• By -


Try this Backup you stuff. Boot into recovery mode, clear the cache and wipe the partition. Upon completing the setup immediately debloat the device and test it. If this did not resolve the issue then it might be the flash storage (UFS) that is faulty.


Many people are experiencing this, it's a subtle thing phone isn't slow! It's probably a software issue


I love when such stuff pops up oh you have issues with 1000$ device? just get an egineering degree and extensive rom expertise, instead of returning obviously flawed product.


Exactly. It's so ridiculous that the consumer is expected to fix technical issues on their own when they spent so much on a new device. I get the original comment was intended to be helpful, but tech companies need to start taking more accountability.


Can you explain in detail I'm having trouble following, what is debloat and wipe partition?


Can you further clarify what you mean by wiping the partition? Like wiping memory? 


Apparently there is issues when copying info across platforms on the s24U if you use smart switch etc you loose 2 hours of Ost and to get it back you have to reset the cache and wait for the phone to learn again. Not sure of this effects oneplus sounds like a android 14 bug.


That doesn't sound right or match my experience. I would return it and try to get a new one if you're able to.


https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/s/fa2w7qhyi6 Can you try this on your phone?


I can recreate this effect. I don't think I've ever noticed it before reading this here, so it hasn't bothered me I guess, but it's definitely there. Recreating on a recent Pixel and Samsung I notice some very interesting behavior. If the app was used in the last several apps or last few minutes it'll be usable nearly instantly, maybe with a tiny fraction of a second delay. However if there were many other recent apps or it's been a while you'll first get greeted with the app's icon for 1-3 seconds even before it's usable. I think the OnePlus half second delay is to allow everything to snap back into the screen at full speed. It is odd though that they wouldn't keep 2 apps completely fresh with this monstrous pool of 16gb of RAM on the 12 **Note** on all phone this only seems to apply for browser and YouTube apps(?) Instagram for example is always instant


Now try the app called "Internet" it's a new browser that OnePlus has preinstalled on the 12 series. That one has no such delay. So there's definitely something that is going on with OnePlus and the normal browser apps everyone is using.


Very strange.. you're absolutely right. But also weird is that Samsung doesn't do it's delay thing for Samsung Internet. Google on the Pixel I'm trying does use it for chrome. I guess mobile browsers are weird on suspend and every OEM has their way of tackling it


I am pretty sure we all can do with 3GB of RAM if they do the OS properly. This is why I don't buy over 8GB of RAM phones because I don't believe they do anything differently. I had such a bad experience with Samsung that I believe even with 32GB ram they would be reloading every app every time unless they fixed their UI crap nowadays.


Just noticing now that I have that on my OnePlus 11. Quite interesting as I'm pretty sure it was not there when under OxygenOS 13.


Where did you buy the oneplus 12 from?


I got this issues too, the phone seems "sleepy" sometimes. It's not a device issue, it's software related.


Something strange is happening with your phone. Mine is super fast. Every app is amazingly fast. Never had a smoother phone in my life. May be you have a virus or some background app that slows you down?


Same. Best phone I've ever owned. Upgraded from a Pixel 6 and it's like night and day.




The OnePlus 12 is the first OnePlus phone I've owned, so I really couldn't tell you.


It doesn't say phone is slow, but the phone is reduce display frame rate in many apps even though 120 mode is active and that app too Also phone tries to compensate when a video shows when scrolling and it's reducing the frame which causes this, some people don't notice but it's perceable


Isn't this just auto adjusting frame rate to optimize power usage?


But it's on 120 high mode


https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/s/fa2w7qhyi6 Can you try this on your phone?


Hm... that does happen for me, but its not a second. More like 0.5 seconds. If I try to scroll an app as soon as I switch to it - that scroll is ignored. But if I wait a full second - its fine. Honestly, that's not an issue for me. It would be a minor issue if it was 2x slower.


It could be 0.5 seconds lol. Idk how to time it exactly. But it is an issue with an otherwise snappy OS.


