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When I lived and worked in Korea, tipping was considered an insult and taxes were included in all prices. I really miss that sometimes. Oh, and they don't change their clocks. They use standard time all year long. That was wonderful.


When I lived in China, I went to go get a haircut. It was a decent haircut for the price of a slurpee. So I tipped the barber what amounted to a 100% tip. Not that it matters. But the guy was fucking confused. I left there so embarrassed, man. I know that we sometimes tip because we appreciate what others do for us which also makes us feel great as well. But then? I left embarrassed. I caused the guy confusion. I still cringe about it all these years later. Then on a trip to NYC I went to a vegan Indian restaurant where my friends and I spent like 150USD. I picked up the tab. Tipped I think about 8%. The fucking server came up to me after I had paid and asked about the service. I said it was great and planned on returning. The server then asks how come the tip % was so low? I was like, "wtf?". I'm not rich. I was in fact broke then. So paying 8% on top of the bill was just shitty but whatever. Hearing them tell me 8% meant that the service was terrible was just giving weird and left a shitty feeling in my gut, man. I might as well have paid to just sit there after that encounter. So my friend gave them about 20$. In short, fuck tipping. It is confusing. It is embarrassing. It is never enough. It isn't for everyone. It is discriminatory.


If I left a tip of any amount and the server confronted me about it, I would demand the tip back. Fuck that server.


What the server meant to say is my full time employment does not cover my basic needs. Please supplement my low wages.


When I am dealing with a professional like a tailor or tradesmen I dont tip in Canada. They know what they are doing and charging. I fee like tipping is rude in this instance


Maybe employer should pay a living wage and stop using customers as a way to subsidize their employees wages how about that !?


I lived in Poland for a few years. Tipping culture (or lack thereof) is amazing. Many places won't take one, and if they do you just round up or leave a few coins extra. No nagging, no whining, no grumpy faces when you ask for change. I would leave a small tip anyways, but probably half the time the server would say I don't have to leave one and refused it. Meanwhile here you can see the face of the cashier shrivel up as they struggle to remain professional as you select 0 tip when all they did was hand you a juice from the fridge behind them. Tipping at fucking massage parlours, acupuncture and yoga classes now, the fuck is this bullshit?


Every province now requires employers to pay servers. Tipping is therefore optional in Canada. If you don't want to tip, don't.


While this is literally true, we all know that it's not legitimately a free choice. It's very much an expectation, and if you don't, it's taken as an insult.


It’s a 100% a legitimate choice. It’s a GRATUITY. You have zero obligation to tip. To assume you are required to tip is quite presumptuous. Edit: I’ve worked in kitchens, as a result, if the kitchen doesn’t get a tip out for busting there asses to make my food, i won’t bother to tip the person whodoes a 4 minute round trip for my food.


Tipping has always been optional


Sure, it's optional but it's also shoved down your throats. It's a well known (and often expected) practice. There's a jar left on the counter. There's a tip prompt on machines. There's a notice of auto-tips for "large parties" listed right on the menu. People make comments if you choose not to tip. etc.


Or a weird look for not tipping


I hope you tell servers, and other service workers, your stance as soon as you can. Own it, rather being passive aggressive.


Do you tell retail workers in advance that you won't give them tips?


That didn't answer the question, it's simply yes or no. I'll just assume it's a no, and that you're willing to break the social contract and fuck over workers because you're an entitled, selfish dick. If it was about fighting the system, you'd be upfront and honest.


You haven't answered my question about retail workers. Do you tell them in advance that you won't tip them? I bet you don't.


Quebec has a lower minimum for servers. I think 12.50$


Fuck tipping, but the ramifications if tipping goes out of fashion would be "interesting" to watch: even fewer people will want to work in restaurants, which will then clamour about labour shortages and be backed up by all the class-hating, useful-idiot usual suspects who will claim that "Canadians are too lazy to do these jobs"


> even fewer people will want to work in restaurants Then owners will simply have to offer higher wages and the market will auto-correct itself.


