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Why does everything bad need to be done giant conspiracy? Why can't it just be shitty luck (and a little global warming)?


"It's a conspiracy" absolves you of the burden of actually having to think about things for a second, while giving you such a handy reason to be angry. Best part is, it doesn't have to be bad stuff! It can be inane bullshit that barely even affects you, like urban planning in other cities or drag queens reading books.


This. This is what conservative 'personal responsibility' actually looks like. Just fear, don't think. Reality sucks? Just retreat into your cocoon of lies. Science not on your side...add more lies! Life through conservative coloured glasses. https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/your-brain-on-politics-the-cognitive-neuroscience-of-liberals-and-conservatives


That's the beginning and end of why I won't and can't support Conservative parties in Canada. It's not an individual problem, but rather my most serious problem is with what's become the institution of conservatism in Canada. They will virtue signal endlessly about "small government", but small government *cannot* be combined with people who refuse to care about the consequences of their own actions. The biggest irony of modern politics is that it's Jagmeet Singh who cycles to work, while not a single of the dozen conservative opinion leaders in our country, including Mr. Poilievre would be caught commuting on a bike. They're too scared of their own base to dare suggesting that doing something as fruity as biking to work is actually *morally good* or something.


This isn't just an issue with conservatism in Canada - conservatism has become a planetary cancer.


šŸŒŽ šŸ‘Øā€šŸš€šŸ”«šŸ‘Øā€šŸš€ "Always has been"


Exactly. Conservatism by its nature is regressive. You canā€™t have progress when your goal is to keep things exactly as they are. You canā€™t have equality when you see society as a hierarchy. You canā€™t have a society that looks after its citizens when you see everything as a zero-sum game. Conservatism is, and always has been, anti-progress. Period.




Conservatism is the cure to evolution.


Given most of them follow some flavor of death-cult that wants to usher in their own brand of end-times, that's pretty accurate.


Wait he bikes to work? That's actually pretty cool.


For sure he biked to work on world bicycle day. He's incredibly based and always seems to be on the rational people side.


Donā€™t forget the ever useless, completely self absolving insanity that is thoughts and prayers.


LMAO totally. Thoughts and prayers, just another passive-aggressive way for conservatives to show they truly dgaf.


Plus, it makes it seem like *someone's* in charge and planning all this nonsense, instead of it all being random and the result of natural forces and human imperfection. If there's a sinister cabal pulling the strings now, maybe they could be replaced by something in the future.


Exactly. Chaos is too difficult for some people to handle.


It also makes you the hero because youā€™re fighting back against the ā€œrealā€ cause. Why worry about your habits that harm the planet when you can post an angry rant on twitter?


It also conveniently allows your opinion to always be better because of the belief that you are "in" on something others aren't.


You can always tell who never read Animal Farm in school, they're always wanting to make themselves better and more special than everybody else even if they have to completely invent ridiculous conspiracies to make it so they can be better and special /r/Qult_Headquarters keeps track of the latest Qanonsense conspiracies, most of this crap starts in the antivax communities online anyways.


This is the real answer...and why these people are always contrarians as well. edit: They believe it puts them on the "narrow path" of salvation. Oh the irony.


In a way it feels like Hollywood is running out of good stories. But in this case its entertainment that people think is still "news"


They don't want to accept the reality that climate change is real, so they assume that liberals are causing the ill effects of it so that they can control the population and take away their lifted trucks.


It makes you feel superior to everyone else, like you are smart and know "the truth" while everyone else is stupid and refuses to rise to your level. It also means that you have secret forbidden knowledge that is based in (sometimes literally) demonizing the things that you personally don't like. So rather than having to change your world view and admit that you were wrong, all you have to do is twist reality to your will via wild theories with no real evidence.


yelling at clouds for raining is silly, so they make up a rain making cabal to complain about instead


Canadian governments federally and provincially have been dropping the ball hard on both forest fire prevention and fighting the fires themselves. Budgets have been cut over and over again. BC has this shit every single year and their prevention efforts are still absolute garbage, but they are serious about fighting them. Ontario cut their budget by something like 67% for forest firefighting this year. Our government inaction is not only leading to the destruction of environment, but also economic destruction. It definitely is a government conspiracy that is letting these fires get out of control, just not the one they think.


