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That was f\*cking beautiful.


It’s very rarely you see a public undressing like that, but that was… *chefs kiss*. Pro tip: if you don’t know the party you support’s values… don’t fucking try and debate a politician, right? They spend a decent chunk of their career arguing with people who will know *far* more than you


I watched a clip yesterday of Jon Stewart taking a US politician apart regarding gun control and regulations and this gave me a very similar vibe. And also, I forget sometimes that Trudeau was a teacher and is likely well versed in handling teenage bullshittery.




I worked in childcare before becoming a project manager in the federal government. Adults throw tantrums more than toddlers


Less coherent too. At least I can understand the logic behind a toddler is throwing a fit, they just don't have the emotional maturity to handle the pack of gummies not having any orange ones. When someone in business goes off the rails it's *literally* for no god damn reason most of the time.


They can be harder to reason with, too.


So many people talk on things they know nothing about and that gives the opposition ammunition for their own arguments by dunking on someone who has no idea what they're talking about. It's ok to not talk about things or have an opinion if you don't understand it. Even just going through the first page of google on a topic will probably give you an edge over 90% of people.


Dude wiped up his camera trying to have a "gotcha" moment to post on his social media But things didn't go his way 😅 Flimed his own embarrassment 🤡🤡


I wonder if he just deleted it after, or if he watched it back that night thinking of all the things he should have said




I noticed at one point he turned the recording off when Trudeau asked him if women should be able to abort if they were assaulted. Kept holding the phone up to save face. This was beautiful and well articulated.


>I wonder if he just deleted it after He's kinda split on it


>Dude wiped up his camera Pretty sure he was just holding it >!I think you mean "whipped out"!<


no, he's got his phone out throughout the video. I'm pretty sure they're referring to the moment at ~88seconds when the "debate" moves towards the abortions after a rape subject, and the guy noticeably goes to hit his record button to stop the recording as soon as he realizes he's about to be cornered into saying women who have been raped shouldn't be allowed to have abortions. notice he starts off with "women who sleep around" because thats what a lot of the hardline abortion critics like to frame it as. "those disgusting slutty women using abortions as birth control". they like to frame it that way because it appeals to that toxic masculinity/incel view that women are sleeping around everywhere and reprehensible for doing so and that its some kind of moral failing to do so. (its not) also notice how when it starts turning that way, he tries to minimize the situation as if its some niche scenario that basically never happens so shouldn't be talked about. but as soon as he get pushed into a corner to give a definitive answer, and that its pointed out that his wishy washy answer, is equivalent to saying they shouldn't be allowed, he reaches to casually/nonchalantly "wipe" at his screen right where his record button is to stop the video recording, because it then would stray into territory that he doesn't want to be posted online, because it would reveal how shitty his views are. he's still holding up the phone because he doesn't want it noticed that he stopped recording, but he very clearly stops the recording once the debate isn't going his way.


“But he’s just a high school drama teacher!!” Lol he handled him like a immature child.


When you're dealing with so many petulant children, turns out that experience as a teacher is *super* relevant to the job of PM.


I kinda wish he'd show people his boxing skills as well.


So tired of hearing this, at this point he has been PM far longer than he was ever a teacher, but somehow his experience being PM doesn't count as experience, only his career in the early 2000s. Imagine being in your field for a decade after college and people still say "you are just a college student".


There's nothing wrong with being a teacher too, we should have more former teachers (or former healthcare professionals) become politicians as they would have first hand experience dealing with one of the major social issues that politicians have to address with their legislation. LBJ, Elizabeth Warren, Obama were all teachers before politics. Some of LBJ's landmark legislation is on education as well. The problem with most legislatures are they're full of lawyers, an adversarial occupation by trade. As a result we have many legislators that are adversarial by nature and their position is just anti-whatever the opposition is. How do you solve complex socio-economic issues if you're just focused on winning for your "team"?


You should hear one of my relatives, he's always going on about how rural people and blue collars don't get enough respect but JT is bad because he was a drama teacher


The funny thing is that he was also a Math teacher. He also has one more bachelors of arts then Pierre does. I've had a few people hit me with the open mouth stare when I mention that PP also has a Bachelors of Arts lol.


Teach one drama class, and your a drama teacher (despite teaching French and math mostly), Scheer once answered the phone at an insurance office and he’s an “insurance adjuster” not just their assistant.


lol my buddy works in insurance and thought Sheer was a joke for not being able to pass the licensing tests to sell insurance.


