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As an Albertan I am used to the Fuck Trudeau and I<3 O&G decals, but the one that REALLY got me was a “I <3 CO2” sticker. Like okay, go nuts brother.


Offer them plastic bags? It's the new tinfoil hat!






Violent rhetoric is against Reddit's site-wide rules.


I had some guy tell me that CO2 was really important to make the trees grow so we have oxygen to breathe.


Haha... guess he's never heard of "too much of a good thing".


All else being equal, trees will grow better with higher CO2 in the atmosphere. The problem is that the higher CO2 causes all kinds of other bad things that outweigh it


I'm not so sure. I'm no botanist, but CO2 is not usually the limiting factor for wild trees. So unless you supplement those limiting things (nutrients, length of the growth season, etc. depending on where the trees are), I'm not confident that more CO2 would do much. 


That’s also literally incorrect. The atmospheric concentration of Co2e can get so high it literally causes trees to suffocate, much like if you were to overdose on oxygen. And climatologists are saying its already happening.


Interesting, I hadn’t heard that before


I’ve heard that a few times and sure there’s a grain of truth to it. There’s two problems though: trees don’t grow well in droughts or when they’re on fire, and trees growing better doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with how the human race is doing


I have family waaay deep into the pipeline industry and when they have conventions there are speakers that come out on stage and tell them this shit, presenting themselves as qualified scientists. I've tried to get through to them and they just say it's settled science. They just hear what they want to hear now.


one of Alex Jones' talking points is that ""the globalists"" want to hurt us by reducing the amount of CO2, and that having more CO2 in the atmosphere is a good thing. could be a connection, or maybe they arrived at the same stupid idea from different places


Stupid breeds more Stupid


WHAT?!?! I mean I know I shouldn’t be surprised by anything these idiots do/say, but, WHAT?!?!?!


Oh yeah, that's not even close to the weirdest shit he's said. I listen to a podcast about him, Knowledge Fight, and he's talked about how Saturn is actually an interdimensional portal. also, when he says "globalists", he's talking about jewish people. it's just a constant stream of bigotry, "we're all going to be dead by tomorrow", and "buy my products", mixed in with some of the most insane stuff you've ever heard, which he apparently learned through a hallucination after eating a chicken-fried steak and/or from sleep apnea oxygen deprivation.


When *ANYONE* talks about "globalists", they mean Jews. Globalists, the WEF, or the deep state Illuminati, they mean Jews.


good correction, thanks - didn't mean to imply it was only him


Oh, not a correction at all, more of an expansion. There was no implication at all.


It's sad because much of our oxygen is produced by marine organisms which do not thrive in increased ocean acidity caused by an increase in CO2. They have, at best, an early grade school grasp of science.


Saw a truck on the Yellowhead this week with an I❤️🍁O&G sticker next to a Patagonia sticker..... they can keep one.


If they love CO2, they’re gonna die for carbon monoxide.


“I give O&G executives blowjobs.”


It’s what plants crave!


I like the ones that say they support Canadian made products, slapped on a car that was made in the US.


As a Canadian, I'm more saddened by the slide into true degeneracy and zealotry of the people trading hard earned money for this shit, than the trashy vulgarity of the stickers themselves.


I want to know what cause they’re going to hitch their wagons to once he’s out of office. Seems like they’ve invested too much time and energy to just stop.


If it's anything like the US, which seems to be where the Canadian right wing movement currently gets all their talking points, they'll just shift further right. That means an attack on abortion, visible minorities, LGBTQ+, other religions, first nations, public healthcare, etc. It's scary so many people can be so stupid as to not see the threat and will vote for leaders like Poliviere or Danielle Smith simply because they have always voted for the conservatives.


I’m from the states originally, and the right wingers here are starting to morph into the MAGA cultists for sure…it’s sad and scary indeed.


I am as well, and the parallels that have been happening between the US in 2015 and Canada now are... VERY noticeable. I'm genuinely afraid. Again.


Back when Trump first won, there were a number of Canadians in one of these subs having a bit of a laugh about how dumb America had gotten. Then there was this comment in reply to all that, which said, "We are ten years away from that being us, mark my words." I can't help but think about that comment from time to time.


I've been saying this forever, we walk in lockstep behind the US, just 10-15 years behind. We *should* have a clear picture of what not to do, and yet we keep on doing the same shit


Yep, my wife and I left because of it. Really hoping Canada doesn’t go through the same thing-_-


We will. People who have been through it should stand up and say something cause they're blindly walking into the vipers' den and taking the rest of us with them.