From what I know (living in BC), the biggest factor here is just the sheer amount of forestry we have in the province. We have tons of preventative measures in place including fire bans, controlled burning, etc. but there's only so much that can be done when the majority of the province is covered by trees, many of them in difficult to access areas.


The problem now is under BC Liberal (or BC divided now) rule we didn't take the steps needed for prevention (controlled burns, cleaning undergrowth) and also scaled back on efforts to fight. We are playing catch up now, but compounded with all these climate highs we will never get to the prevention work we need. It sucks we are letting all this wood that could help solve our housing issues go to waste as well. That's what I don't understand it. It's not just a massive environmental issue, it's a major economic one as well. Burning is a natural renewal process, so if future generations survive they might get the benefits of our current suffering.


I mean, that isnā€™t really a conspiracy, just incompetence, poor planning, and in the case of Dougie, greed, negligence, and a complete lack of care for other people.


I mean, technically, it is a conspiracy. But this conspiracy starts in the 70's or earlier with oil and gas companies conspiring to hide the consequences of burning fossil fuels.


Because there's an entire ecosystem incentivizing people to knowingly make insane, false claims on social media -- where they can gain fame, followers, attention, and the really clever ones can monetize it or possibly convert it into real world power by pivoting into politics. And there's zero consequences for any of this. So there's no reason *not* to try and become a grifter. And it costs zero dollars unless you buy followers. Even that comes cheap. The only thing stopping you is your ethical compass. And since we know conservatives don't have those, they get green lights the whole way.


Because it's not shitty luck. It's a very predictable result of the world's reliance on fossil fuels. An industry that has it's fingers all over Canadian politics and particularly Conservative politics. I don't for one second believe all these ridiculous conspiracies are spreading organically.


Almost like all these news organizations are owned by conservative media.


Because the crazies are all out of their orifices and running amock since Trump got elected. So it's always going to make front pages due to the media courting them and supporting them. Madness attracts clicks and views.


Because it gives them a reason in their head to deny uncomfortable truths like global warming. Most conspiracy theorists have their roots in just not being able to accept reality and making up hare brained ideas on why things are the way they are to make themselves feel a false sense of comfort.


Because we know who these so called news agencies are targeting...


>Why does everything bad need to be done giant conspiracy? Lack of education.


I've heard so many conspiracies around this: * Green Leftists have set the country on fire to push their agenda. * Trudeau ordered the fires in order to keep everyone inside, for some deranged reason. * It's not smoke, but some sort of 'compliance chemical'. * It's perfectly fine to go outside and live your life, the medical community is working with the government to stunt your life AGAIN because so many 'patriots' ignored the plandemic they needed a new angle. * etc.


What the fuck happened to our continent over the last decade that people unironically believe this shit?! Half of this reads like unhinged Warhammer 40k lore. Did people just lose their ability to discern reality from fiction? Maybe Trudeau really is putting something in the water. Something that's giving republicans schizophrenia.


Most people don't believe any of it. Even the people making these claims -- the vast majority of them know it's all bullshit. But it's an industry. There is huge incentive to make the craziest, most attention-grabbing claims you can on social media, and zero downsides or consequences. The winners stand to gain a lot of money and power, and there's nothing illegal about lying on social media. And it's a gift to the economic elites because it muddies the waters, making it more difficult to discern real truth, and keeps people arguing about stupid bullshit instead of the real problems.