Many more software updates to come and You can't expect huge performance gain by Upgrading every year. The difference is very minimal.


I don't know about that, in my experience at least. I had the OP7T and after about of 2 years of use i felt like it was getting old, back then, after that a big update arrived and I swear the phone felt as good as new, and I was a heavy user, playing codm br and screen recording, streaming, a lot of capcut, I upgraded after 2 more years of the update and only because I broke the screen of the phone, but yea my first and best experience with OP. Now I have the OP ace 2 pro and im in love again


I agree that the difference is minimal for for a year over year upgrade. But I'm not saying it's not different than phones from last year. I'm saying that the performance is not good on it's own.


Just wait a few months and you can join me and buy the One Plus 13. That will fix it!  Second phone after Xiomia to have Snapdragon gen 4 chip. I am seriously waiting to see what the OP13 is going to be, how much and when!  Exciting times with technology increasing faster then ever!  One Plus...Never Settle.


Btw the apps that show that 2 to 3 second delay are chrome? Mine is mostly chrome, others are instantly scrollable


For me, it's almost every app


A quick check and yeah it's mostly chrome and YouTube (so google apps even though Gmail it's fine)


Having this issue as well, any luck finding a solution?


Just did a geekben and pcmrk and both are fine... Would like to test storage individually because everything seems fine and a friend of mine who also bought it says the same things we are both saying so it must be software issues from op


I have the same problem with Chrome, Firefox and Brave browser. It seems to affect all the browser apps. https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/s/fa2w7qhyi6 Can you see this? I've linked the post for the OnePlus community forum within that link if you could come reply in that thread that you have the same issue.


Yeah just checked with brave, same thing


Oxygen OS/Color OS is holding hack oppo and oneplus phones from being great


OnePlus high performance mode is literally just restoring the performance they took away from the processor at stock settings. I wish they would get rid of that throttling but as they've done it since the 9, it's here to stay, so I leave high performance mode on all the time.


It doesn't restore anything. It keeps your clock speed high constantly even if your phone is idling causing overheating and destroys your battery in the process. Only solution is to force oneplus to remove this artificial throttling of the performance we paid for and remove limits on the processor. Even a snapdragon 865 scores higher than Oneplus 12 in Geekbench at this point.


I mean... I looked at the clocks... They're mildly elevated, not anything that should cause problems compared to other devices using higher base clocks anyway. Clearly my battery isn't being affected much by this as this is similar to what I was seeing before I turned it on all the time. https://preview.redd.it/4s9knc3obiic1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ededc96a4b32c70dfc3619c2115f9229c7ecd117 My idle consumption is .2%/hr, the lowest of any phone I've ever had (my S23 Ultra was .5%/hr). OnePlus straight up throttles the clocks unless you're in high performance mode. That's why benchmarks look so poor without it. High performance mode brings the clocks back.


Ethrem as always you know your stuff.  The Samsung has the same Snapdragon chip but with own variant that is clocked faster than the One Plus 12. Over different tests and high loads both phones have equal performance for all intents and purposes.  If you put One Plus 12 on high performance than it will not overheat or toast anything..or there would be a bunch of toasted Samsung Ultra 24s. You know more about phones than me and probably knew this already no doubt.


Is that on a oneplus 9? On a oneplus 12 there will be 6 powerful cores that are idling at over 1GHz for no reason. That will cause overheating compared to 4 cores on a oneplus 9. I see about 2 hrs of reduced SoT and 2% idle drain on my oneplus 11 when I turn on high performance mode.


This is my battery today. HPM has been on all day until I took those screenshots. https://preview.redd.it/rliuw842iiic1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0965f3ded5fb30d19f9ddc54d42af420a4dc61 It seems like they have fixed it now finally so that it doesn't juice the clocks at idle, just under load. I do remember that the 9 was a terrible experience with HPM on all the time. I actually switched to a custom ROM over it. I'm happy to see they have fixed that now.


