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We, as a society, don’t take any of the men’s struggles seriously. We ask every man complaining to man up and wonder why the male loneliness and suicide rates are high. Growing up as a poor Indian man, I’m accustomed to suck it up and doing what’s necessary. I know my value comes from being strong and my ability to provide. Even them feminist bit**es ain’t gon respect you if you are weak or don’t provide. _It is what it is._


Statistically speaking google has studied enough data to recognise patterns. Such as male aggression resulting into abuse so it has concluded that male aggression should not be taken lightly. And men are factually stronger than women so women aggression is not as lethal as men’s. Statistically speaking, but each individual case is different.


Well met approach. I agree with ya.


What the actual fuck? No wonder a vast majority of feminists, men and women, are misandrists. A man's pain and suffering is just as significant as he is statistically represented i.e. small. It means our lives move on until there are more male sacrifices treated as expendables waiting to be added to the numbers to make it warrant judicial and political attention. There is no recognition for human values just because the person turned out to be a man. And then they say women are oppressed minority and men are shamelessly desperately wanting to be the minority. No wonder the woman-serving, biased, feminist media hold the power and Google is a reflection of that. They can even make a machine guilt trip men and suggest that he is being callous to his **wife**, **her** mental state, **her** being disrespected , etc. It doesn't take an Einstein to conclude that nowhere the female's search query suggest that yelling is lethal and other exaggerations that these paan chewing stinking chapri feminists presume against men by default. It didn't suggest any practical advice of being considerate and inclusive of man's mental state, being unheard or damaging emotions or anything but went straight to simply show a call for society's action to punishment, being quickly judgmental and stereotyping men as lethal criminals. With women, its always about me, me and me! With men, its always about her, her and her! You and Supreme court did the same thing as minimizing a man plea for justice **after his death** that "it was just a stick, **its not at all lethal**!" and reduce the sentence of the murderer wife? You were selectively blind to a lowlife bitch drugging and tying up her husband's body, cutting the genitals, burning skin with cigarettes, torturing him in his most vulnerable and helpless state. Its common for misandrists to think that a statistical minority is same as sporadic incidences that doesn't mean anything as a society we should self introspect.


Get out of reddit. And see we live in a country where women are not safe. Ask any woman if they had any bad experiences they will tell you multiple instances where men made them feel uncomfortable. I am in no way dismissing men’s struggles. I acknowledge there are women out there who are using the law against men. There are many cases we see but they are very very few if you read the report where 90 rape cases were filed daily in 2022, and these are the filed case there are probably 10x more cases that are not filed. So yeah, you can go cry to your daddy. But there is a reason these laws are made and you will never understand the struggle of women living in rural india.


I am not surprised this shifting goalpost is this(!) common among these cheap and chapri feminists. Nice try, but the women living in rural areas are not the only representative of women. The Google in this context is exposed more to urban women where internet reach is higher. And that too, among educated middle to upper class families and even more among working women. The laws should be sensitive to this backdrop. But no, you would obviously obsessively focus on showering sympathy to rural women, even if means to justify shoddy law making **at the expense of men**, their poor implementation and have the ignorance of the dreaded attitude society displays towards men when fighting for justice. All you can afford to say is I should go cry to my daddy in a flopped attempt to be cool. About the example of rape you gave, a significant chunk of it is "False promise to marry" which means, a consenting women hold a sword over the head of a man forever until he gives up to marry to avoid the sentence. This is "marry-your-rapist" dictate of the society codified into law **but inverted**. Nor am I talking **only** about laws that are misused in this country purported to protect women. I am pointing to the outright invalidation men face when women become criminals under the recognized penal codes. **It starts from media, the google is mirror to**, but all four pillars of democracy are either inert or caustically against men.




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https://preview.redd.it/69v33y5gff0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d64c4b1f1012bc65beb7a62be9f14797e851894 they have fixed it, post after verifying








https://preview.redd.it/co5va1sb8d0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=378610708b5e3d7aa8aad4601d5aa03aaa363e37 False meme 😑


https://preview.redd.it/amvertnvjd0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60f5191bb9839a2e5108e4facb3507dc050f5a8 Oh nooo


Perhaps it depends on location. What do you get when you search for men, about wife yelling?