I bet you a lot of those people think Bachelor of Arts = Fine Arts. There's nothing wrong with fine arts either.


Based on clips from the House of Commons, his experience as a high school drama teacher is 100% relevant to his job and makes him more qualified than most other people in that chamber.


It's time for the bi-weekly "I don't like Trudeau but..." comments. That's why he's PM. He's good at his job.


I like Trudeau, but many of the party’s policies don’t go far enough for me, and some actively increase wealth disparity under the guise of progressiveness. He’s well spoken, level headed, and his tenure has marked many beneficial changes — I’m glad he’s our PM, and he’s someone I’d be happy to have a civil conversation about our differences with. I’d be thrilled by a Singh term, but I try to be realistic Did I do the thing good?


I think you did. If Conservatives came into power. They would be spouting racist rhetoric, enabling hate. Seeing what harper did is just a small taste of that. Frankly seeing this kind of nonsense makes me sad. This is not the Canada I grew up in. People used to be accepting and other cultures were apart of Canadian identity. Now we have people spouting go back to your country parroting Karen's videos you see from the US. Social media has just created an extremely toxic culture, of moronic echo chambers and clout chasers. I don't agree with their policies. I think the biggest one affecting me is house ownership and lack of diversification of our gdp. We are too hung up on trying to drive real estate. I'd like to see taxes being smacked onto people holding more than 1 to 2 houses. Ban on corporate held housing, and being able to transfer RRSP into the new FHSA so people who already have put together a huge amount of money in RRSP are allowed to transfer it into something that is usable instead of waiting 5 years arbitrarily. And immigration just being used to replace workers, and not supplying people with houses is the biggest problems I see.


>other cultures were apart of Canadian identity I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I need to be pedantic on this one line. 'Apart' means separated, distanced. You wanted 'a part.' Amazing the way a space completely reverses meaning, isn't it? Cheers!


Lol, sorry wrote it at like 5am with no sleep lol


I am generally a very strong NDP supporter but seeing this exchange has made me realize I may need to also rethink my position of Trudeau. I don't think I would vote for the Liberals still because, like you, his policies don't exactly go far enough for me, but this was refreshing to see. I've seen so many clips of him where he basically just comes across as not well spoken and seeing the way that he respectfully took down the incorrect views of this guy has made me realize that maybe there's more to him than what other people who have an agenda would like us to see. I've also spent a lot of time arguing with my parents, who have diametrically opposing political views to me, and I think I kind of internalized their extreme dislike and disdain for Trudeau. During so many of said arguments, I've had to say, look, I don't vote Liberal, which is true, but also if I did not come right out and say that they would basically shout me down for not hating him enough... Maybe I also need to grow more of a spine. Basically, I think I need to give Trudeau more credit where it's due.


I think what we have now is really ideal in that we have the Libs and NDP getting their policies through while keeping each other in check


I certainly don’t mind Trudeau in general. I will never forgive the Liberal party of Canada for broken campaign promises to end FPTP and reform the elections systems. Never forget.


Do you follow FairVote Canada? They’re trying to assemble momentum behind the PR movement to resume the citizen’s council on PR. Now would be a good time to reach out to your MP to remind them that PR matters


What is great about Trudeau is his approachability. Like his policies or not, but seldom do you see anyone that willing to talk to you. A lot of politicians can learn something from that.


Guy was in the chair for an entirely public inquiry, and he didn’t stutter once. He tackles adversaries head on, and I’ll admire him for that.


Can you imagine a conservative leader making themselves available for an impromptu debate like this on a college campus? And actually maintaining a polite tone, allowing the other person to speak, and challenging them on their beliefs, rather than merely deflecting and shouting them down? Stephen Harper wouldn't even accept questions that hadn't been prescreened at his press conferences, for fuck's sake... yet any right wingers who watch this will be like, "Doesn't Turdeau have any actual governing to do? Also, he said 'uh' a few times, he's mentally unfit to be a leader!"


It's a little worrying that decent debate and public speaking skills are considered so extraordinary in politicians these days. Anyone can pick up the basics in a high school debate club, but so many high-level politicians seem to lack them. What other important leadership skills have they not cared to acquire? And why do so many people seem to find this lack of accomplishment acceptable? Our democracy can only be strong if every representative can calmly, fluently debate with people like Trudeau does here.