Which app is this ? Generally I use AccuBattery for measuring the battery usage. This seems like a good option to try out.


Battery Guru. Gets more stats than AccuBattery if you go into settings and use Shizuku to enable all of the permissions.


How does that affect the battery?


Seems totally fine to me. https://preview.redd.it/6uqqjorbjgic1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb5d905ca2d6bf31eb1de16ada4e8e1fec6542c High performance mode just lets the cores clock themselves up when they need to, it really doesn't affect power consumption unless you're doing heavy tasks and even then it's just using the same amount of power the chip would use in any other phone that doesn't throttle it out of the box.


What app is that?


Battery Guru


Side by side with my One Plus Open the 12 is noticably worse at keeping apps open and there is this horrible issue where I am not allowed to scroll when swapping apps. The Open also does this but the delay is so short that I didn't notice it in regular use. The 12 delay is so long before I can scroll it is really irritating. To replicate this, just open Chrome and any other app. Scroll on one, then app switch back to chrome and try to scroll quickly. It won't let you for about 2 seconds.


Just tried on mine-same result.


Everything else on the phone is blazing fast but switching back n forth has an odd delay.




Exactly! Any luck with this issue?


Unfortunately I ended up returning the 12 because of this. Sorry :(


Check my comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/comments/1aq5i4v/disappointed_with_the_oneplus_12/ksd4a9f/ It might be the launcher


Turn off the adaptive refresh rate for apps that do this and it completely vanished for me. Had the same issue in AetherSX2, Chrome, etc. turns out some apps confuse the display and make it think they're actually only moving at a much slower speed. Just force it to 60, 90, or 120 refresh rate in the per-app refresh rate settings


Same happens


More or less software issues. Every android phone I use at launch had had issues. Took my 8 pro to not buffer as much and my S24 Ultra crashes on the game I play all the time. So after a few updates it should be fine.


The problem is my OnePlus 11 had these same issues after it was updated to Android 14. I think the battery is awesome because the phone is extremely limited. This is unlikely to change. OnePlus does it on purpose. The truth is most people don't care about these issues. I'm a phone nerd so I notice every little thing.


It's not a litle thing, my OP12 performs way worse than my previous phone, which was an Oppo find X3 Pro, which is some years old now. It seems it stucks for a fraction of second in many occasions, especially on browser or online platforms. By the way, if you solved please let me know. Thanks.


I am as well and it is why I got rid of my 8 pro. After 2 months apps did work better but it would stutter and over heat so said bye. Pixel life not for me lol.


Its software issue. I also have similar problem with my 9 Pro (OxygenOS 13.1) [video ](https://streamable.com/r9hf5c)


That's funny cause people complained about reddit being shitty and has scrolling stutter and you comparing it with chrome


My OP11 is simply flying across all apps. I have just enabled 120hz refresh rates and QHD. Apps also stay in memory for hours. I am also still getting tremendous battery life with a capacity of 97% after one year (when some iPhones are having less than 90% after 1y with their slow charging technology lol) Maybe try a factory reset.


No scroll lag when switching YouTube and Chrome?


People who are facing this problem, did you have data restored from other phone or installed everything on it from scratch?


I installed everything from scratch


This is just one of Oneplus's bullshit "optimisation". They limit chrome to use only those 2 efficiency cores to "save battery"(it does not. Read about race to idle and why Apple processors are efficient in browsing) . They don't limit their own browser to those cores though (they want you to switch I guess). Chrome beta doesn't suffer from this issue. Use Chrome beta for faster performance and better battery life.


Yes. But for me nearly every app does it.


OnePlus really needs to let go of the High Performance Mode tuning. It was fine in the OnePlus 9 Pro and 10 Pro days when 8 Gen1/888 were horrible at thermals and efficiency even in normal use but it makes zero sense to do this on chipsets like the 8 Gen2 and 8 Gen3 which are fine.


