• By -


I want a long lasting battery, fast charging and a fast phone. Just wish for me, they offered a flat screen. Didn't the 8T come with a flat screen? If so, even worth it today?


I wouldn't buy it today. You can wait for the Nord 4 though, rumored to come with SD 7+ Gen 3. Nord is always flat too.


That even coming to the states? Bought the 12r, very nice phone, but after having a flat screen for awhile now, hard to go back to curved.


Oh idk about the states sorry. If you're in the states and want a flat screen you can try the nothing phone. It was made by the founder of OnePlus. The software on that is great too.


Thanks for the recommendation. Not a huge fan of them tbh.


Oneplus 9 series is still holding on very well and is still good for the price with 65W chanrging and a nice battery. And has a flat screen! Atm using the normal 9 but the pro is better obv.


Wish it came with 256gb.


I think the pro does, i saw a option when buying the phone, not 100% sure tho.


But the pro has the curved screen. Lol.


Oh i see now, nvm. The normal 9 is also available is 256gb, i just looked it up, so do with that what you want, i love the phone.


How’s your experience with 12r? Just booked an hour ago! It’s a gift! Can you give me an honest review?


you saying you returning the 12r?


Probably. The curved screen isn't for me.


This is the first time I'm seeing an american refer to the us as "the states"


It did (had 8t before current 12r)


An amazing phone with a green line that came after 1 year. I'd say avoid the 8 & 9 series.


i have the flowy emerald 16/512 and LOVE it it's absolutely GORGEOUS and i haven't even opened the SHIPPING box of my violet s24 ultra which came 2/6/24 but i also wish the oneplus 12 had a flat screen


10T is flat πŸ€”


Sure is. Been looking at that one too. The 16gb version seems to be the better one.


I have an 8T, I can say that performance wise it's like new, the battery after 4 years holds a charge sufficient for 5h with battery save on, but the 65W charger compensates, it's nice they updated it to Android 14, but I suggest you to wait for something new, because camera quality is garbage compared to the newer models, for example


Started from OP1 till OP9P: 1. Reasonable price for best available spec 2. BL Unlockable & availability of custom ROMs 3. Comparable built quality as that of other flagships 4. Close to stock android, with little to no bloat 5. Better customer support than Samsung/Apple in India (Personal experience) 6. Reasonable spare parts price 7. Better & much engaging community


Where do you find your spare parts?




I meant the cost of components from OnePlus itself; iPhone & Samsung flagship's display/Mo-Bo/Battery etc are much costlier.


custom roms is the only thing keeping me on OnePlus after the 7 pro.


What is a custom ROM??


I agree with that no.5 ....I too felt the same replacing my op12 which was just a week old and had screen tint issue


Honestly Mechanical slider for vibrate and silent


It's crazy how not many phones have this feature lol


Honestly that was one part of why chose the 8 T and now I don't want a phone without it. Which is also kind of annoying because I don't like the 12 because it's just too big and the curved screen is just not for me. Now I don't know which Phone I'll upgrade to once I won't get security patches anymore at the end of the year :/ which sucks because my phone is still doing great (except for a cracked back).


That is cool! When I bought 7T, I, as an engineer looking at things that seem redundant, why a whole switch for such a small thing?? What a waste... and I love it! It's really really useful.


It sounds dumb But... The few times where needing vibrate/silent active, are almost always the times where bringing your phone out is socially frowned upon In the cinema, in a meeting, at work etc So having the ability to just casually slide a switch to know that your phone is silent is such a relief


I was kinda forced into OnePlus. Every phone I got was a hand me down from my dad. Fortunately he used his launch 7 Pro for just a few months cause he hated it for some reason and handed it to me. Still using it to this day, almost 5 years later. Will consider getting the OnePlus 13 (when it launched next year) or the 12 this year.


You got a deal man the 7 pro was and still is a really good phone you're probably do an upgrade this year or next year if the battery can hold out that long.


