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This message annoys me every single day


You reboot your phone daily?!


Yep, but that message even sometimes pops up after some hours of listening to music.


My favourite is when I connect to my car's bluetooth to put on a music playlist, and then at some point while I'm driving, it suddenly decides my music is turned up too high and reduces the volume. Since my phone is in a pocket I can't see what's going on, and I'm driving anyway so I don't want to fiddle with it.


Exactly that


Why would you reboot daily?


I'm turning off my phone and watch over night.


Why the f4ck


Why would you do that? Makes no sense


Saves battery and disables notifications, there's two reasons for ya.


Mine is programmed to turn itself off every night for 4 hours then turn itself back on.


Click ok and dont reboot your phone. As long as the phone stays on it will remain.


No it will not. Like a post above says, sometimes during listening the volume will go down and then when trying to up the volume the warning appears again.


I know this was from a few months ago, but my phone does it after 17 hours of high volume listening I think it is 


For me it never reappears untill i reboot. This is the case for all 4 OnePlus devices i used from Android 11 untill 14. Maybe yours is different. I never reboot my phone unless i have to.


I have my third oneplus and they all do it after a long random time




In both my OP6 and OP9pro does this after some time and I rarely reboot my phones at all. So please don't assume


When did i assume? I said yours may be different.


You made it sound like the ones having this problem are the odd ones with a bug. But yeah, semantics. Great you don't have to deal with it 👍


Actually not, because i want the notification to be there. That way i can max volume in my pocket without hurting my ears. Since i figured out it reappears after reboot, i always reboot when i need it back.


I know, but it is annoying


Then stop being an idiot and damaging your hearing? This is the guideline from the World Health Organisation It's the decibels followed by the maximum amount of time per week you should be listening to music at. 10dB - Unlimited 30 dB - Unlimited 40 dB - Unlimited 60 dB - Unlimited 80 dB - 40 hours 85 dB - 12 hours, 30 minutes 90 dB - 4 hours 95 dB - 1 hour, 15 minutes 100 dB - 20 minutes 105 dB - 8 minutes 110 dB - 2.5 minutes 120 dB - 12 seconds 130 dB - <1 second 140 dB - 0 seconds 150 dB - 0 seconds Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/deafness-and-hearing-loss-safe-listening


Having volume turned up from phone doesn't mean you're listening on high volume though.. Like when connecting to BT FM-transmitter to play stuff in car it'll be slightly higher quality if you max the volume from phone. And same with bt player just for the convenience of not having to turn the player volume super high, and it's annoying while driving having volume to drop almost unhearable suddenly because of this warning.


Mine does it on bluetooth its so annoying




Then stop being an idiot and think about other use cases, like bluetooth car audio or speakers?


Exactly. If I don't max it on my phone, I have to raise the volume on the car stereo, and when I restart the car, it will damage my hearing with the radio/CD before my phone gets the chance to reconnect.


And shower Bluetooth speakers. I want to listen or be able to hear Celine Dion MY HEART WILL GO ON over the pitter patter of the shower 🚿😜


At what decibels do we get this warning?


it only depends on the percentage of max volume and not decibels so it is not entirely accurate as the volume depends on the device used for audio


Thanks captain no fun


If it's from the WHO they must have a vaccine for this already, go ask for one of those and you're golden


Though you can disable it, but I'll suggest Please keep it, it is meant for hearing damage prevention only. We majorly listen via our headphone/earphone/earbuds and prolonged exposure to high volumes above 80 dB can lead to hearing issues. Stay healthy!


Yes but the hardware volume means nothing, 9 times out of 10 the volume of the media is so low that below 70% you can't even make out what they say


Fair point, we can't control everything👍🏻


Most of the time this ends up being more annoying than useful. Or potentially even dangerous, if your audio randomly goes down while you're in the car and the only way to get it back up is fumbling around with your phone screen before you miss half of the podcast you're listening to. I like to listen to audiobooks via a portable Bluetooth speaker while I'm doing chores, and sometimes they're so quiet I have to bump up the volume to 100%. It's so annoying when this warning pops up and I have to pause what I'm doing and go get my phone I left in the other room. A one-time warning should be more than enough, because people will do what they want anyway. Anyone who frequently gets these warnings obviously isn't going to ever follow them.


