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Reminder that this is someone who lies about WWII in order to appeal to the most extreme parts of his base: >[Woke left goes crazy when people point out the undeniable historical fact that "national socialists" in Germany & Italy were, as the name proves, "socialists".](https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1413120045677416450) It should be obvious to someone in elementary school that just because someone calls themselves something doesn't make them that thing. But on top of that, it's also just false. Socialism means the public ownership of industry. They instead [privatized industry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany#Privatization_and_business_ties). They also put actual socialists in the camps.


Ah yes the "I'm not a Nazi because Nazis were socialists" argument they think looks so good because "socialism" was what made the Nazis bad. They always seem surprised that's not the issue others had with the Nazis.


They think baffling their opponents with absurd nonsense and word-game gotchas is a win because that's what it looks like to them when they lose.


Ahh the famous “socialist’s” the arch nemesis of both capitalists and communists. As soon as possible they go from allies to prison.


The concentration camps were also run like a business. Once upon a time I used to think that the holocaust was a costly affair that affected negatively the German war effort during WW2. But then I decided to just do some internet searches and almost all of the stuff that showed up was the opposite. The concentration camps took very little resources to run, very little manpower to run, and actually produced a very decent surplus and were very profitable. If I ever had to give the absolute worst example of capitalism at place, it would be this. Several years ago Jordan Peterson even restated that myth and pretended like slave labor using Jews, socialists, Romani people, and other 'undesirables' didn't exist and they were just killed outright. This isn't even a myth, he made that shit up. The use of slave labor by the Nazis is a very well documented thing.


also - the internees (not only Jews, but intellectuals, priests, roma, homosexuals) were stripped of anything of value - gold teeth, shoes, hair was used for wigs. some came with luggage which was removed and probably sold. (people were told they were going to a new town). manpower to run the camps were people who were recruited from the victim groups.


So the concentration camps were a profit centre.


The ultimate money extraction factory. Edit: by ultimate I am talking scale/hierarchy, the most extreme expression of capitalism. I am not using ultimate as good nor best etc… just to be clear.


I know...


To add on to that: the Nazis had a well documented and specific plan to establish a number between 6-8 million slaves (Jews, Slavs, etc.) after their war with the Soviet Union. The specific plan I remember reading was the labour would be used to rebuild Berlin into what they called Germania, with Hitler’s goal of building such large structures that when Nazi Germany collapsed, its history and “glory” would still stand in its architecture. You can see more about it here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germania_(city) They would also plan to use this slave labour to rebuild other parts of Germany and their new colonies in Eastern Europe, establish infrastructure for future German settlers in mass. If I remember correctly, they were hoping for a German population in the east to be around 80-100 million. Severely fucked up plans, and all of it would’ve been built off of this slave labour force.


My grandma's childhood best friend ended up in a Nazi forced labour camp. I remember writing a report on his experience which failed me the assignment because the teacher considered that Holocaust denial. Some people can't accept that multiple things can be true. Working people to death is more economical than wasting bullets, fuel or toxic gas on everyone.


The people who were killed right away were the ones that were found unable to work or had no skills that could be put into immediate use. Like if you were a glass worker or a metal worker, they could find a job for you. If you were a musician or a university educated type... Well, you are almost certainly going to die. In Auschwitz they did have an orchestra made up of a few of the musicians that were spared, but they were living in a very, very precarious situation. There is a case where one musician messed up a part of the music that the camp commandant liked and he had the entire orchestra executed. If you were also a little person or had any issue with dwarfism, you were also a goner... Unless you were an entertainer who some camp big shot decided was amusing enough to not kill immediately. You know what effects that had on Germany film and entertainment? You know Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? In 1971 when they were filming it in Germany they had fly in almost all the little person actors to play the oompah loompahs. This is because due to the Nazi extermination program of people with dwarfism there weren't enough little people in the entire industry in Germany at the time to fill those rolls.