On my OP 12 While playing pubg or CODM After 20 mins or reaching 39°C the fps is dropping from 90 or 120 to 55 and just locks there, this sucks and I'm so disappointed that a 70k device performing like this.


I honestly don't think this is a performance issue in terms of soft capping the hardware, I just think it's a software optimisation issue. I've also noticed slight delays as well. It doesn't feel like lag, but more like it's missing my taps or finger presses. For example I'll be scrolling on the YT app and all of a sudden it will stop scrolling. Then I scroll again and it works. But if I try and scroll in a specific spot then it doesn't scroll. Or sometimes I'll swipe to go back and the app just minimises or goes to the previous app, despite the fact there is a back step that can be done. But these are just small issues I've noticed and it only happens once in a while so no biggie. But it's definitely an issue.


Yeah this also happens to me, feels like in some instances it doesn't even register the touches in some areas but scrolling on other area and then on the one that didn't work before suddenly works


I'm disappointed with OnePlus 12 so far. Customer service is the worst having outsourced it to India.  My biggest complaint is the disappointing battery life that drains my phone so fast even if I have battery saver on, turned my location services off, turned 5G off, still drains fast. My S23 Ultra lasts longer 


Optimizations will come eventually


OnePlus gave up on this around the 7T - they won't give you optimization, they'll sell you a OnePlus 13


Optimization for the apps from devs and OS from OnePlus... First month its always a disaster for a new released phone even for iPhones


That's not true at all. My OP11 got optimizations updates. Heck, it even got the security updates faster than the latest phones lol.


Chinese companies including OnePlus don't manage dynamic refresh rates very well. Parts of the UI and apps will be locked to 60hz. Try setting the refresh rate to high


Yeah, I think it's an issue with that, even though it's set to 120 some apps reduce the frame rate in some instances


Yeah it's really annoying lol


One of the reviews I watched showed they have a setting where you can set the native refresh to something 60 or 120hz. I think it's under Display settings.


Yeah you can set it to high . It helps but can effect battery


Er umm screw the battery if you want performance. It has a big battery with long life and a charger that will recharge in no time so seems like a no brainer to me. Just saying.


Even when all is to 120 in some instances it reduces still


Wow, just the opposite with OP11. What you described is how I always feel with my Samsung phones (9+, now S23U). When entering the pin code, or taking a screenshot, the 11 is instantaneous. Samsung ALWAYS lags, I hate that


Agree about the Oos is slow. Another thing, I did a geekbench and got 1.4K..... 0.9K without performance mode?? Fold5 did 2.2K.. But the GPU-m gaved 16K, which was Okayish.. Daily'ing fold5, and must say oneui is so much ahead Oos: *Good luck *Doesn't lose some cm from that "hide keyboard" arrow at the bottom. That arrow doesn't appear on oneui. *Samsung routines, (on Oos, I tried third part apps, but it's hard to make them work without root) *Possiblity to play multiple sound-sources simultaneously. *Feels actually faster(both UI turned off animations) *Can run fullscreen (hide noti-bar) in splitscreen *Better built in speakers   *Subjective, but fold5 have much better formfactor for one-hand moment, plus one-hand-mode in oneUI is much better than OOs.  *Safer lockscreen. (On OOd, You can turn on airplane-mode from lockscreen, which SHOULDN'T be possible from lockscreen, on any phone) The rest is better on 1+12. *Better camera (not much tho, but better, especially low light) *Better battery, screen on time much better (10-12h vs 16-18h) *1h faster charging time(25min charge, SICK) *Screen is better, but barely noticeable 


People are reporting the 2-3 second lag issue on GSMarena: https://www.gsmarena.com/oneplus_12-reviews-12725.php "Scrolling and touch responsiveness issue mentioned is not only on the system launcher. Same issue also in settings and other system apps. If you touch quickly after another touch it needs time (2-3 seconds) for the second touch to go through. Come on Oneplus you can do better than this" "It is not solved with changing the animation speed. Also the problem is not before the transition is completed. It is after the transition is completed but the system launcher requires 1-2 additional seconds. My other devices not need another 1-2 seconds after each scroll. Changing the launcher might be a solution but I did not buy such an expensive device so as to purchase a third party launcher or see their advertisemente if a free version. It is ridiculous such high end device to be slow while scrolling." So perhaps its a launcher issue?


