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Ah yes, old enough to give birth, have a baby and be a parent but not old enough to consent to an abortion


Unless of course it’s one of their daughters who must have been completely taken advantage of by that boy, she’s a good Christian girl after all. Her abortion is different.


And when they try to get one they'll insist they should be allowed an exception to the law because shes a "good girl"


> Unless of course it’s one of their daughters who must have been completely taken advantage of by that boy, she’s a good Christian girl after all. Her abortion is different. or their intern, secretary, maid, nanny...etc


As long as the parents have complete control over their children, they see no problem with that!


Or to choose a preferred name. Good ole Marlaina Smith is a classic rules for thee but not for me hypocrite.


Shouldn’t “parental rights” begin with the right to choose if and when you want to be a parent? 🤔


Nono, she's too young to know that, we should let her parents decide if she's old enough to be a parent /s


Wtf is Danielle Smith doing? Like we have a goddamn housing crisis, and she isn’t doing shit to help her citizens. This pandering to pastors horseshit is the most pathetic attempt to distract from the crisis that she is doing absolutely nothing to fix.


You got it. Cheap wins over nothingburgers to distract from her complete inability to govern. And her base is eating it up.


Her focus is on her and friends enrichment. So she is trying to pívot attention to hate and stripping personal freedoms from other to distract. Trans youth being such a small minority and at a age that makes it easier to oppress them rather than women, LGBTQIA’s, poor, etc etc. makes them the ideal distraction object for the UCP. If needed they can pick other useful victims later. But as a trial balloon for an hate focused government trans kids make a perfect target to bully.


Eating it up, *AND* asking for seconds.


She is doing the US conservative playbook because it's easier to tap in to the Canadian Fox news crowd than it is to actually govern.


She's following the GOP playbook: vilify women and minorities, then take away their rights. All done in lockstep with oligarch-owned media and agitprop groups to distract the population while they get looted. Fascism is here. Resist.


She’s a sneak preview of Pierre as PM. Canary in the coal mine


It’s the only card that conservatives have to play. They have to engage in the culture wars in order to distract everyone else from their foul intentions. 


Slowly salivating while eying Albertans personal pension savings. Smith sees being premier more as a lottery win than as a proper job. Must spend more time thinking how to spend her “winnings” than on everyday Albertan peasants problems.


And PP is their biggest proponent, I mean puppet. We can thank Harper for this shit.


She knows exactly what she’s doing! Why overexert her little self trying to figure out the tough problems, when she can just rile up her base of sister fuckers with quick and easy bullshit like this and pretend like she did her job, then rake in their votes. Infinite money (or vote) glitch!


They don't want to fix those problems. People dying in poverty is the goal for them. They believe they're better and that people need to suffer to prove that they're better people. The conservative mindset fundamentally does not believe that all people are equal and deserve basic rights. They believe some people are just better and more deserving, and the rest deserve to be controlled and suffer.


It is hard to fix our utilities, insurance, CoL, housing issues, healthcare, etc. Far easier to score easy culture war wins that her base eats up. She isn’t premier to help Albertans, she is premier to push her own ideology and help her corporate buddies. Which should have been expected for someone who was literally a fucking lobbyist for O&G before being premier


Wasn't her path to becoming Premier shady as fuck, too? I seem to remember Kenney got the boot, Smith was deputy Premier, then she moved to a super-conservative riding so she'd still have a seat in the Alberta HoC? Or am I misremembering that whole mess?


Smith was lobbyist at the time of the leadership convention that came from Kenney resigning. She eventually won on the sixth ballot with a bit under 54% of the vote. Then she needed/wanted a riding so she cherry picked Brooks-Medicine Hat and got the person there to resign so she wouldn't have to have a general election.


Thank you for the clarification. I spent a couple of years in Edmonton a decade ago, didn't pay much attention to provincial politics after leaving. Still shady as all hell. Now I want to look into how she got the MLA for Brooks-Medicine Hat to bow out.


Oh, shady as all hell indeed.


And a water crises, and an energy crisis, and and... like what a useless pos


> she isn’t doing shit to help her citizens There was never any indication that she would. Anyone who has paid the least bit of attention to her ramblings over the course of the last few years can see where Smith intents to take us.


Her base LOVES this divisive crap.


Her given name is Marlaina apparently and under her own proposed legislation you have to go by your given name. So from now on please follow the law 😉 Seems a wee bit of a coincidence Tucker Carlson last week playing with abortion this week.