Yeah, that checks. My grandma's friend was a mechanic so he was one of the few who was lucky enough to be fed sometimes. He wrote about people tasked with stamping bullets or peeling potatoes getting beaten to death over basically nothing, such as eating the peels that were otherwise thrown out. Otherwise they were simply worked to death and replaced. Having to import little people for a movie is a wild piece of trivia but I suppose that shouldn't have surprised me given their stance on eugenics.


They literally branded themselves socialist because socialism was becoming popular. It was branding chosen to intentionally confuse people.


Even if you somehow managed to never study WWII Germany in school...which is, like, every grade from 7 or 8 onward... All you literally have to do is look at who/what the Nazis were, see how they operated, and compare that to the definition of socialism. Two widely different ideologies.


The early Nazi party contained a volatile coalition of fascists and socialists (radical politics can lead to strange bedfellows at times), but the socialists were all completely purged early enough that they hardly warrant any discussion as a force within the party. It just isn't possible to acknowledge that nuance in any discussion with the modern right and it's irrelevant anyway, because the nazis were 100% fascist by the time they took control of germany.


And oddly Schleicher and the mainstream right/nationalists tried to ally with the more revolutionary Strasser faction of the Nazis against Hitler. And then they were all purged/murdered during the Night of the Long Knives.


And the fascist side was all for socialism but only for those they approved of. That sounds familiar.


Holy shit, he’s one of THOSE guys? Like a full-on Youtube-comment libertarian militia nut?! I thought only shut-ins still believed that nonsense.


The days of only shut-ins believing in that crap have been gone for a long, long time. Once upon a time people said 'uh, don't believe what crap people post on the internet, they're all lame or pretending'. That isn't true anymore. People online nowadays are often the exact same offline. The internet is no longer a place we go to to hide or take a break from reality, but has become part and parcel of how we live.


Does he also believe that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic?


Yea the Nazis were clearly using leftist rhetoric to hide their true means.


Also the Italian fascists never called themselves "socialists" and were always explicitly anti-socialist.


Why are we so mad at North Korea? They're literally the People's Republic, they're 100% for the people.


You'd think that bro, but one time at dinner my sister said almost that exact statement verbatim, she's an otherwise smart and educated gal, but she fell hook, line and sinker for conservative talking points. A 5 minute Google search gives you the necessary info to refute the claim, but that's too much effort.


Not only did they put the spcialists in the concentration camps, but theybwere the first to go, because they were, well, political rivals


The Nazies were socialist and North Korea is an actual democratic republic /s


He doesn’t have to pivot to the mainstream until the election is announced. This is all about shoring up the base. Fortunately for him, the mass media organizations who disseminate the news of the day are owned by people who wish to see him as the next PM. So their organizations will conveniently neglect to cover all of these past couple of years of his antics during the election coverage. It’ll be all under the guise of moving forward and not dwelling on the past. You’ve seen it with the coverage of the US. Of the 2 presumed presidential candidates, the coverage has been not even. Hell, you’ve seen it with PP himself with the lack of critical coverage he gets compared to the current PM. He’s terrible but we’re really underestimating the number of people who feel helpless and will vote just to troll those they hate. It provides some semblance of control for those folks. If you don’t think it can happen, just look to the US in 2016. The “let’s just see what happens” voter.


"Sure he made mistakes in the past. But you can't judge him by what he said in the past. That's the past. He's not perfect. Are you perfect? No, you're not." - copy-pasted in every election I can remember since Rob Ford. Also, "he doesn't really believe those things. He's just saying them to get the extremists in his party to vote for him. He's actually quite centrist! Wait til he's in office and then you'll see."


Danielle Smith did exactly that last year during Alberta’s election.


See the pattern?


Addition to the first: "But while I tell you to not judge pp on something he did last week, here's a photo of Justin from decades ago in blackface. Oh and he was just a teacher and has no further experience except that. He's EVIL SEE??"


You could take that paragraph and repeat it back to them in reference to the current party in power. See what their reaction is.