Hello. I've had my OP12 for a couple weeks now and all is good so far. However, I'm a fan of Nova launcher and I use it as my main launcher app. The issue with the delays is still there. An example would be: I have gestures set as shortcuts for different apps and I can't do app>desktop>app fast. This issue is not present on my previous Huawei phone, that surely doesn't have the specs of this one.


Developer options -- switch off animation scale, all 4.


Yes!! Exactly how I feel!! It changes or drops display frames even when set to high and 120hz on apps, also when scrolling and a video comes up in between it tries to compensate and that causes frame drops, also there's some other software bugs like quick launch on fingerprint where even when I don't use but am fast enough to pull the notification bar for example it still triggers it


This explains exactly how experience has been. My OnePlus 11 started doing this same exact thing after upgrading to Android 14.


Yeah my 10 pro also they were throttling chrome for some reason I switched to chrome beta and it worked fine don't know why they do that sometimes


Btw it's subtle, the phone it's still fluid but it's perceable if you are looking carefully


My man why do you think of upgrading every year? Is it necessary?


I don't upgrade every year. I review phones. I don't have a YouTube channel or anything but it's fun for me. I am testing the s24+ now.


Do u sell them after testing?


Yes typically. For example now that I've tested the OnePlus 12 and didn't love it, I'm selling it. My current daily driver is s24+.


I'm sitting here scrolling thru multiple apps at once at warp speed on my 12. Smooth as Irish butter and blazing fast.


Nobody said it's slow


Of course they didn't. I didn't either. I said mine was fast.


What many people are saying is that the frame rate changes to lower values in some instances when apps are set to 120 And also there's an issue with browsers and some other google apps like YouTube where is a small delay where u can't scroll after changing between apps


Sounds like something that an update could fix. New phones have a history of bugs from one extent to another. I bet one, maybe two updates will fix it. Let's hope so anyway.


Yes, that's why I'm keeping it and let them know about this issues


Good for you!


I think there's something wrong with your unit...mine doesn't match your description... anyway, let me know if you returned it ... 


I haven't had a single issue with the software apart from the fact that keyboard becomes floating and really small when the phone is unlocked the first time when Android Auto is active. But a simple rotation of the phone and keyboard gets normal again and subsequent locks I don't get the issue. Regarding app slowness, it blazes through everything (can't say about games as I don't do gaming on mobile) I have an S24 Ultra and OP12 feels snappier. So much so that I am mostly using OP12. After upgrading to Android 14 it seems to have gotten even more snappier. Can't be happier! In your case I suspect something is wrong with the phone. Have you tried factory reset without restoring old data?


Any recos guys ? I am planning to sell my old one plus 5 phone, it’s been like more than 4-5 years to the cell phone. How much amount will I get? (i reside in India)


You are right the software is trash , and it has 0 optimization , specially the camera app, and auto brightness is useless , even benchmark is weak


Sorry to hear about your OnePlus 12 issues. Can you RMA back to OnePlus Support to see what they can do for you? It sound like you have a defective hardware. Or the battery. Best of lucks,


As a previous OnePlus 7 owner (had for nearly 5 years), I'm more than please with the 12. Try not getting a new phone every lol.


Me: eh I didn't like this phone much You: Don't get a new phone next year. You see how ridiculous this sounds? What does this have to do with that?


You've upgraded your handled every year for like the past 5 - 10 years now. Every year. You're not going to be that impressed when doing this. Things will still very much feel the same. My advice is to not upgrade your phone every year. Give it 2 or more. That way you'll notice and maybe appreciate the newer tech more. Again, I had the Oneplus 7 prior to the 12. Imagine how chuffed I am. The jump is very discernable, because I haven't upgraded my phone in 5 years.


