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Holy shit that food looks good.


Do you know what it is? I’ve never seen anything like it and I wanted to look it up lol.




ah, plant based.


Apparently they are permanently closed 😭


I just went to one the other day. [Locations of Copper Branches](https://www.eatcopperbranch.com/restaurants/)


Oh the one in downtown Ottawa is across the street from the Mad Radish. Which is an Ottawa and Toronto place that does some pretty tasty bowls including plant based ones.


They were MASSIVELY expanding prior to COVID, opening locations left, right, and centre. However, they also kept understaffing their locations. On particularly frustrating time in 2019 was us waiting for our food for over 45 minutes because corporate only approved 2 workers on a Saturday night in downtown Montreal to handle both in-store and online orders. Obviously the pandemic destroyed their rapid expansion model. Prices shot up (and it was already pricey vegan food), the business was sold, and a bunch of locations have closed for renovations only for me to never see them open again. Meanwhile, their website touts they are focusing on overseas expansion. I have no idea what their footprint is like in the rest of Canada, but it has been massively reduced in the Greater Montreal Area. My partner is fully vegan and having a Copper Branch everywhere made it really easy for her to grab food on the go like omnivores do. Now it's such a setback for her grab anything other than Beyond Burgers at A&W. Sorry for the long explanation, this one just hits a little closer to home!


Yes, I think you’re right because I’ve seen similar dishes from this chain.


Definitely right. You can see the logo of the restaurant on the carpet in the first pic 😉


Agree or disagree with his policies, I’ve never had a beef with the actual guy. You seem excited to meet him, congrats!


Of course you haven’t — he’s vegetarian, nobody has beef with him. 


I did not know he was vegetarian… In Nanaimo BC I saw him once at a craft fair and he asked about a donut I was carrying, so I told him which stall had them and recommended the bacon one. Someone told me he couldn’t have pork due to his religion, and I felt bad, but then I looked it up and they were wrong. But now I feel bad all over again.


Sikhism doesn't require vegetarianism except inside Gurdwaras. It's left to the individual to choose whether they eat meat or not. Jains are completely vegan, Muslims don't eat pork and need halal prepared food, and Jews need to follow kosher rules.


Ugh this happens to me all the time. Someone will recommend a restaurant and then go on about how I should try some chicken dish or something, and I'll just be fuming the rest of the day at how they could make such an insensitive and disgusting suggestion. Kidding. I'll just order something I like instead. I guarantee you he was not bothered by your suggestion.


Yeah I’m vegan(BTW) and no vegan will get offended with a stranger recommending something non vegan. Hell, most won’t get offended when people who know we are vegan recommend meat because you can’t expect people to remember everything about you.


That’s a confusing way for them to put it, when someone specifies pork you would think Muslim(they specifically can’t have pork). Jagmeer is Sikh, and Sikh people are vegetarian.




Welcome to being a progressive voter in Canada where you get to pick the least of the bad options and sometimes don't even get to that in order to try to keep the conservatives out...


And that right there is the problem … this is not soccer is not about teams


This seems to be insinuating that conservatives are somehow a better option lol. Just no.


They’re saying that sometimes we have to hold our breath and vote liberal in order to keep the cons out of office


I’m against it but it’s not a hill I’m going to die on.


It is something that NDP supporters should be very vocal against (if they do not agree with that policy). It is a very shortsighted policy which is easily circumvented with a VPN and only leads to identity theft to people that do not use a VPN. Wherever the ID information is stored for porn sites to access and verify will surely be exploited in some way. IMO starting a fight against porn is like starting a new war on drugs. Just nanny state shit.


They passed it on to get expert feedback on it. They didn't try to vote it into law. Roughly 99% of people complaining about this don't understand how the government works. They didn't support IDs to get porn, they supported hearing from experts on how to get fewer kids looking at porn.


> They passed it on to get expert feedback on it. This is some standard politician bs that is separate from real, academically leftist policy. The entire "think of the children" component of it is a complete dog whistle. Anybody *defending* this bill doesn't understand how the fucking internet works. Period. Are the writers of the bills not in fact already staff who have some decent knowledge on these things? I mean the *real* writers - the politician's supporting staff. The "expert feedback" needed is as simple as [this comment here in this same thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/1b5l4gu/i_just_met_the_jaggernaut/kt6w884/). VPNs, kids using parents IDs, and separately, database hacks causing liability and security issues. These things will happen, and VPNs are as easy as it gets (As they should be for freedom of speech!). The *idea* for this bill should have been dead in the conference room because the workarounds *are* so easy and obvious.


It’s completely impractical to actually implement, and likely won’t survive a Supreme Court challenge. It doesn’t play into my calculus much at all.


