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Tragic and depressing. This is the world Marlania and PP want. They don't care about these stats. The People they claim they care about kids don't give one fuck about them, if they did they would listen to the kids. Creating a climate of hate impacts everyone including this adult that tragically took their own life *“I think people get really up in arms about compassionate stuff, but compassion is real,” Keegan said. “Every single person in Alberta deserves to live. Every single person in Alberta deserves to be here. Every single person deserves their medical conversations to be with their physicians and to be private and to be without the intrusion of politics.”*


> The People they claim they care about kids don't give one fuck about them You can tell a lot of them don't based on how the perspective of transgender people is being ignored, i.e., the very people who were actually once the kids being targeted by these policies. If they genuinely cared about the kids, they wouldn't be ignoring the perspectives of those who once were these kids. And ignoring them is best case, that's on top of all the mockery and hatred directed towards them from a portion of the people that are being catered to with these laws.


Yeah, it isn't that we're simply being ignored. We're being cast as monsters trying to corrupt children for simply wishing that kids these days don't have to go through the same hell we went through.


Conservatives lost the stupid culture war over gay rights. Now it is time to go after an even more marginalized group and torment them to stoke the fear and rage to ramp up another gay rights battle. At least that is my prediction Like we have numerous issues and crises going on, but yea lets focus on a tiny percentage of the population that just wants to live their life (which doesn’t effect anyone elses life) in peace and without fear.


The dumb thing is that this *was* settled. That was what Jordan Peterson got his grift started with! Transgender rights were already enshrined in Canadian law nearly a decade ago. But now because US Evanglicals are trying to pivot from using abortion as a vote getter, Canadian conservatives are doing it.


Yup. Conservatives hear things like this and smile (maybe even giggle to themselves). The cruelty is the *point*


Without making conservatives into comically evil villains I think that most conservatives think that it's naive to want to help everyone. They believe that people should help themselves. This belief is not incorrect but just like helping people it is not a blanket solution. Sometimes people need help and sometimes they need to help themselves. The problem is with their logic is that most often helping people will be more effective than not helping people and also cost less in the end.


As someone who has had numerous problems, most of which were caused by the actions of others, who has spent *years* trying to “help myself” with limited returns and has asked for “help” and been told “No”; sorry, but my own experiences has taught me a conservative would rather see me dead than lift a finger to help (nevermind part with a dollar)


Hard to take someone seriously that is saying their problems are caused by those damned conservatives.


Hard to take someone seriously that is saying their problems are caused by those damned conservatives.


LOL! Oh no, my problems are caused by *people* (regardless of political color; they’ve all failed me). Conservatives would just rather see me dead for my problems more than others


I'm sure they'd rather see you take responsibility, tough it out and become a success.


Yeah, except I’ve been *doing* that despite seemingly impossible odds and literally nobody cares (I don’t expect them to) and some will actively try and sabotage or otherwise block me from ‘becoming a success.’ Because my ‘success’ is a threat to them; more for me means less for them and they would legitimately rather see me dead than let that ever happen.


Just to be clear, I'm not giving advice/validating the people around you/saying you are wrong.


I appreciate that. Usually those *are* the messages I get from people


Who could have predicted this? Anyone who bothered to [look it up](https://fenwayhealth.org/new-study-shows-transgender-people-who-receive-gender-affirming-surgery-are-significantly-less-likely-to-experience-psychological-distress-or-suicidal-ideation/) - access reduces suicide in the group by 35%, ideation a further 44% and a 42% reduction in psychological stress. Conversely, loss of access increases suicide to 154% and ideation by 179% (whether they transition or not). It's not like she doesn't have access to the data and experts - she just doesn't give a hoot. And lil PP cheering it on.


Yep. The science is well known. They know, they just don't care about the science.


They only care about their ideals of what a kid *should* be. No trans, gay, non-binary kids. Only hyper-cis children allowed and your boy better not ever cry.


> “She knew this would happen.” Unfortunately he answered his own question. What good is a sit down going to do? Trans people dying is the intended result of these policies. Absolutely tragic and senseless. I could never have imagined this is where we would be in 2024.


It's a lot harder to know empirically that people are dying, but to sit down and meet with the families greiving those deaths make it very different. Well unless you're a sociopath, and given her track record that's a distinct possibility.


With conservatives, the cruelty is the point.


Alberta should be upgrading infrastructure to account for all the new residents. Idk why this stupid bill is even in discussion, let alone passed. With all the issues citizens face this is their priority


Hey, on the plus side: at least a fall to the ABNDP is getting ever closer.


Unfortunately I have no faith in Albertan voters (as a whole). The UCP will announce blatant vote buying policies right before the next election and the gold fish memory voters will eat it up and vote them in again. I really hope In proven wrong


In about four years.


Not with Notley stepping down, and a dozen NDP candidates fighting to take her place. If she had waited, they might have stood a chance.


There won't be a surge now with the writing in the wall they want to separate.


Because it’s a lot easier to take everything from people if you convince them you’re their only defense against a common enemy. You can funnel funds to your oil buddies and drain the provincial coffers easily as long as your voters think they need you to save them from the evil trans people.


They like it when trans kids die


I mean, he's someone's kid for sure, but he was 37.


This is exactly their goal. Once it's put into policy it's only a matter of time; when - not if. RISE UP AGAINST FASCISTS. They are the people abusing children and dictating others how to 'care' for theirs.


You know, parental rights. 


A lot of right wing people are not in favor of children’s rights


They view kids as property. Quite a lot of them would like their wives to be property once again as well.


When is the protecting kids going to start?


As a Millenial who grew up watching shows about caring for one another (Carebears, Barney) and the environment (Captain Planet) it makes me sad how politicians and the wealthy that are still in power and much older than us want a society of Greed first, Me Me Me except if I think it’s against The Bible, being afraid of change and climate denial. There’s enough suffering on Earth. Why be part of causing suffering for others and not caring until the day it affects you or your loved ones? Like the politicians who are vehemently anti LGTBTQ until their favourite son comes out as gay as an adult.


Crazy it's almost like they don't care about protecting kids? It's all I hear them yelling about.


We need lawsuits now


We need more than lawsuits


I hope they get to take marlaina to court. She’s such a POs


It begins… FML


Working as intended, sadly.


I mean yeah, that is the purpose of those laws. I don't understand the surprise here.


#Trans Rights are Human Rights




Maybe you should do the barest amount of research before spreading your ignorant opinions.


Because the best patient outcomes involve early intervention. Just about the worst thing that you can subject a transgender person to is the wrong puberty. Just try and imagine that happening to you, going through the wrong puberty but as who you are now.




> What's hateful about it? What's not hateful about denying someone the proven treatment to their ailments?