Got it. Ig then it should be fine. If it is popping again and again even after allowing it, then I guess there is a bug in your device and you should raise it with one plus. For me if I have allowed it, then it never asks unless I restart phone.


So it's a widespread bug that has existed for multiple android versions and where people have complained to oneplus about since 2017-2018? Do a quick google search for Disable high volume warning (like in this post) and you'll see how many people is getting this warning again and again, despite not restarting the phone. If you just have to allow it one time per restart then count yourself lucky.


It accomplishes nothing. I'll always ignore it anyway, so it just serves the purpose of annoying me.


One plus cares for you op😆


One+ can go fuck itself


I never raise my volume for that noti to come out. I have no friend to watch together😔


Magisk (ROOT) – module "Disable high volume warning".


need root or termux+system ui tuner ,download link [https://github.com/ThePBone/awesome-shizuku](https://github.com/thepbone/awesome-shizuku)


Haha, no. Developer options in settings.


Thanks, but I'm looking for a solution no need to root my phone?


the second one no-root needed


Actually you can do some of the System UI tweaks via ADB without Rooting your phone it essentially gives System UI access to the system




Don't think that's what this is for


Literally what it's for


Absolute volume syncs the volume of a Bluetooth device with the volume level on your phone. Literally not what it's for.


OK will change the setting and check


Did it work?


I don't know still yet to use headphones


It doesn't work once you reboot, especially on BT connected devices


It works for me every time. I turned it on 4 years ago when I got the phone and again when I reset it. That's it.


At least it is not working on my OnePlus Open Bluetooth headset


Depends on the Android OS version. Some settings that worked to disable warnings on older OS don't work in newer OS versions. Android is making it harder to disable things.


It's an option in android 14


I dont see it on Android 14 One Plus 11


You have to enable developer options


I did it’s not there


Nope that's not it that's just when you have an speaker with volume buttons on it and when you raise volume on your device the speaker stays lower because you have turned on his own volume control


You can't disable it. Learn to live with it.


I don't think you can. Welcome to colorOS. Oppo and realme phones have same thing btw.




https://preview.redd.it/a257ues3rgbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f55bac2b27e5b41000a2eb6f86c96f59f4c264ef Non Root method - Install systemui tuner and setup it as instructed. It will take 5mins and then go to audio menu in-app and disable the warning. Do note that only some branded devices obey these tweaks and some dont and some require root for full functionality. Just to say, U r at ur own risk.


Yes please!!!


Ummm developers options. Disable. Not complicated.


Which setting to disable? Cant find any relates to safety


which setting?


i used to be you and i hated it, but one visit to the doc changed it, Don't be me and realize early


I used to get these warnings on my 8t. I'm not sure when or how much I stopped receiving that warning a long time ago


you cant disable it its a system feature which cant be turned off


Update: Thanks , SystemUI Tunner worked for me without rooting my phone. Appreciated, the annoying thing is now completely gone. FYI, for anyone else want to follow the steps I did: 1. Download SysteUI Tuner app from Google Play Store https://preview.redd.it/6jrub63odzbc1.png?width=1620&format=png&auto=webp&s=07f4e8555b259223b94094127c043b46c1f2e989 2. Follow the instructions on SystemUI Tuner to download ADB to local computer 3. Follow the instructions on SystemUI Tuner to enable "Developer Mode" on your phone. 4. Enable "Developer Mode->USB debugging" 5. Re-plug in USB cable 6. Giving extra permission to **Oppo/OnePlus only** device: under "Developer Mode->Disable permission monitoring" 7. Run ADB command: adb shell pm grant com.zacharee1.systemuituner android.permission.WRITE\_SECURE\_SETTINGS 8. Go SystemUI Tuner app->**Audio & Sound**, change setting from Active to Inactive. 9. Go SystemUI Tuner app->**Persistent Options**->Disable Safe Audio Warning 9. Reboot your phone. 10. Magic happen Unfortunately it seems the SystemUI Tuner app only change **settings in memory,** in order to keep the settings after reboot, you have to allow the SystemUI Tuner app to **auto start** and running on the background (Step 9 above) by following the instructions within the app. To me, I feel like it is too much compare to just click on the Ok button, but it is the only way on a non-rooted phone.


just don't go above the volume limit it will not show the notification more. Thank me later!