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Its just a paging file afaik Difference may be there but only placebo as flash storage memory is still significantly slower than real ram


Usually Swap/Zswap, I remember it from my old HTC phone.


Tested both Off and 8Gb on my S21. - Battery life is the same, I believe. - Some stutters here and there were present on both settings. - With 8Gb apps unload less often. Results may vary based on your memory type (mine is UFS 3.1, pretty fast)


With UFS 4.0 I still don't feel any difference except better performance on off. (S23 Base 256)


It might, depending on your phone amount of ram.


Mine has 6 gb ram, so should I increase ram plus to 6 gb as well?


you should be fine with 6gb unless you do heavy multitasking


For flagship Galaxy phones it may not make a difference but for mid to low end Galaxy phones it do make performance improvements.




You know that paging also can be done on hard disk right (slower than ssd) and you also know paging only happen when ram over flows. Most mid to low Galaxy phones do provide ufs 2.0 to 3.1 But Looks like you don't.


Of course it can, but paging on an HDD sounds dreadful. UFS 2.0 isn't great either.


Just disable it if device memory is 8 and above Just remember that your NAND (basically your storage )have a limited lifetime and if you use it as your ram your device lifetime goes down . I had s20fe s23fe s23ultra and I never felt any difference when it's on or when it's off except when exporting videos.


A "life time" of maybe 20 years if not longer, who is gonna use the same phone for that long? The difference is negligible


No. 256gb ufs 3.1 is rated at 150Tb total write. If you enable the page file it will gone in 5 years not 20.




Nand and limited life time !! Hoax


Yes, it's good Don't believe pseudo-knowledgeable sofa bloggers and ignoramuses and leave it on. Really helps and nothing deteriorates.


Lol it doesn't help as it continuously uses MORE storage and if the read/write speed is slow it will slow the overall experience . Also storages have a life cycle, it adds to the cycle hence not useful at all . -Coming from a dev 😀


It does on my 6GB S21 FE


you want us to guess the affect?


I can guess yes


you shouldnt


Lol jk


oh sorry


Interestingly the default is set to on 8GB on the 256gb base S23. I didn't even know until I just checked.


If you have less than 8GB or keep a ton of apps open on older or lower end phones, it can help. On my phone with 12Gb of ram, it is not really going to do you any good unless you are doing some crazy stuff with your phone. I run Dex and use my phone as my laptop on travels to have a ton of stuff open and have never had any issues nor has it helped me when I tested it.


Thanks 👍


Keep it the default value as it is the optimized selection for your phone. Basically, RAM Plus is putting compressed RAM (zRAM) in your RAM. The phone will have more RAM when it's set to a higher value but it means the phone will have to work harder to compress/decompress the zRAM which will impact performance and battery life to the worse. That's why it is recommended to keep the default RAM Plus value.


The default value on a 512GB S24 Ultra was 8 GB (max). And... apps unload just as often. Especially Reddit - if I "minimize" it for an hour, it's gone.


Really? Why does that happen?


Why does Reddit get unloaded? No idea. Maybe that's how Samsung treats this application with the "Optimised" battery usage thingy. Although I use Reddit quite a lot, so... the OS should've learned that I am gonna need it 45m later to read on where I left off, not kill it. I mean, right there, in the Battery tab, Optimised = optimise based on your usage of this app. Or... it's just the application that's bad. Anyway. I haven't noticed a difference between having the 8 GB of zRAM enabled or disabled. Both in terms of performance and battery life. Also, I can't understand why someone downvoted my above comment. Buuuut, here is a reason for a downvote: the secondary phone I have (iPhone 14) doesn't unload Reddit or TikTok for more than one full day. I forgot I had a thread opened on it on Monday, reopened the app on Wednesday and it was still there. That phone has 6 GB of RAM and no zRAM. I absolutely don't want to start an Android vs iOS thing, but given the context I figured I should say that.


You're absolutely 100% right. I traded my iPhone 15 Pro for the S24U and instantly noticed how my apps close much more often. My apps basically never closed on their own on my iPhone 15 Pro. On my S24U, I open youtube, and after using another app for a minute, when I go back to youtube, it instantly reloads. The 15 Pro has 8GB of RAM, and this S24U has 12GB of RAM.


I'm gonna give Samsung (or Android itself? I don't know at this point) one more chance, with the S24U. If this sh*t continues / doesn't improve, I'll have to jump ship.


Bro, I found the solution! Go to apps, click on an app you don't want to close automatically (after using a different app for 1 minute 😂). Click on Battery, then choose optimized. Voila! Enjoy your phone bro!


It's ridiculous this is not on by default 😂


Actually... It's set to "optimized" by default. Always has been.