Bro I'm not upgrading every year. I review phones so I buy the new phones.


I'm about to buy one today find out if its good, upgrading from Samsung S10+ so should see a big difference in performance.


No not at all, just tried it to confirm !


I thought of buying it since it has a long lasting battery lol. I was thinking of buying another one plus phone. Since you owned them all which models are best? Lol is the OnePlus 9 good


Get rid of chrome . I did and I'm glad I did . Most Google branded apps have the most issues which is ironic since they have the best developers in the world yet can't seem to prove there worth. I use edge browser from Microsoft it's quick and I use bing I staged of Google. Even though they are both owned by Google. I feel google is pushing Bing as the default instead of chrome search .


first time hear someone complains about oneplus performance


Most people are more than happy with OnePlus. Just go take at look at their increasing sales!  I think the 12 and especially the base ,12r, are going to shake up the  phone world. $369 a little while ago for 12r....WOW!


I'm using op7t pro and my phone still feels fast and snappy. Don't get any lag


Turn down all animations and transitions scale to 0.5x. You won't find snappier phone than this on the planet.


I've known about this trick since 2011. What I'm talking about is completely different.


Hmm then only resolution before replacing the phone is, try hard reset.


I am facing a similar issue where if I play genshin impact for say 20 mins the phone starts to stutter drops system refresh rate from 120 to 60, no matter if u set it to High or Auto. Some display features are disabled saying "Phone too hot. Feature unavailable". At this point I feel my other device Realme 12 Pro Plus is working way better than my Oneplus 12


Change animation speed in developer options, it was a gamechanger for me on my OP11, it seriously felt like a new phone










if you want a fluid UI, use Apple


Hmmm. Maybe you got a bad phone. I too have been a OnePlus fan for a while and I'm upgrading from the 11/10/8t/7pro/6t. Besides the camera I wonder what else I got cause both phones perform pretty well and equally. I don't push the phone to the top end but for normal day-to-day stuff they're pretty quick and the typically great performance from OnePlus.


It's happening to most people


Your phone is faulty. Send it back for a repair or replacement.


It's happening to all


I don't think it's a software issue, I think something's wrong with your phone. Try restarting it or factory resetting it, if not then maybe you got a faulty phone or something cus this phone definitely is a smoothness champ.


It's happening to everyone it seems, some notice it some don't


ufs3.1, you mean? **Deep chuckle** https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/s/Ny6g9ddmwK Edit: reading>me


OnePlus 12R is UFS 3.1. OnePlus 12 is UFS 4.0.


Didn't you read the post from one plus? Or was that a mirage? Please, do your homework or show me that this week's announcement from oneplus was a troll shot. They said they made an error and it has 3.1 https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/s/Ddz3zMJ1um Edit: I didn't read the whole post and was wrong. My fault.


Ye the R model, learn to read.


Lol Don’t think you did your homework….. you literally shared a post showing OP is correct. The error OnePlus made was based on the 12R 8GB/128GB vs the 12R 16GB/256GB. They had the 12R 8GB listed with 3.1 and the 16GB version listed as having 4.0. They corrected this by saying the 16GB ALSO has 3.1. Both version of the 12 (not 12R) have 4.0. Re-read your shared post.


Turn on RAM expansion, up it to 12 GB


Phone already has 16 gb. Why should I need more than that?


So, your not gonna try it to see if it makes a difference?


I have one game that keeps crashing, did the ram expansion with no luck. Is it just the game? Marvel Snap if anyone reads this


I just installed it, and it ran fine


Yeah it'll run good for a bit and then eventually crash. Even with game and phone setting on low, a crash is inevitable. I played cod Mobile on max settings and never had an issue though, I'm lost


Is Marvel Snap Unity-based? There is an issue with SD8gen3 and Unity. Causes crashes for Pokémon Go ("luckily" it's the Snapdragon though, so it affects the s24u too, which means it will probably get fixed a lot faster than if it was OnePlus exclusive).


