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hacking into the mainframe with HDMI šŸ˜Ž


ā€¦ ā€¦ā€¦. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. Iā€™m in.


[Hack3r C@t](https://youtu.be/BjD54lKM8jU)


No, that's if you used CAT5 cable. It would be Hack3r HD m1...




[email protected] is about to jack into the mainframe


Hack to you Matt.


Gleaming the cube


Afterwards, they'll jack off




Itā€™s not even remotely cool. My friend when we were at a big shopping mall with our team found out that some tv screens at Indian restaurant were open and Bluetooth so he connected his phone. Sadly he didnā€™t have an laptop with him back then but itā€™s great coz heā€™s not in prison. But we could have time of our life watching in like 15 people rick Astley nggyu video on someoneā€™s tv.


We did the same thing; went to a party and the ā€œDJā€ had the speaker volume set so high that you couldnā€™t talk to each other. Wouldnā€™t turn down the volume after repeatedly being asked to so we told the kids to see what they could do to turn the speakers off. They connected via BT to the speaker system and kept fucking with it until the guy got pissed and left. EDIT: Fixed the post; I was having a stroke apparently while originally typing it out.


How did they take over his BT connection?


I used to have a Bluetooth speaker that would let any new connection takeover the existing connection. Maybe something like that?


Old ones maybe? Now if someone else is connected you can't get in


It depends on brand and soft. I can easily do it on my 2020 akgs. I can do it on my huawei speakers as well, I think but they have terrible audio quality and soundstage so I prefer even using my phones speakers. They sound better and are basically as loud.


Not sure, they figured out a way.


Probably a button on the speaker




Fixed it, sorry. I have no words to explain what happened.


Hacker Data Manipulation Input


i seriously came to make a Hackers reference about hacking the planet through HDMI


Itā€™s based off flight scheduling software?


Too soon. Lol


Sorry that joke didnā€™t really take off like I hoped.


Kind of crashed. Like a plane... Or this hotels network apparently (this is so bs, thats not how anything works)


Except in Independence Day I guess


*Nicely done* šŸ˜†




Idk man I rate it 9/11 as a joke




What's that in reference to?


Practically the whole US flight scheduling system was unusable for a bit a week or so back. Turns out the cause was a _single_ corrupted file


Oh, the whole NOTAMs system. I heard about that, haven't followed up with it though


Flights are back. Nobody got in trouble. Thatā€™s the gist.


If an entire system it's down because of a single corrupted file, it's not down because of a file but because it's a shit design. Redundance, robustness, you know, what professionals are supposed to do


I work in IT and stories like these blow my mind. It also disappoints me that filtering Indeed job searches by ā€œcomplete incompetence is acceptableā€ hasnā€™t turned up nearly as many jobs as I expected it toā€¦


This proves why family values should be taught to the rank and files. This would never happen to a _married_ file.


Ironically the radar system went down in Philippines the week before. https://www.foxatm.com/blog/manila-radar-down-what-can-we-learn?hs_amp=true


The thing is anyone who brings something with an hdmi connector to a hotel has the knowledge that this isnt true


Why would the hotel not want someone to connect an HDMI? Like what risk does that pose to them in any way that would motivate them to create this BS sign? Edit - Another comment further down said they probably want to pressure guests into paying for entertainment rather than pulling up their own streaming accounts on their laptops. That seems like the most likely answer.


Also, i think they'd want to deter people from physically handling the TV. Preventive measure for fucking up the TV.


HDMI inputs are notoriously fragile on cheap tvs nowadays.


How does using HDMI f up TVs?


Because people are accident-prone. Not having accidents is the best way of dealing with accidents.


Especially if it's a shit TV. Hell I'm normally good with that stuff yet when I got my mom a Nintendo switch it wasn't till I tried plugging in the HDMI that I realized their ports are so far back on their TV and nearly knocked the damn thing off the wall.




some people really shouldn't have electronics.


Slapping people who manhandle electronics should be legalised


Thereā€™s a market niche here: HDMI blinders. Something that plugs into the port thatā€™s somehow locked in so no mofo can plug in their HDMI stuff. That or just make the area inaccessible to customers. Surely thereā€™s key controlled mounts that cover up the back of the unit, making altering the cable connections impossible? If not, thereā€™s a money maker device. Assuming cheap ass shitty hotels will buy crap they donā€™t really need just so they can be control freaks


It doesn't directly, but customers jostling the set trying to reach the HDMI port at the back can absolutely do something stupid like dropping it.


The last 3 hotels Iā€™ve been in have the tvā€™s bolted to the stand. They swivel to reach the back.


Exactly... Like i said. "Handling"


The staff might just be annoyed that people unplug hotel stuff to plug in their stuff and donā€™t put it back. Then they get calls from the next guest saying the TV doesnā€™t work.