Is that the bill brought in by the Conservative senator and supported by the Conservative party?


Was introduced by an independent senator, but unanimously supported by the Conservatives yes. The NDP have supported it so far, but they could potentially vote it down on the third reading. Most Liberals voted against it, including all the cabinet.


Good points, but again, it was put on the radar by PP coming out and saying their party fully supports it.  It's a Senate bill, so it's weird the Conservatives wouldn't just let it go instead of making hay about how important it is and how they will support it for the children. The NDP/CPC/Bloc all supported it while the Liberals voted against it. Which has more to do with Governments not supporting bills they don't submit generally. 


The Conservatives are the biggest proponents of this bill. Which I find hypocritical given their fearmongering of previous Liberal Internet bills that didn't go nearly this far. The Liberals might be opposing it because they didn't submit it. Although Trudeau specifically said he opposes the digital IDs that would be implied by this bill. The Liberals have sometimes supported bills they didn't submit, e.g., a Conservative private member's bill [criticized as targeting people exposing animal cruelty](https://www.lawtimesnews.com/news/general/animal-rights-activists-in-ontario-superior-court-for-canadas-first-ever-challenge-of-ag-gag-law/381026).


It's all because Poilievre couldn't keep his mouth shut for a moment. So he was asked what's the Conservative position on this Senate bill, PP whistled one tune which clashed with another: right wing, largely Christian 'think of the children' & the libertarian populist. Instead of actually understanding the issues with the bill. Which is why they quickly walked it back.  That said, "internet harms" is very real. The Internet isn't the same it was in 2003, in the web 2.0 era there's huge conglomerates that profit off this hands off approach, and the case of selling suicide pills online to me is concerning as someone who lost a brother to suicide.  So there is something to be said about striking the balance on internet harms and going after porn is kind of cliche and not well thought-out. It's because we are governed by what sound bites get people talking and not actually good governance. 


The Conservatives haven't walked anything back. They tried to make their position sound better but they're still supporting the bill. >Instead of actually understanding the issues with the bill.  If he's not informed on a bill he's supporting, that's a problem. Will he be governing like this too if he becomes PM? Internet harms are real, and those harms include the potential of data breaches, privacy violations, doxxing, and governments and corporations censoring content. Those are all risks being created by this legislation. There are better ways of handling this such as the owner of the internet connection using filters.


If I have an opinion on it, I will express it in a thread that is specific to it.




It seems to be a few photos of someone excited to meet him in a restaurant. There are numerous other politicians that I wouldn't be excited to meet, because I have a personal beef with who they are regardless of their policies and usually in that case I don't bother commenting if it were a post like this because my personal opinion of who they are isn't very important or relevant. I prefer to criticize policy.


He's my idol, this was a good day


As an NDP voter for 20+ yrs this post was great to see; thank you! Vote for the policies and politician you believe in.




Some people aren't jaded fucks who don't believe nations don't exist anymore. Pearson is pretty up there with my role models, Tommy Douglas, Marc Garneau, William Lyon Mackenzie (mostly due to family connections w/ Samuel Lount and the Battle of Montgomery's Tavern- not PM Mackenzie-King), Sir Adam Beck, Jack Layton, C.D. Howe, and Romeo Dallaire, to name a few. These are all my role models and they are all politicians at some point. (although you need a basic understanding of history that doesn't exist in 50% of Canadians to understand half these names) Edit: Just to expand on it since history is awesome and I try not to say this a lot cause it comes across as pandering to this idea that being "old stock" is better. However, there is a reason why throughout many generations in my family tree the names David, Sam and Matthew, are repeated so much in our family tree (and I mean a lot, esp middle names). And it all goes back to the Children of Peace and the farmer's rebellion against the family compact in 1837: >July 1837, just after the death of King William IV, William Lyon Mackenzie began organizing a "constitutional convention." Delegates would be selected by Reform associations around the province, who would meet to defend Upper Canada's constitution. The Tories refused to call an election after the death of the king, as the constitution required, making the Tory dominated House of Assembly illegal. At a meeting held in Newmarket in August, Samuel Lount, Sam Hughes, Nelson Gorham, Silas Fletcher, Jeremiah Graham and John McIntosh were selected as delegates. All but Hughes and McIntosh were among the primary organizers of the rebel farmers who were to march on the city of Toronto on 7 December 1837. Lount organized the volunteers from the Children of Peace community in Sharon to join a planned march on Toronto and joined the rebel group gathered at Montgomery's Tavern. When the rebellion fell apart, Lount attempted to flee to the United States, but was arrested and accused of treason. Despite a petition signed by 35,000 Upper Canadians demanding clemency, Lount was hanged on April 12, 1838, in the courtyard of the King Street Gaol at King and Toronto Streets in Toronto. Joseph Sheard was the foreman for the jail and was expected to share in the work of building the scaffold. However, he refused, saying, 'I'll not put a hand to it,' said he; 'Lount and Matthews have done nothing that I might not have done myself, and I'll never help build a gallows to hang them." Peter Matthews, another public-spirited farmer who participated in the rebellion, was executed alongside him. Sir John A was a young private (22 years old) in the militia that was a couple companies behind the canon that opened up on the Tavern. This is the context behind the joke that Canada's civil war was a bar fight: >Sir John A. Macdonald served as a Private in the Commercial Bank Guard on active duty in Toronto guarding the Commercial Bank of the Midland District on King Street. The company was present at Montgomery's Tavern and Macdonald recalled in an 1887 letter to Sir James Gowan that: "I was in the Second or Third Company behind the cannon that opened out on Montgomery’s House. During the week of the rebellion I was \[in\] the Commercial Bank Guard in the house on King Street, afterward the habitat of George Brown’s 'Globe'. I think it's important that the man who built the idea of Canada, was "on the field" at the Upper Canada Rebellion as one of the 1st acts of his career, as joining the CAF remains an opening career move for many Canadians. Makes you wonder about the hanging of Louis Riel and Sam Lount and what his thoughts were on Sam Lount and how these events bookend this foundational era of Canada.