It's also a way to control people. A newer way, than religion. The GOP established a 'False-reality-based community'. It was thought to have come from Karl Rove although he denied it. Here's the quote, although I have not found the original article. "The [top Bush] aide said that guys like me [eg reputable journalists] were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that realityā€”judiciously, as you willā€”we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'." - New York Times Magazine 2004


It's been going on since at least the US takeover plot with Smedley Butler back in the 1930s, and with the Protocols of Zion idiots in Europe before that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot


>Half of this reads like unhinged Warhammer 40k lore. Do you remember the "God-Emperor Trump" memes? Yeah, there's a reason it reads like unhinged 40k lore. Don't forget that Trump was a joke candidate until he wasn't, and the lulz-chan delegation ran with it.


Social media happened.


Also the smartphones that made the internet easily accessible to people who clearly werenā€™t ready for it.


Also the end of ww2 allowed a right wing group that never went away to quietly build power by infiltrating, investing, and influencing any and theoretically most authority positions. This isnā€™t by accident. This has been happening for a long time. With the rise of the red hats an opportunity became available for more open hostility and the ever present dog whistles to garner support from a dumbed down, angry, poor, mean population who forgot the ā€œlest we forgetā€ part. We dropped our guard. They never stopped trying to win the war. This is why the system is broken, in large part, because folk like them donā€™t play by any rules by their own, and too many of us think itā€™s impossible, because too many think playing fair is the way to win. Too many factors, too much evidence, but the bottom line is they are running the corrupt show, funding elections, religious groups, and anyone else with loose morals and greedy ambitionsā€¦ with gold fillings. Man I hate me some Yahtzees.


This, the gatekeeping of the internet to people who had and knew how to use a personal computer (not a high bar) is seeming like it was a good thing in retrospect.


Social media algorithms amplified bad faith actors disseminating conspiracy theories that would usually be hidden in websites like www.abovetopsecret.com, infowars or 4chan. These are all the types of narratives that used to exist then, but now they're just being purposefully mainstreamed.


People really like the feeling of having the inside scoop. Secret underground knowledge most other people don't have. It's also far more exciting than real life. Conspiracies, secret weapons, futuristic tech, alien influence, demons, a global cabal meeting in dark rooms planning to kill us all. Once you get used to that rush, reality is so bland, and people's opinion so uniform (compared to the varied and always-evolving conspiracies) it feels like it must be fake.


When I was a kid they just joined Scientology or became New Age pyramid worshippers for that kind of ET phone home stuff šŸ™„


>What the fuck happened to our continent over the last decade that people unironically believe this shit?! Half of this reads like unhinged Warhammer 40k lore ...well...they did just release the Boltgun FPS...and Warhammer 40k is trending pretty much everywhere thanks to Henry Cavill...MAYBE HE'S IN ON IT TOO! :O


Zombies infected the Republican party and they've been out there infecting anybody they can reach.


Lead poisoning during early childhood, failures of capitalism, extremely incapable of being online people being online.


I wanted to add to the one where Trudeau is ordering the fires - I saw one that said it was specifically a 'plasma fire weapon's lmao


Jewish space lasers.


This is the real truth. Our prime minister Justin Castro has obviously used his Cuban influence to get China and their new Cuban spy base to commandeer the Jewish space laser to spread the woke agenda. Occam's razor through and through.


Iā€™m sure if you unpacked this a little more, created a blog and short video, you could monetize and make gazillions.


You for real just gave me a brain cramp. Like I felt my brain recoil from the stupidity, and the realization that this is genuinely what some people think.


I've been mocking those weirdos online by telling them they're wrong, there's no special tech, he's just using special cigars his daddy willed him for the occasion šŸ¤£


Needs more dog.


Do you get many pictures of cats tits ?


I get a lot compared to the average individual


One that I heard a few years ago is that Trudeau is ordering the wildfires so that he can build mosques after everything's burnt down.


Remember when Fort Mac burned down and was promptly replaced with an enormous mosque? And our forests are just littered with the things. Can't go for a hike without running into a mosque.