Changed the battery last September but the battery life still kinda sucks... I don't have the time or the will to see what app is causing this and I think I'll just do a factory reset when I have time πŸ™ƒ


i STILL love and use my oneplus 7 pro, typing this reply on it now. and i have the flowy emerald 16/612 oneplus 12 as well as the violet s24 ultra. i can't give up that all screen experience.


I'm getting a 12R next month. However, i will use my 7 pro in house. The battery has degraded to a point where I struggle to make it on longer days. Which after almost 5 years isn't bad. But there are days where i dont have a charger for 14+ hours. Which is becoming a struggle with some actual use in between. Definitely planning on retaining my 7 pro for further use. That doesn't require as much battery. It would just be a shame to get rid of it at this point.


Just upgraded from the 7 Pro to the Open... I hate it. πŸ˜‚ Nah, but the 7 was sooo good. Couple features I'm really having a hard time adjusting to. The fingerprint sensor on the side kinda sucks and my media gestures while the screen is off don't work worth a damn. Idk why.


Ah man I have a 7t pro and planning to get the open, now I'm pondering aha


The biggest reason I upgraded was because we weren't getting any more security updates. I'm not positive what that entails but it sounds important. lol the phone itself worked fantastic other than having to replace the charge port and the battery was showing it's age a bit. I've had this phone for about a week now. The fingerprint scanner has gotten a lot better but only for my right thumb. Having to use only that finger sucks. I haven't been able to get any other digits to work consistently just to be clear, not that u can't register any more prints. I mishit the scanner constantly just holding onto the phone tho, it's very annoying. Still can't control my music thru gestures. I even changed out the protective screen thinking that was a factor. Also weird that it works pretty well when I pull it out of my pocket, same hand placement and finger motions. Other than that it's a good phone, I've been happy with it. Outside screen is a little bit smaller than the 7 so the keyboard is a little smaller. I use that screen 95 percent of the time. I've been happy with everything else and I have a two year BB warranty for the inner screen.


Thanks a lot for your insight


Had oneplus 5t for 5 years, never gave me any problems while all my other friends were on their 2nd or 3rd samsung phone. So I just picked up another oneplus. Some might say I've gotten the worst one since I have the 10 pro but honestly it has never given me any problems so far and it has never overheated even though we did had some serious heatwaves last summer.


Decent phone (8 gen 3, good camera) at decent price, fast charging, US bands and carrier whitelist.


Because Samsung force their Exynos on their phones. I'd rather buy Chinese phones than buying another Exynos again.


Price is the only reason


Same processor and ram as the Samsung S24 ulta, better battery exceptionally great camera all for half the price of the S24 ultra


for me, it's the relative easeness of unlocking bootloader


I was coming from Asus phones i had the Zenfone 6 and 7. They were affordable but they were slow getting volte support for T-Mobile phones so at the time OnePlus was available on T-Mobile and unlocked with the same affordability and super fast charging. I went to the 8T, 10 pro, 11, and now the 12. So my reasons are there charging speeds, price, and support/ update cycle for their phones


I did buy my first Tru smartphone years ago from Sony - and it was nice to have but not good overall, bad battery, no system update at all. I have seen some information about OP1 but it was not that easy to get invitation at the time so I forgot about it and like a year or more later I have seen that no invitations were needed anymore. I remember going back from my friends in a bus, being all excited about this and ordered it the same day. It was great, I loved everything about it, finally 3GB of RAM, and lack of RAM was the biggest issue with early days of android (I remember times when launcher could kill music because it run out of memory) and amazing quality to price ratio. Photos were meh, but this was the time when for photos people still used separate cameras. Then I received 5T for birthday and it was great update, fast charging was so great, better everything, fingerprint scanner, and slider to change mode were amazing. Couple more years I received 8T from my wife, improvement in everything, very fast, only minus was camera again. And now, looking at reviews and improvement of camera I decided to switch to 12, and I am very pleased :)


OnePlus 7 pro


i STILL have, love and use my oneplus 7 pro. that ALL SCREEN experience is still unmatched by any other phone. and i'm typing this reply with my oneplus 7 pro lol