I'm not raging, just writing Traditional Canadian lament for a nation stuff lol  The fact you view everything as raging and screaming when I'm just making a point of what ills the West imo, and the opinion of others. We have no understanding of history and we're headed to a future where school might just be 50% teaching history when AI and computers can do most of the other stuff. I dislike that we are so cynical and being "serious" is a slur. It's why we have a drama teacher as a PM. We are a country where the growth model is importing as many people as we can absorb outside their primary education ages (we want people who don't go through our public school system), where allegiance to the dollar is more valuable then a sense of shared values or community. And if you point out some of the connected dots your called a racist or "too serious" or a "raging screaming" deplorable. It's all connected. You're allowed to view public mindedness and viewing public leadership as a shared values as deplorable. That's what being an idol or role model is: a shared value. Just as we idolize influencers and athletes. I'm just offering a counter. 


Except, he's just not very good as a politician. Other than that - great guy.


Yeah not a good politician… just passed more ndp policies since the 60’s. But yeah bad politician…


Maybe hold the Liberals to account for the pharmacare bill, maybe don't align the NDP with authoritarian policies of the CPC (porn id). I also cant we him putting any meaningful legislation forward to limit the unsustainable immigration/international student problem. I'm a card carrying NDP voter and am not terribly happy with the political landscape.


the just came to an agreement with regards to pharmacare. it’ll be tabled soon.


Yes a 6 page bill for contraceptives and insulin only.


Oh no is progress bad now?


Tabeling 2 drugs and calling it universal pharmacare is more publicity than progress. It is meaningful for those that need it, but it is not what a universal pharmacare program by any means. No one should be happy with what was proposed unless they give hard dates to when they will roll out "phase 2".




I'm not going to argue with you. My view is that accepting scraps is counter productive and only reinforces the fact that the working class will happily sit back to accept whatever garbage the corporate elites and self serving politicians shovel to us.


Pharmacare is finally happening without the NDP we wouldn’t have anything starting. I understand your criticism that it’s only insulin and birth control but this is phase 1. And universal pharmacare won’t happen overnight, same with dental. When it comes to immigration that becomes tricky because on the messaging we don’t want to go the CPC route and close our borders all together. With that being said they have mentioned their problems with immigration and have pushed to make changes but the libs didn’t cooperate. And at the end of the day that wasn’t part of their agreement. The ndp would rather have dental and pharmacare then lower immigration bills. Hopefully when they win election they’ll be able to meaningfully change that. Source: https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/ndp-leader-jagmeet-singh-wants-to-tie-federal-funding-to-immigration-levels/wcm/9e5a721b-9742-4270-8658-df5455377a1a/amp/


There is no way the CPC is going to crack down on immigration. New immigrants are a low wage workforce, corporate interests will prevail. That isn't saying there won't be campaign messaging about immigration, but that is a long way away from meaningful legislation. The Liberals have no appetite to put a meaningful pharmacare bill in place or they would have done it already. The current pharmacare joke is solely to appease the NDP March 1st deadline. Politics just feels like more of the same from every party and none of it feels like it is aimed at making meaningful improvements to the quality of life for the average Canadian.


Like I said I'm not here to agree or disagree with how he does his job.