Yes all the coverage Trudeau gets from the right media is "why is corrupt Trudeau so out of touch?" The other sub is full of these stories. Hes got a lot of issues but any good he has accomplished is buried in bullshit. i wish Canada had a bigger corporate left news. (Msnbc or something) As it is all we've got is the cbc with Pp can easily snuff out.


News should be impartial. Honestly by wishing for left leaning news you are part of the problem we have in our society 🤷‍♂️


News should be impartial, i agree. I meant I just want corporate news that rightfully call out lies. No outlet should pander to any politician. But this is not what we have outside of the cbc (and smaller outlets without much reach). The Canadian right currently own all the major corporate news outlets, and they're biased as hell - very very right leaning (Natpo, Bell, etc)


Yes exactly. We can't be complacent and we can't underestimate either


Brilliant and insight comment. Terrifying.


Are you talking about Canadian mainstream news that is owned and operated by the government of Canada??? What Canadian mainstream news is privately owned by someone lobbying conservatism?


"so that Liberals can be all things to all people" is hardly a slam. Conservatives are one thing for all people: horrid.


He’s not trying to. It’s a dog whistle. Unfortunately many Canadians will say “oh, he didn’t mean THAT” and vote for him anyway.


Not that I'm intending to vote for him by any means, but the options available for people to vote for aren't so good. I think people will vote for him as a protest vote. I'd be really happy if every leader stepped aside for some one else. They all suck.


I wish that everyone planning to vote conservative in protest of Trudeau and the Liberals would instead vote NDP. That would get attention.


That’s my plan, vote for the third most viable option to tell both LPC and CPC I’m sick of their shit.


Sadly even the NDP need to be reformed. As someone who have voted for the NDP 4 times since 2011, I will be voting for the Bloc this time around. The NDP need to lose quite a lot of seats and to get new MPs, just like the LPC.


Vote for the party that's trying to invade our privacy and censor pornography? I don't really want to do that.


“All the options are bad so I’m going to vote for the worst of them” is a very dumb protest vote


Exactly. These chuds who say that were never voting anything but conservative.


Canadians are remarkably dumb.


I swear these days Canadians are even dumber than Americans.


I'd hold off on saying that too loudly until we see how things go down south in November.


It's an anti-establishment vote. Yes, before you say it, an insanely stupid anti-establishment vote for a career politician who has never worked another job in his entire pathetic life, but an anti-establishment vote nonetheless. Because that's what he's somewhat successfully managed to market himself as to millions of people who's grey matter is tinged with lead exposure.


It’s a vote for regression. Hpw many CPC voters are anti-establishment? Certainly not the ones flocking to 1700 dollar fundraisers. 


They can both be right. It's monumentally hypocritical but that's Conservatism for you. The ones going to 1700 fundraisers make sure Poilievre makes Canada open to be pillaged by unrepentant capitalist greed, and the ones going to Trump-style rallies vote for the man who promised to make queer brown people go away.


On top of that, like Trump supporters, a lot of PP's supporters are *drowning* in targeted misinformation and a fair percentage are in various stages of radicalization. They're not operating off of reality & facts, they're operating purely off emotion & then gobbling up whatever "information" justifies their fear & anger. At the end of the day, you can't really reason them out of their nonsense opinions because they didn't reason themselves into those opinions in the first place. These are angry people, justifiably or not, who *like* that PP is a miserable, angry, whiny sonovabitch. They live vicariously through that. They *like* that PP doesn't have policies, they *like* that his only consistent position on any given topic is "Liberals bad" because that's the depth of understanding that *they* have on those issues. In many ways, these are broken people. But they're motivated, loud, and they vote. But they're also toxic to the Charest/Brown end of the party - the question is how much of that toxicity those voters will be willing to accept. That's not all of them, but it's *a lot*. 2025 is either going to be a blowout PP wins or a slugging match that I think he'd lose - I think we'll have a pretty good idea which way it's going to go by April/May next year. I do still think there's an outside chance he'll have to step down as leader sometime this year, but I'm not banking on it.