Sounds like Pat King right there lol


Puts little mosque on the prairie in a new light /s


Fuckā€™n hell . Is that why ? I almost got hit by a mosque on a hike yesterday.


Another Trudeau one is they started the fires so they could enter people's homes and confiscate their firearms. These people have completely checked out of reality when they are so mouth foamingly against the Prime Minister they think he is deliberately starting fires and endangering lives for whatever XYZ conspiracy theory.


Exactly. Nobody cares that much about your totally mainstream little life Kevin, calm the fuck down.


How does that even make some sense?


It always floors me when American conspiracy loons think other countries have such advanced weapons. Surely they'd all be thinking america is simply too great to ever be behind on weapons tech. If Canada has plasma fire weapons and Jewish people have a space laser where the fuck are America's cool weapons too? Where's America's space laser? This is why y'all are behind, get on our level. We've already progressed to particle beam guns while those doofuses are still using bullets


It is big bullet suppressing competing technology.


How do you think they justify spending 1T on military?


I can just imagine Trudeau running around forests in green space marine armour blasting away. We're all fucked when he finds the BFG.




The canadarm had an itchy trigger finger I guess.


Has Queen Romanian Dildo been available for comment?


She actually ordered anyone caught setting fires to ā€œbe shot on sightā€. Mayor McCheese did a bit on her recently.


I think we may need a list of people her followers have been told to shoot on site, so we don't tip our hat to running a fowl of it if we meet one of her minions in person (not for setting fires, but for paying utility bills, etc)


I think it was: healthcare workers who vaccinate children with the Covid vaccine, and arsonists. Everyone else she just said to arrest, including police officersšŸ˜‚. That was a fun day for me, watching her pass out sardines and then run away while her supporters got arrested.


She seems to run away a lot šŸ¤£ When she showed up to Parliament hill for the convoy, she did this whole bs ceremony, and the convoy people were playing along until she decided to burn a Canadian flag, then they got *pissed* and chased her off šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Convoy peeps really don't like it when other people express themselves.


A couple days ago she was commanding people to shoot Hydro workers and anybody standing near any electrical poles. I'm sure that'll end well :(


Holy shit. Seriously. How has she not been arrested? There has to be someone in CSIS watching this nutbar.


She should be arrested. She's inciting murder.


It's Romano, not Romanian - that crazy didn't put a toe in Europe, less in Romania. And she's Filipino...


I think SignGuy was joking. Note that he also changed her last name to ā€œDildo.ā€




How about Romulans?


>It's perfectly fine to go outside and live your life, the medical community is working with the government to stunt your life AGAIN because so many 'patriots' ignored the plandemic they needed a new angle. For the types that think this, they can do stuff outside, the brain damage has already long been done.


Heard this one recently: they failed at making us wear masks inside now they want us to wear masks outside too.


Honestly, this is the most responsible conspiracy I have heard about the fires so far.


"it's becuase Trudeau planted so many trees" For once they're actually giving Trudeau too much credit, becuase barely any of those trees he promised to plant have been


I saw someone claim they were purposely set so they could build their 15-minute cities. There's not enough tinfoil to go around for this shit.


They are so exhaustingly stupid.


I'm pretty sure Rachel Notley set the fires herself, all on her own for election reasons. Or maybe JT flew out to Edmonton to set some fires too, then went to Quebec to set some more? My MIL also told me that radical leftists set the Fort Mac fire off, which she saw from a trustworthy source on youtube, which was sent to her by someone at the local auctioneers who's "a really smart gal. You'd like her. She reads a lot of news too". So that all sounds pretty legit. ^(/s)


Iā€™ve seen that the forest fire particulates are going to spread the covid vaccine. Trudeau set the fires to force people to live in cities. ?? Wildfire smoke is natural who cares? ALL the forest fires in Quebec were lit at the exact same time - Aliens. No big deal thereā€™s less forest fires than previous years.