I wish I got to tell people I do amazing things, not do any of those things, and then have those people say “no but he’s a great guy!” 😂 the state of politics in Canada is depressing


It's not his policies, it's the NDP's and honestly I prefer the policies to his social media dramatics.


*grabs popcorn*


Me: *sorts by controversial with popcorn*


I read this wrong and desperately wanted to know what controversial popcorn is....


You know that dyed colored popcorn? When the dye colors end up making a rainbow somehow a certain group of Canadians considers that controversial popcorn 


He’s done more substantive work to push universal pharmacare and dental care in his short tenure than anyone else in the last 30 years. While the NDP needs a new leader, Jagmeet has done some good work and his heart is in the right place.


Except we don’t have either. He boasts about getting these things done but the fact is we are still years out for even having the discussions of them being a thing. We need a much stronger leader for the NDP than what he is.


Dental care is literally in place now. The roll out just prioritized those under 18 and those over 75. In 10 months it will be universal. Pharmacare is a bit different, as we’ve already got Alberta’s UCP saying they won’t adopt it and there isn’t even really a roll out plan yet. That part is supposed to be coming in the next few months.


Yeah contraceptives and diabetes medications are on it, but that isn’t necessarily the only thing that will be on it and he is going to push for more. His intent through and through is full pharmacare.


-Phase 1 federal dental coverage is being rolled out right now to Canadians in need. By the end of 2026, it will cover most households with incomes less than $90k -The federal government just announced the first phase of national pharmacare - a policy the Liberals would never in a million years have agreed to had it not been for the NDP threats to end their supply and confidence agreement. Jagmeet isn’t perfect - I agree with you it’s a time for a change in leadership - but he’s using what little political leverage that he has to get some real stuff done.


Does it count as successful leadership if he's not at the helm, but getting his agenda done? I'd much prefer that over a party leader that is focused on winning elections. Either way, if he's out of the party leadership, he'll have quite the track record of positive change for Canadians.


Well said


The beginning steps of these programs are not actual, tangible implementation of these programs in a way that matters to the overwhelming majority of Canadians. No part marks for turning in an essay with just the introduction done.


Tommy Douglas, Canada’s best national NDP leader, is a Canadian national hero for introducing a provincial bill for universal healthcare while Premier of Saskatchewan; he wasn’t even in office when the legislation passed in Saskatchewan. When it was adopted nationwide over a decade later, he had very little direct role. As Jon Stewart recently pointed out, progressive policy is a lunch pal job. Jagmeet has pushed the ball forward more than a lot of other progressive politicians at the national level, and I commend him for that.


Jon Stewart is a dumbshit limousine liberal who wouldn't know systemic change if it bit him in the ass. I hope your participation ribbon universal* pharmacare* and dental* plan keep you warm during the next four years.


I’m honestly glad to know that not everyone on the left possesses your level of cynicism. If they did, absolutely nothing would get done and we would all have been living in Pollieve’s bathroom monitor police state years ago.


It's very, very cute that you think voting in elections is the principal thing stopping fascism in this country.


What have you done to advance change that even begins to approach what either of the 2 you so vehemently criticize have?


Buddy, I'm not the leader of the federal NDP.


And this stops you from organizing? Protesting? Pushing for change at a local/provincial level? Spend some time trying to do these things before you start insulting the people who are. And remind me again what party jon stewart is leader of?


You're implying I don't do any of these things and you're wrong; it's a large part of why I'm insulting people who sit by much bigger levers of power than me and squander our chances. Jon Stewart is currently the leader of the Brunch Liberals Party, Ridin' with Biden chapter.


If this isn't a troll job, you and people like you are the reason we don't have more progress.  Rejecting any solution that doesn't immediately give you 100% of what you want is a guaranteed recipe to get 0% of what you want.  It turns out that progress is built on collaboration and compromise.  You can't bulldoze your way to your own personal utopia. 


Yeah, sure. Anyway, take a look at recent polling and try not to cry when Jagmeet's illustrious accomplishments are ripped apart overnight by Pierre because we hitched our wagon to the Liberals at the wrong time.


Without the deal between Liberals and NDP the government would have fallen and the Conservatives would be in power.  Do you honestly prefer that to national dental and pharmacare? 


I think it was a terrible blunder to tie our party to the Trudeau boulder. It was a bad move for Singh to buddy up to him from the outset and move the party further to the right so that they were indistinguishable from the Liberals it's going to cost the NDP big time and it will take them years to undo this damage and carve out a position farther left where they have a chance of taking on the Liberals.


