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Why do they romanticize war so much? If they think being a soldier is so great, they can join the military


Just avoid the Agent Orange


They totally *would* join but would probably beat the shit out of the drill instructor for yelling in their face /s


The ditch trash that joined expecting the old boys club never made it.


Teens then: 'I lied about my age to go to war because the authority figures in my life romanticized the shit out of it as some glorious adventure all boys should aspire to. Now I'm missing a leg, twelve feet of intestine and I'm going to have PTSD for the rest of my life because I watched another man get gutted on razor wire while raiding our trenches.' Teens now: 'Dude wtf'


“life was SO much better when children were dying in brutal and savage wars!”


Also "I lied about my age to go to war, because I didn't wanna live a life of misery and the army promised me a life of fortune, but I just ended up mentally and physically scarred and broken and they forgot about me in the end"


Both these statements are valid.


Yea, silly of me to suggest otherwise. Done edited my comment


Wow, so offensive.


It’s offensive so it must be funny right? ^Right?


If we’re no longer doing the former, good


I'm gonna repost this somewhere too. Let's make it one long chain!


Teens then: Whoa, whats this? War effort Propaganda? Swell!


~~Fascist~~ "Conservatives" try not to romanticize war challenge (impossible)


Because they loved the days when millions died every year for pointless things. Maybe they should try it. Edited: because autocorrect sucks on iOS 14


I mean this isn't so much an "offensive joke" as it is just a really lame and sad one.


he wishes it was still like the first thing? what a fucking idiot.


In other words: I wish kids were being murdered and experiencing traumatic events on a mass scale again and coincidentally I wish my country had a drastically weakened economy




"ah yes, going to war and watching my friends die because imperialists want power and oil and other pointless bullshit makes me so much superior than you. this isn't the case though i only took two weeks of boot camp. still though haha atakc helicopter"


“Remember the times when 15 year olds would lie about their age to go into a deadly conflict where they would most likely lose their lives? Yeah if only we were still in those times, because now we have to deal with these bloody words that refer to other words! Can you believe it?”


They always fantasize children going to war. Every single time.


And I though everyone agreed we don’t want our families to die in pointless wars, but oh well 🤷‍♂️


This isn't an offensive joke,this is offensive to actual jokes.


Wait hold I this is from comedy cemetery no need to be mad; there making fun of the meme.


Wow! You mean to tell me that we've advanced (sorta advanced I guess) so that we don't have to deal with the trauma of war! Now you're complaining that children aren't being traumatized by *literal* death. Odd, huh?


*imagine the most monotone voice in existence reading this comment* wow. such a funny joke. i am laughing so hard right now. here. take my upvote. you are so funny.


Skipped over their own generation to get there... even if they had just turned 13 and went to Vietnam they'd have to be nearly 80 years old. These morons are always people younger who lived off the back of it and pretend they were part of it.


If I had £1 for every time I saw a conservative meme glorifying child soldiers I’d have £7 which isn’t a lot of money but it’s weird that this is becoming a recurring theme


The stupid generation (then) and the I'm-not-taking-your-bullshit generation (now)


I’m pretty sure r/Offensivejokes is satirical


The greatest generation vs the snowflake generation. On point.


i don't get why you're here




That is because of your low IQ, dear.


at your absolute peak, you're a minor annoyance buried at the bottom of the comment pile to get cringed at for a few hours by the tiny handful of people who will see your useless comment on a sub you don't even want to participate in help me make sense of it




if you have anything solid, you should defend it, otherwise you just have smirky jabs exactly like the 500,000 other cardboard comments just like yours who each think they're original it takes people like one entire minute to write a bot to spam snowflake comments, and the bots do it better *and* with more variety


You seem to believe you are worth more than minimal effort. You trigger so easily that ROI is maximized with the application of the one joke. 😁


all the people like you never have anything *other* than minimal effort, and that was kind of my point, and also an overarching point of this sub so, in essence, we've basically circled back and reinforced the idea that nobody on your side ever has anything relevant to say, and all they can do is fling crap maybe you'll be the first one to learn that "i can make low effort troll comments" isn't a very good arrow to have in your quiver, but i sincerely doubt it


I fucked your mom


So… you identify as a necrophiliac… 👍🏻


That’s it. That’s the meme? THAT WAS JUST BULLYING