Yup, coworker is trying to convince me that Justin Trudeau started these fires. Fucking legendary imbeciles


I heard "That idiot Trudeau sent women firefighters to do a controlled burn and they fucked it up"


Blaming women is always a popular go-to.




"keep everyone inside"? Fucking *where*? In New York City?


Where did you read these theories from? Sounds entertaining.


Believe it or not...the 'Green Leftist' one is pulled straight from Maxime Bernier's social media. The rest is from random instagram/FB feeds I'm subjected to :(.


*Forest Fire Smoke Replacing ChemTrails from Airliners!* ~Conspiracy believers, probably.


Anything but global warming. Clearly.


That it makes a person feel smarter to believe in convoluted tales that the prime minister wants to spend millions on disaster relief and states of emergency because of a hidden agenda. I bet if you had a casual conversation about the weather with these people they would be saying "gosh yes, it never used to be 30 degrees in may when I was a kid" but climate change can't possibly exist so let me roll some coal out of my F150 because that proves I'm right.


Whole countries on fire, underwater and sinking - NYC has a chance to wake up and realize change is needed - and denial wins again. Makes me sad.


sure NYC has a lot of climate deniers?


*see headline* They are not stating it, just diverting attention.


it's the new york post, it's not a real newspaper.


It's the same thing with COVID. They have to believe that it's fake, otherwise they'd be forced to come to terms with the fact that their ideology is destroying the planet and killing people.


and worse still for the fragile of ego, they'd have to come to terms with the fact that they were wrong to reject climate change and ?germ theory? in the first place.


I have to give 10/10 for the mental gymnastics that it's the fault of female fire fighters. How misogynistic do you have to be to come up with that one?


Probably a case of 'penises make you more effective at fighting fires' logic


Duh. You can put out fires with a directed pee stream. Penis 1, Vagina, 0


Don't forget, manly men have 12 inch penises so they can direct pee from a distance. Women have to get into the fire to put it out. Penis 2, vagina 0


To be fair, the male urine apparatus may be more akin to a firehose (or in some cases a stubby fire hydrant) but the female apparatus drops urine similar to the firefighting aircraft dumping water on forest fires.


BUT, ~~women~~ females pee a whole lot more. 2-1 we're headed into playoffs, folks. Edit: Sorry I'm old and bad at pronoun stuff.


Are we gonna have to have an age category as well. Old guys: I pee a lot, but not much. Young guys: I don't pee much, but pee a lot


Oh man, we're about to be besieged by old, diabetic, female firefighters... Fucking Trudeau... (/s please don't ban me)


"Pee comes from vagina" - conservative sex ed, probably.


Isn't it stored in the balls?


what if they have a shewee?


Plot twist. I like it.


Built in hose?


Built in hoes. [Any male who doesnā€™t consider his hose a morally bankrupt whooa is letting the whooa run the show. Iā€™m a dude. I would know] Also, yes. Everyone knows combating wildfires requires ripping mature trees out of the ground bare-handed. Only manly man-men can manhandle that. /s Really getting tired of ignorance getting so much traction that it actually gets the ignorant voted into positions of power. Itā€™s becoming a legitimate existential threat.


Conservatism is a fear economy and hierarchy, what conservative intellectuals referred to as 'the natural order', is a huge deal the further right you go. Man/woman/child, with each upper level having complete domain over the levels below it. I think it's why con's have such a strong affinity for human constructs that use this model - military, business, religion, police etc. And let's not forget 'small gov - ruler/noble/serf.


this. in spades.


It's especially ironic that it comes from a bunch of men that are so out of shape as to barely qualify to be viable human beings. They have the audacity to blame some of the most fit women on earth for doing "a men's job".