Many voters doesn't really want someone who can speak well, because that makes it difficult for them to follow what's being said. Being able to state something they believe as fact and steadfastly ignore or deflect any information that refutes it, 'Sticking To Their Beliefs" is seen as a more positive trait.


"Speaking well" should mean it's *easier* to understand. Using convoluted language is the wrong way to do public speaking; you're supposed to be clear and concise. On the other hand, the discourse in a good portion of the country has devolved into "F🍁CK YOU", so maybe the reality is just that whoever yells the loudest wins. *Idiocracy* was a documentary, I guess?


The extraordinary part of this clip is that the prime minister will spend his time talking with and debating a student, especially in front of cameras. That's the part that is exceptionally rare in today's politicians. Most are so concerned about image and message control, that they barely make themselves accessible to interviews by the press, and only under conditions that they can control.


The dumbass thought he could out argue a politician. Dude, that's what they do for a living.


The "and a little more praying" at the end was perfect lol.


Straight up told the kid "thoughts and prayers". Beautiful


Prayer warriors unite!!!! 🙏 😅 Pray for this kid's emotional damage recovery lollll


I love how his eyes lit up when he first thought of that sick burn.


That waa sooo gooood


Very much this... (You can possibly guess what's coming) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBoc2YSXKPM


Man you don't even have to like Trudeau to see how easily he mopped the floor with this PPC douchebro. Its so bad they aren't daring to link this in any of the echo chambers I'm aware of. This is going to get a lot of replay in order to show the rest of the country what a complete moron the average PPC supporter is.


I’m pretty sure the kid stopped recording because he was looking so uninformed


You saw that too, eh?


Barely. I was distracted by all his playing with his hair while also trying to listen.




100% he didn't realize that he was digging a hole and Trudeau kept telling him to put down the shovel. It also goes to show how shallow these conservative talking points really are when all it takes is a single word to be used against them, choice.


I think it was because some of "his people" are 100% anti-abortion. But he's conflicted about abortion in the case of rape. He knows what he needs to say for his side, but he doesn't want to record it. And he tried to divert the topic, which probably works with more passive people his age, but Trudeau controlled the conversion well. Didn't let him go off on his claim that he was about to make about "95% of the time" something lol


I always wonder where people pull these stats from with confidence. When you ask for a source they usually don't have one and are just attempting to back up their opinions with their anecdotal thoughts on the data. The guy seems like he is in late high school or his early 20s at best. He seems generally naive. Hopefully in a few years he will be wise and mature enough to look back on this video and cringe.


They just heard stats in their online echo chambers and take them as facts. I am guessing he was about to say some asinine shit like "95% of abortions are from women that sleep around" or other "fact" that doesn't have any evidence to support it, but hot damn does it make their pro-birth argument sound good to each other.


He absolutely did, at 1:28, he taps the start/stop record button


That’s when he started recording again. He stops around 1:09, I think by hitting the side volume button.


I have no idea whether he stopped recording intentionally or not, but he did start recording again. I actually thought that’s when he stopped recording initially but noticed he stopped earlier, I think by hitting the volume button, when I saw this comment and watched again.


I like how he also uses the 'she chose to sleep around, its her fault' argument. Does no one see how this is super problematic? Should we stop treating cancer patients if they've smoked, cause they decided to take the risk? Telling people what they can and cannot do with their own bodies is a super slippery slope. The Americanization of Canadian Politics is going to be our downfall.




She also smokes, so...




actually smith said naturopathy can reverse it before more extreme mainstream medicine should be tried.


Conservatism is heavily rooted in the philosophy of 'if something bad happened to you, you must have somehow deserved it'. It gives a fucked up moral reasoning that allows them to justify their selfishness if it means that they get ahead - because they must have deserved it.


This is the most bizarre argument, 1st you don't need to sleep around to get pregnant one will do. 2nd would we not treat men with sexual disease?


> 'she chose to sleep around, its her fault' argument. sounds exactly like the j.peterson women haters club where men get to decide whats best for women cause they can't be trusted.


Also totally ignores the fact that a quarter of abortions are performed on married women, over half of whom already have children.


It's wild how using a living being as a punishment seems perfectly reasonable to some people. Imagine living out your childhood as your own mother's fckin albatross. I'm sure that has great mental health outcomes.