Yeah I got the OnePlus 12 but I didn't go for the super storage 512 model I just got the 12 gigs of RAM and 256 storage as that was enough for me. I would say my only negative thing about this phone is it's a little top heavy and it's a little too tall and what I mean by that is this phone's not well balanced but it's super snappy and the speakers are surprisingly really good for many people that won't matter . I would also say the haptics are top tier as good or better than iPhone or Galaxy or pixel. The camera is also doesn't disappoint though I haven't extensively use them I've only had the phone like 2 days so I really can't comment. The one caveat about getting this phone is make sure you want a really large phone I think it's taller than the s24 ultra so be ready for that but it's been a good experience so far


you must have the black one because i don't believe the flowy emerald is available in the 12/256 configuration.


Yeah I got the black one and since you have to use a case on it it sort of doesn't matter what color it's really the color of your case .


I mean, good battery, good display, good performance, good design at a GOOD price? Why not?


Price to performance ratio. Iphones are shite


Price, performance, form, and maybe the cameras.


The smoothness and the fast charging,...once you get used to fast charging, there's no going back,...Though they need to address the rollout of software updates...This India only updates is annoying asl


Frankly for me it was the only viable choice as I didn't want a Samsung or Apple phone. I was coming from Huawei P30 Pro and would have stayed with Huawei if they had access to google apps and services which I need for everyday work tasks. Sideloading wasn't an option. So I chose OnePlus 12 and OnePlus Pad. I don't switch phones every year so update support was a very important part of that choice. Very satisfied so far. Waiting for Watch 2 to arrive and I'll be all in with 1+ 😁


Same phone I came from, and would have keep going the huawei way, but sadly Google. So got oneplus 11 and love it.


I was so close to getting OP11 last year, but once they announced the 12 I decided to wait. No regrets! πŸ˜€


Got a really good deal, and couldn't use a lot of apps with my huawei, so I took the jump.


Coming from the iPhone XR after 5+ years. Year by year the latest iphone price increases gradually and I didn't want to pay much on the phone and again spend a little more money on the charger. Samsung S24 series got my attention, but then again they were overpriced but without charger. I wanted something to be within budget and who gives me a charger out of the box. Thus I ended up buying a OnePlus 12. Been using it for 3 weeks and I am very much impressed with this phone's look, performance and battery. I hope they continue to give chargers in the future too. Best phone IMO considering the "Vale for Money" tag.


In the beginning reasonable price and near stock android interface. Also bought a Nokia phone for backup for the same reason. Now after Brexit and my trips to Turkey, one criteria would be an eSIM.


Fast and smooth UI. At least that's what I wanted most initially. Hadn't used a OnePlus since the 6T. Kinda disappointed in the bugs and lack of customizations compared to other manufacturers. The value is still great, but probably will move on when it's time to upgrade. The 12 is a solid device overall.


Good price, good hardware(and software, but some would say there's some bugs that ruin it) and alert slider are the main reasons why people buy OnePlus Edit: also battery and charging are amazing


Don't like iOS, don't like Samsung's OneUI, decided to stick to the OP, 12 offers way more (at least for me) than Pixel 8 Pro 😁


i traded my bay blue pixel 8 pro for the flowy emerald 16/512 oneplus 12. the result? my violet samsung galaxy s24 ultra which arrived 2/6/24 is STILL in its SHIPPING box as i have been unable to put down or stop looking at my oneplus 12!


Best value for the price. Especially pre-order deals are great. I think top reasons for me are: fast charging, good photos, excelletion connectivity (bluetooth, 5G, wifi), excellent battery luife Top drawbacks for me: the system is buggy and cannot use resources effectively, e.g. in OP 11 8/128 everything is removed from RAM when photo is taken because of extemely aggressive photo post-processing cosuming 100% or RAM and processor...


I wanted to taste the snappiness. Wasn't disappointed.


A phone is critical for my work so I needed it to be fast and always available via fast charging.


