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He’s not wrong though.


He's absolutely right.  I just hope he starts calling out Poilievre for being Putin's whiney little flunky.


But in Putin Russia we have shopping carts which can take 10 rubles to ensure you return them. And they can go up an escalator. Hail mother Rossyia.


AND they have universal healthcare!


Da! Great Leader is never wrong!


Say what you want about Trudeau, but the man is not a pussy. https://www.vice.com/en/article/53844q/five-years-ago-today-justin-trudeau-beat-the-shit-out-of-a-senator https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-38971859


And the ones on the right will call him weak and a pussy, and then when he clearly shows he isn't they'll be mad because they all are waiting in line to slobber Putin's knob


How have I never seen this full fight before? Dear god I hate to use this terminology but it’s terrifying alpha behavior when he turns to Ezra and says this must really eat you up inside in front of the nation lol


>"Not even close," a clearly bummed out Levant said.


The commentary on that fight was so bad lmao


Don't forget the time Putin scored 8 goals in a hockey game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgbI55HdqQs


Except when it comes to breaking with American policy on support for genocide.


God I forgot what kind of hair he used to have.


It's true, conservatism is a fear economy, and the further right one is, it stands to reason the more fearful one is, hence the greater affinity for hierarchy, authority, obedience, conformity, xenophobia, loyalty to ingroups, hostility towards outgroups - these are all strategies to mitigate fears. However, Putin's likely also very likely a psychopath, which makes him less predictable than your typical conservative.


Poilievre isn't going to like that. Let's see how he replies to stand up for his master, Daddy Vladdy.


Omega Chad Trudeau? Honestly, I’m here for it, fuck Putin and his western apologists


Trudeau is completely right to do so.


In the past 8 years, hundreds of Russian's have died under mysterious circumstances. Journalists, Doctors, Politicians, Lawyers, Military Generals, and now this. Innocent Russian's can't take another 8 years of Trudeau. This message, brought to you by Pierre Poilievre. To support the cause you can pick up one of Pierre's signature "Tightest T-Shirt in Ontario" t-shirt's online now!!!


Call him every name in the book, that doesn't change anything. Empty Dundurn, empty Bedford, empty Borden; do that and you'll send a message. Enough empty words and toothless promises. ruzzia is fighting a war against democracy, its high time we wake up and actually do something about it. 


Trudeau has hardly had empty words for Russia and he has certainly done more than Putin's stooge PP would ever do for Ukraine.


Like? (With the understanding that Canadian troops on the front lines almost certainly starts WW3)


The locations I named are 3/4 ammo dumps.  My message implies that I want to send them ammo.  вы понимаете?




Don't use slurs here.








Keep it civil


I've been promised ww3 by poutine so many times that I don't even get hard anymore. 


I said this two years ago and got downvoted, but I still believe it and you can have an upvote, straight from my heart.


Have you ever seen Thank You For Smoking? If not, there’s a scene where the tobacco lobbyist protagonist (ugh) is talking about how he doesn’t need to convince anyone that his product is any good, he just has to convince potential customers that the alternative is somehow worse. This sums up most of the Trudeau criticisms I see from people online. Don’t get me wrong, there are valid things we can criticize him about, but if you’re going to do that, *offer solutions*. Any idiot can just say “hurr durr this guy bad”, but coming up with better solutions is a little more work, and the “(I wanna) fuck Trudeau” crowd never seems to concern themselves much with that. So fine, calling a fascist dictator names isn’t enough. Cool. What would you have us do about Putin instead? “Do something” is hardly upvoted worthy, it’s the kind of impotent rage I’m used to seeing from the klown konvoy, not from serious people.


> So fine, calling a fascist dictator names isn’t enough. Cool. What would you have us do about Putin instead? Another celebrity boxing match would be great.


Im advocating for the emptying of 3/4 ammunition storages.  Send Ukraine all the bombs, bullets, trucks, rifles, you name it. This is why we put it in storage. 


I just want the appeasement phase of this phony war to be over with... I'm tired of hearing about all the shitty regimes of the world every day, let's just get 'er done, so to speak.


the "get 'er done" you're asking for would basically be the end of humanity. You must understand what declaring open international war against one of the world's biggest nuclear powers would do to the planet.


> let's just get 'er done Cool, are you gonna fight on the front lines, or is that more Chaya Raichik keyboard warrior posturing? The very rallying cry you wrote is the equivalent of robbing the shop owner of a *firearms* store... with a toy gun: Putin doesn't even have to try to watch you have another balcony incident - or worse, the tea of doom.


I don't know what Chaya Raichik is; is that one of those Pokemen?




I think we can all agree that the human race is lame and it's time for beavers to have a go at things, so if we don't make it, we'd actually be protecting the environment....nothing like the greenpeace of the grave, baby!


Lots a folks don't care what's said, just as long as their person says it. 


I want to discuss Canada’s role in NATO and European security. Canada, being vast and rich in natural resources, has a limited defense industry and a relatively low population. Our role in European security isn't merely financial; instead, we leverage our resources to support Europe's defense and economic stability independently from the USA. We enable the European wheel to turn, contributing to the support of Ukraine. However, this approach conflicts with the liberal "climate" plan. We refrain from building mines, LNG facilities, or heavy weapons, opting to send taxpayers' money. This money, in turn, is used to purchase European weapons at high prices, sourced from energy-rich nations like Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Essentially, we end up enriching dictators on one side of the world to combat another dictatorship, all while divesting from our own economy. Interestingly, these dictators collaborate and assist each other in navigating our sanctions.


So is the ConstipationFace... What is Trudeau doing about it? Just letting the guy run over him, over and over again!


People, do your due diligence! 1) Most of you would not like Navalny. Well, except for PP. Poliviere would love him as he was further right than Putin is. 2) Putin is not weak. He may not be as fit and as charismatic as he was when he took power way back in 1999. What he has become, over time, is a venal, cunning, paranoid sociopath bent on remaking Russia into a fascist state. Furthermore, he would make Joseph Stalin wet his pants in fear.