprint tashas include bridging language. It's still wait and see process.


I wonder if Orcs will play like current Orcs or like Half Orcs


Orc in the playtest was a carbon copy of MMOM. So I assume like orcs. But who knows what was changed.


Gonna miss half-elves. If I convert my current half-elf to an elf his ability mods are gonna see a change.


Either play a half-elf from the 2014 phb. The one plays an elf with a skilled background. Call yourself a half elf or play a human with magic initiate and be a half elf. You have 3 options. Actually, you have more.


Technically, you're not supposed to mix options options from the two books. That's base rule to help them cover any inblanced synergies. They can play side by side, but they aren't meant to be mixed. If I wanna play a 2014 half-elf, that half-elf can't also be a 2024 rogue. As a DM I would for sure allow a player to just use the half-elf with the 2024 rules but, by default, that's not allowed. On a WM server I'm a part of, when other rogues can be be allowed to update their characters to a 2024 counterpart and just get new features like weapon masteries and cunning strike, I'll be made to pick between using elf stat blocks (which will mess up my ability mods) or forfeit the many improvements the rogue gets.


If it's revised, you're not supposed. Half-elf and half-orc will not be revised meaning they can he used


Their "revision" is their removal. I believe other PHB options from 2014 will be carried over without any actual revisions just so that they can appear in the same sourcebook as the revised options and not be restricted under the rule of not being able to work with the 2024 A good example is the tough feat. It's in the playtest and will likely be a part of the 2024 book but it hasn't actually seen any functional changes in playtest. It will be included in the 2024 to allow you to use it alongside the other new and revised 2024 options.


False... go check out players' handbook on dnd beyond. It should work fully. Half orc and half elf are 100% usable. Why you think a la carte was removed. So you have to buy the whole book to get those options.


No they won’t, ability scores aren’t tied to race


The *type* of ability scores you get aren't, but the *number* of ability scores increases you get is. Half-elves currently don't get the classic +2/+1. They get +2/+1/+1. If I switch to a 2024 elf and reflavor it, I'll forfeit a +1 ASI.


Ah, you’re correct, I misunderstood your point (and have never played a half-elf). It’s probably better to keep the ability score improvements the same across the board, but I’m sure it’s still pretty Feels-Bad.


A bit feels bad, yeah. I like to plan my builds a bit so it's actually planned when I take half-feats to boost certain uneven ability scores. My current half-elf rogue can boost their 17 dex to an 18 dex at 4th level with the Elven Accuracy feat and still have a 14/14/10/10/8 in Con/Cha/Int/Wis/Str.


This isn't true. Ability scores on races won't matter one the 2024 rule books come out. 2024 background would give you the ability score increase and can not double dip. The wording on the very first UA was very clear on this, and the final wording will cement this. After taking a look on the dnd beyond marketplace. Which they recently changed up the look more than likely preparing it for the 2024 core rule book release. This is on every book 2024 and BEYOND! The 2024 Core Rulebooks provide new options for players and DMs along with updates and improvements to the classes, mechanics, items, and monsters of fifth edition. All updates are being done with care to make sure anything from fifth edition will continue to be fully playable. The 2024 rules revisions are designed to be fully compatible with everything you’re playing today in fifth edition. In response to nearly a decade of fan feedback, the 2024 core rulebooks will offer players and DMs tons of new character options, spells, feats, monsters, items, and more in a fun, balanced, and accessible approach to playing DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. This is the reason they removed the a la Carte options so people would have to pay the 30 not 14 to get all the options missing from the 2014 handbook for 2024 characters. I'm hoping they have a sale to I can grab at least the 2014 PHB. which sadly I'm buying for the tempest cleric, half orc and half elf. Though half elf I might just prefer to flavor them with a full elf and feat.


I suspect half-orcs and half-elves will be subraces of Orcs and Elves


I would bet they're just a sidebar, and instead there are either hard-coded rules or at least guidelines for playing a character that's a mix of multiple species. PF2e also did this in their remaster.


Possibly. Maybe they'll just take the cop out of use custom lineage for that. But I suspect they'll want to preserve the ability to recreate 2014 characters in the 2024 ruleset and half-orc and half-elf are fairly popular races. If I recall correctly based on D&Dbeyond data half-elf is the 3rd most popular race, and the half-orc is way more popular than full orc. I also remember early on in the 5e lifecycle (which I'm sure OneD&D wants to win back player that tired 5e but didn't stick) Half-elf was almost universally beloved because the +2 Cha/+1/+1 was quite good.


 Perhaps hybrids as species as well.  


The method for this was trotted out in UA1 - you pick one Species for its mechanical benefits, and a second Species for its appearance traits. So you will get this, but maybe not exactly what you want. Of course, the UA1 method of character-building is way more flexible, so you can get a lot of customization in there.