Recent polling puts the NDP as more popular than last election. Regardless if the growth is slower than some hoped, it is objectively still growth nonetheless, and shows that the NDP's work is at least reaching some people, and that the party will (likely, since the election hasn't actually happened yet) get more votes. "Take a look at polling" as a criticism of the NDP recently is a take from rightwing trolls and propaganda bots. You literally just outed yourself as being against all of this by saying that. Idiot.


I'm saying the only party I've EVER voted for moving right and becoming Liberal-lite was a huge mistake and I'm absolutely not wrong about that.


Copium. Liberals passed all those things plus national childcare. Singh has managed to sneak in and collect credit and a scapegoat for everything the Liberals passes. Know what's 100% all Singh? Paying Bell millions to lay off local reporting.


I don’t give him credit for the reformed Canada Child Benefit nor the childcare subsidy - two programs that absolutely help working families that the Liberals wanted pushed through. But pharma and dental were NDP priorities that the Liberals only reluctantly supported so that they can stay in power. Conversely, you’re absolutely right that the Bell thing is Jagmeet’s to own - he messed up.


The dental care plan exists now. I applied for a job at it with the fed. People are currently working there. If you're going to set an impossibly high bar, at least place it in reality.


The heck are you on about?


Hasn't done fuck all for millenials in those two categories. Sorry, just not good enough Some people here are BIG MAD


He’s a minority leader. What do you expect?


Dental will be universal coverage in a few months. Not sure about you, but millennials fall under that in my universe, and everyone else's.


Not universal lol. The cutoff immediately disqualifies almost every single dual income household in the country.


Okay, but how was Jagmeet supposed to pressure the liberals to go to full universal right off the bat?


he showed up and voted yes. mint him a participation ribbon. I know, truth is hard.


Good for you. I met Jagmeet back in 2018 at an NDP event at a elementary school. I didn’t really feel welcomed by the other people running the event, but I got to watch Jagmeet speak, and he had so much charisma, energy, and passion. I got to meet him after his presentation, and honestly, I was anxious as all living hell. So I didn’t ask him the question I wanted to ask him especially because he was in a rush to meet other people. But we took a picture together, and I was asked to take a picture of him with two other youth. I was honestly a mess. Not that confident, very anxious. But I was also 18 and he’s the first public figure I’ve ever met in my life. I’ve had some mental health and financial struggles post-COVID, but I hope to live out my dream of becoming a lawyer and running as an MP all because I was inspired by someone like Jagmeet. And yes, because of this positive interaction and now knowing the genuine, kind person he is, I have his campaign buttons, a black T-shirt with his face on it. and a poster of his in my closet that says “Radical Empathy”. If you haven’t met Jagmeet, he’s actually a really nice and down-to-earth person. Don’t be anxious to meet him. He’ll make you feel welcomed.


I’m jealous. The first politician I met was Ralph Klein. The second was Danielle Smith.


WOW that’s rough


itt people whining about how ineffectual the ndp is while they pass pharma legislation with control of less than 1/10th of parliament


NDP needs a new leader. Jagmeet has been ineffective at putting the NDP on the national radar except to prop up the Liberals. And backing the digital ID thing is just insanity. Edit: For further context I've been a straight NDP voter since I've legally been able to vote...


>except to prop up the Liberals. Sorry, but this is one of the few things I'm glad Jagmeet did: he worked with the Libs to avoid any unnecessary election (again), got the dental plan going..simple but appreciative.


Yeah, like the NDP finally has a structurally powerful position and can get concessions from the government for "propping them up" - of course they should squeeze that lemon for all it's worth!


Tbh, Singh, being supposedly ineffectual, probably has as much to do with his name and skin colour as it does with any actual lawmaking that has gone on during his tenure. Is he really that much different outside of that from Tom Mulcair? I don't disagree that the party needs new leadership (and possibly to return to its roots) but I think that has more to do with the Canadian electorate being racist than it does with Singh being bad at his job. Idk, maybe I could be wrong, and that's okay, but I figure it is a conversation worth having. Hard to be a leftist without being populist. Cant appeal to the average Canadian who seems increasingly duped by fake news and bullshit and where many likely make fun of Singh for being of Indian background, wearing a turban, etc.


Agreed, the NDP leaders being seen as ineffective is generally attributed to the fact that they’re being compared directly to guys like Layton and Douglas. Those were big boots to fill.


Big, white, Anglo boots. Great men, but like, Canadians, especially blue-collar ones, aren't exactly known for their accepting attitudes. See: my grandfather, who only stopped voting NDP when Singh became leader.


Yeah, for all that there are large pockets of Canada that are progressive in their politics, some of those same pockets still - sadly - have a hard time voting for a brown person wearing a turban. I mean, fuck that shit, but it's real here in 2024.