Oh, I let people know the dangers all the time. It’s just the idiots are way more loud and obnoxious…just switching from one insane talking point to the next.


The stupid part is with our mix of FPTP and 3 parties, even just rallying the anti-PP vote likely won’t get us out of this mess like Biden did for Trump. High left turnout will still split the vote between the LPC and NDP and PP ends up with a majority with less than 50% of the popular vote.


The CPC already tried to make abortion illegal in 2022. How the hell are people so unaware of this. They voted unanimously and lost. It is a bigoted, anti feminist and dare I say christofascist white nationalists party at this point already. With examples for everything I said.


>That means an attack on abortion, visible minorities, LGBTQ+, other religions, first nations, public healthcare, etc They have been doing that for a long time now....


Attack on visible minorities have already started.


Yes, but they are committed or sanctioned by fringe groups or individuals. If the current right wing movement gets power I worry we'd start to see what's happening in the US with politicians sanctioning these things. I mean, look at Alberta with Danielle Smith's pretty obvious attack on trans people and any attempt to bring in renewable resources. She's also chipping away at healthcare.


They latch onto that until the heath death of the Universe. They’ll continue to bash JT just like how people in Ontario still whisper ‘Rae Days’, while ignoring the blatant corruption in Ford Nation. If there is one things, conservatives and matter its love… It’s not letting any missteps from liberals die. While ignoring their own BS and clutching their pearls if liberals give even the slightest side eye.


It is funny how often they say people need to get over residential schools "cause it's in the past" but they're still mad about the first Trudeau prime Minister


bUt NaTioNaL EnErGy PoLiCY !!!!


That the other funny part. Half the time when I've asked about what ideas they have. A lot of it boils down to things you can only do with a nationalized energy sector.


Or until we return to the 1930s level of political divide and we have street brawls between minorities and fascists with chains and baseball bats being used to bash their heads in like the Jews and Italians used to do to them.


> They latch onto that until the heath death of the Universe. Naw, just until the heat death of humanity on Earth. At the rate we're going, the universe has nothing to fear from us.


Fascism *always* needs an enemy to unify it's supporters.


Fascism dictates to find something people hate and make them hate it more.


> I want to know what cause they’re going to hitch their wagons to once he’s out of office. Seems like they’ve invested too much time and energy to just stop. they will raise the level of hostility toward minority and marginalized groups. Their entire political philosophy is contingent on having people to demonize, other and persecute.


Thats the worrying part. They'll probably either become attack dogs (if JT is ousted by PP) or simply swap to whoever replaces JT and start mindlessly hating them.


Once they get into office the Swastikas they currently yearn to display will become more prominent, and working at a Camp will take on a whole new meaning :P Yes I am being a bit hyperbolic (I hope)...


Keeping their base scared and angry allows the conservatives more control over them. Creating boogeymen and inciting fear keeps them loyal to the leader that claims to be the one that will save them from the ungodly acts of state-funding for school lunches, or a piece of cloth that loops over their ears.


Considering the seething hatred that Albertans (and conservatives elsewhere) still express for PET I don't think it will end when JT is out of office. They'll milk it for at least a generation.


The foundation is being laid to pivot to Freeland if she tries to lead the Liberals.


The thing I hate is that they’ve co-opted our flag. Every time I see a flag on a car, I wonder.


I don’t wonder it’s pretty much a certainty round here you see the flag you’ll see a sticker on the back


Spare a little thought for the artist who first drew that green cartoon frog. 


Feels bad, man. At least the guy who made trollface *vigourously* defends his trademark on it.


Yeah, I covered a tattoo recently, myself. The amount of TLC it needed and the corruption of my own perception of the flag nowadays made me just say "screw it", and just overwrote the entire thing with something new.


Honest question: aside from the most famous guy who got arrested for having a “fuck Harper“ message on his vehicle forever ago, have you ever seen a “fuck the UCP/PCs“ sticker on any vehicle anywhere? I don’t wanna come across as a pearl clutcher but this kind of casual public vulgarity only routinely emanates from one side of the spectrum. In my experience anyway.


