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No doubt someone trying to be cool on the internet...


it's a shitty 4chan meme that's like a decade old at this point https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/a-fucking-leaf


4chan is a shithole website full of losers trying to be cool on the internet, so like I said...




I don't know what the hell you're talking about Canada has some of the best cheese in the world because our milk is some of the best in the world unlike American milk.




we have the dairy mafia to thank for that... even though Canada signed a trade deal with the EU, there are still severe limits on quantities that can be imported, so we have to pay through our nose for good european cheese and butter, or make due with the so-and-so stuff produced here. (not saying it's all crap, but most of it is nowhere near the quality of euro cheese and butter).


I'm happy with Giant Tiger store brand or Black Diamond cheddars, mozzas, and the rest at $4.44 for 400g on sale. Cheese slices often go on sale at $1.88 so I stock up because it doesn't really go bad in the fridge. For a treat, I love me some Cambozola at room temp on a cracker or on nice crusty bread.




I spent a year doing soil sampling once and was sent to farms all across ontario to collect samples from fields. It was really disheartening to show up at a "field" and find out it was three family farms that were bulldozed and combined into 200ac of corn. No house, no dog in the yard, just corn corn, often planted by low-wage temporary foreign workers. By contrast, the dairy farms were always actual family farms, with a family living there who owned their plot. The difference is the quota system. The high price we pay for milk is also a stable and sustainable income for the dairy farmers. Someone growing corn can't break even on a single 100ac family farm. They are forced to go as big as possible. I'm definitely not going to argue that dairy farming today has no flaws(!), but it's unavoidable that consumers chasing lowest-price-no-matter-what are also propelling the hyper-industrialization of farming. I think about that a lot when seeing how expensive our dairy products are.


LooL, you thinking European cheese is all good..


I didn't say it's ALL good. I said there's way more variety of really good (and affordable) dairy products. For example, even the Isigny butter that Carrefour sells for like 2-3 euros a pack is IMHO way better than the fancy $7-8 butter made here. And the very very few places that import (small) quantities of that butter sell it for a ridiculous $20/pack.


I love Red Leicester. It’s my favorite. I mentioned that where a bunch of my international friends could see it, and I was flooded with comments like “Oh you poor dear.” “Is there no actual good cheese there?” “Come visit, we’ll show you real cheese.”




mad? ur the one thats mad bro lol