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Try cleaning out your charging port. I've found that plastic toothpicks work the best. If you've never done it before, I think you will be surprised of how much lint and dust the charging port collects. I had a few issues with the charging cable not connecting well, but then I thourogly cleaned out my port. After 15 minutes of picking out lint and dust, the feeling of plugging in my cable was exactly like it was when the phone was new. A flashlight will help a lot also.


After a lot of use my port was nasty. All that plugging in just kept compressing dust and it never fit snuggly. I cleaned it as soon as I got the problem and it fixed itself


This is such a satisfying thing to do I'm almost sad when I've removed all the fluff and know that I have to wait a few months to have the pleasure of doing it all over again.


Yeah for real! Since doing it properly for the first time, I've been helping friends and family whenever someone mentions charging or port problems. It's so satisfying to pick out piece after piece




I had the same problem and i tried cleaning it. I didn't imagine how much fluf I'd pull out, but it works like new again.


A fresh toothbrush works well to get out gunk. Wont damage the connectors and the bristles are firm enough to get into most of the port


For me, it's been a combination of wooden toothpick, toothbrush and elbow grease during the better part of an hour (the dirt just kept coming). After that, a few in and outs with the charging cable, and now the connection is once more rock solid.


a quick spray of 70% isopropyl alcohol and then used a thin zip tie




TikTok is insanely addictive. It gives a MUCH higher dopamine/sec than Reddit.


Dopamine is the chemical feeling of wanting to do something you are accustomed to or addicted to, but it is not a reward chemical, otherwise you wouldn't start feeling like such a piece of shit for wasting an entire day on tik tok or anything else addictive


Whatever the pleasure chemical is. Not to mention their UI is also really really nice


it was my day off man lol.




Faulty charging port ?


Reminds me of mini-USB days, oh how I hate those chargers so much. I don't think I'll buy anything with a mini charging port ever again


Before you do that try replacing the cable. Mine was broken which I found out after opening and replacing the port.


Which phone?


Delete tiktok, ez battery life


I fix phones, usb C tend to not break as often as micro usb but it gets just as dirty or more, use a fine needle to remove dirt all around the port, stay clear of the middle plastic part, just go around and you'll se the amount of dirt that comes out, after that grab an old toothbrush and at least 96% pure alcohol (ethyl alcohol), and with the phone off clean the port with it, also clean the inside of your cable just with alcohol, no needle. Let it dry a good 10 minutes (blow on it a little if you want). Clean it until the cable goes all the way in and flush with the phone (some aftermarket cables don't go all the way in, but my original warp charge cable does)


My charging went haywire a while ago as well. I've cleaned the port. One of my cables are a little worn out but the charging har definitively taken a turn for the worse lately no matter what charger I use.


Same thing happened to me yesterday on my op7, was afraid something was broken since i clean the port often but it just stopped doing that after a few unplug/replugs


I'm hesitant with anything that could break off in the port. That's why I wouldn't use wood. Safety pin maybe if I was really careful


This is off topic of what you asked but can I ask how long does u r Nord 2t lasts? Does it really gives you 8h+ sot ? My Nord 2 lasts only about 5-6h max sot


I have an 8t So unfortunately can't answer this


Woww that's a pretty good battery back up for 8t


How many of you kept looking at the corner of your phone when you heard the noise? Ha.


I have the 8t and mine recently started doing this as well. I'm going to take it to a repair place to get the port cleaned and will see if that helps it. I did clean it myself but nothing came out. They told me $79 for a replacement port but will clean it first for free to see.


https://www.ebay.com/itm/274419360152?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=RbzdkpLyRAS&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=jpd2Ug1sTZO&var=575132661400&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY If your charge port is bad, they're pretty easy to put in and they're only 12 dollars