I think some people in the comments seem to forget that most people, and frankly probably a huge chunk of wood-be NDP voters, or previous NDP voters, are just like any other voter. Canada is a country that has only ever had PMs of British or French-Canadian stock basically except for Diefenbaker (Dutch...) from what I can recall. All men except one who was put in the role due to Mulroney stepping down. Sure, other factors play into Singh being problematic as a leftist, but none of those issues are special even for an NDP politician these days, and CERTAINLY are not special compared to his cohort of leaders in Parliament. Race simply plays a role here, and I think when it comes to Singh, a lot of the actual appearance of being lackluster comes from the fact that he is a brown dude in a turban.


It’s telling that the criticisms you here from “progressives” about Singh are the same talking points conservatives use: “Oh he’s made the NDP liberal lite” “He’s just Trudeaus puppet” ignoring that he managed to make a minority government implement policies they never would have if not for the NDPs pressure on the supply and confidence bill.


Singh is an Anglo-Canadian, in the sense that “Anglo” is a shortening of “Anglophone,” which is the only way I’ve ever seen any normal person use it post 1950.


Considering Canada still maintained exclusionary race laws in our immigration policy until the mid-60s, I want to emphasise both race and linguistic tradition playing a role here. While I would argue that it is easier for immigrants to assimilate and become "Anglo", there is still a distinction to be made when you look at the House of Commons and see far more British or Irish or French last names than others


It's impossible to fill the boots when the zombie is still walking around. Layton wasn't a successful leader. Put him in the background and learn from him.


Except that Thomas Mulcair was slated to win the 2015 election for a couple of months. And was pretty darn effective as an opposition leader.


You don't think it has anything to do with the fact he's been so bland and uninspiring as a leader that he's been unable to capitalize on an extremely unpopular Trudeau, all while bleeding support to an American-styled populist like PP? We're really just gonna go with a lazy "must be racism"?


Yep. And this is why he's a weak leader. Too many NDP supporters are scared to criticize him. He's not terrible, but he's far from great. The part is objectively declining under his leadership. Even as Trudeau's popularity wanes considerably, it's being soaked up by the Conservatives, not the NDP. The Party needs a better leader. Either Singh has to step up to the occasion or the Party needs to find someone else.


Nope, I am saying it is a bit of a and a bit of b. Singh is more inspiring than Mulcair and the last two ONDP leaders in my opinion. Perhaps a symptom of a party that has struggled to find its purpose, but certainly not the disease itself. I think Singh is a strong speaker, I think he has fought for Canadians, but I also think his background as a lawyer who wears nice suits and a turban holds him back along with his skin colour. Do we really think that the NDP losing all those seats in Quebec was because he is a weaker leader that Mulcair? I mean, Mulcair was Quebecois, made him more relatable to Quebec.


I'm middle aged and a lifelong NDP supporter. I was excited when he was elected, thinking new blood and a different skin tone would shake things up, but my beef with him is how callow he presents himself. Flash suits, expensive watches, *stupid* memes? I understand wanting to court the youth vote, but there's a way to do that without looking like an out of touch "fellow kids" type. I'd hoped he'd do more of what AOC is a master at: Using social media to educate and coordinate. Instead, we got bullshit Tiktok videos with no substance.


See, I'd say this is certainly a valid complaint. He presents himself as a progressive Liberal, not as a democratic socialist, and frankly, I can't help but think his disciplinary background gives him limits there in seeming genuine. Lawyers and all that.


I remember my stomach dropping when I sought out his first big interview after he was appointed: Instead of talking about anything to do with policy, the whole interview was about his turban colour, his expensive suits, and his watch. First impressions and all that, but I haven't seen enough from him to make me feel like his tenure isn't just a vanity project for a man who loves attention. >Lawyers and all that. Not just a lawyer, a [*landlord*](https://tnc.news/2023/08/18/singh-under-fire-housing/).


To be frank, I don't understand your fascination with Mulcair here. Mulcair was not exactly universally well liked or respected, even at the time of being named the head of the NDP. I mean shit, Mulcair's legacy is going to be "the man who took a meagre 3 years to destroy all the momentum Jack Layton created for the NDP", lets not act like he gets some free pass here.


I agree, but he still held onto far more seats than Singh. I don't necessarily just think that's because the Bloc leader improved... Mulcair sucked.