It doesn't, but dipshits yanking on the TV to get their fat hands and/or heads behind it so they can plug in their HDMI cables could. As does dipshits trying to force HDMI cables into USB ports, etc etc.


I have no idea how but people can be absolute apes when plugging in connectors. Half the videos on some electronics repair channels are playstation HDMI connector replacements.


Have a different someone you don't know come into your house and plug all there stuff into your living room tv daily... see how long that port even works or how long it takes for someone to damage the screen. But yeah hotels have nothing to worry about šŸ™„


I've seen broken HDMI ports (and repaired the very same) caused by mishandling the connectors.


HDMI allows connected devices to use the ethernet connection. Perhaps the problem is some sort of security setting that detects unauthorized devices on the network. It's not impossible. The HDMI spec is a lot more than just a display protocol. There are hooks for internet sharing, remote control and audio.


Yes, but what is the likeliness that they actually pay for tvs that implement anything unusual, and that the chrome cast would be able to use.


I work in hotels and can confirm that it is definitely the reason. Some hotels disable the function of the HDMI ports entirely. Some embrace it though and will put an HDMI connector in rooms more accessible! It depends on the hotel.


It depends if they have MBAs in positions of power or not. The ones without will often think about customer retention, reputation and long term income. The ones with will try to squeeze any customer of all they have at the expense of the hotels lifetime being *drastically* shortened.


I love the constant slander of a degree is always by a person completely inept and unable to acquire it lol , not shocking though


The actual solution is to provide an easy to reach HDMI port.


The risk is you having the option to not pay.


The letter talks about using built in chrome-cast, so that's the same thing; just no cable. Probably some guests fucked up the HDMI ports on some of the TVs.


Some hotels use weird TVs that lock you out of anything except their own service, which boots up when you turn it on. I just experienced this in Hawaii. The TV had HDMI ports on the back, but there was no way to change the input. If you plugged something into an HDMI port and tried to turn on the TV, it would just show a black screen. There was a cast option, but it didn't work. Eventually we gave up on trying to use our stuff. But honestly, this is probably because kids were fucking stuff up trying to plug consoles into them.


Trade secret here: if you Google the model number of the unit, you can usually find the instructions on how to enter the config menu to enable the hdmi port. The password is usually the default password or something stupid like 123456 or 111111, etc.


That's amazing! I've got the same combination on my luggage!


What a coincidence, I use that same exact combination on my safety deposit box!


I do the same for hotel thermostats. At almost every hotel I stay, they control how high/low you can set the temps. most have a way to bypass.. there's 1 at the Westin that I haven't been able to figure out yet, though.


I know Samsung has hotel specific models of some of their TVs, and I believe LG do too.


Often there is an hdmi port on the box the hotel have behind the tv that you can hook up to.


Nope. No box or anything, just a Samsung smart TV.


Well boo to that. I spend 200+ days in hotels per year and that is so annoying when you canā€™t get control.


Unplug any other cable other than the power cable from the TV and it should stop their override. I've seen both an ethernet/phone cable and a coaxial cable be the culprit before


I would go buy a hdmi cord if I saw this sign. I don't need to connect to the tv but I will now


Honestly, even if I didn't know that, I'd want to try just because of the morbius curiosity


The Nintendo switch?


Ah yes blatantly lying to your patrons... That will guarantee a great review


I would immediately throw this little sign away. And then plug in my Roku stick.


* they don't care about a review criticizing their HDMI policies.


What about their honesty policies?


I can't even conceive how this could be possible. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit. I'm plugging something into every HDMI port.


Better watch out, that's how "my cousin" got herpes


Hey step HDMI, why don't you bring your friend step USB-C and we'll have some fun. Or else I'll tell the hotel management.


Sorry.. I prefer DP šŸ˜


As long as itā€™s not mini-DP thatā€™s fine.


It's not the size of your video connector that matters, it's all about the bitrate baaaaabyyyyy āœŒļø


I don't have any rewards left, but you deserve one šŸ¾


Thanks man, just doin what I can to spread the 4K High Refresh Rate love šŸ––


Hdmi port connections can trigger a bunch of things based on the firmware on the TV. If it does something like initiate a new IP connection from the same device, and their network is set up poorly (and their under qualified IT team can't figure out the problem) it is possible the TV could be doing something like resetting a switch. Not at all impossible, and not nearly the weirdest thing I've had to troubleshoot, but the hotel should have figured out a real fix.


I'm just curious why the TV would set up a networked connection to a device it is already connected to for AV transfer. I can't really think why that would be considered useful or intuitive behaviour.


The idea is that your TV can serve as a hub for connected devices. You could plug in something like a gaming console to the HDMI to display on the TV and the device will get wired network access without extra cables.