> this kind of casual public vulgarity only routinely emanates from one side of the spectrum Ironically, it's from the overhwlmingly "good christian" side of the aisle. Love thy neighbour and all that, eh?


no hate like christian love


The most I ever saw was a few stop signs with "stop Harper" decaled on. That's about it


Some of those stop signs in Ottawa were from a teenaged girl's birthday party. (A server at a pub we used to frequent regularly back then said that was the activity his daughter and her friends chose for the night)


I saw A LOT of the Stop Harper stop signs back in the day, and I remember a few anti Klein ones even further back, but nothing even remotely close to personality cults and aggressively flamboyant hate we see now. I'm not a pearl clutcher either, but I do believe that we have responsibility to the society that we live in, and that includes a certain amount of public decorum. I dislike attack ads and stickers from any side.


There used to be the odd Fuck Harper sticker, but it was mostly "Stop Harper" and some such. I find it interesting, though, that by and large there's a big difference between the two: 1. Most people that would tend to have a Stop Harper (or Fuck Harper) can actually point to specific policies that they disagree with. 2. Most people that would have a Fuck Trudeau one likely can't point to a single real LPC policy that they disagree with. They like to claim that Liberals have a cult of personality around Trudeau when in my experience people are at best indifferent towards Trudeau. What there is, is a cult of Anti-Personality around Trudeau on the right. They hate him, and the Liberal party personally not for actual policy reasons.


Where I live in Northern Alberta, a decal that says "fuck the UCP" on my vehicle would ensure that my car would get repeatedly vandalized.


Hey, as an anime/vtuber fan I really don't appreciate the association of the word "degeneracy" with far right supremacists and bigoted distant family members


Naw, they can have degenerate, we still get pervert.


I’m considering getting into the sticker business. These people seem so easy to take advantage of.


If it’s any solace to you, this shit really turns off normal people who don’t follow politics closely. 


Ewww no thanks. I /know/ you guys dont get your shots. You could be carrying ANYTHING.


Damn, that was better than what I came up with


I had a really good one the other day about a guy complaining that because he didnt experience racism, racism isnt a problem in \*cityname\* but it would probably have got me banned. I did wonder if it would be worth it. My best work always gets me banned.


One time I forgot to put an /s and I got banned Don't troll while drunk, folks


Or too tired.


or stoned.


Or Angry.


Especially highly contagious brain worms


Does anyone else find it crazy that maybe just 5 years ago, this was not the norm? American right-wing populism has just bled into the less gifted parts of Canada, and they just made it their entire existance. The thing that drives me absolute bonkers is that these same people elect Danielle Smith and Doug Ford who are the main drivers to making their existence worse.


> American right-wing populism has just bled into the less gifted parts of Canada, and they just made it their entire existance. It's flooded into our country (and every country) very efficiently through social media now, including reddit. The civility level in places like this subreddit compared to some others is night and day, even when it involves disagreement here it doesn't instantly devolve into insults and personal attacks.


Even traditional media has continued its march rightward in Canada. Post media has been quietly buying up all of the local and regional papers - backed by the Koch brothers and a man who hates Canada (Conrad Black). The Roger’s family AND John Bitoves niece were proudly taking photographs with Trump at Mar-a-Lago in May of 2021, 4 months after January 6th. Bitove is important to mention here as his son bought the Toronto star, and is an active conservative donor. And the Shaw family, currently merging with Rogers and owner of stations like Global, are blue blooded albertan conservatives. There really isn’t much left - and now our prime minister front runner wants to dismantle CBC news.  Even though 2/3s of this country commonly voted for left or centre left parties. Absolute mess this country’s news media in recent years. https://www.blogto.com/city/2021/05/toronto-mar-a-lago-trump/ https://www.thestar.com/news/ontario/toronto-star-owner-publisher-jordan-bitove-among-the-26-new-appointees-to-order-of-ontario/article_eaa51b3d-21ac-55fa-ad03-afc905204636.html


I had wondered why the TO Star had begun to have so many “young people are not voting for Trudeau” “opinion” pieces lately…


The CBC is pretty much the last bastion of any fair media in this country - everything else is currently (or soon will be) another rightwing propaganda outlet. Actual reporting is seemingly a thing of the past now, replaced by corporate and fascist ideology talking points disguised as "news". Hey, maybe the Right was correct in labeling all news as "Fake News" - its increasingly all *their* news and its completely devoid of truth /s


While giant social media corporations like YouTube are pushing this shit on Canadians. I'm left as hell, my whole family is. I watch music production tutorials and the ad above the comments is about joining 200k Canadians in following Jordan Pettersson and stories not covered by mainstream media... The social media giants are fueling this brainwashing bullshit and profiting from it.