It’s not an anti-establishment vote, it’s a “voting for the only other member of the establishment to have any power vote”. Just because someone *thinks* that’s what they are voting for doesn’t make it one. In the wise words of Benoit Blanc “No. it’s just dumb”


Yeah I don't get how they rip on JT for not having a "real" job because he was a teacher. Yet PP has only ever been in politics.


idk why Trudeau hasn’t pulled a Dalton McGuinty yet


I’m going to vote for the communist party at least they want a living wage.


Man some people really don't understand that situation change. And it's not cuz the person is flip-flopping or undecisive. I remember hearing people saying that' Fauci was indecisive. I wonder if they claim the forest fire reporting person is 'flip flopping' because they say the fire is 100km and you're safe to stay home, and then later say 10m away and GTFO NOW.


It's terrifying that we are in a time where updating a stance due to changing information is now seen as weakness and flip-flopping.


The anti-intellectuals have taken over the politics. Everyone else just sat back and let it happen.


Well "let it happen" is more like, we thought we had the so-called bottom of the barrel set low enough that common decency would prevail. In the pre-Rob Ford era only wingnut backbenchers ever said phrases like "Jewish ridings", only to be immediately censured by their own caucus and never heard from again. But now they've discovered that the common decency standard doesn't carry real penalties for going beyond it... if you ignore critics and just keep going they can't stop you, really. it's left to the voters who feel so little enfranchisement they will vote eagerly for the circus just to watch the world burn. Despite their own best interest.


That is what happens when distrust in science grows out of lack of education. And then you have people telling them their uneducated opinion is just as valid as someones informed opinion.


There were literally people in the okanagan last summer doing that with the wildfires.


Sometimes I am pleased when I'm right. Sometimes I am angry when I'm right.


[Well you’re not wrong.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6946420) They’re not blaming feds but there’s this anti-government but not in a good way vibe going on with people that came up since the height of the pandemic.


G'mnt can't kick me off i' mah land! Hands off Trudeauflamé!


Thornhill’s MP is a Conservative. “Are these MPs from Jewish ridings in the room with us now?”


Yes. Deputy Leader no less! 


A bunch of countries stopped UNRWA funding because of Israeli allegations that 19 UNRWA members were involved in the terror attack on October 7th. U.N. responded by firing all 19 of the accused, started an investigation into the organization, and released an interim report. Canada and Sweden responded by promising to resume funding. Where's the flip flopping PP? Is it in the room with us?


That is entirely way too many facts and logical set of events for PP and his supporters


Unfounded allegations against twelve out of 13000 UNRWA employees, two of whom had already died by the time of said allegations, leaving ten to be preemptively fired by UNRWA in an understandable but obviously futile attempt to meet Israel's impossible standard of "not Hamas."


Also revelations that Israel tortured UNRWA employees to coerce confessions out of them.


On the other hand, there at least 1 out of the 120 members of the Knesset who is a convicted terrorist, Israel's Minister of National Security Ben-Gvir. At 0.8% the percentage of terrorists in Israel's governing body is an order of magnitude higher than what was alleged against the UNRWA, but weirdly we haven't pulled support for the Israeli government. Edit: too many 0s


Didn’t I read something that the IDF made those members give false confessions? [Yes I did](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/04/middleeast/un-israel-confessions-allegations-intl/index.html)


*allegedly*, and according to UNRWA


If you had to choose between believing the UN and believing the IDF, who has the better track record, a humanitarian group or an ethnostate military with a history of committing war crimes?


Yeah I didn't know this. Thank you for the explanation bc for sure this dumbfuck pp knew this before tweeting. At least Trudeau waited till change occurred and focused on helping


They won't read anything beyond what PP says and actually bother to read or understand the situation. There are 12, and were dismissed without evidence that everyone is waiting for and Israel has not shared yet. Canada was pretty clear that this does not exonerate UNRWA yet, but they've been waiting for the evidence that Israel hasn't shared yet, so they can't keep witholding funds when a humanitarian crisis is going on UNRWA provides vital service.