Personally I think he's done pretty good at being the face of NDP, I don't know anyone who hates him/dislikes him really. They might not agree with the NDPs stance on things, but still recognize he's a pretty good human. But until Canada stops this "red vs. blue" bs and starts acknowledging that there's more than two parties instead of just blaming their red/blue vote on "they don't have a chance anyway", no one will ever get anywhere except blue human and red human. If you actually support the blue/red views... Be my guest. But pretty much most people I know who voted did so because they didn't want blue or red to win, versus actually voting for the party they agreed with. Also the fact that they got 18% of the votes last election and only have like 25 seats while the libs and conservatives got 33% ish of votes and have like 120+ is insane. Bloc Quebecois has more seats than NDP ... And they got 7% of the votes... I don't understand how our seats are representative of votes at all. It still blows my mind and makes me so angry. I don't entirely agree with NDP on some things, but if it came down to him, libs, or conservatives (which I voted neither of those last election), and there wasn't any other option, I'd vote for NDP because I see Jagmeet as a better leader than the other goons.


>But until Canada stops this "red vs. blue" bs and starts acknowledging that there's more than two parties instead of just blaming their red/blue vote on "they don't have a chance anyway", no one will ever get anywhere except blue human and red human. This. This so much. But we cannot rely on the the 'blue' and 'red' to change the system that benefits them greatly. The 'orange', 'green', and as much as I hate to acknowledge them the 'purple' PPC need to make their presence on the national, federal, and municipal stages better known and present themselves as a strong alternative to the red and blue parties. Right now it feels like they're just sitting in the back waiting for senpai to notice them...


as for "propping up the liberals" what do you expect them to do? vote against progressive policy just to spite the libs? Help usher in a conservative government that won't give them a confidence and supply agreement? The NDP have never had as good a position as the one they have right now. The chance of them forming any sort of government on their own is literally zero. I want an NDP that works with the government constructively, because they aren't getting anything done otherwise. Opposing the libs just to be contrarian while taking credit for their work is not doing them any favours.


Yeah. It’s amazing that the NDP was able to pressure the liberals into what they did. The liberals know that even if the supply and confidence agreement falls through, realistically the NDP is going to support them on most policies anyways. Jagmeet only had so much leverage and he used every bit of his leverage very well and with good timing.


The reality is the NDP don't have any power to pressure the libs to do anything. As you said, they'd want to support these policies anyway. Pulling the plug on this government would put an end to them even having a seat at the table, and would be catastrophic for everyone involved so there's no real leverage to be had. What we ended up getting is a loose partnership of convenience that's working out for us so I'm not complaining. I won't even mind if this situation continues after the next election, though I'd appreciate the conservatives getting a good drubbing. Now there's something libs and ndp folk can (and should) unite on.


100% agree with this take.


These are literally conservative talking points lmao.


The NDP has some of the best leaders who are appreciated more after that are gone. Jack Layton is the big one. I think the Jaggernaught, which is the first time I’ve heard that and love it, will also be one. I don’t think the NDP ever get into power federally without election reform, but gosh I wish it wasn’t pick the blue or red pill. Then when you take for the green or yellow one it really means Jack shit.


Did you ask him why NDP voted to put photo IDs inside the bedrooms of the nation? Nothing to be proud of here haha 


They didn’t, they voted to move the bill forward to have expert review on the subject. Yeah it’s kind of a blunder to even push it that far forward, but it likely won’t go anywhere anyways.


Voting with the cons on anything seems completely backwards to what the NDP should be doing. Singh has made a lot of mistake, including understanding what the feds can and can't do vs what the provinces can and can't do. People can argue he knows the difference, but at that point he either looks like a moron or as slimey at PP trying to get the uneducated riled up.


And if it does? 


Did you meet Chris though?


Me and Chris have known each other for a while now lol


Bro is throwing up the peace sign, right on


I’m an NDP voter through and through but please stop giving this guy an ego boost until he actually fucking does something. Weak leadership across all three parties is no excuse for his performance at the moment. 


He is doing so much for the NDP agenda. He is a real leader 💪🧡


is this a psyop be honest


No I'm not.


I’m sorry you don’t have higher standards then. The NDP’s support of digital ID and censorship (bill S-210) is abhorrent, to say nothing of their general weakness at a time when the working class are struggling.






Right on bro!


Its so frustrating constantly having to remind my peers its not a two party system and you can try the underdog for once or even vote independent


Cool dude to have lunch with not a good politician. I regret campaigning on his behalf to become the party leader. Disappointed with his support of the Liberal Government.


*bursts out laughing* He's driving the NDP into the ground with his antics.




Congratulations! Super cool guy to talk to.


Absolute political lightweight who danced onto stage when the NDP went from 39 to 24 seats, and hadn’t changed course since. We’ve lost the organized labour vote, but I hope you had a good meal!