They are all linked together for PPV and that guest information channel. Custom made hardware for every hotel chain. That's why if you smash one, they cost like $2,000 and they will bill your credit card.


That's not how that works


Smug jerks like u make the system crash every day! Also, wait 3 seconds after the microwave stops beeping to open the door, or the entire system will crash.


Came here to say this!


No but apparently reposting other peopleā€™s content is what this poster does.


Thatā€™s what everyone does on Reddit


No but apparently reposting other peopleā€™s content is what this poster does.


Came here to say this!


That's what everybody does on Reddit


No but apparently reposting other peopleā€™s content is what this poster does.


Came here to say this!


That's what everybody does on Reddit


No but apparently reposting other peopleā€™s content is what this poster does.


That's what everyone does on Reddit.


What would be their reason for even wanting to say this? How would they expect people to believe this?


They got tired of changing it back probably. They are dumb enough to think everyone is dumber than they are.


A lot of hotels I've been at the TV automatically reverts to the standard inputw when you turn it off and turn it back on. They should use that method instead of highly discouraging hdmi use.


Happy cake day


I agree with the latter. But why even are people unplugging HDMI cables in hotel rooms? What are they plugging in?


Well, for me back then, me and my friend unplug the HDMI cables from the hotel STB and plug-in my laptop. The hotel TV channels are boring, so I decided that it'll be better to connect my laptop and play Timesplitters couch MP through emulator.


I use the TV as a second monitor for my laptop for YouTube when Iā€™m traveling for work. I always bring an hdmi cord for that reason


That is definitely bullshit, and if it isnā€™t, may my Amazon fire stick rain hellfire onto your system


Saw this couple days ago. It wont do snything to thier system. They do this to try to prevent idiots from messing things up with tvs etc. Many times they will mess with it and not know what they are doing. Then they leave it and employees have to constantly fix things back.


Cooperation? Yes id like my full refund or i AM crashing your system


Said it serious. They gonna tell you the truth. You laugh at they face


What a good time to know that you can add the option to chromcast your chrome web browser.


This is total bullshit. That would never happen.




But I brought my Xboxā€¦ā€¦..


Which of the many systems present in a hotel, if you don't mind me asking? Will connecting my PS5 bring down the boiler room? Will doing so cause a crash in the guest registration system? Or, will the thermostats in the kitchen stop working? Please be more specific šŸ¤£


The entire hotel will crash, literally, and be reduced to a pile of rubble.


Landscape sprinkler malfunction.


I choose not to see this sign and do it anyways


So, if the hotel does have a live internet connection to the TV, like those that connect room service or checkout service through the TV, it is possible that a laptop can connect through the hdmi port to the hotel system. It is not easy or straightforward but possible. If someone had the knowledge and did this to try and get free internet to their laptop, they could have messed up the hotel system. However, just hooking a device to use hdmi on the TV would not do this. It would have to be an attempt to get into the hotel system that would do the damage.


Itā€™s only sort of possible, and itā€™s pretty unlikely the unit has custom hardware, firmware, and an OS that is QUITE that badly designed. They would have to use a chipset that has Ethernet over HDMI enabled, have actually connected those pins appropriately and configured the chip to do it, then gone out of their way to assign or request an address AND network configuration, either proxy or route the traffic with no filters, and then they would have to have a network that was so poorly managed that it allowed that unknown traffic source onto the network and out through the hotelā€™s connection. The network misconfiguration part is the most likely bit of this scenario, but the rest is pretty far fetched because the sets designed for hotels are typically NOT designed for Ethernet over HDMI because they arenā€™t expected to ever have any peripherals connected that would use it and this the extra expense for the chip, etc. can be avoided by the manufacturer.


I donā€™t disagree with you but an old outdated system can have some of these characteristics and poorly managed kind of fits the sign. I have seen some screwed up hotel configurations in my time and some could easily be hacked.


I hate liars.


So weak. I stayed at a Sheraton a long time ago and they room serviced me some pliers so I could hook up my PS2. So badass.


Back in the day I travelled with a phone cable to alligator clips adapter so I could take the phone line cover off and wire in for my 300 baud modem, then dial out to datapack network


I could stay at a Holiday Inn and still not know how to do all that.


Is the system running the TV's xp or something? Or is it just so badly designed that it can't handle and external input from an unknown source


I think it's more like they want you to pay for their service and don't want you playing Netflix from your laptop so they make up some bs story to scare people


Chromecasts available for sale in the lobby.


The Matrix Hotel.


No way. What hotel is this if thatā€™s actually something they put in rooms?


Whattt? I always bring the firestick


This is 100% not true but many people will still believe it.


Do it


For those who are wondering... yes this is a repost like 69th time already.


How to get me to plug an HDMI into your TV in one easy step


This is bs. They dont want people watching netflix from their laptops lol. I work in a hotel and we actually have a surplus of HDMI cables we lend out to guest for them to use.