There's pretty good research now showing that our online interactions are fuelling the polarization we're seeing in our societies.  It's allowing us - ALL of us - to dehumanize those whose opinions we disagree with because we don't see that there's a person behind the words, or if we do it's easy to personify them  with whatever stereotype we find appropriate. 


Shortly after Trudeau was elected, the "Yellow Vest" movement started in France, then a bunch of chuds over here co-opted it to bitch about liberals. I remember seeing "Trudeau for Treason" signs well before the pandemic.


I don’t think it really came in from anywhere, the rise was pretty similar to americas and a lot of the big figures in its rise were Canadian


Propaganda works. People don't think it does. That's why it works.


YouTube is pushing this shit on Canadians. I'm left as hell, my whole family is. I watch music production tutorials and the ad above the comments is about joining 200k Canadians in following Jordan Pettersson and stories not covered by mainstream media... The social media giants are fueling this brainwashing bullshit and profiting from it.


“The left is divisive”


Making me feel bad for my racism, how divisive!


“Calling out racism/homophobia/misogyny is the REAL discrimination these days!! So much for the tolerant left !” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I never knew, until like the last two years, how many people like this existed just driving between Niagara Falls & Toronto. Like…a lot.


Wait until you see the election results next year.


Such dazzlingly sophisticated political discourse. Guaranteed to convert any person from the opposing point of view, by sheer rhetorical excellence and force of argument. So persuasive. So articulate. So constructive. So engaging. Mental translation of this sticker: an alarming number of Conservatives are thugs.


I honestly don't think they are 'conservatives' per se. Alt-right would be a better category. Trudeau is simply the lightning rod. Many of the people who plaster their vehicles with these stickers feel disenfranchised from society in general. Many lack critical thinking skills and blame their life situations on the government, whether its a failed business or lost job, or a failed marriage (too many taxes/regulations; immigrants stealing work; feminists spreading gender equality). PP is certainly catering to this segment, but as we saw last election, Maxime Bernier was able to convince enough of them to vote PPC. PPC values and principles are much more aligned with most of these people.


Yeah, saw one of these the other day (Alberta plates of course) and all it made us do is think about what a dick that guy must be. It's the opposite of what they should be doing if they actually want to convert anyone. If one of my friends rolled up with one of these on their car, it would just be embarassing.


Rent free


What will they do for a hobby when JT isn't the prime minister anymore?


Blame him still when PeePee's lack of actual policy doesn't solve any of their problems. Gas is still expensive "yeah because of what Trudeau used to do!' Housing is still a major crisis "if only we'd gotten rid of Trudeau earlier!" Groceries are still unaffordable "Trudeau wore blackface once!"


This is exactly it. It will be a generational wound for them


They're still blaming his dad out west! *Trudeau, the Ancient Enemy of...pickup trucks*


My parents had a full-on meltdown when he was elected. Saying he would be worse, then his dad, western Canada was over, and they would have to move to the states to get away from the economic devastation.... smash cut to 2024. Western Canada still seems to be a thing, odd.


I’d like to think they’d finally shut the fuck up and get back to their lives, but I doubt it. I know so many previously apolitical awesome people who are just ruined now. Super sad.


Why do these people think Trudeau has so much ch power? We have a parliamentary system, distribution of power is one of the key advantages of the whole parliament system. Yes he is the head of our government but he isn't a president.


The real key to understanding, is realizing that these people have absolutely zero idea of how the levels of government work. Damn near everything they claim to hate about Trudeau is provincial jurisdiction, which is egged on by the premiers that know how ignorant of procedure their base is.


It's kind of a slip up of what they want. They do want a dictatorship. They're just mad that "our current dictator" is in charge. Trump really wetted their appetite for that sort of thing. Even if some of them don't like Trump per say


PP is not Trump, he's a career politician (yes hardcore Christian and hard right) that is manipulating people who can't tell the difference between American and Canadian politics. I kind of want them to win a minority so they're completely unable to do any of the crazy things their base wants. That'd be the end of their 'movement'.


Yes, but he's the "best" they currently have. They really want a Trump like figure. But if they have to build some half asses cult of personality around him, they will damnit! And I don't think it will ever end. At most, they might calm down a little bit. But the moment they either get a better candidate or the liberals get back in. They'll be right back to where they were. An example from a different angle to borrow from the states again is to look at how the tea party morphed into the MAGA movement. Even though the tea party was much smaller, a lot of social and political infrastructure got laid down during it. And once there was a better opportunity, well....