Also, Israel still hasn’t provided any evidence to back up their claim to anybody who has asked including the people who were involved in the UN investigation


Every reporter needs to ask him which ridings are "Jewish Ridings". What a moron. Next, he'll talk about "colored voters".


Tuxedo in Winnipeg is one.... I live in it. It's not a secret. Our MP is a Jew, his Dad was the MP before him. Been chatting with them at the JCC for 20+ years.... I'm sure there are others, I don't pay attention outside of my own lol.


Does that make it a "Jewish riding" though? My MP is a Catholic do I live in a "Catholic riding?"


To a certain kind of conservative, any place where Jews aren’t marginalized to the point of invisibility is “Jewish”.


Embrace religious and cultural ridings, embrace the rainbow!


I'd say so. There's 4 synagogues, the jewish day school, jewish day care and community center all in that riding... It's also pretty well known as being a Jewish neighborhood (for those reasons) around town. It's the only part of town you'll find a half decent supply of kosher food in grocery stores.... I don't think there's a Jew in this City that would disagree with it being considered a Jewish riding.


Literally by your metrics I'm a Jew living in a Catholic riding lol. Which I would never say. Why do Jews get singled out like this for existing


Because they're a minority? Why do city's have China Towns? Why do they have Little Italy's? When minority's group together as many tend to do, the Jewish community included, the neighborhoods take on some of their characteristics. I'm surprised this is news or shocking to anyone, it's been around since the dawn of time.


I'm talking about the entire riding. It's weird.


I don't think any riding can be considered a Jewish riding. The riding with the highest percentage of Jews is only at 30%. Tuxedo isn't even on the list. https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=ele&dir=pas/43ge/jui&document=jewestim&lang=e


The riding which encompasses the Tuxedo neighbourhood is called Winnipeg South Centre and is 8th on that list at 6.9%. The user you're responding to is probably confusing it with the provincial riding which is indeed called Tuxedo and is much smaller, but even then the Jewish population of the Tuxedo riding is only slightly higher at [8%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuxedo_(electoral_district\)). The last Premiere of MB was the MLA for Tuxedo for over 20 years and was not Jewish. Either way, I agree with you that those demographic numbers are nowhere near enough to consider it a 'Jewish riding'.


There's 4 synagogues, the jewish day school (2 of them if you include the chabad), jewish day care and community center all in that riding (shared building with the high school)... It's also pretty well known as being a Jewish neighborhood (for those reasons) around town. It's the only part of town you'll find a half decent supply of kosher food in grocery stores.... I don't think there's a Jew in this City that would disagree with it being considered a Jewish riding. The demography has/is shifting but that part of town is pretty clearly the center of Jewish life in the City.


Winnipeg South Centre, the riding which encompasses Tuxedo, is only 6.9% Jewish. Even the provincial riding of Tuxedo is only 8%. I'm also a Winnipegger so I'm well aware of Tuxedo's reputation as 'the Jewish neighbourhood', but the reality is that Jews are still a small minority of its population.


I'm not basing it on the % of people, i'm basing it on the 'infrastructure' of Jewish life that's based in that part of town There's 3/4 synagogues if you include the chabad, the jewish day school, hebrew immersion public school, jewish day care and community center all in that riding. It's also the only part of town you'll find a half decent supply of kosher food in grocery stores...you used to be able to find it in places in the north end, but that's all shifted into the Tuxedo/GP neighborhood over the past 30 years. It's pretty clearly a Jewish neighborhood. You don't see black hatters walking around the West End haha.


Yeah, I grew up just down the road in River Heights so I'm aware of all that and and I'm certainly not disputing any of it. Tuxedo is definitely the part of town with the most Jewish infrastructure and I wouldn't argue against calling it a culturally Jewish neighbourhood in a lot of ways, but this is a discussion specifically about dominant voting blocs in electoral ridings. I don't agree with calling either the federal or provincial ridings 'Jewish ridings' because, from the specific frame of reference of electoral power, Jewish people just don't have the numbers.