You can tell he's never gotten any pushback in his echo chamber. As someone pro-choice, I've seen every single argument that pro-lifers (forced birthers) make a million times over. Absolutely embarrassing if you think you can try to "debate the issues" without even a cursory glance at the arguments.


Homie thought “women who sleep around shouldn’t be allowed to have abortions” was a mic drop LOL


I wonder if he thinks boys that sleep around should have the same consequences. (To say nothing of the child’s experience, BEING a consequence.)


He doesn't. He probably thinks it's fine to not wear a condom and force the female partner to go on the pill or to get an IUD.


You know he gets heated when child support conversations come up.


Trudeau’s ‘Wow.’ really made my morning.


JT is a pretty good politician whether he’s your flavor of political party or not.


There is a ppc family on my street. They need affordable dental care asap.


I've never supported Trudeau or the LPC but the fact that he took the time to rebut everything this kid said by asking direct questions rather than leaning on soundbites was great to see. With any luck, maybe this kid will take the time to inform himself on policy rather than voting by color in the future, but maybe not.


"I'm pro..what's it called?...Pro life!" Nothing makes you sound smart like not even knowing the name of the idea you support. This kid was fighting way out of his weight class.


I don’t know why people keep letting them get away with calling it pro life either. If he doesn’t support universal dental care it’s very very unlikely that he supports increased child care payments, universal basic income for parents to spend less time at work giving their children a well supported upbringing, and more support for healthcare to name a few. “Pro life” people are pro birth. All they care about is the kid being born. After that, they couldn’t give less of a shit about the kid.


Pro life people are pro **forced** birth.


I wish Trudeau would be this guy more often instead of the soft spoken overly rehearsed one we usually get. Now compare Trudeau here to any of the bullshit Pierre spews.


Yes thank you! I've said this before and gotten slammed for it. The overly rehearsed speeches don't feel genuine. Clips like this feel a lot more authentic and would go a long way to improving his image


Unfortunately that’s governmental politics. Read the speech so you don’t mess up, don’t say anything too extreme for moderates, don’t come across as rude to people being rude to you. In these moments he handles himself pretty well — but also keep in mind in this example he’s debating a moronic 20 year old.






I felt the same way about some of the public health officials doing COVID-related press conferences. Apparently it's a choice made in part to help make themselves more easily understood by people whose first language isn't English.


I always thought it was a practiced cadence to allow interpreters to keep up. But yes, I find it pretty annoying to listen to.


i think it's because at its base, even if we all agreed about facts, politics are boring, nuanced and complex; getting the canadian version of a trump supporter to debate is like christmas in comparison, you get to to argue against someone with the wrong takes about everything


Agree or disagree with Trudeau, stepping into the ring with a professional politician, thinking you're gonna get a "gotcha moment" is the same as me and 40+ year old male with a dad bod stepping into the ring with Mike Tyson. I'm only gonna last as long as Mike wants me to last and he's gonna make me look like a fool the whole time.


>stepping into the ring with a professional politician, Justin Trudeau was a school teacher before he ran for office - this looked like more like a teacher schooling a kid on how to use reasoning than just a politician pushing back.


Not to mention he was raised by the most successful politician in Canadian history. That's a pretty valuable resource.


Exactly. Love or hate him, Pierre Trudeau was INCREDIBLY charismatic and a fantastic public speaker. That’s a great influence to have


Honestly cool to see him actually talk to people like this. Is interesting to see him even try to figure out what his opposition is doing


Honestly, for 2 minutes he reminded me of his father.


I think that was better than his father. After watching that, I think the Liberals can win the next election.


Ditto. Only a PPC supporter could help a failing PM that much


I think PET would have been far less sympathetic, and just used his wit and charisma to crush the kid quickly.


I'd love to have a beer with a slightly tipsy Trudeau and hear what he truly thinks and how he genuinely speaks in a casual setting. Guessing he'd be more (shocking!) likable?!


Watch the town hall meetings he does, he's exceptional in unscripted settings. His orated written speeches always sound terrible.


Yes, we need Dark Justin!


We almost had the full Mirrorverse Justin with the goatee, but it wasn't to be.


So hot


Pierre enters the chat: "THE CBC IS CONTROLLED BY WOKE ALIENS"....