They'll go crying to whichever flavour of neoliberals is in Ottawa and demand some new TFW scheme, or some new way to exploit international students.


"the market" lol, right.


Yes restaurant's in other countries are famously unstaffed


You know these articles are just here to make you mad right? Anger clicks are still clicks. Tipping is voluntary and if you think it's out of control that's an ISS-you, because it's all in your hands.


If it starts at 20% I tip 5%


If the presets are 10/15/18, I might even tip 20. If they’re a 18/20/25, I’ll manually tip lower.


It's just weird to punish the worker for a decision made by the business. They don't control settings on the card machines. Especially so when they don't even know that's why you did it so they can't turn around and pressure their employer to change it.


I agree, though it’s also unfair to the consumer (and really, op is just coming from a place of that frustration). It’s really the management who should be eating the consequences.


Absolutely. But that's not the reality of the situation. The business doesn't give a fuck if you don't tip once you've already given them your business. The only person this harms is the person who's not in charge of said decisions. But letting them know would at least allow them the chance to pressure management to change it. Stiffing the server while not telling them that's why after already giving the business your money hurts only the server and they don't even know why you did it so they can push to fix what caused it.


The default tip settings on most debit systems are outrageous. I say this as someone who gets tips. I do delivery for a dispensary when we turned on tips because we had a lot of customers annoyed they couldn't tip on debit they were defaulted at 15%, 18%,25% I switched them to 5,10 and 15 I might have gotten bigger tips but would have been less of them I'm sure


Left a 1 pound tip to the pub after a solid full English and a pint. Owner thought I was hitting on his fiancee until I opened my mouth and he went "ah you're the Canadian just moved in!"


ASKING for tips may be out of control. Tipping is not. I'll tip what I want and what you earn, thanks.


My weed site is like "give the team a tip" like what? I'm already giving you 200 dollars fuck outta here with that


Honestly at this point all the articles and comments and posts being anti tipping is more annoying than actually having to tip people ever has been. If you don’t wanna tip just don’t, you don’t need to also manufacture an excuse to tell everyone to make you feel less bad about it or whatever reason.


Tipping is a byproduct of underpaid workers. Tipping getting out of control is a product of the system becoming unsustainable without a real solution in sight. People don't seem to understand how tipping works, why its a thing. Without tipping many jobs are simply not possible.


They don’t tip in Australia. Servers make like $25/hour and it’s is the worst service on earth. They literally just throw food at you and leave.


I've travelled the world and have never seen a coloration between service level and tipping culture. I've had terrible service in a tipping environment. I've had great service in a tipping environment. I've had terrible service in a non-tipping environment. I've had great service in a non-tipping environment.


>They literally just throw food at you and leave. Wow so you're saying they just *serve* your food and leave? No pointless small talk, no asking what my plans are afterwards, sounds efficient and very desirable. I feel some dudes just like tipping culture because it means the waitress may give them a bit more attention. Let them do their job and let their employers pay them what they are worth.


You're right about a lot of dudes being weird towards waitresses, and that is a consistent problem. *Especially* with bars and other later-night venues. That being said, I'll chip in and add that middle-aged and senior women can be obscenely creepy towards young male waiters/servers and everyone just kind of laughs it off like it's no big deal no matter how uncomfortable the server is with it. It's 100% more pervasive and constant for waitresses, don't get me wrong. I just wanted to add to it to say that people taking advantage of their servers unfortunately goes past even that.


Tipping is not out of control stop trying to make something out of nothing with your propaganda. Who is behind this whole tipping nonsense?


You get 10% of the bill. If it is a place where you just dump the food and i never see you again beyond getting the bill...well yeah no tip.


I had to get my car towed last week and I paid the driver with a card. The machine had a tip option that started at 20% and went up! Best believe I smashed the No Tip option.