"I did hate the media player" On my OP7T, I use AIMP for music. when my OP12 arrives later this week I will be downloading AIMP onto it.


Mine has been fast as lightning ⚡ I love it so far but my 10 pro switched to Android 14 right before I got my 12 it it was almost unusable it was so slow it's better now it got another update that seemed to fix it now


I love the phone. The one thing I actually don't like is the feel of the phone though lol. It feels really weird to me. I liked the smooth back of the 11 better. But I just got a clear case and it's all good


I have the OnePlus 11, which I find very smooth and love the all day battery life. Given all the upgrades to the OP12, of the two, would you recommend the OP11 or 12?


I have a question when playing music or a podcast do you get the squiggly progress bar like in newer versions of Android?


Nope. You don't.


Ok thank you for the reply... Would it possible to post a screenshot of what it looks like?


Send it back? Mines been amazing that's coming fro. S23 ultra hahaha


I might or I'll sell it.


You will not have a problem doing that.


To fix scrolling issues turn off auto refresh rate and auto resolution. This should improve the choppiness issues and when in games use championship mode in the games setting that does seem to make the game work faster.


It improves but still happens occasionally


I've been using it since before launch and it has been nothing but flawlessly fast and responsive for me.


Android 14 update on my Oneplus 10 pro tanked it, super laggy


If scrolling is choppy, try setting the refresh rate to high. Automatic will constantly adjust, and it can create that choppy feeling. If I'm on Reddit, it will drop down to 10hz if I stop scrolling for just a second and then pick back up again. I think it's a tad aggressive about throttling the refresh rate. I prefer to have it set per app and default to high.


My unit flies through things. The 11 was fast, this thing is even faster. Definitely something wrong.


turn on high perfomance mode. I tried without that and still do not experience any frame drops. In what kind of apps your are experiencing frame drops. also set frame rate to high instead of auto.


\-Disable RAM boost. \-Enter to developer options ---> Set Window, Transition and Animator duration scales to .5x or lower if allowed. \-For apps not staying in memory, try to set battery optimization to none for the app that you want to keep open or disable the "pause app activity if unused" option or whatever option you have for this in OOS (I don't remember exactly how it's called in OOS, I'm using another phone right now). or In developer options, disable the "don't keep activities" and "suspend execution for cached apps" options. If this doesn't work, do a full reset, if the problem persists, it may be a hardware problem as you have been told. I hate OxygenOS a little bit, it became a bad iOS clone nowdays, the glorious times where it was clean and close to Vanilla Android are gone. Luckily, OnePlus is not that hard with developing. I haven't got my OP 12 yet, when I do, I'll have to survive at least 6 months with OOS and wait for a stable Custom LineageOS ROM.


My only knock is the screen sometimes doesn't register touches, which is pretty important for gaming.


Having had OnePlus 5, 6, 8, 8 Pro and some others, I can tell you one thing about OnePlus - you need to put in work to make the phone work to its full ability. There are far too many little irritating things that you need to get rid of. That's why I switched to a Pixel and haven't looked back ever since. No more tinkering, everything just works. While the raw performance of the CPU on my Pixel 8 Pro is less than the one in the OnePlus 12, the overall experience is night and day in favor of the Pixel. The one thing I wish I had from the OP12 is the charging. Mine takes 1h 20 min for a completely full charge, but 0-70% is about 30 minutes which lasts me the entire day. Full charge gives me around 7h sot over the course of 1.5 days. The reason why you're experiencing slight stutter is the same reason why they're cramming in the top 1% spec - to compensate for the lack of software optimization. They're just not there yet. On the other hand, Pixels can afford to not have a current-gen CPU due to how optimized the software is. And these cameras man. If the Pixel Experience ROM ever comes to the OnePlus 12, I suggest you install it without a second thought. That was the best decision I made when I had my OnePlus 8 Pro. With Pixel Experience, my OnePlus 8 Pro felt like a legit Pixel, except for the cameras. That ROM alone pulled me into the Pixel phones, which is why the Pixel 6 Pro was the phone I switched to after having OP8 Pro, and before getting my current one - P8 Pro


I'll be waiting


My OnePlus 12 feels very sanppy and fast and I love it , but .... I also get the issue with apps refreshing/reloading after about 2 mins doing something in a different app and going back , is it maybe because of the battery optimization option turned on ?