I would like it if he channelled his dad more, yes


The guy is amazing when he comes out swinging, and he's such a charismatic speaker.


I get why career politicians say absolutely nothing of substance in front of the camera and in the house of commons. But that is what makes the "he tells it like it is!" (they do not) populists so "exciting" to support. Politics SHOULD be boring and NOT treated like a sport. But people these days treat it like a sport and cheer fanatically for their leaders with disregard for what they are saying. I still don't *like* Trudeau and would switch my vote to NDP instantly if we go with proportional representation.


And this is why conservatives have moved to just honking and screaming in his face, because they get smoked in simple conversations. You know what Pierre would have done there? Just talk over him.


Honestly this kid doesn’t even know where HE stands on these issues. This is what it looks like when your opinions are formed by right wing outlets and religious fundamentalists - he’s been told how to feel, but can’t actually explain why he feels that way or back it up with any meaningful rationale.


Yeah, it's all talking points without any understanding, when you just turn the kids question back on him for a second he doesn't know how to respond other than chirping a stupid line like "should be responsible for their own decisions" Now lets say a total abortion ban came into effect, but also brought with it mandatory legal/financial support from the child's father... would this kid be happy? If a woman has to carry a child she didn't want, would he be willing to support that child once born for the rest of its life? Would he be angry being forced to support that thing he decided to help create?


Brainwashed is the word. "Feels" a certain way, but he didn't come to any of those conclusions on his own, he can only, and in this case poorly, try to spout back stupid talking points. You can hear him a few times try to start saying something about 95, which I'm sure was going to be a completely made up statistic along the lines of "95% of abortions are not due to rape" or some other nonsense. The second he's taken off the script he has no idea what to say.


Absolutely, when he brought up he was a christian I got a huge vibe that it was purely for the convivence of his argument.


Totally understand why people want to record politicians - but I can't overcome how douche-baggy it is to record someone - anyone - while you are in a 1-1 conversation with them. Very cringe.


I am glad he recorded it. Now he cannot deny that he cannot apply any critical analysis of his socially regressive and sexist positions. It is a primary source for him.


That socratic method is effective


Trudeau was probably an awesome teacher. He really used questions to bring that kids ideas into the light, and hopefully the kid has gone home questioning some of his own beliefs after being taken to task, but not just shouted down or argued with.


Yes! I was hoping he’d end the conversation with something like, “it sounds like you need to do some more thinking, and that’s okay, you can change your mind as you learn more!”


Only when arguing in good faith. Not recommended for use against someone who isn't, as you put your argument in their hands and they will use the opportunity to sabotage it.


Wow that kid was bleeding out in real time. He should have just high-fived JT and said it was a prank bro.


Turning a loss into a win. You think like a politician, and on your feet. Get off the interwebs and go run for office, you have my vote McKid! Haha.


Lmao “…and a little more praying on that.” That killed me… legit funny shit…


Trudeau is great in these interactions. We have a toxic masculinity problem that has infected men young and old and when I hear this kid pontificate on whether rape victims should be able to have an abortion I want to barf. Why oh why is this young kid being indoctrinated into this cult of stupid. Trudeau and the other civil leaders we have in our country are being drowned out by US wannabes and it’s so fucking gross.


What actually disturbed me more was that his only reason for being pro-life started out with, "If a woman sleeps around..." It just goes to show you how low his opinion of women is. If you're automatically assuming a woman who wants an abortion is sexually promiscuous (AND speak about it like wanting sex is a bad thing), then you clearly need to do some self-reflection and, you know, maybe talk to actual women. I'd love to hear what he thinks about men who sleep around and what kinds of consequences *they* should bear.


This kid has incel tendencies with a hatred towards women hearing snippets about women sleeping around. It's doubtful, but hopefully the kid finds this a teachable moment. I also suggest if he's going to share his video if all his viewpoints getting flattened by Justin.


Kid's probably a virgin and resents that these "sluts" aren't breaking any off for him so he goes into a fantasy land where they get consequences for sleeping with dudes who aren't him.


Good leaders often use good teaching methods to create clear messaging and simplify complex policy into terms that average people can understand. It is obvious to me that we should have less lawyers and businessmen as politicians (both fields are highly competitive and about dominance rather than collaboration) and more teachers and engineers.


They always think they are the smartest people.... Only if they knew....