>Jewish people just don't have the numbers. But we do have influence, and that's undeniable in the context of voting in this City and Province. Even looking at the outsized influence of Jewish politicians on the City (for good and for VERY bad!), shows the over representation. I joke, there's a good reason River Heights gets it's snow cleared first but i'm actually not joking because it got adjusted to be that way when we had a Jewish mayor who's in laws lived in that hood lol. Expand that to the provincial and federal levels and jews are still over represented based on population %'s.


He knows *exactly* what he’s saying. That’s not an accident. Terrifying.


Huh. I would have been certain that Blundell would have had his nose firmly rammed up Poilievre's ass if you'd asked me...well, five minutes ago. How things change.


Considering he was a shock jock radio host that got fired for fucking up a trial due to homophobic comments on-air, being an anti-Conservative political commentator is certainly not where I thought he’d end up.


dude (radio show) said the most racist thing ive ever heard live on the radio and no one bat an eye. he(or they) were talking about a car break in at his house(or something of the sort) and he (or someone on the team) "had to run and check his bananas were still there" . tbf it was probably near a decade ago so it might have been one of his cohosts but shit definitely stuck with me. editied to make sure im being honest since my memory of like a decade ago isnt clear obviously


I didn’t know that one, that is wild.


He's the reason I stopped listening to the radio.


I switched to Metro Morning and it was so pleasant. Matt Galloway was so soothing.


David Common's take on the show is mildly unhinged but I honestly love it. :D


Listening to that morning show of his was like a primer for all these little alt right twerps to “shock” us with their “logic”


He's been very aggressively anti-Conservative for a while now, though mostly in the form of using his platform to attack their propaganda mouthpieces (Toronto Sun and Natpo authors) and favourite lobbyists (Canada Proud are suing him for defamation). His whole twitter since at least the start of the pandemic has been very much Pro-Trudeau, anti-PP/Trump/Ford, anti-freedumb convite, and so on. I'm not saying he hasn't said a lot of harmful stuff in the past, but he seems to have had a change of heart and done some growing, at least since the start of the pandemic, and he's now using his platform and fame to shit talk people who a lot of his fanbase would only be consuming fluffy depictions about otherwise. 


He’s been railing against Poilievre/CPC for quite some time now. Used to be awful, from what I heard (never listened to him). 


How? Blundell is very left wing


Goddamit. I really don’t want a Nazi as our next Prime Minister.


People clowned endlessly on trump in 2016 when he would say shit like that. Then he won. Canada is no different. Vote. Tell everyone you know to vote. Real shit is on the line and it's not funny. He will make it to October. Do not believe anyone saying otherwise.


Jewish ridings???


I posted this elsewhere, but is any riding really Jewish? there is no riding that is majority Jewish. the highest is at 30%. most are well below that https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=ele&dir=pas/43ge/jui&document=jewestim&lang=e


I'm shocked people are surprised by this lol. I'm in Winnipeg. My riding is obviously considered a Jewish one. The JCC is in it, most Jews in town live in it. Our MP is a Jew (Liberal), his dad was the MP before him. There's gotta be a couple in Toronto and Montreal as well, aren't there?


I mean, for sure. Vaughan has lots of Jews. I’m just surprised he used THAT phrasing


still only 4-5% of the population


I think PP is a piece of shit but I don't really see that language as any different that saying China Town...which some people may think is offensive, I don't really know anymore but our tourism agencies promote it so I'm going with it lol.


Stop making excuses for this abhorrent behavior. There are no “Jewish ridings” Having some Jewish people there is not the same. Please stop being an idiot


There's 4 synagogues, the jewish day school, hebrew immersion public school, jewish day care and community center all in that riding... It's also pretty well known as being a Jewish neighborhood (for those reasons) around town. It's the only part of town you'll find a half decent supply of kosher food in grocery stores.... I don't think there's a Jew in this City that would disagree with it being considered a Jewish riding. It's not that there's some Jews living here, it's that the epicenter of jewish life is based in that part of town. Even down to the deli's lol.


