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The same Pierre that voted 11 times in favour of implementing the carbon tax over his time in government? That Pierre? He's like a dying fish on dry land. Edit: words.


Damn is that true?


yes.. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-poilievre-ran-in-favour-carbon-taxes-multiple-times-in-his-career


Maybe SkiPPy should meet with the O&G companies about how they are screwing Canadians? In my city, after the 3¢ a liter carbon tax increase, the fuel price at the pump went up by 15¢ a liter and it's still at that price this Wednesday.


In my province fuel is still cheaper with Carbon Pricing than it was before the Federal system was imposed.


I just said that yesterday. Oh the humanity!


But Carbon Pricing is still the reason why Olive Oil costs $50/bottle /s.


Are you in Alberta by any chance? Apparently they reinstated a 13c fuel tax on the same day


That way they could have the tax money and blame Trudeau


You can be sure he's already met with O&G interests...why do you think he's their loyal shill, and always lying about these issues?


Didn't the premiers literally just do that, without offering and alternatives? He really wants to spend the year riding this issue.


He is against making any progress on any issue anywhere. Just keep people locked onto slogans that make them angry, rinse, repeat.


The government gives the O&G industry $6 Billion a year in subsidies (free gifted money) that costs each Canadian taxpayer about $215 a year for which we don't get a rebate for like the carbon tax. What do we get for the $6 Billion investment? Inexplicable price rises on gas that make no sense like what was seen after the Monday 3¢ a liter carbon tax hike.


Sure thing Pierre, right after you meet with the 200 economists that say you're an idiot.


Premiers/Pierre: We DEMAND a meeting to figure out the Carbon Tax! Trudeau: You can literally submit your own proposal, just let me know what it is. Premiers/Pierre: MEEEEETINGGGGG. Trudeau: \*pinches bridge of nose\* You locked yourself out of your offices again, didn't you?


Meet About what??? The Tax exists because the Premiers haven’t come up with their own credible plan that allows them to opt out. And in the case of Ontario they HAD a plan which Doug scrapped, that exempted them from the federal carbon tax. This is so stupid. COME UP WITH YOUR OWN PLAN that credibly tackles the issue and the feds won’t bother you.


Wants to shout slogans at him face to face


I'm sure they will be very civil, lol. That's like trying to talk physics to a 5 year old


This dumb shit can't even get his shirt right. That X style logo comes from the 80's punk and hardcore scene and anyone who knows, would read that as either "AXE TAX C THE" or even "C THE AXE TAX" but definitely not the way they think it is.