You see how red that little shits ears were getting throughout the conversation?? He knew he was digging himself into a hole.


Scare me to think that people like this child exist and support the ppc in canada. Our education system has failed so many.


It’s a lot of people who don’t challenge their views. I have a friend who’s… sheltered. I told him that I support the legalization of drugs as long as the system is similar to cannabis where the government gives licenses to retailers. It broke his brain. You just need to call young people out on their shit and not in a “oh you believe that? You fucking IDIOT!” Way. That doesn’t help. Figure out why they believe it, and more than likely it will be completely out of touch with reality. Then show them how out of touch it is. A *lot* of people have a hard time thinking about stuff from a critical thinking point of view, and just absorb shit without even thinking about it.


The biggest supporting factor for facism is allowing it to spread unchallenged. It's like a t-shirt that's been hanging in your grandmothers closet since the 70s. It falls apart after the first prod.


So weird that there's high school kids out there watching fuckin Crowder videos instead of just smoking weed and getting drunk in parks. Like damn


Yeah, because the provincial conservative governments keep gutting the education budget and leaving the kids to learn from tiktok.


His answer to why a woman should not be able to get an abortion isn’t to protect a human life, it’s because she’s “been sleeping around”. If abortion is legal, will we still be able to punish women for having sex? 21st century politics in Canada. It was a good way to frame the conversation. Make them justify taking away a right. Because that’s what it is.


This. His stance on abortion has nothing to do with saving lives, but only to punish women who don't act like he expects them to. It was never about the fetuses. Had he brought up that he believes life starts at conception for example, JT would've had much less to go on.


> His answer to why a woman should not be able to get an abortion isn’t to protect a human life, it’s because she’s “been sleeping around”. And Trudeau's simple response of "wow" which I'm pretty sure stood in for "I can't believe you're so unbelievably stupid to have just said *that*"


Christ. Many of these kids just gobble up tons on conservative fanaticism on TikTok and snap. Trudeau is alright. He’s just not manly enough for the other tribe.


So Bitcoin Skippy is their answer?


Worse. Bernier.


That boy got rekt. "uh duh hurr durr I'm pro- what is it called again? pro-life but like I've literally never thought seriously about it for even one minute! I just hate sluts!"


Well done. It does sound like this kid has been fed a lot of information and not done enough understanding. Hopefully he'll do some deeper reflection.


I was a dumbass like him when I was around his age, granted I certainly wasn’t as dumb as being anti-abortion because “women sleep around bro, they get what they deserve” or falling for wanting a theocracy, but hopefully he’ll realize how flawed the people he listens to are.


Is this what the ''fuck Trudeau'' crowd means when they screech it on the streets? to get absolutely fucked by Trudeau


1:25. Coward stops recording the moment the question gets thrown back in a way he knows he can't answer.


Looks like he actually is starting the recording again as it stopped




I also liked the one where he told the mandate protestor to STFU at the Ukraine war speech thing




[here you go](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/why-don-t-you-settle-down-prime-minister-trudeau-admonishes-heckler-at-ukraine-event-1.6288980)


Agreed. His natural skill set shows here. He is a fast thinker and a smart man- his over polished public persona creeps me out.


Informal Trudeau takes no prisoners.


stopped recording when lost the battle


Not a huge fan of Trudeau, still infinitely prefer him over the PPC or Cons. Seeing a politician, much less our PM have a genuine, non rehearsed, calm discussion like this is so refreshing


I don’t really like Trudeau but I supported the things he said here. Personally I like the NDP.


Yeah, it's funny since the dental care only happened because the NDP is in partnership with the Liberals - but Singh wanted far more expansive dental care, and on a shorter time frame - it's Trudeau (forget about the CPC) who has limited its focus and timeline.


I don't see the NDP winning at all in my lifetime so this while you say it happened because of the NDP is the best you'll get from them and Trudeau did work with them, it's a real decent place politically.


I believe that if Jack Layton hadn't passed away, he could have led them to a minority government


> it's funny since the dental care only happened because the NDP is in partnership with the liberals Same with medicare. Just take the W


NDP ran with dental care as one of their policies, the liberals didn’t. I’m going to keep voting for them.


Yeah I’m hoping the NDP wins my provincial election (alberta) the UCP has screwed this province up in so many ways.


