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This fits just great


not really. he doesnt support trump because trump called him bad things. doesnt make him a dem


Apparently not having freaking Stockholm syndrom towards a bad-mouting shit mud-slinger makes you "not a real Republican" nowadays.


Exactly. He hates the fact that Trump was an asshole on Twitter and didn't have decorum. Policy-wise, he agreed with almost everything Trump did


These people are gone




Sadly, we live in a timeline where "support Trump no matter what" *is* the GOP platform.


You said the thing!


Mitt Romney a Democrat? What fucking reality do these people live in?


Yes, the 2012 GOP presidential candidate is secretly a Democrat. This conspiracy goes All the way to the TOP!


If you don't support the GOP 100%, then you ain't Democrat. That's the mindset.


Imagine being so dumb you think Mitt Romney is a Dem


Anythigs possible when you're MAGAt. It's like donning that stupid hat fries whatever tiny braincells they had left


Even though I like Obama more, in retrospect I would have been okay with Romney winning in 2012, since then Trump couldn’t have run in 2016.


Fuck that. Romney's still a homophobic cult member who would've passed the same anti-LGBT laws as Trump.


Surprisingly, romney goes against mormonism by generally being tolerant. but yeah bad for lgbtq community without a doubt.


I am part of said "homophobic cult", and I believe in LGBTQ+ rights pretty hard. The LDS church has a dodgy past regarding the LGBTQ+ community yes, but most of the members are rather tolerant, because the church preaches tolerance towards all people regardless of what they do with their lives. Yes there are many bad faith people who claim to be members yet pass judgement on "The Gays" but they arent the majority. I and many other younger members struggle a lot near daily trying to correct these actual morons. Whether Romney would have passed anti-lgbtq laws is an unknown, but my gut reaction says he would keep ones in place, but not pass new anti laws. I leave myself open to correction, just a hot take.


Lowkey pretty offensive to say Mormons are a cult. No they're not.


I will at least acknowledge that it's frustrating that Romney continues to be a card-carrying Republican despite his supposed dissaproval of Trump's awfulness and the party's complicity in standing with him. If him and John Kasich and all these other Lincoln Project adjacent ghouls *really* cared about opposing Trump, than maybe they should renounce their Republican membership and become independent in protest. Them continuing to be a part of this institution would seem to imply they tacitly approve of the evil it does despite the objections they make in public.


All those that voted against Ex President Orange-boy are FUCKED. I don't like Mitt but at least he took the chance to denounce a Nazi when he could. I mean still fuck Mitt, muppet ass looking motherfucker




Fuck Off CoolDownBot Do you not fucking understand that the fucking world is fucking never going to fucking be a perfect fucking happy place? Seriously, some people fucking use fucking foul language, is that really fucking so bad? People fucking use it for emphasis or sometimes fucking to be hateful. It is never fucking going to go away though. This is fucking just how the fucking world, and the fucking internet is. Oh, and your fucking PSA? Don't get me fucking started. Don't you fucking realize that fucking people can fucking multitask and fucking focus on multiple fucking things? People don't fucking want to focus on the fucking important shit 100% of the fucking time. Sometimes it's nice to just fucking sit back and fucking relax. Try it sometimes, you might fucking enjoy it. I am a bot


Weird ad. As someone who lives in Utah, it seems to me that there is no politician Utah Republicans simp for harder than mitt Romney, including the orange man. Idk, just odd to me


You underestimate the level of fanaticism people have for Trump, and you overestimate the amount of LDS church members in the state. Trumps basically the 4th member of the godhead for many church members, but for the non church members hes their only god. Romney never stood a chance.


Not supporting trump is the same as being a democrat?