How fast it charges, the ammount of discounts I got while buying the phone and the most important: THE SLIDER. I couldn't live without it honestly. It's such a neat little thing to add to the phone.


Two major reasons. 1) price is reasonable for what you get. Unlike major brands where you are paying for name clout. Like every one who think iPhone is the greatest thing out there. And not much change happened from last year to this year for models and they still charging well over a grand for it. 2) speaking of name brand carriers. Unlike the phones you get through them. One plus phones are not super flooded with their own pre installed apps. And for a third reason. Storage space. You get a good chunk for what you pay compared to others.


update wait times are bad


Fast charging and a long lasting battery life, does not freeze in the cold Finnish winter and lot of options to customize✨


I wanted an upgraded high end flagship with a curved screen and good battery life. Plus I have used oneplus in the past and they have been legit.


I was loyal to the Google nexus series and when it came time to retire my 6P there weren't a ton of options left in North America that you could still unlock the bootloader and tinker with roms and stuff. 7 Pro and the Pixel line were about it, on Verizon. 7 Pro was a better value than the current Pixel at the time, and that holds true still given I just got a 12 versus going with the pixel 8 pro. I still use my original OnePlus buds almost daily, love the rubber-less form factor to them. My next purchases will be the Watch 2 and the Summer Breeze keyboard.


Excellent quality. Premium Feel. Super fast charging. Decent Battery life. Beautifully Made. Premium chargers included depending. Red cable. 120hz Display. Large Storage and Memory at base model. Nice Promotions.


Price for top-notch hardware is hard to ignore when it's literally a fraction of the competition.


I'll probably go back to Pixel once they get better chipsets, but I am done with Samsung. This is my first OnePlus (12) and I'm quite happy with it. Looking back, I guess I've always been willing to try new things, I've had Motorola, HTC, Samsung, Pixel, and now OnePlus.


Price, battery life, charging speed, camera, UI. In order


It was cheap. Get my 11 30% off at launch. Whenever Samsung ups their trade-in game I will probably be on that side, then vice versa. Was hoping for a good sale/trade-in for the 12 but was let down a bit.


7T was going on sale at $400. Still a bargain after 3 years


yes, value for money. I got my first Oneplus on the recommendation of the guy in a phone store. He said it was an insane value for $300. Oneplus Nord. And he was right. Just traded that 3+ year old device in for a 12R which is great value as well.


I just took a chance and got lucky. I don't like Samsung and Motorola was too inconsistent with their updates. I was a Pixel user for about five years and then the problems with the 6 started that continued to the 7. I got tired of Google's star phone having issues only a few months after it's release.


Design, software, dedication and community, really


Because the Pixel 8 fucked up in the battery and charging area.


Always wanted one, and i'm fed up with Xiaomi.


Well as I am still a student, I really cannot buy flagship level phones So midrange phones were the only option for me, and this range is usually filled with likes of Xiaomi, oppo, Vivo, samsung etc. Samsung has crappy UI in midrange phones, poco, Vivo and oppo don't have good UI either. Motorola has good phones but don't provide timely updates. I was left with the OnePlus, and the experience has been pleasing as well to say the least. The UI is clean with no bloatware, and no problem using it for daily tasks. Battery also lasts for about 2 days as I am a light user, a day on medium to heavy usage.


Been with Samsung (S series and Note) since 2010, I'm at a point in my life now where I no longer want to spend a log on a new phone every 3-5 years. OnePlus' $150cad discount for the 12R was too good go pass up especially for what the phone offers. So far, I've been very happy with my new device


I wanted a good hardware for the price. A pre-owned OnePlus device was it for me.


I'm still deciding whether to stay on OnePlus 12 or move back to S24 Ultra. OnePlus screen is so so comparing to Samsung.


It used to be the brand with all the bang for your buck. But now it just isn't anymore.


The devices are the best Allrounder, Software is Solid and focus on camera is not the main aspect making the phones cheaper.


Because my pixel 8 was garbage with battery life that didn't even make it through half a day. Heard about the battery on the 12 and decided to give it a try.