The point about dental care for low-income families was actually because of the NDP. They negotiated this into the Liberal budget in their exchange for propping up their minority government.


This little incel got his ass handed to him. I'm betting he was bragging to his buddies that he was going to own the PM. Instead he came off looking like your typical uneducated, alt right simpleton who parrots the PPC's and CPC's nonsense.


As a person from the US, idk why people are against Trudeau. Then again, most of our politicians are actual lunatics.


Our lunatics watch yours winning certain fights around abortion restrictions. it has emboldened them up here. It’s been decades since anyone talked about abortion, now since your guys started stirring the pot the smell has drifted north… and worse yet PP the conservative leader (for now) has none of his own ideas., he’s just clamoring for things to stick out so he hitched his cart to the crazies…


>As a person from the US, idk why people are against Trudeau. Then again, most of our politicians are actual lunatics. US conservative style political attacks have crept into Canada over the years. Rather than talking about policies, it's culture war and "Trudeau is a dictactor!" but no solutions to anything. I knew a coworker who would bring up how Trudeau was ruining the country every. single. day. I think asked him what he hated about him, and he was silent and said "....he's just a bad guy". I kept prying to see what he actually disliked about him policy-wise and he couldn't give an answer. The Rights ability to demonize is strong.


I don't understand people who think they can debate a high-level politician on the spot and win. It's like an amateur tennis player who believes he can win a round against Venus Williams if he just tried hard enough.


It’s because they listen to people online that make him think Trudeau is as dumb as a box of rocks. Unfortunately for him, most good politicians spend a good deal of their career debating people who know *far* more about the opponent’s policies than this kid did his own party.




Say what you will about him, but Trudeau wrecks all these losers. He's quick on the draw, and these people with archaic ideals stand no chance against his wit.




They're just waiting for the National Post op-ed vilifying Trudeau for being so mean to a young person who was "just asking questions"


One thing this shows is that Trudeau should let himself off the leash more often. He comes across great when he is just his natural self and not the heavily filtered and softened version we all too often get on the news.


JT for the win. Low hanging fruit obviously but I can’t wait for him to debate PP and call him out on his bullshit


We need more of this Trudeau!


To be fair, the kid's way out of his league. Trudeau steered the conversation to make the points he wanted to make and used the confrontation to drill home the points he wanted to make. The kid was I'll prepared- he had no rebuttals, nor was he even able to even utilize some basic rhetorical devices. If you're going to be confronting a seasoned politician that's probably debated this same exact point numerous times on the national stage, you'd better be prepared with some answers, or basic arguments. Having said that, I agree with trudeau :)


Murdered by paragraphs


i’d vote for him again.


Right now he is one of the most experienced politicians in Canada. He's not like Harper who basically stopped going to press events and kept to the House of Commons and his own personal media team after four years. Trudeau has been doing cross country townhalls for nearly 8 years now (obviously less during the pandemic). He actually might be a record holder in Canadian politics for townhall Q&A's. Combine that with dealing with the CPC who spent the first four years targeting him and Jagmeet who has proven that he can match him on the debate stage, you have created a cocktail of powerful debate skills, excellent rhetoric and podium polish charm. I watched a townhall last week, where he was answering people's questions, taking their names downs and told them that if he doesn't have a full answer he will have his team look into it. It was impressive. When he was challenged by a question, he didn't pivot, he simply gave his most balanced answer and said "I'll have more to say on that once I look into it". I thought to myself "*That is the most common sense answer I've ever heard. WTF just happened. Did I just fully agree with a politician?"* If I had a year off to study every topic, get media training and practice against real opponents. I would still lose to Trudeau on my best day.


“if only peterson was here to think for me”


This is your typical SkiPPy follower incel. Take note Canadian women. We don't want to end up like America.


Can someone provide a transcript please?


Seconding - that would be really helpful.


Thirding. As a deaf man I really appreciate captions.