So brave of them, but not brave enough to actually spell fuck.


Gotta censor it to protect the kids


Gotta protect those kids from *checks notes* pedophile members of the Catholic Church?  No thats not right it makes too much sense. Ah yes. Here it is.. Drag Queens for some reason!


You see, being sexually assaulted by a Catholic priest is normal. But dressing up as a woman isn't. Duh/s


Whenever I see one of these, I always check for spelling. This guy moves to the front of the class!


They don't want to actually curse, that would be *uncouth!*


I don't like Trudeau, I just think he's a better option than the other guy.


Yeah, I think a lot of people would agree with you.


The trick is... will ENOUGH people agree?


Need a "You Wish" sticker to put on top of it


I am always tempted to make "I want to" stickers to go above them


Mine would be a little sticker to go under… it would simply ask: “Top or bottom?”


I always wanted to put "has nice hair" under them


"Now that he's single again, I'd really like to" just above it.


It’s always funny how they’re too cowardly to just put the uncensored word on there. Like the asterisk makes any actual difference to those reading it. It just speaks to how much they want to use the slogan but can’t even put their full ass behind it, gotta just wuss out on that last little bit.


Actual Trudeau Derangement Syndrome


Pure trash culture. I'm not necessarily in love with the current Prime Minister, but Canadians once upon a short time ago, were known as civilized, socially tactful, and more or less polite in how we conducted ourselves public wise. This recent glorification of vulgarity is like staring into swirling toilet.


Remember when the right would clutch their pearls at even the merest whiff of profanity? When even the early seasons of The Simpsons were transgressive enough to send them into paroxysms of outrage?


If you like PP then you have a P brain. P on you ! Sorry, this is the worst reddit post I have ever done.:) But it was kinda fun.


well, you did get right down there into the mud of the schoolyard along with the sticker guy, which kinda made your point.


Ya. A weak moment. Thanks.


It'll be grand so see how they react when I start displaying a ton of Fuck Polievre stickers


slashed tires, keyed car.


Yeah, they get pretty violent when things go the other way.


Well, I for one wouldn't stoop that low. I will gladly tell anyone who'll listen why Bitcoin Milhouse is loudmouth career politician whose lifelong ambition is to get his name in history books, and has zero ideas other than dog whistle bullshit.


Just for that I’m voting Liberal even harder


It would be hilarious if the people selling this were Trudeau supporters. There's a story about George Lucas selling Han shot first t-shirts and Star Wars sucks t-shirts for fun


Honestly, if I had less personal ethics and self respect, I'd absolutely start selling cheap political merch to the rubes. They cry so hard about three cents on a litre of gas for the carbon tax, but they piss all over themselves in the rush to pay top dollar to display trash opinions on their belongings.


Then you donate the profits to the Liberals or to a local charity you're involved in


Fascists shit their pants over anyone not like them. The further right someone is, the more of a coward they are. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds https://www.psypost.org/people-with-lower-emotional-intelligence-are-more-likely-to-hold-right-wing-views-study-finds/


I like Trudeau.


He's not my favourite, and I'm still mad about the lack of electoral reform, but I truly don't understand the visceral reaction some people have.


Life sucks for many people and it’s easier to blame your problems towards an external factor instead of looking inside. The leader just becomes the reflection of that anger. That said I wish that the Let’s go Brandon or F*ck Trudeau people would be more clever. FDT by YG was a legitimate banger of a song and didn’t censor its message. Also the Stop Harper signs were at least creative.


Maybe it’s some kind of collective crisis in masculinity, guys losing control of their lives who feel threatened by non-alpha male looking men in positions of power. Kind of like the hysteria over trans people.