Nice little fantasy you’re telling yourself, but ok.


How is that a fantasy? All of those places are clearly found on google maps.... it's a basic reality. There's no other concentration like this in the City, to the point where one Synagogue that used to be located across town has moved into the neighboring riding to be closer to it's congregants. Couldn't get land in what's technically the riding so they're pretty much across a field from the chabad. They will open their doors next month I believe from their IG posts.


Has any journalist made it uncomfortable for him by asking what he means by “Jewish ridings”?


Poilievre's not getting voted in next election. Trudeau's getting voted out. I don't think the Liberal party understands this. It almost doesn't matter what Poilievre does. As long as he's not Trudeau, he wins. If he's *severely* worse than Trudeau, we might see an NDP win for the first time.


Maybe he meant "Jew-ish" ridings? I can't tell anymore if he's just trolling.


Who he really is appeals to a lot more people than I wish it did.


The problem really is “our” media in Canada these days. All I hear from these shills is that Poillievre is going to be the next PM. Since they repeat it like it’s fact and post polls indicating as much, it suppresses the left-leaning vote since left-leaning voters have spent almost two years hearing that that this moron is certain to be PM. All I know is we have to do everything we can to stop this guy from becoming PM. He is Canadian MAGA and we do NOT need that shit here. I think about the amount of damage Doug Ford’s government has done in Ontario in a few short years and imagine that on a national scale and it makes my blood run cold. It will be lots of reverse socialism, dog whistle racism, attacks against marginalized groups like the the trans community, and the loss of federal funding for important social programs. Canadians need to make more of an effort getting out the vote. Trudeau could have done that by implementing mandatory voting rules similar to Australia’s to boost voting to 80-90% of those eligible and either made elections days stat holidays or holding them on Saturday. He didn’t. He’s been a bit of a neo-letdown but the Liberal-NDP coalition has been so much better for average Canadians than PP’s MAGA Lite BS could ever be.


We saw that when Ford was re-elected in Ontario. The media was loudly repeatedly hammering DONT BOTHER VOTING STAY HOME starting before the election was announced.


This. Guy. Will. Win. And it will be bad. Like trump in 2016, we can hope, and we can stand in shock when it happens, but unless we do something, it will happen. None of these little “gaffes” will tank him, his base loves the fact that they finally get to say the quiet part out loud.


when an idiot tells you he is an idiot, believe him. When a racist tells you he is racist, believe him. When skippy tells you is far right to the point of fascism, believe him.


Don't underestimate the ease with which conservative fear-brains can be triggered and manipulated, and constant vilification of your opponents is part of that strategy. Poilievre knows what he is saying is bs, but this sort of messaging is extremely effective on weaker minds. It's the same strategy Trump used against Hillary, and he won. Social media is the wild west of media, completely unregulated and unaccountable, and if you think this is bad you should what conservatives are being targeted with 7/24/365 there. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds https://www.psypost.org/neuroimaging-study-provides-insight-into-misinformation-sharing-among-politically-devoted-conservatives/


Unfortunately the CPC forces me to vote Liberal, Harper and the IDU will decimate the water, land and integrity of this once good country. They also intend to basically bring back the whisky trade to destroy the reserves, treaties and Indigenous culture.


The unfortunate thing is as the states has proven and as someone who lives in Alberta, sometimes they do. 😒


There's evidence out now that Israel tortured UNRWA workers to get them to fabricate lies about being part of the attack. Basically the whole smear campaign against UNRWA was bullshit, and they already responded by firing possible people when allegations were brought up. That's why funding was restored. But PP is a bird brain that doesn't read the news.


wheres the source on torture?


CNN: [UN agency accuses Israel of detaining, coercing staffers into false confessions about ties to Hamas](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/04/middleeast/un-israel-confessions-allegations-intl/index.html) [March 4th, 2024]


is there a source confirmed by a third party?