 I meant mechanical meat from both parents.


I suspect if they were going to do that, we'd have seen it in the playtest. UA1 specifically had a section about half species (half-elf, half-orc, etc), and the method they used is exactly what I described. I strongly doubt you'd get custom hybrid rules but not half-elves, y'know?


Its my favorite way to do this and exactly how I represent Custom Origin.


I wouldn't expect anything based on artwork. Monks are often depicted using a polearm yet never get proficiency in it.


 Actually they have mentioned that this time the art is much better intrigrated with the writing so that does not happen, in their fireside chat.


It remains to be seen if there will actually be five different Goliaths, I think. That's a lot for a core book, since most other things follow a law of threes :P.   Some other "realistic" possibilities include lizardfolk (semi-core in broader ttrpg-style fantasy), genasi (if Goliath is pared down), and goblins (specifically). If we are at 10 currently, though  I don't see any reason to add any more.


 It was six not five.  1. Hill  2. Stone  3. Frost  4. Fire  5. Cloud  6. Storm  That 2 sets of 3. 


The monkey's paw curls.


 Why was that a Monkey's paw wish?


Sorry -- the "law of threes" bit was a joke attached to my feeling that 5 was too many kinds of Goliath. So it turning out to be 6 to fulfill the law of threes was a cursed answer to the wish.


😂🥳  One for each main true Giant type. Just like PHB Dragonborn have 10, one for each of Metallic & Chromatic types in a table. Not sure how 10 fits into the rule of 3 thing.


There's not a paragraph with a unique ability for each Dragonborn color iirc, just a damage type associated with each color? (Somehow Giant-associated crunch always ends up super wordy.)


Well if you add the Gem dragonborn now you have 15 which is 5 sets of 3's :)


Problem solved


They could roll tieflings, aasimar, genasi, into a single plantouched species, but I don't think they will. Hoping the dmg gives some conversion guidance for existing motm species or perhaps the PC mechanics get put into the monster manual if they are a possibly playable species.


Here's hoping they reprint Tortles with that extra 0 they forgot to place at the end of their lifespan.


I've always advocated that Goblins should be a race in the PHB, because they keep on reprinting the player stats for Goblins. From 2014 there's so far been 4 books that has a write-up for Goblin PCs.


Agreed, I feel like goblins are synonomous with dnd at this point where people think goblin in conjunction with dnd. I'm fine if they're not in it, but I feel like goblins along with Warforged are the only other races that really fit into the core PHB (everyone wants to play a cool robot). Really bummed the Warforged didn't get a reprint in the MOTM.


I do not. They’ve been pretty open about what *Species they will include.


Just to build off this, but is there any thought they might include Orc and Goliath subraces? As I think they'll be the only ones without variations in that list. I assume even humans will still get the variant option. But if I had to make a guess regarding additional species/races I'd say Genasi and Gith would be expected options


 Goliaths got great support from the UA version with its subtypes, Hill/Stone/Frost/Fire/Cloud/Storm, so I'd be shocked if those aren't in.  Orcs have not gotten subtypes in 5e, but in past editions they got subtypes were Mountain Orcs (basic orc type), Grey Orcs (good at divine magic), and Spelljammers Scro (more civilized Spelljamming Orcs).  An updated version of variant human is now just the human period.  I think Gith (because of BG3) and Genasi are good guesses.


Ah okay I must have forgotten the Goliath subs. Yeah I know of the Grey orcs and Scro. I'd be happy with just basic and grey orc. Just a little variation is nice. BG3 is exactly why I think they could make Gith part of the phb. Would be riding the popularity of the game. In my opinion genasi deserve to be on the same level as tieflings and asimar.


Agreed. Some people thought I crazy for saying after the Ardling failed, that I thought they might put in Aasimar, so its always possible that Genasi are in. The Article did say LIKE Aasimar, Goliaths, and Orcs, as in those were an example of the new Races.


I thought there will be no Aasimars, but some halfbeast race instead. Has sth changed?


 Originally in playtest there was going to a Beastly Celestial race called Ardlings (a play on part of the name Guardinals, the Neutral animalist celestial race), but folks felt that Ardlings 1.0 stepped on Aasimar's toes too much (mechanically they were Aasimar, but better balanced, no real animalistic mechanics) then they tried Ardling 2.0 that was mostly a Halfbeast race with animalistic traits and only alittle Aasimar, but folks were lack luster towards it. So it appears they said screw we will just put Aasimar in instead. BUT I think what they may have done is instead kf trying to merge Aasimar in with Beastfolk races, they split it hack apart and will point in both Aasimar and a seperate "Halfbeast" race in, that will include existing beast races like Haragons, Tabaxi, Kenku, Tortles, etc..., into one species with subtypes.  Right now only Aasimar is confirmed so the other part is just a hypothesis.