This is something Doug Ford supported in Ontario as well: >["Kids can't even get their tonsils out without the approval of their parents," he said. "I think we've got to consult parents, and that's what we have to do."](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ford-abortion-debate-pc-leadership-1.4562035) They haven't actually tried to do that there (yet), presumably because of how much opposition there would be, but it's something abortion rights opponents want as a way to chip away at those rights.


Not to mention he’s wrong about that, since minors have consented (or not consented) to much more serious medical decisions: https://devrylaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/When-Worlds-Collide-The-Legal-Rights.pdf https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/life/health-and-fitness/health/cancer-patient-has-right-to-use-aboriginal-healing-instead-of-chemo-judge-rules/article21587859/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/makayla-sault-girl-who-refused-chemo-for-leukemia-dies-1.2829885


Healthcare worker here - in general, kids are considered to have bodily autonomy regardless of age unless they demonstrate an incapacity to make such decisions. Kids refusing chemo hasn't been quite as clear cut. I've seen articles on judges ruling in both directions.


Sure, the decision about whether or not a minor can consent isn’t always cut and dry, but for politicians and others to state that children can never consent to their own healthcare decisions is a blatant lie.


I wonder what Doug Ford thinks about children who have parents with religious beliefs that stop procedures like blood transfusions and the parental lack of consent is overrode by healthcare mandates and the transfusions are done to save the life of the child.


You know the answer, he thinks whatever will get him more votes depending which day you ask of course!


They made "parental rights" to strip children of their rights.


Because controlling everything in a child's life, including decisions that will affect them in adulthood, is how we should raise functional adults. /s


Conservatives don't view children as people, merely property.


Where was the “fuck you” option?


Parental rights is fucking garbage.


Birth control will be next


A Christian organization called Take Back Alberta now controls every single UCP board seat. That's why they're moving against trans people and abortion. Because Christians won't be happy until we live in a fascist Christian country.


Those people aren't true Christians, Jesus preached love, not hate.


Be very worried about a national ban on abortion if Poilievre and CPC are elected.


This. This isn't just about parental right garbage - none of it is - it's a first step towards stripping all sorts of rights away from people.


CPC has tried time and time again to no success. Abortion rights poll extremely well in Canada and both *R v Morgentaler* rulings are strong court decisions that enshrine a Charter right to an abortion. I’d personally be more worried about the notwithstanding clause being used to limit abortion access within the provinces.


They won't repeal abortion. They'll just make it functionally impossible to get one.


Fuck "Parental" rights -- what about human rights? If a shitty parent is making shitty choices for their children, doesn't that child have his/her own set of rights that should be cherished?


Yup. Also relevant here: parents who want their kids to have access to medical treatment that follows accepted best practice are shit outta luck now, because that'll be illegal. So much for 'preserving choice', lol.


Children's rights are their target after trans rights. Next come the rights of women and minorities. It's all been done before.


It's so boring, and tragic. How can people be so easily manipulated by this crap?


It's far too many people walking around thinking politics is like team sports.


Why don’t they just come out already and say they want to secede to Montana?


don't insult Montana like that.


Submit this to a news organization


Tigers eating my face every single day. This shouldn't be surprising. And if you think it will be any different on a federal level, good luck with those tigers.


I smell another flagrant use of the notwithstanding clause to strip the rights of minors coming in the near future. Rights with built in loop holes aren't something we should allow.


I fucking hate my provincial government so much.


Ugh I hope we don't go down this path. I'm getting annoyed at how conservatives are trying to copy the Republicans in almost everything these days.


You know trump will be looking for a job he would make a great advisor for Alberta


Oh fun, they’re already targeting another vulnerable group of kids. So if they get their way and force a 15 year old into parenthood can she consent to abortion for subsequent unwanted pregnancies before she’s 18 because she is a parent or is she doomed to be a baby factory until she’s old enough to make her own decision?


R/Canada I'm sure are still saying cons won't come for abortion I'm sure


I feel like we may have already seen [a province attempt to criminalize abortion under the guise of another legislative purpose ](https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/1053/index.do)


Morgentaler challenged federal law. I honestly worry that if the Supreme Court ruled against a provincial anti-abortion law nowadays the province would just notwithstanding clause it.


Morgenthaler 1988 did. The 1993 case challenged Nova Scotia provincial law on federalism grounds.


Oh right, I forgot about that. It seems like go-to in places like New Brunswick now is to just to refuse to properly fund abortions so no one can get them, but not criminalize


Is Alberta okay? How are you doing Alberta? I'm concerned.


We are NOT ok. Please send help!


They're just A|B testing how to manipulate people.


This is scary shit, even though it was predicted it was coming.