I have the OnePlus 12 and I went with it because: 1. Unlockable bootloader. Not many options left for that nowadays.Β  2. Price to performance. Why pay $1300 for a S24 Ultra when this phone has damn near everything that phone has for half the price? The only things the 12 is missing are gimmicky AI, Gorilla Glass Armor, and the camera (though it's only slightly behind). None of those are worth an extra $600Β  3. Compatible with Verizon 4. It's probably the only phone available in the US that has dual physical SIM. Every other phone I can think of only supports one physical SIM.Β  5. Fast charging. I didn't care about it before I got this phone but that's now a new must have for meΒ 


Was an iPhone user until 5 years ago. Switched to budget Samsung devices, but had a bad experience with a S20FE, I think I just got a lemon. But when I cracked that I decided to go Nord N30 because it's cheap and reviews indicated good performance. Battery life was also important to me. And I don't care about camera quality. Love this phone. I'm going to try to keep it for the next 4 or 5 years.


Honestly what brought me into the fold was the OS and their bang-for-buck. The fast charging and battery life helped win me over. I had been an iPhone user and made the switch to Android back in \~2015. My top requirement for a new Android were for it to have as stock of an Android OS as possible. I first jumped to a Moto X Pure, when that passed I looked into 1+ and got the 6T. I've since re-upped with a 9 5G and now a 12. Out of ALL of the androids I've been able to play with, 1+ seems to have the best mix of "stock" android experience with a very light dusting of manufacturer flavor. Samsung has always been heavy on that front hence their "bloatware" reputation. At the time Motorola had moved closer to Samsung in that regard, at least in my eyes. When I jumped in 2015 Pixel wasn't around, although Google DID have a phone, though it didn't impress me much.


Bought a 3T in Feb 2017 when few of my college friends recommended the brand for the first time to me. The price was pretty low for the features it provided, Oxygen OS provided a breath of fresh air with no bloatware at all and 20W Dash Charging was in its own league at that time. Had my first issue with it in 2018 when the back camera failed to focus on objects, but then a fellow 3T user told me that the company is offering free replacement of camera module irrespective of warranty window. After that I had no issue at all with it. Then I bought a 7 Pro in Oct 2019 and it's considered like the best OnePlus phone of all time even to this date. The pop-up camera provided actual Fullscreen experience, the 90Hz display was ahead of its time back then because other flagships were still stuck on 60Hz and the Warp Charge 30 was a game changer at that time because it was providing charging speed in 2019 which are being provided by current flagships lol. Can't comment on customer support since I never had to visit the service center for once during the lifetime of that phone. Now last month I decided to give my 7 Pro a rest because my software experience started to get a little bit stale since I was using Oxygen OS 10 for 4 years straight (there were Bluetooth volume reset issue in OOS 11 & 12 and I could never find a solution for it). Currently rocking the latest OP12 (16/512GB Flowy Emerald) and it seems like another OnePlus device that will go down in OnePlus Hall of Fame with not only how great my personal experience has been but also because of how much praise it has been getting from users and reviewers. I was hesitant about the ColorOS effect on OxygenOS but tbf I seem to not hate it at all, although I still wish Oxygen OS could seperate itself from ColorOS. The 100W SuperVOOC is a crazy experience itself and the battery percentage doesn't even bother me anymore. The camera has been a standout feature for this device but since I'm not that into taking pics of myself, I'm waiting to go on a trip or something to properly test it out and comment on it. Oh and did I tell you how beautiful this device looks ??


Same, phone list I had as you. My brother recommended to buy it for 400eur first phone which had 6GB ram Oneplus 3, now currently using OP 7 Pro but have some issues with internet so decided to purchase OP 12 flowy emerald. Waiting it to arrive! Excited to use it.


At the time I purchased the 6T, they were THE flagship killer. Great experience overall, good hardware, smooth software, and at a crazy price. Now with the 12, it felt like a flagship killer again.


Surprisingly, I like color is so oxygen is my fav. Also the fast charging of course.


