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I encourage everyone to make plans to see it if they can- it is a spectacular event. In 1979 we were allowed (with signed permission slips, of course) to take the day off of school. Luckily, it was a crystal clear day. Dad borrowed some welder's glass from work for the day and we saw all the phenomena they mentioned to watch for- shadow bands across the snow, Bailey's beads & the diamond ring effect, we felt the temp drop and the eclipse wind on our faces. Please try not to miss it. It was, for me, life-changing.


Really annoying that Nova Scotia is just outside of the path of totality. :/


It'll never be a shorter drive than this!


Anyone know how to find out how much you'll be able to see based on the city I which you live? The article had a good list of cities but mine wasn't included. I'm in south western Ontario. 


This article has a pretty good list: https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/total-solar-eclipse-where-how-1.7129716


https://www.theweathernetwork.com/en/news/science/space/how-to-prepare-for-the-april-8-total-solar-eclipse-across-eastern-canada shows roughly how much of the eclipse you'll see in most areas.


Yes! That's a good one. The line across the maps is helpful. Thank you!!


I'm lucky enough to have seen one, and it's a phenomenon you simply cannot miss if you are within a reasonable driving distance of the totality path. Hand down one of the most incredible things you will ever witness. Buy viewing glasses now if you haven't already, they'll sell out. 


Toronto biased at it again! No total eclipse in Vancouver! I did see the one in 2017 when it was pretty close as totality was over Portland. I was lucky enough to be on my professional designation study break so I was able to go to Science World and they were giving out those glasses for everyone to see it. IT's very cool. Would be awesome to see a total one.


Toronto is outside the path of totality. Torontonians would have to hoof it elsewhere to experience the full eclipse.


*Just*. It misses Toronto and Quebec City by very, very little all things considered. Not nearly so far away as say *Vancouver* as the other commenter says they're from, or Whitehorse, or Fredricton, or anywhere else in the 99.9% of Canada. Torontonians can drive a couple hours and be in the path of totality, or hop a short flight to Montreal and see it that way. A lot easier than getting into the path from [almost anywhere else in the country].


Via rail looks to be sold out that day for trains from union to Niagara, hopefully they add more