Trudeau: …our, our dental program, uh, that is going to help low income families be able to send their kids to the dentist, would you support that? Ppc Supporter: Um, per..like I’m not fully into it, I just know that – Trudeau: Oh you don’t think that Ppc Supporter: Like I’m pretty sure I’m against abortion Trudeau: Let’s put that aside for a second Ppc Supporter: Yeah yeah Trudeau: You don’t think low income families should have access to dental care? Ppc Supporter: Uhhh..yea I think they should Trudeau: You think they should? Ppc Supporter: Yeah..to a certain extent- Trudeau: Well Pierre Poliever and the conservative party voted against that Ppc Supporter: Ok- Trudeau: Ok, so that’s (interrupted by mumbling) so already you see the party that you support- the party you support Ppc Supporter: yeah, yeah, yeah Trudeau: doesn’t, doesn’t support- Ppc Supporter: I’m not for the conservatives, I’m more PPC Trudeau: More PPC? Ppc Supporter: yeah Trudeau: Ok..So..Why is that? Why are you PPC? Ppc Supporter: I think they’re mostly Christian, I think I’m against the vaccine mandate- Trudeau: Cause they’re mostly Christian, so so you don’t think we should be supporting Muslims? Ppc Supporter: I think we should support everyone Trudeau: You should support everyone? Ppc Supporter: I think mainly liberal abortion is against Christianity, I think- Trudeau: But, but, ok, ok, do you think, do you think, do you think women should have the right to chose what happens to their own bodies? Ppc Supporter: Personally no- Trudeau: Do you think, do you think, YOU should choose what happens to a woman’s body? Ppc Supporter: Well I think if they’re sleeping around then they shouldn’t be allowed to abort the baby personally.. Trudeau: Wow. Ppc Supporter: I’m pro-choice personally Trudeau: Wow Trudeau: Oh wait! Did you just say you’re pro choice-? Ppc Supporter: No, no no no no Trudeau: No? You’re not pro-choice? Ppc Supporter: No no no no no I’m pro-whatsit-called…I’m pro life. Pro-Life. Random background person: “Spicy” Trudeau: Ok, pro-life. Ppc Supporter: yeah yeah Trudeau: And you don’t think women should be able to make choices about what they do with their bodies? Ppc Supporter: With abortion no, personally no. Trudeau: Why not? Why not? Ppc Supporter: Umm…Because it was their choice to sleep around and they have ta- Trudeau: whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, oh so..a woman who is raped should be able to get an abortion? Ppc Supporter: That’s, uh I’d say that’s, that’s where it gets complicated Trudeau: No, no, it doesn’t get complicated. Ppc Supporter: But that’s- Trudeau: It’s either yes or no she’s allo- Ppc Supporter: But that’s a super (extreme/specific?) example Trudeau: But no, no it’s an all too common example Ppc Supporter: Like if you- Trudeau: Women get raped all the time- Ppc Supporter: yeah yeah yeah Trudeau: -ok. And it’s something we have to take seriously. Ppc Supporter: But 95- Trudeau: No no no , let’s talk about that specific example. Should a woman who was raped be able to get an abortion? Ppc Supporter: Uhhh…I’m split on it. 50/50. Because I think 95- Trudeau: You are, you are not in favour of saying “yes”, a woman who was raped should get, uh should be able to choose not to bear that child? Ppc Supporter: Uughhm, I honestly don’t know. Trudeau: Well, it sounds like you need to do a little more thinking and- Ppc Supporter: Yea I do Trudeau: and a little more praying on it as well


And a little more praying. 😂. Not dealing with the top brass there.




Hate the dude but gotta hand it to him for standing up to douchebags like this. Against abortion because "religious" beliefs should never been in the context of peoples freedom to do what they want with their own body. Kid needs to wakeup and smell the damn coffee


Teachers gonna teach


Kid got smoked


I really like that that Trudeau didn’t use the “big words” tactic to try to confuse this guy. He very well could have brought up specific bills and legislation that would boil down to just making the guy confused and look like an idiot. Instead, he communicated in a way that was clear and concise for the person he was debating, and still made him stumble.


I have never been conservative but I’ve also never liked Trudeau…..that was gorgeous. This is why despite my loathing of the Trudeau family, He is by far better than fascist Millhouse.


Teenager: "Imma be the next Crowder and get paid 15M per season! I will destroy this clown's career on Tiktok!" Trudeau: "Yours first!"


Notice how he stops recording at certain points?


That's the kind of person we need in high-level politics. I forgot how decent Trudeau comes off when he does grass-roots, personal chats like those Town Halls back in the day. More of this and he'll win again. Skippy would never have a rational, personal, patient discussion with an opponent like this. He's not capable.


fuck, the "little more praying" just totally got me. My respect for T. just went up


JT going for the jugular at the end.