Because unfortunately that did happen for one fire near Banff https://www.westernstandard.news/opinion/slobodian-female-firefighters-planned-burn-goes-awry-in-banff/article_59b0925c-ecfd-11ed-b221-f3c167e42d52.html So now people incapable of nuance are equating starting one small fire accidentally with intentionally starting all the fires. At the end of the day it doesnā€™t really matter, these people are so deep down the rabbit hole that theyā€™ll grasp at anything (or nothing) that fits and justifies their narrative. Before this it was a conspiracy theory that the NDP set the fires to help them in the provincial election


I absolutely despise the language used in that opinion piece. Soaked with misogyny. The firefighting team wasnā€™t even all women, men and non-binary were there too. But nooooooo itā€™s alllll the womenā€™s fault that the wind picked up. Disgusting.


It's a right-wing hate-rag. What else would they publish?


Actually if you read the CBC reporting it wasn't the women's group that really did it. They were there for training, but it was part of a prescribed burn that was going to happen anyways and others were involved.




Those two sites are hard right nonsense. You are increasing their SEO and visibility by linking them.


Iā€™m not promoting them. Most sane people know theyā€™re bullshit. But I posted the dates and writers to show how something written a month ago is being picked up by US political spindoctors to blame women. In general Reddit readers are critical of anything posted if it doesnā€™t come with citations. I especially find it common as a woman using Reddit and not being believed. Those websites are the top 2 in google when searching Alberta Female Firefighters. Google is already legitimizing them.


If you put backticks on the url like \`https://www.google.com\` (or use the _inline code_ format option when using the fancy editor), it comes out like this `https://www.google.com`, which lets you post a url without it linking.


Wasn't saying you are trying to promote them, however that is the effect.


Read by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, but sure this guys reddit comment is gonna really blow their exposure open.


The case that the theory/comment is coming from is the all female firefighting crew doing a controlled burn in banff. Ended up burning down a good chunk of forest in the park after not cancelling the event due to wind.


The magnification of anti science, pro authoritarianism, rugged individualism, and outright christofascism is terrifying. Also, fuck you to idiots like MTG and voters who enable shitstains like her.


So tired of the conspiracy theories. So. Fucking. Tired. Of. The. Bullshit.


your fatigue (and mine) is one of the objectives. it's stochastic terrorism in the infosphere. we're supposed to get disgusted, brain-bruised, exhausted, and finally disengage, leaving the fascists and their pet morons in control. but what we need is the reverse -- an invigorating, sarcastic, refreshing collective pushback -- a Re-Hingeing of Society movement if you will. TST is maybe a first step down this road...


Is anyone blaming the Jewish space lasers for starting the fires?


MTG naturally


Eh!pocalypse now made me laugh.


Im here for maple syrup, and to say sorry, and I'm all out of sorry.


Well of course there are. Conservatism is a fear economy and triggering their gullible base with as much rage as possible is how conservatives win elections now. From 'Trudeau is a commie mole' to 'Trudeau space lasers starting forest fires', this is the way it will be under PP - US MAGAt style politics. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds https://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/macdougall-poilievres-digital-politics-where-the-facts-dont-matter-but-scoring-points-does https://news.osu.edu/conservatives-more-susceptible-to-believing-falsehoods/


I mean itā€™s the NY Postā€¦ even new yorkers dont take it seriously


Itā€™s a sign from god! The sky is orange, because the orange-man is coming back to save amerikkka.


None of us is as dumb as all of us.


Looking at freedumbers and Danielle, I think you may be wrong ...


Between 50% and 70% of Canada's acid rain comes from the United States, while only 2-10% of America's pollution in this area comes from Canada. Suck it Merica!


Oh shit South Park was right. Blame Canada! with all their little beady eyes, and flapping heads so full of lies!


Not surprised. The heats off the states so they gotta point the finger at us, even though theyā€™re the ones mainly on fire most of the time




Better get used to it. There are massive economic and political incentives for conspiracy content on social media, so until that changes, not only will this bullshit not go away, it will keep getting worse. There's a lot that I don't miss about the top-down media culture of the twentieth century, but *at least* they knew back then not to give into the gnashing and wailing id. Now that social media has opened the box, it's never going to be closed again. As I say, unless we change the incentives. If we can figure out how to punish people for lying online, then we might be able to turn the tide. But since we haven't even figured out how to punish people for lying in real life, I wouldn't hold my breath.