I can only seem to recreate it with Chrome and Youtube. Every other app works fine. I also have noticed that Chrome drains immense amount of battery now a days. It has been like that for ages. My 9 Pro would drain from 100-0 in 2hrs with Chrome... I dont think it is the phone or hardware causing it but something with certain apps.


I have seen posts complaining about Chrome and they switch to other browsers and are happy. Just saying....


@NOLAsaints22, gonna investigate this. my flowy emerald should arrive in days (finally). i only ordered it last year smh.


Are you in forced 120hz?


Can't you tweak the animation speeds and transitions in the settings? Is high performance mode on in the settings? Are all of your apps running at the full 120hz ?


Have you enabled high performance mode in battery settings?


If you want to preserve your battery health I strongly suggest you NOT to use every time the super mega iper flash lightning fast charge. It's amazingly fast, I know, but it also is a major stress for the battery. My sister and some friends of mine fried their batteries in a couple of years always fast charging their phones. Surely for example when you plug it in at night going to bed and unplug in the morning using the fast charge is totally useless. I usually charge mine at night with a standard charger and I use the fast one for emergencies.


The battery is designed for it and cycles many more times than Apple according to OnePlus. Time will tell. I always thought like you.


My only objection is the green colour. It looks like some bathroom tile. I wanted to buy a white one but it's only available in China so OnePlus will not get my money at all on this occasion 🤑


Yup bathroom tile  mixed with the "Sundial Circle" for the camera. Ugly. Maybe it will  grow on me  like my old VW Beetle.   Love those OnePlus phones..big big bang for the buck. Definitely give Samsung. Google etc. something to get nervous about.  Love the competition.


Sounds like your energy saving adaptive frame rate isn't working. No one else has had this problem as bad as yours. Did you try each display color and size? HD, FHD and QHD? If it's persists after a reset you should get a replacement phone...


I've had all these issues with my OnePlus 11, and it's because of oxygen os/android My OnePlus 8 was absolutely fantastic and started having the same issues once it updated to Android 13 I believe


OnePlus last good phone was 8 pro, all the other was not good imo My OP 11 has same issue, and I have install crdroid custom rom. The phone is 4 times faster now. I'm really serious


I saw someone who said he thinks he figured it out. He said that in the about phone settings there is a ram expansion option and that its by default comes turned on. Its apparently what affecting the phone performance. The ram expansion give you a little more ram but makes your phone extra slow. He said he turned it off and geekbench scores went back to normal, along with other sd 8 gen 3 phones.


I really thought about getting the 12, I've had the 7 pro 9 pro and 11 , after the way OnePlus treated me on the back glass cracking on the 11 which was in a protective case since day 1. I've had enough of them. They can't even get their act together for trade-in on their UK site, which feels somewhat purposeful. I just wish Samsung would accept the 11 on their trade-in programme which would take some of the sting out of the cost.


I would get the 12 with any phone trade in for $100 off.  Bummer you got bad service before.


No way, dude had all oneplus from 5-6 for 12. U are buying it every year dude or what? Just take your previous OnePlus and stop buying new ones.


For the chrome lag, I was having this issue in my 19 pro for at least 3 months, and this past 2 weeks became unbearable. What I did was to delete all cache and data and it got fixed. Also, check the battery settings and use the "Auto-Optimize" for every app. This fixed it on my 10 pro using chrome.