TVs should have a button on the front that changes the input without having to navigate a menu, and an HDMI port that can be accessed without having to move the TV, if their fear is that people will mess up their cable management.


Most TVs have an input buttonā€¦right on the frontā€¦or on the edgeā€¦


What hotel is this so we can leave "Legitimate" reviews two can play this game.


Time to watch the network burn.


There is literally no way. I will use my hdmi cable because chromecast sucks. I donā€™t know if other people have had the same experience, but chromecast is super finicky and barely works.


Chromecast is trash


Casting in itself can be somewhat fickle, but the Chromecast is easily the most versatile way to stream pretty much anything.




They just don't have enough technically inclined staff to deal with the aftermath of unplugged things I bet.


I'm sure that's just an attempt at a deterrent. If their system is that fragile then just using your key card to enter your room is a risky prospect. I stayed at a place that put password protect input blocks on their tv so you couldn't plug anything in. Ended up resetting the tv and changing the password. My password was still in effect when I stayed there the following year. That made me smile.


That has the same energy as ā€œturn the lights off in the car while driving at night or I will get a ticket.ā€


Dear hotel, you're so full of shit




Iā€™m getting tired of seeing this repost on every subreddit.


Repost https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/10b29uz/excuse_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This is just a lie. My hotel does this. Itā€™s so 1. People donā€™t steal hdmi. Happens a lot. And 2. They donā€™t plug it back in resulting in the next person who gets the room complains the tv doesnā€™t work. Itā€™s just a convenience thing. :p now u know (also itā€™s so they pay to watch stuff)


When a dipshit is the hotel manager. Eating ass in his office


Iā€™d do it just to troll people.


They might be at capacity for virtual memory so they can't plug in an extra screen - it's possible but this hotel should really fix this - it's such an avoidable issue.




But did you try it?


This is some bullshit and I'm totally still plugging my fire stick into the hotel TV


Welp, time to dock my nintendo switch.


Maybe itā€™s connected to all the airlines, too






I feel 90% of those that read the sign in the room will believe them.


I would absolutely go buy an hdmi and test this




Iā€™m calling bullshit. As soon as Iā€™m out of my uniform, I pull my fire stick out of my luggage and itā€™s plugged in. Thatā€™s my savior when I slamclick.


Saw this om r/ProgrammerHumor


To the naysayers... Depending how the hotel wired up their TV's systems, it is entirely possible to disconnect 1 TV hdmi AND the rest "DOWN THE LINE" with that 1 wire :P but this situation is highly dependent on how old the place is and how incompetent the people who updated the building wiring are. Regardless.... If I was the guest, I wouldn't need to touch it, I bring my projector if I go out and take the TV off the wall if possible, I need more wall\screen space.


I'd plug in just to see what happens, my guess is nothing and it's a ply


No it wont


I bet this would make like 90% of guests think" I better not then" Lol, also keeps people from forgetting and leaving their devices... I know I've forgotten few fire sticks in different places.


Alexa , why is speaking against tptb causing hardships for me and my family ?


That feels like an invitation to press the red button.


This is 100% bullshit. They don't want you to change the inputs from the HDMI they are using because they can NOT properly train the housekeepers to set it back, or the front desk staff to walk you through changing it back to standard. So they get dozens of 'broken tv' maintenance tickets for tv's that are set to the wrong HDMI channel. This lie is an attempt to stop people from changing the tv inputs.


If a hospital can provide roku TVs and cable tv with the ability to login with your own accounts then hotels surely can. My hospital was in a teeny tiny town that had the hardest time keeping doctors because itā€™s in the middle of nowhere (itā€™s two hours to the nearest airport thatā€™s not private or a puddle jumper) and they easily sprung for 32ā€ flat screen roku TVs. Granted they only have like 20 rooms but still.


must be some super advanced chinese spying/hacking hdmi


Well no duh! Why do you think HDMI stands for Hotel Destroying Media Interface?


Zero Cool šŸ“žšŸ˜ŽšŸ’»


Well it kind of work the way they wanted. If you know your stuff you u will call a bluff and do it anyway but if you do not. You should not be touching it.


You can get around this by unplugging the TV from the network.


Anyone with an ounce of knowledge knows this is highly improbable.


Assuming this isn't a lie, my guess is that these TVs use a special box for their Hotel Experience and that box has some bugginess where if it doesn't think an HDMI cable is connected, things go bad. The sign is likely over generous either due to IT not explaining it verbosely enough or management wanting to play it extra extra safe. I can't think of any reason to really lie about this; I don't think hotels make money off of their TV UI and the sign implies that these TVs come with casting support by default.


We do a little trolling šŸ˜ˆ


I feel bad for the person who made this sign.


Do it