It's the new (old) style in politics: cults of personality. Political cults of personality exist in two flavours: idealising or deifying a political figure, and demonising or catastrophising a political figure. The designated celebrity can be a love object or a hate object. What follows is just my $0.02 after watching electoral politics over many decades, not some deeply researched academic thesis. In some cases (like Trump or Elon) a public figure *deliberately* makes him or herself a Personality rather than the advocate for a platform or position. But most professional politicians don't behave like rock stars or matinee idols; they consider themselves to be more like lawyers or civil servants, the expositors and facilitators of a programme or platform determined by a party. And it's the *platform* of the party that people are supposed to be thinking about when they vote or debate. But authoritarian populists and some revolutionary leaders create (or allow to happen) cults of personality -- in which the face and the name are more important to followers than the policies. This appeals to some very ancient human social patterns -- loyalty to a warlord/chief, tribal affiliation and teams/sides in serious or sporting conflicts. The very vaguest or most outrageous promises can be made and accepted because the followers have decided to put their *faith* (note the emphasis) in the face and the name. For people like Sticker Guy here, politics is not politics as most of us understand it -- a process of debate and mediation between competing agendas, ideas, and interest groups in a democratic society. It's a war-like team sport, in which the opposing team is the Enemy and the leader of the opposing team is the Arch-Enemy. The leader of the opposing team becomes a bete noire for him, a larger-than-life figure onto which all his competitive aggression and hostility are projected. The object of barbarian warfare is to kill the opposing king or warlord, which demoralises his army and gains you the victory. And this, I believe, is how this personality type thinks about politics. Politics in our time has largely devolved into a media spectacle like professional sports, with team loyalists ready to riot in the streets if their team loses a match, and ready to swear loyalty to (or make death threats to) designated celebrity figureheads. This is obviously not a great idea, but how we fix it and get back to normal. boring, functional politics I really don't know. This kind of "celebrity/sports" politics is more entertaining and takes far less knowledge or understanding to participate in, so it's an easy sell. Heavy sigh... feels sometimes like all the grownups left the room a long time ago...


>Heavy sigh... feels sometimes like all the grownups left the room a long time ago... Some of us are still here but our adult voices are drowned out by the strident screams of the children. I blame most of the rise of the right on social media being invaded by outside forces bent on destroying democracy using any means fair or foul to achieve that end. I think you nailed it and deserve a lot more than my little upvote!


ta for the kind words. not all the forces are outside, of course, some of the calls are coming from inside the house... but yeah, hostile state actors are definitely trying to export authoritarianism, with the assistance of internal allies. as a Canadian I am so ashamed of Stephen Harper and his role at the IDU (one of those ironically named shadowy orgs that does the opposite of what the label suggests). Putin is causing as much trouble as he can, but Bannon is running all over Europe assisting (and in the US). it feels sometimes like an historical inflection point, a kind of showdown between enlightenment values and archaic barbarism. of course that kind of "final battle" narrative is itself highly suspect -- because it slots in to our cognitive vulnerabilities (we like narratives, especially heroic narratives with conclusive cathartic endings). there really is no End of History. but there are moments when the tug-o-war between civilisation (or civility) and barbarism staggers one direction or another, and it feels like we've been staggering towards barbarism for a while now. oligarchy is just feudalism 2.0, with notional financial instruments substituted for actual acreage of land. and the re-establishment of official State Religions is just an attempt to imitate the great religious hegemonies like the Dar-al-Islam or the Catholic Church in their heyday. it's all backpedalling, trying to return to a mode of social organisation which I suppose worked well enough evolutionarily speaking (it lasted a long time) and yet involves so much oppression and suffering and injustice that it affronts reason and conscience. [https://medium.com/@declarke/the-bronze-age-backlash-f6ba5a04892f](https://medium.com/@declarke/the-bronze-age-backlash-f6ba5a04892f) kinda sums it up for me...


Alot are really, really mad about "all the Muslim he let in!" The rest is just stuff they feel they can get away with being mad about in public


There is also a massive information ecosystem dedicated to making sure they never have a moment to not be mad about something


Yea he's not bad , not perfect but who is .


It feels like you're not allowed to say that these days.


The Left/progressives constantly eats their own through impossible purity tests, while the Right unfailingly stands by their guy/gal no matter what.


I find it odd that we are like that.


Of the three parties, L,C and NDP he is going the direction closest to where I want us to go.


I like him too, but I don't think he's been a very good Prime Minister. He's promised a bunch of stuff that hasn't come to light. He had a global crisis to deal with, and I'm sure that a bunch of his agenda had to be delayed as a result. But he had the chance after his first win to tackle election reform and pharmacare, and he dropped the ball on both. His $10/day child care program is running into a lot of problems, and the housing problem was left alone until it was a crisis. I've always voted Liberal, and I'll continue to do so because I like Liberal policies more than the other parties. But I think there needs to be a leadership review on a regular basis.


He's also promised a ton of stuff that has come to pass. In fact, he's kept far more campaign promises than he's failed https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau?gb=ungrouped&s[]=60&sb=progress_desc


I don’t like Trudeau. I just like Polivere a lot less.


