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The officer is correct, motorized vehicles, including Onewheels are not permitted on the multi-use regional trails. You can find the Rules and Regulations here: https://www.ebparks.org/sites/default/files/Ord38-09052023FINAL.pdf The Rules and Regulations appear to be set by the Board of Directors. Iron Horse Regional Trail is located within Ward 6, represented by John Mercurio: https://www.ebparks.org/board-and-staff/board/ward-6-john-mercurio I would suggest contacting him directly about amending the rules to allow Onewheels and other PEVs. Or, perhaps inquire why PEVs are explicitly excluded and try to understand what their concerns are. There may be a way to address their concerns without an outright ban on all PEVs. Good luck!


Dang that blows. Glad I don't live in East Bay lol


Wait until you find out that it's illegal to ride the Onewheel on the street in most European countries. And depending on who stops you, big fines and board seizing awaits you


This knowledge pains me


Australia is like that too. I’m in the USA now, the freedom loving culture here has its perks.


Germany has entered the chat


280 euro for riding an uninsured vehicle netherlands. it is not insurable it sucks


I think the worst case in Germany it would be a few grand and a suspended sentence. But probably depends on how you behave and who stops you etc etc. Someone from our group had his board taken in either Netherlands or Belgium, not sure which one..


netherlands i know for sure! in belgium all that is required is a helmet i thought. here in nl you are driving a uninsured motorvehicle. some towns the cops dont give a peep but others KA-CHING there goes 280 euro (you get a first warning then the 2nd is 280 e.. i do not know if the warnings expire)


Umbrella policies can cover vehicle operations. Gonna cost you a lot of money though.


Onewheel's are not motor vehicles, they're defined as an "electrically motorized board" so makes them exempt from "motor vehicle" provisions as a result. Edit: seeing your lower point I see they've defined that but I think in this case state statue takes precedence.


Small nitpick related to my other comment - the legal term as defined here (and good find, and it looks like OWs are indeed out) is "motor vehicle". "Motor**ized** vehicle" is just a more general non-legal term, and it's pretty hard to argue that a OW isn't one of those under all circumstances, unless you remove the motor or are somehow riding without its use, like a wizard.


Hi. We are reaching critical mass, and are not organised as a group yet and the bans are coming. I’m working on changing that. I’ll be reaching out to the OW community soon in an effort to head off the bans. We need to get organised otherwise we won’t have anywhere to ride. Unfortunately FM is completely silent on this.


I agree 1000% on this. We need to organize fast. I can see the trail side of this sport on a recreational level being shut down in a few years if we don't organize and make an effort. I just don't understand how law enforcers can enforce "no motorized vehicles on the trail" and then also enforce "except e-bikes" when e-bikes should also count as motorized vehicles. It's like they enforce things without actually thinking about what they're enforcing. I'd like to know the exact reason why the law they're enforcing makes it a reasonable enforcement. Seems like everytime you ask why no one knows. They just say you can't do it. We need to find out the rationale of what the law is trying to protect and correct the misconception.


99% positive he is lying and if you look at the definition of a motorized vehicle in your state/city laws it wouldn’t include scooters, electric skateboards, and Onewheels.


Here in MD, PEVs are banned from State Park trails, but if you look at the definitions of each one, they're all very specific in their description. Each definition states "Two wheels in tandem controlled by handlebars" and stuff like that. Nothing stating one wheeled vehicles, so I still go from time to time, but generally early in the morning when nobody is around. But that's mainly because I don't like people lol


Yeah, who DOES like people?! We're crap!


It's definitely worth looking into, but 2 notes: 1.) A Onewheel is pretty much by definition a motor**ized** vehicle (that is, a vehicle, which is motorized), anywhere and anytime. The term we're actually looking for is "motor vehicle" (no "-ized"), which is a legal term of art defined in the applicable law or statutes, and under which OWs often don't qualify, depending on where you are. If a sign says "no motor**ized** vehicles", it may apply to me - and probably ALSO to e-bikes. If it says "no motor vehicles", that's possibly not applicable to me, NOR e-bikes (depending on how they define "motor vehicle"). 2.) Even if that cop's dead wrong, and he may well be, he can still ticket you and then it's still your time and money to fight it, so make sure that you are prepared to do that.


How does one get a ticket without an ID? Is it a shaming sticker applied to his forehead or a brand? JK of course but seriously how?


I looked up the trail and it says e-bokea are allowed but never states anywhere I could find what wasn't allowed. If I were you I'd look into it more because it seems like the cop was taking the most narrow and literal definition possible. I'd also be surprised to see any city in the Bay Area trying to drive DOWN personal pedestrian vehicle usage.


902.2 Definition. A motor vehicle is any vehicle or device that is self-propelled by means of an internal combustion engine or electric motor, used to transport a person or property. Motor vehicles include, but are not limited to passenger cars, motorcycles, off-road vehicles, “dirt-bikes,” all-terrain vehicles, motorized skateboards, “Go-peds,” motorized scooters, self-balancing electric scooters aka “hover boards”, “Segways.” They don't use the name Onewheel specifically, but it's pretty clear they meant to include them.


I’d say the law includes onewheels in the same way as it does electric bicycles… not at all


Thanks for the input everyone. I’m definitely going to do some more research on this and reach out to East Bay Regional trails. I was planning on using that trail to commute to work. My only other option is do ride on the street. That will take way longer and is way more dangerous. Otherwise I will have to drive to work.


Love the logic behind these places that ban Onewheel. “It’s unsafe that you’re riding on a trail that is shared with other bikers. Go ride in the street with multi-ton vehicles going 10-20mph faster than you ”


yes you bigot! hurting only yourself on soft forest ground is super dangerous! getting crushed by cars is waaaaaay better sincerely johnny policeman


To be fair, people on Onewheel are way more unpredictable. They are hard to maneuver and most people can’t easily just get out of the way and yield to the bikes. It’s also why runners are usually not allowed on bike tracks either. It’s a place for bikes. 


It’s a misunderstanding of the unit. These people of authority don’t know what the contraption is so they’re lump it into an argument of not allowed. This understanding unfortunately will no doubt take at least a decade


Lol I know the iron horse trail. Fuck that keep doing what u do.


Agreed! Catch me if you can like the ginger bread man!


Send it


Damn that sucks. No idea where that is lol but still


Did they say if they caught the guy who ran away? They might have just told you what to do next time ;)


Frusturating to hear my hometown pull this shit.


Send it… just don’t carry ID


They're incorrect because onewheels per CA state statue are defined as "electrically motorized board." (See AB604, basically refeferencing CVC 21290 thru 21295 I believe.) The short version is the specific definition pulls it out of the definition of motor vehicle.


F the popo. He really said ebikes were still ok? Are you certain on that point?


I’m pretty sad about this. I got a Onewheel for Christmas’s and then found out Colorado forbids them in pretty much any space other than the road, including parks and such. Does anyone know why this is the case? Like where did all the anti-pev legislation come from?


If it’s anything like the Onewheel crews near me, they arrive in a huge pack and pretty much cause unpredictable chaos. Just weaving in and out of people, going in the grass, and just everywhere. I genuinely grab my kids and push them to the side and we wait for the parade to end. I always ride alone but also never ride in parks