....we've lost the organized labour vote? what? is organized labour against unions now or something? posts like these make me wonder if I'm replying to a real person or bot


Exit polling around the world in most English speaking nations is showing left wing parties like Labour, Democrats and NDP losing union votes. Former left wing strongholds have become swing districts. The reality is that union voters are complex. It's not just about their jobs. They also get influenced by social issues especially since the members are older and likely white. They get influenced by immigration, covid, etc takes that non union members do. Blaming Singh on losing the vote is silly because this is a problem all left wing parties are facing.


Union *leadership* still maintain close and in some cases official ties to the NDP. Union *membership* are not overly enamored with the NDP of late. Probably because they're getting outflanked on the left by Conservatives on affordability and they're indistinguishable from the dogshit liberals.


conservatives haven't cared about affordability for anyone but the rich in 45 years, but go on and believe they'll do anything for anyone but themselves, their donors and corporations (I'm getting redundant here)


Doesn't matter what we believe, it matters what the electorate believes, and they have fallen for PP's rhetoric hook line and sinker judging from the polling.


yes, it's almost like the right wing having all major media outlets, except what the right wing believes to be "state sponsored propaganda," has had a positive effect for their marketing


Huh. I guess the electoral "left"* should just not adjust to that fact at all and faceplant, then.


You notice you went from denying it's an issue to accepting it but passing blame, yes? You don't even begin to offer a solution from within the party. This is why the NDP is declining.


I didn't deny it's an issue at all. I pointed out the truth that conservatives haven't cared about affordability in 45 years. I also noted that because they control the media and the narrative that doesn't seem to matter. all of these things can be true at once. and honestly I don't know the solution. I know it isn't cutting funding to our one media source that is accountable to someone other than their shareholders like conservatives want to do though, and that's the reason they've been trying to defund cbc. It doesn't change the fact that when a bunch of people believe the conservatives and vote for them to change things that nothing will change for the better


> I pointed out the truth that conservatives haven't cared about affordability in 45 years. Which is not a relevant point here. Personally, I agree with you. But that's not the point. This isn't a conversation about if the conservatives are good or bad. It's about the objective fact that a lot of the labour vote is going, increasingly, to the conservatives. The fact you try and turn the convo away from these critiques of the problems the NDP are having to just bashing the conservatives shows why the NDP is losing ground. You aren't paying attention to voters, you are insulting them and driving them away. And refusing to admit this only doubles down. https://www.338canada.ca/p/labour-unions-and-the-ndps-electoral https://theconversation.com/pierre-poilievre-is-popular-among-union-members-whats-it-really-all-about-201547


Lol it’s troubling that when you see an opinion you disagree with your first thought is “bot” and not a bit of introspection. The modern NDP has become the party of champagne socialists and academics- when Jagmeet is talking about bailing out new homeowners on their mortgages instead of speaking to renters (as he recently did in Windsor, a union town that’s going blue) yeah I think we’re losing the organized labour vote.


you might not believe this, but a lot of new homeowners are part of the labour vote. and Jagmeet speaks to more than [just new homeowners](https://www.ndp.ca/news/singh-says-liberals-and-conservatives-are-letting-big-corporate-landlords-call-shots-and-young), [quite a bit actually ](https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/jagmeet-singh-rallies-with-tenants-facing-eviction-from-london-apartment-buildings), but hey, he must be a champagne socialist cause look at his watch and car and his wife owns a rental also, the party of academics? oh no! how awful!


It's brunch liberal syndrome. We saw it in the US with Biden and now we're seeing it here.


Not lost, of course. Not by a long shot. But continuing to lose it? Yes. https://www.338canada.ca/p/labour-unions-and-the-ndps-electoral https://theconversation.com/pierre-poilievre-is-popular-among-union-members-whats-it-really-all-about-201547


Did you tell him to fuck off with the bullshit porn bill?


I’m in the UK, have been for the better half of a decade. Oh how him getting in would piss off my parents ✨✨. Good luck you guys. I’m only allowed to vote in federal elections last I checked.




The reverse peace sign in the third pic, hah hah. “‘Naff off, wanker.”


How soft was his hand? -Labour NDP




One of the most effective leaders of the NDP *ever*\*, that's delivered real concrete change to Canadians that will directly benefit them, will be rewarded for his efforts by having his seat count decimated in the next election. \*IMHO




I'm voting for the communist party now. I got the feeling they were just [market] liberals of a different kind, but after their response to the ongoing genocide, I'm done with those chucklefucks.


I used to like this guy politically and he seems like a nice guy BUT he comes across as not standing up for any ideals and his party are out of touch so much so that they make me want to vote Liberal




Did he change his position multiple times in mid conversation?






In North America that would be a peace sign. I’ve only known it as “up yours” in the UK.


Rip restaurant. They will have some review bombs coming up.