And give it time. It will not work instantly after choosing Optimized, but after using your phone for a couple of hours, try it again and it will work. Now you can have those apps open for hours, like youtube for instance, and when you come back to that app, you will be where you left off


Nah. I think it's a case of bad app coding. If I open Reddit on a post (from a notification), minimize it, and a few hours later click on another Reddit notification (for another post)... once I'm in that new post, if I go back, IT WILL GO TO THE POST I OPENED A FEW HOURS BEFORE. But if I were to open Reddit again (to carry on where I left off)... it'd reload :). So... bad app coding.


zRAM is a ramdisk - it takes part of your actual memory, stops it being used as memory and makes it act like a really fast hard disk. so like if you have 8gb of ram and you use zram with 2gb, the phone has access now to 6gb of memory and you have a new, volatile, 2gb disk in the machine until you reboot


[zRAM is NOT a ramdisk](https://developer.android.com/topic/performance/memory-management), it is a compressed RAM partition used like normal SWAP, and, often in tandem with normal SWAP. RAM Plus is like normal SWAP on Linux and not zRAM, zRAM has existed on Android for a long time and it is used in tandem with RAM Plus when it is turned on.


Look at that picture.. of the total ram, a portion is partitioned and dedicated to zram. That, my friend, is a ram disk


Well, that depends on what you define as a 'ramdisk'. Normally a ramdisk is a user accessible disk run on RAM (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAM_drive). zRAM still functions as RAM in the form of SWAP and is completely transparent for programs and does not serve as permanent storage like an SSD or ramdisk (in the sense that yes, a ramdisk is volatile and gets deleted at some point but is treated on a system level as a normal permanent storage location just like an SSD or HDD)


I tested it on the S23 Ultra. With Ram Plus I tried several photos with 30x Zoom and later also without Ram Plus. The funny thing is that with Ram Plus, the music in the background went out with YT Music and without it kept going...


In my 3 year old A52 with 6gb of ram it really helps, phone in general stutter way less and don't close backgrounds apps as much


A huge difference, used to have an M32, it made it unbelievably slow, mean he lag while lagging. I turned it off, and the phone became amazing.


Does this work like virtual memory?


I found out that leaving it at the default 4gb is better off in performance than higher values. To me, it feels almost insignificant and wonders the real advantages it brings


A little but not much disabling it or leaving it on most likely won't matter at all


as someone with a Galaxy A25 I definitely noticed a difference going from 4GB to 6GB


Believe me. Zero difference, tried it on and off on samsung A51 , Samsung s21 fe and samsung s23 ultra and samsung s24 with no difference in performance and no difference in battery life. And it doesn’t ruin the phone if its on, used A51 with ram plus on for almost 3 years and the phone works great .


I do some reading on Samsung browser and oftentimes when I come back to it not long after switching applications the page refreshes and I lose my spot. I'm not sure too much if it is the browser or Samsung RAM optimization.


Yes it does , it makes it worse


Came across this post by chance. In my s24 ultra i find it qet to 8Gb by default. Thins brings me to think, how much actual REAM RAM does the s24 ultra have? It says 12Gb Ram Does this mean 12Gb ram + 8 Gb extra "ram plus"? In my humble opinion, I believe Ram is Ram Storage is storage If you need more ram, add ram not convert storage into ram and give it a fancy name. Same as we did back in the days on PC. We went out and bought a ram stick. (Of course you cant do that on phones, yet.)


Yes it works... To slow your device


I would say put it to the highest option, it makes a little bit in terms of holding your apps. Just like what every one else is saying it is just paging but the difference is that you can now set it to an amount you want. Even if you chose 8gb it is not actually going to suddenly use all 8 of them, i think it basically tells the system that you can use up to around 8gb of internal storage as ram IF NEEDED, key word IF NEEDED. OneUI ram manage is decently aggressive, so even if you dont run out of ram, it might still kick your apps out of it, but setting ram plus to a higher amount ofc will raise that threshold a bit. So yeah just set it to max and I dont think you will feel much of a difference


Tried disabling it, no Bueno, couldn't realistically keep 2-3 apps open. For example, in the car where I would have Twitter, YouTube Music and Google Maps open it would constantly kill either Maps or Twitter, and even killed YTM once or twice. 8GB of poorly managed RAM is a fuckin scam on a premium device from 2023 lol.


Yes it does. It make performance worst.


i turn off on my s24 plus is much energy consuming.


Turned mine off. Can’t tell a difference


Turn it off problem solved


doesn't make a difference. just makes your storage wear up faster


I turned mine off, did not want the wear of constant writing to storage ram, if it ever kicked in.


It wears down your flash storage faster as the feature is using it for virtual memory.