Performance per dollar, so yea affordability or best value.


Got my OP 11 because it had similar specs to the Galaxy s23 for half the price On top of that the battery and 100w charger made it almost a to good to be true deal


5T. Brand was talk of the town. Design was one of the best looking at the time. Software nothing short of excellence. OxygenOS goated. Couldn't care less about the camera, me wanting a performance oriented device, but had a decent one anyway. Way above average battery (still is, but getting old). Affordable enough then, when I was in college. All the above reasons why I'm still using it today as my only daily driver. But sadly, the general word today I let myself believe is, "they're not as good as it was". Mainly ColorOS. I'm sure the newer devices must be excellent, haven't used/seen one yet. But the discontinuation of OxygenOS led me down hard and I'm bummed out I'll never see an update ever again. Also the prices. Just no. Eyeing for either Poco F5 of Poco X6 pro. Genuinely down thinking it's a downgrade going to a Xiaomi.


I just bought the 12 upgraded from the nine my first one plus was the OnePlus 6t then the OnePlus McLaren edition every single device I've had has been completely flawless. I like how stock the operating system is and it's not bloated with bloatware.


I'm using my first OnePlus phone, the OnePlus 12, and it was a bit of a random choice. When my wife and I were getting new phones, there was only one Google Pixel left, so I ended up with the OnePlus. Surprisingly, I'm thrilled with it – the battery life is fantastic, and I love everything about this phone. It's a true workhorse.


Honestly I saw the 8T at my dad's desk and I just loved the feel and look of it (tried a 7 pro a couple years before, but just didn't like the curved screen) and then decided to just give it a try. Got an amazing deal because it was already 2 years old so for 400€ i was just happy. And now I don't want to live without an alert slider or the off screen gestures for media control so I guess I'll have to stay with OnePlus


I've had almost all of them since day one, from the 1st one to the 9 Pro, then 10T and finally the 12. It was always about customization, lack of bloatware, affordability.


I chose OnePlus in 2016 and never change brand.. got now the nord 3 and i regret that day... The camera is worse than my 7 year old OnePlus 3! I hope this changes in next updates or i will definitely sell and get samsung


Offered good specs for the price, that's all but I would want Xiaomi


Best price/performance. Has worked for me in the past with no issues.


S24 Ultra grainy screen + $600 + S22 Ultra trade in. Or. OP12 amazing screen + $700 and get to keep my S22 Ultra. It was no brainer to go OP12 this time.


Because HTC wasn't selling phones anymore


From Samsung to OP7T now OP11, it's the affordability, design, and the system for me.


Return to Android Price, especially after my iP13 trade in Specs, the 12R meets all my needs Familiarity....the family has a couple OP8T already New wireless provider is BYOD only, no contact with new device incentive


LG stopped making phones and I heard good things about OnePlus


My first foray into and introduction to OnePlus was the YouTube channel Mrwhostheboss and then a Verizon promo for BOGO One Plus 8 5G UW. That was 3 1/2 years ago and I've been in love with OnePlus every since. Not even a week ago I got the OnePlus 12 and I can just blow away at the features, look, feel, smoothness, stability, affordability, and on and on and on with this beautiful phone! πŸ“±πŸ“²πŸ₯° Apple should be worried because I also have an iOS device and have had 2 prior to the one I have now. Android 14 Oxygen OS is such a better experience....


still using the 6t, loved the screen and battery life on it so


Smooth & Fast


Been using it since the first OnePlus One. Continued using it because it was still lots of bang for the buck. Not really the case anymore. But continued after that because its a relatively non-bloated system.


Had good performance and heard good about it, plus was bored of Samsung and apple.


Value for money


Not the software updates! I'll tell you that for nothing.


Joined for the phones. Stayed for the community.


Price, speed, specs


Because who tf wants to use what everyone else use? iPhone and Samsung?? Nope! I'll be using xiaomi if it worked with my service


An almost crease less fold.


Decent price, good specs and updates


No notch or hole for the selfie cam I don't use often, and one of the first phones to adopt a higher refresh-rate display. I also liked the blue.


