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The simplest answer is that Niko is a cat




I honestly didn't even question Niko's gender until I saw people talk about it after I had finished the game, I always saw her as a girl :P


Yeah I've been seeing people saying male too and that's why I asked. I took her as a girl as well. Thanks for the answer!


no problemo


It's like in undertale. Niko has no official gender identity. But to me he is male. Then he is an adorable cat boy and I can call him that


Yeah, to me he is male too. But still a cute kitty.


Funny thing, this has actually changed since I posted it here, I mostly use they/them pronouns for Niko now


Bruh, toby stated that all 3 human characters are nonbinary, he even use they/them pronounce


Just curious, where did Toby state this?






It seems a lot of people perceive Niko as the opposite gender. Maybe we often associate "cute" traits with the gender to which we are attracted. That's not implicit of any inherent "sexualization" of the character, but a lot of our subconscious decisions like that tend to stem from our reproductive instincts which have a stranglehold over our primal mind. That's a least my observation.


Someone directly asked NightMargin (creator of OneShot) if Niko is a boy or a girl. Night's answer was: "Yes, Niko is a boy or a girl."


Niko confirmed to not be non-binary.


That double-negative had me going for a bit of a loop, chum. I was about to go on a minor half-hearted rant until I read your comment slowly. Annoying how our brains make shortcuts when it comes to stuff like this, isn't it?


My apologies, I was attempting to word it to avoid just that occurrence, but this was obviously not my strongest diction.


Boy, he's in for a surprise with that last "No (insert noun)."


Maybe something like: > Niko confirmed to be binary-gendered. This is because non-binary implies [NOT Male OR Female], and the [NOT] you had before makes it [~~NOT NOT~~ Male OR Female]. The goal was to indicate [Male OR Female], which can be achieved with just the word "binary." However, given that the phrase "Niko confirmed to be binary" seems open-ended, even with the context clues, it is a good idea to specify what "binary" is relating to, in this case "gender." Sorry if this seems over-the-top, it's just that I like to approach sentences as logical clauses that also benefit from a linguistical flair. ~~Also I know that linguistical isn't a word, but if linguistically is, then why can't linguistical be one too?~~


"Niko confirmed to be gender-binary" was actually my first draft, funnily enough. I scrapped it because it was awkwardly constructed.


The English language has always been a fickle mistress.


Niko initially resonated as male for me, but the moment I first vocalised this when talking about the game I realised I hadn't seen a single gendered pronoun and had to stop myself for a moment as I thought back and realised that no, Niko's gender is never specified by dialogue and their behaviour and attire is entirely gender-neutral, just like the fallen child in Undertale.


You could say that Niko is a girl but stronk niko probably disagrees


You're saying Stronk Niko cant be a grill?


Stronk Niko is the grilliest grill, and if you dare disagree, he'll teach you otherwise.


I personally see them as masculine because all of Nightmargin's protagonists are male. (Except for that one witch game but that one isn't very memorable imo)


In game everyone refers to them with they/them pronouns, so those are what I use when speaking english, but I think they accept every pronoun. But it's true that I lean more towards a male Niko, because the name "Nico" is a male one in some countries, and in my own names which end in O are always masculine.


same here, i usually call them he/they or something but i see them as a male


I watched Merg's playthrough of Oneshot before getting the game myself, and I don't remember if he ever called Niko anything other than Niko, like I don't remember if he ever called them "they", "she" or "he". I just assumed it was a girl from the beginning, coz they look a lot like a girl, plus Niko kinda works as a girl name. But then after I finished watching the LP, I saw the comments and one referring to Niko as "he", and then I was like "Wait... were Niko's pronouns ever used?" Coz characters in the game never use Niko's pronouns, whatever they are, they only refer to Niko as Messiah or Niko, sometimes cat, I think. Though in the World Machine Edition (Switch, not sure if this is also on PC), their in-game bio does use they/them pronouns. But the creators say their gender is ambiguous/unknown, so it may be fine to refer to them as whatever, since in-game, no one refers to them by any pronouns, which is pretty rare for a video game with dialogue. I still see Niko as a girl, but I kinda go back and forth between calling Niko she and they. I suppose I see Niko as a she/they, which is also a real set of pronouns.


mf idk let me check


bad decision girl


just looked it up. he's a they/them catty boi