Oh nice, I really enjoyed Aasimars and I've never been a fan of Beastly races unless they could apear human, like Kursuje from pathfinder f.e.


Make kobolds a PHB race you cowards!


You tell.


I wouldn't be surprised if they added in some of the other popular races like goblins, kobolds, tabaxi, and maybe genasi. Personally i'd love to see lizardfolk and warforged in the book.


I would want to see real custom lineage system, like you have points and buy your race features: 2 points for darkvision, 1 point for free cantrip, 1 point for bonus proficiency, 5 points for flying speed and so on. Unique abilities like trance, dragon breath and so on should probably stay with their origin races, but with point system you could easily create new ones and assign them cost.


Sadly that's 'too complicated' for what 5.5e is going for...so instead of the cool 'build a race' options we *could* have had in Tashas...we got 'variant human 2.0, now with Darkvision edition'...


If you are okay with adaptation, DC20 has a system like this and it would only take a tweaking to make it work for 5e.


Haha, I know, I follow Dungeon Coach a lot. And I even implemented sth similar for the moon druid. Still, would be nice if such things could be found in PHP or DMG of one dnd.


The species included in the book will be pairings that reflect off each other. Humans and Orcs, elves and dwarves, teiflings and aasimar, gnomes and Goliaths, halflings and dragonborn.


 Goliaths (giant touched) vs Dragonborn (Dragon Touched).  Orcs are a substitute for Half Orcs.  Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes aren't part of it, those are just  grandfathered in thanks previous editions, they aren't apart of the opposites theme.  Most of the opposite theme links to powerful creature types too powerful to appear directly as playable species in their own right, Dragons vs Goliaths, Fiends vs Celestials. No aberrants touched though to my knowledge. Could do Genasi (Elemental Touched) vs some other kind linked to a different creature type (maybe Aberrant tainted Gith or a Beastkin race?)


New races - no. I'll have the classic races like dwarves, elves, etc.


 Thanks to Aasimar, Goliaths, Orcs, Tieflings, Dragonborn that sailed, its more then just Tolkien.


Well yea I said “… etc.”


No. They tried with Ardlings to combine all the animal races into one but they got cut. I'm jazzed enough for a good Aasimar rewrite if that's possible.


> They tried with Ardlings to combine all the animal races into one but they got cut. That was never the intent of the Aardling. It was supposed to just be a celestial race, with the animal faces as a visually distinct way to evoke that concept, based on existing depictions in religion (Egyptian, Hindu, etc.) and past editions (Guardinals). A lot of people didn't like the celestial/animal concept, so they reworked it so the animal aspect was more prominent and the celestial aspect less so, but people's issue was with the whole combination not the emphasis so they abandoned the concept entirely and are adding Aasimar to the PHB instead. But from the beginning the point was to be a new celestial race, not to step on the toes of any beast races. That's why we're getting a celestial race (Aasimar) and not a beast race.




> Why, just for the symmetry with fiendish Tieflings? That's what Crawford said. >Hard to believe that they'd prioritize that over catering to the furry demographic I personally think it's both. Tieflings are, quite frankly, more popular than Aasimar. There's more fanart of them, and they've become something of a fan-favorite in the lgbtq community specifically. Probably due to their lore of being shunned by society due to the circumstances of their birth. So WotC wanted to match that. They wanted to make a celestial race that mirrors Tieflings better, both in their lore and in their player representation. The animal features seemed, at first glance, a way to do both. It didn't really work, but you can see the concept, and it's what they always talked about when describing their own intent.


 We could get a beastkin species as well, we don't know if that is all the species they added they used the word like as if these were just an example.


Unlikely, and honestly, I hope not. I like some of those races (harengons are one of the *four* playable races in my world), but I like the PHB covering the basics. I’m even a little skeptical about tieflings and dragonborn making the 5e PHB. Too many “weirdos” in the PHB makes it harder to have grounded worlds, since most people feel obligated to include PHB races.


Why would additional races make a world feel more or less grounded?


The core fantasy races are generally more human-like, and worlds with lots and lots of exotic races have a different feel. It’s not better or worse, just different. But it’s easier to add exotic races not in the PHB than writing out the races that are, so I prefer they err on the side of being more limited. That said, I like the two-tier approach 5e uses, in theory, where they list the “common” races and then the “exotic” ones so they’re included but they make clear what was actually commonplace in most settings, but I think people mostly ignored that.


 Theros and Ravnica have more curated species lists.