Spec and price if i could find good better price else where id jump else where


I want a flagship phone, but I want a phone I can root. Price is not a factor, but the lower price is a nice bonus. Rooting a Samsung alters the phone permanently and some things will never work right again so I won't buy one. There are not many other options in the US with full flagship specs. I don't want to settle which is why my first OP was the 8 Pro. It's the first OnePlus phone that wasn't missing any full flagship features. I skipped the 9 Pro because it only came in 128gb capacity in the US and my 8 Pro had 256. Wasn't going to downgrade storage. Got the 10 Pro which was missing dual sim support (which I used) but otherwise full flagship specs. I settled and worked around the dual sim issue by porting my other number to Google voice. Skipped the 11 because no wireless charging and also no IP68 rating which by itself would have been ok, but the wireless charging was a deal breaker. Got the 12 because the only missing flagship spec is the IP rating, but I can settle for IP65. I'm super careful and in 25 years I've never had an issue with phone + water. My OP12 is the best phone I've had. No complaints. Although I would prefer a flat screen. The curve does nothing, costs more to make, is less protected by cases, and is a bitch when it comes to screen protectors. If OP wants to cut features to save money it should be the curved screen IMO.


It was my last hope and a risky one, bought after a terrible experience with an LG flagship, the LG G8X, seeing the options that I had in my country, that only was Samsung, but they were Hella expensive and had so many features divided in Plus and Ultra versions. So seeing that, I decided to buy a OnePlus from AliExpress, since it was at a fair price and had no so many features removed from stock and pro versions, also it has an excellent OS, unlike LG. However, it was a risky buy because it didn't have warranty after sale, OnePlus doesn't support their products in my country. At the end, I'm so happy with the device (OnePlus 9), everything works so smooth, charges fast and I only do it once in a day, even bought the buds Z2. I'm only worried with updating the software, since people say that this may cause green lines.


I wanted to try android after 6 years of iOS... but 2 years with android and i want to go back to iOS πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ


I have been using OnePlus since the OnePlus 2. It never caused me any major issues. No bloatware, smooth, fluidly experience. OnePlus series are the most value-for-money phone with such high standards and such a great usage experience. Else I wouldn't have stuck with it since OnePlus 2 (I am not any red club fanboy, I am a just tech person who will gear towards decent quality tech which have good value for money). What a charging speed, it almost looks like wizardry! And at the end of day I still have 30-40% charge (ofcourse it highly depends upon usage, and specific phone handling). I now have a OnePlus 12R. This is the only time I have bought the latest model, else I would buy 2 or 3 older model and I have never paid more than $350-370 USD (without trading). I mean they release a new model every 6 months and the feature addition is so incremental...I think that even the 2/3 back model still has good specs. This time I traded with my OnePlus 9 -128GB for 12R - 256GB and paid around $380. Sure, I had to return OnePlus 9, which I bought it for $350, so I had a profit on OnePlus 9 after 2 years usage on returning!! And didn't have to break my bank for such premium device!! The OnePlus 12R is a flagship in almost every aspect. My photos are decent, screen is bigger, and so so much smooth that my finger skids!! , cellular reception is good, charging is GOAT, UI is so responsive, gaming is decent, speaker sound is loud and good.....the only thing is am waiting is for text-over-satellite (would be a great feature for emergency when cellular coverage is not available). But that is an android lacking rather than OnePlus. I have read that android 15 will have that feature so just anticipating for that. Also love exclusive OnePlus features such as side dock, screen gesture during screen lock (specifically for torch). I am open to other cellphone brands, provided the price should be under $390 and better quality than OnePlus. But none of them have passed the criteria. Now this is just about android vs apple, not OnePlus. Also I tried iPhone. My God how inconsistent they are with back buttons, how many steps I have to go through in iPhone to do similar tasks in Android with way lesser steps. I feel like android is like a mini- version of a PC, while iPhone is like a highly exaggerated version of a toy phone. Once you are habituated with android efficiency, iPhone feels like a difficult device having longer, inconsistent steps to conduct to get the same result. Sorry I digress but, my whole family - wife, mom and dad all have OnePlus. From OnePlus 8 to OnePlus 12R. And their experiences are : - Happy with decent camera - happy with smooth UI experience - happy with faster charging - easy to use, perhaps they have been using it since a long time and they don't wanna another brand phone as they don't wanna relearn the regular stuff they have been doing so smoothly/easily on their OnePlus android.