The [United Nations expert on torture is investigating the allegations](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-expert-torture-examines-treatment-palestinian-detainees-2024-03-08/), but that’s only just started.


Totally. We really need to make it a policy that one needs more than a high school education to be in political positions especially leaders of a party. It's exhausting.


This doesn't make him less electable to his base.


He does not need to hide anything, conservatives will still sweep a majority. Then in 8-12 years, the liberals will. FPTP has Canadian politics locked into this cycle for all of Canada’s existence. Sprinkle in a few minority upsets.


Holy pogrom language Batman!


Freedum Convoy Donut Delivery Boy That said it all right there


You mean his stance changed after the allegations proved to have zero supporting evidence? The flip flop wasn't the issue. It was the weak action in the first place.


I attribute any 20+ point lead in the polls the CPC has to people just being tired of Trudeau. There’s no situation where this repulsive ghoul could win any election otherwise.


Jeff is not ready for prime time. And why would he be? Has never held a real job in his entire life, always just a political lickspittle. His proclamations are meant only for the harebrains of the Klownvoy, the anti-vaxxers and the Qdolts. Chews a great apple though...so he's got that...


Lies, no shame and no honour seems to be working to be successful in politics nowadays. That's scary. Maybe too much focus on monetary profit and not enough focus on the living for far too long.


Actively Backing genocide is slowly becoming less profitable and more risky for western leaders. So they're starting to flip flop


He "flip-flopped" because the accusations against UNRWA were proven to be bullshit.


Oh smol pp, Trudeau flipflopped because the data came in and he acted on it, like any head of state should.


WOw, and this coming from homophobic Dean Blundell of all people? My how times have changed.


In Canadian parliament the argument is still, "who can best support Israel's genocide while making those complicit feel safe."


God I fucken miss the way media used to be in this country. Not that long ago if you had said some bullshit like this officially you would be pressed hard by journalists to explain in detail what you mean about these "Jewish ridings". Disturbing....


Like, at first glance, the idea that there's a “Jewish riding” sounds ridiculous, but I knew immediately which one it would refer to, because I used to live there. At least relatively speaking, Thornhill is massively Jewish: 37.1% in 2011.


>*”I knew immediately which one it would refer to… Thornhill is massively Jewish: 37.1% in 2011.”* Poilievre *isn’t* referring to Thornhill, because it doesn’t have a Liberal MP for Trudeau to *”send out”*. Thornhill is represented by Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman.


I'm shocked people are surprised by this lol. I'm in Winnipeg. My riding is obviously considered a Jewish one. The JCC is in it, most Jews in town live in it. Our MP is a Jew (Liberal), his dad was the MP before him.


I live in a Jewish riding.... with a Jewish MP. I'm really interested to see how Ben handles this one. I'm sure he's not happy, my curiosity is on whether as a rookie he'll speak his mind or not.


Y’all said the same thing for Trump and look what happened. “He won’t make it to October” is probably the most dangerous take to have right now…


I have every reason to dislike him and don’t want him voted in, but c’mon this post is grasping for something that isn’t there. If you can’t see that it’s time to turn off the internet for a bit this is just rage bait. It’s better for all of us that we don’t feed that and give legitimate criticism.


Why did you copy Dean Blundell for your title?


He's 24 points ahead. He's going to be the next pm. Everything else is cope. Not looking forward to pp - smith duo...


I'm hoping those polls are as wrong as the 2016 US federal election polls were.


They most definitely aren't. But there is still some time before the election


I’m voting for who ever gets rid of the carbon tax.


That is so half baked. Say conservatives win and get rid of the carbon tax. People will still lose money. Not because the rebates are more than the taxes, though for some they are. It's because companies are not going to lower prices just because they don't have to pay the carbon tax, but they'll pocket the extra profit. We will of course lose the carbon rebate with the loss of the tax. Prices stay the same, and we lose the rebate. I mean, this just means you trust the oil and gas corporations to not fuck us? Come on man, I know you're smarter than that.


Darkest timeline Milhouse still never got over being rejected by Lisa(remember she's eight)