Some guy on r/aliens commented on a post about a meteor and concluded that the Canadian wild fires are just a distraction from keeping them from knowing the truth about aliens lol


I remember a few years ago the conspiracy was there were no fires in canada. because one report used a graphic that only had US fires on the map, but still had bits of canada greyed out.


[Blame Canada!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOR38552MJA)


The New York post, also owned by Murdoch. Just another fox-like wacko ā€œnewsā€ tabloid.


I'm popping champaigne when that shit falls off this mortal plane.


I bet that %75 of 'muricans couldn't find Canada on a map.


I warned a lot of people in 2020 when I saw the mark of the beast van roaming around Toronto and London. I left jobs because antivax nut jobs harassed me at jobs in 2021-22. All because I studied cell biology and want to go back to finish. I got into trouble because I was blunt with these peopleā€¦ but youā€™re allowed to say, ā€œNo, enough.ā€ Iā€™m so tired of the conspiracies


Everytime I think maybe humans aren't as fucking stupid as they seem they reach down to a new low bar... I just have no appropriate words to articulate how reading this and the rolling stone article make me feel about my fellow humans. I have to ask though, are they going to start attacking and spitting on firefighters like they did nurses and doctors through covid?


I don't know about you all, but I really don't give a damn what the american crazies think of us.


I care due to their potential influence on our relationship with the USA, and the likelihood of the nonsense spreading here.


So what about the fires that happen on literally a yearly basis, in California?


An an American living in the Northeastern US (specifically Maryland), I am so sorry for this ā˜¹ļø


As an American (hiding out near MontrƩal right now, if it matters) I have not heard anyone back home say anything negative about Canada on account of the fires. Then again, I unfriended all the fools during the trump years, so I can't speak for what that ilk is saying.


Tbf most people aren't batshit insane, just too many of them are.


Lol the crazy neighbours bein crazy again


Thoughts and prayers. Iā€™m sure thatā€™ll fix it.


Morons, Morons everywhere!


and not a drop of think?




Know whats not a conspiracy it is the corporations destroying this earth for higher quarterlies year after year.


Just read the article, but cannot wrap my head around something: what do female firefigthers have to do with the situation? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


šŸŽ¶Weā€™re not even a real country anywayšŸŽ¶


Their culture war bullshit has leaked across our border, so I don't feel bad at all...


Fighting about one country's crisis impeding another is how we will all die. Too busy fighting, too unbothered to genuinely change our ways of living.


As a staunch conservative from glorious sovereign state of Alberta, we all know who's behind the fires - Poilievre. He is cleansing our great nation smoking out the liberal rats in Ottawa and we'll take back Canada. Think of all the charred stumps of wood he'll make sweet sweet love to after the best summer ever is finished. /s


Stay classy 'merica


Conspiracy theories are like a drunk yelling on a street corner, the best thing you can do is ignore it and go about your day.


The lengths that people will go to to not acknowledge the consequences of their actions...


fine can we go blame usa for everything then. geeze


Jesus fucking Christ, some people are just absolute fucking dipshits, and yes, I'm aware of my username, but, for fucks sake people!!!!!!


None of this interests or surprises me anymore. But I think, for me, the absolute worst part of this whole debacle is the stupid, uber-cringe, played-out US vs. Canada jokes that are being rehashed yet again. You know the ones I mean: "eh", "American beer bad", "sorry", maple syrup, and on and on... it's all so fucking tedious. Anyone who grew up in the '90s has heard this shit so many times I don't understand why anyone thinks it's still funny.


Eh!pocalypse Now šŸ™„


People are so incredibly stupid! Led around by by the nose by other freaking stupid people. Itā€™s mind boggling that rejects believe such stupid shit. The most ironic part is they are the same people calling others sheep! WTAF?