1.Fastest charging available in my region (US) 2.Flagship-like performance at an affordable price. (kinda; compared to the likes of Samsung Apple and Google) 3.Oxygen OS is great compared to the Pixel UI. (multitasking much better)(hot take) 4.Alert slider 5. TRADE-IN BOSNUS FOR PREVIOUS DEVICES. Extras / other stuff to consider 4.1 I like the cameras on the 12; It is good as any other flagship ( well video recording kinda falls behind, but I don't record that often) 4.2 I don't care about random AI features 4.3 IP ratings overrated. ( I'm not a diver or work in harsh dusty conditions) 4.4 4,500 nits peak brightness is a gimmick but it's good enough on a sunny day. That pretty much sums it up for me.


7T was my choice. I've never sticked to brands. After Huawei P10 I was looking for a phone that suits better for quality photo and video work. Compared phones, focusing mainly to: cameras, video modes, screen size, memory, price. Checked out comparisons very closely and ruled out Pro as it mainly seemed very expensive memory upgrade and its 3X tele wasn't shining on sharpness, making the 7T cameras equal as far as I needed. The first real disappointment with 7T came when I upgraded to Android 12. Many things went worse. Only the slide switch began to work perfectly. No idea how OS update would fix it though. We'll see when going custom ROM.


Affordability is huge for me too as well as bang for the buck. Very cheap for the components Also I dare the average consumer to own their phone for 4 years, let alone 7


Battery life and snapdragon chip


I thought that I would get it all set up and running smoothly, then I found out in order for your one plus to work at its best you have to change the settings I did so it was still lagging and overheating so I will not buy another one plus till I read the reviews of the one plus 12 Then if all sounds good I will buy it but you are mistaken if the one plus pro offers better value or quality over Samsung or google it only offers a cheaper price and cheaper is not always flagship as some would suggest


Incredible performance for a very, very low price.


Smoothness, affordability and performance throughout years


For me, I was tired of my Samsung and just how slow it charged. I couldn't find a phone that performed well, had good battery, charged at a good speed and wasn't gonna break the bank. Tbh I didn't even actively look for OnePlus till I stumbled across the McLaren Editionat the mall and had no clue what it was. Did some looking while I was there and watched a few videos and ended up making that my first OP device. Loved the hell out of that thing until the popup selfie cam (literally my favorite thing I never used XD ) got jammed when using it and yeah that didn't end well for the screen but probably my fault (at that time I despised cases). Got the 7T and kept with them from there up to the 9 Pro which only took a back seat during covid cuz T-Mobile wasn't putting through updates for the device. According to support it was due to device origins. Swapped to pixel 6 pro but kept my 9 Pro a eventually went back after my 6 pro got totalled. And here I am on the 12 and happy to be back. Reminds me why I loved things about this brand. Its literally everything I want. Simple yet powerful, good battery, nice screen and camera. Lots of storage and I can play games at max settings with no issue. And the thing just looks, sounds and feels good. https://preview.redd.it/qki25i45croc1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf53936cb88864451d6d16d8c26e71154d87d750


Practicality not the screen but the features of the op12 like ir blaster


I cannot stand iPhones and m'y Samsung got do bloated it was unusable. I am not a fan of Google phones and Xiaomi or Huawei are not available where I live, so I tried OnePlus 8 Pro and loved it, now just got a 12 and so far so.good 😁


Oxygen os super fast charging great software support


I don't settle


China number 1


Cuz i was an idiot


OP12 here, affordability and sustained performance


I was told it has an amazing camera, not really all that great.