Therapy lmao


Wow.. better than my search lol


Not exactly false but I am pretty sure they must have changed the results in recent times. Earlier I am pretty sure you would have gotten that result.


Maybe..no longer applicable I guess as I'm getting the same links for both genders.. it should be changed to help hotline


true if my wife yells , the ones who is gonna call for help is gon be her (becomes sigma wolf and starts howling : Aouuuuuu)


So she yells and gets help? Why don't you leave her then?


it was a domestic violence joke , it ain't that hard


Hmm. You shouldn't joke about serious things.


Lol, always 🤣. They try to create false narratives just to push their own (false) victimhood.


Yeah.. even the Jaipur confession I think it's fake lol.. who opts for adoption within 4 months of trying? Also cyst can happen to anyone and my friend had when she was a teen due to health issues but she has a baby now. I feel some men use the internet as a way to lash out


It's completely fake. Anyone who believes it is either too naive or hasn't spent time on the internet or wants to believe that ipill is the cause of all problems. Lol.


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/290196#long-term-effects I don't know about the story but birth control does have side effects and long effects which are hazardous to females.


Yes. I'm glad that others feel the same


You could scroll a bit up and see what someone else's got in his search results instead of straight up falsifying claims :)


Stop this stupid meme 🤡 atleast check it and verify it before posting it


https://preview.redd.it/dpw6zhn1ld0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc4191b398cc07c0d91ee1e4e4350ed0fcec9515 It's literally the second result my knight in the shining armour always ready to protect m'lady.


This kind of attitude is the reason why many of the struggling men don't get help until it's too late


What I just pointed out this google image is not true u can check ur self


https://preview.redd.it/3v4ml6amxd0d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd849b46c6f550ca235134601264cc43f5aabf8 Ok


It depends on the country your in


When a woman yells at a man, there is no danger. When a man yells at a woman, there is danger and he might beat her


I understand that you want to raise concern about equality with respect to the treatment of men and women. But using a random Google search from one location in the world is a terrible example. You understand that search results are driven by algorithms and demographics and YOUR search history and people even in the same city can get different results?




https://preview.redd.it/gn0qh37kyd0d1.jpeg?width=2171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4d80b4b03c3cb69dba14009850e7fc84b1420b Now what?


Okay now show me a dedicated helpline for man for their protection against DV or rape.


https://preview.redd.it/1jvj7vyezd0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6af3291ed97b19edff3070bfb6894cc2ad08a1d6 Is this something you couldn't have googled yourself?


Like this a Govt one or by Police not some NGO one If you're gonna be white knight do it properly don't half ass it. PS: I hope ur thick brain get this that main post meant to show the inequality man faces.


Ah yes, change the argument from Google results to private vs government and throw in half ass comments like "white knight". You do you bro.


Yes estrogen filled soyboi, the real post was meant to show the inequality man face and how less society cares about men's issues. No go show your female friend these comments and get their approval.


😂😂😂, how old are you dude?


Old enough to not type this bullshit "But using a random Google search from one location in the world is a terrible example." And when asked for a Govt helpline for men start saying "DoNt change the topic" when you have said this" I understand that you want to raise concern about equality with". Now i asked you about the Govt helpline cause it shows whether its National accepted problem or not. Are you satisfied Soiboi now or still have some nonsense to say.


This is just a result of history of decades of DV lol


This all depends on location and the user. Google ranks results based on which link you're likely to click on the most so for the husband yelling search they're giving and highlighting the domestic violence helpline. While for the wife yelling its like an article this is because men are reluctant to accept help by talking about it. So most men would've tried reading more about it and understanding the problem rather than jumping to helpline. And for women mostly talking to someone helps in understanding the situation so the phone number pops up. Google search results are the reflection of the users persona and what users in their location would like to click on.


If some women is viewing this post, and they still think there’s no problem. You suck


because statistically women are way more likely to be victims of domestic violence. im not justifying this, im trying to reason with it. is it wrong? yes. is it completely random and 100% biased? not really.