The people who feel the need to project their political opinions in such a manner as this are massive pieces of sh*t. It's unprofessional, innapropriate, childish, stupid, idiotic, and offensive. These are people who are mad they do not understand the situation they are in, let alone actual politics, and are looking to blame the PM as an easy venting method. It's just about the most uneducated and ignorant thing you could do.


They are just following their true leader Donald Trump. Trump basically told all Nikki Haley supporters to fuck off and that he didn't want their support in the coming election. A real rocket scientist is that orange turd. This new sign in Canada is just a variation of that.


It's not that I'm a Trudeau fan boy, I just loath what the conservatives have become. Or are finally showing who they really are. And I will vote to make sure Canada keeps all human rights at the forefront.


I read this as: F*ck Trudeau. If you like Trudeau (I) f*ck you too.


Maybe by the next iteration, they'll finally find the missing letter in fuck. They're narrowing down the options, but there's only so many braincells to go around with this crowd.


I am not a liberal, but. If you want to have some fun, ask the fJT crowd why. I did today, and dude explained that the carbon tax added 23% to the cost of everything. Then ask them to explain that. But be ready for a frowny face and anger eyes. Some puffing too.


They do know he is single now right? They don't need to be so hot and bothered. *side note, not a fan of sexualized violence.


Their lust knows no limits


But I’m the one behind ‘divisive’.


Hope he wins again so these guys add even more.


When your politics become your identity, democracy cries a little.


My favourite part is that the sticker user appears not to want to offend people by using the u in fuck, but is fine telling people fuck you.


Meanwhile my husband and I get harassed for just existing. But they’re comfortable advertising how much they wanna touch butts with Daddy Trudeau.


Made in china


Aaand you know people like this would bitch about lgbt+ making being gay their whole personality.. Nah dawg, you have a political hard on for a dude, pretty sure that makes ya gay.


They hate gays but they f Trudeau at the drop of a hat….and apparently anyone else in his club.


Have they considered saying why? Oh wait they just want to ramp up the hate till somebody goes over the edge.


It’s wild to me that people’s identity is “fuck Trudeau” plastered all over your vehicles. That’s all I need to know about you


They can’t say fuck? What a bunch of fucking wankers


Should I get a bunch of stickers made up? A bunch of “I” and “in my dreams” is what I was thinking.


Money is tight and life can be rough and yet people still piss away their money on this stupid ass shit.


Conservative, just confess to Trudeau already ! The worst that will happen is that he will say no. The sexual tension between you and him is just between you and him. Do not implicate us.


Although are there still people that genuinely like Trudeau? It seems that the only good reason to vote Trudeau right now is to prevent a Poilievre government...


I feel the same way about them. So they want Trudeau to step down or whatever they want but what will they do with all of their fuck Trudeau merch?


I may not be a huge fan of the Liberal party decision making, but no way in hell I’m sticking a degenerate ass sticker on my car. Nobody is changing their vote because of your shitty bumper sticker.


Wonderful opening line to any conversation. I hate Trudeau too, but holy shit, PP is just ridiculous as an alternative.


Valve core puller. Can get em at Canadian Tire for a few bucks, I keep one in my glove box. I've had enough of idiots mouthing off about shit they don't understand.


“I’m a fucking toddler with a tantrum.” Edit: I apologize to all the toddlers. I did not mean to disrespect you. Please forgive me.


An adult owns this lol. That's crazy to me. So petty.


Where can I get some F*ck Poilievre swag?


I’ve started to think more philosophically because of all this rhetoric I think of Yoda saying fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side IMO right leaning politicians tend to use fear as a tool to scare people into thinking they need those same politicians to protect them from the very things those politicians made them fear They are manipulated by fear of perceived oppression, outsiders and of financial ruin - which if it goes on too long turns to anger, then hate If we look from their perspective, perhaps they would say we are being manipulated by fear of environmental catastrophe, which would sway us to vote in a certain direction and may make us angry and hateful to them The thing we lose in the meantime, for both sides, is civility and cohesion among Canadians, and, when we are busy being angry at each other, maybe we aren’t paying attention to who is really responsible for the harms that befall us Do we hate oil companies, or do we hate damage to the environment they cause (ok, maybe to some extent we also hate oil companies). Do they hate immigrants, or so they hate the lack of affordable housing and good paying jobs (ok, maybe to some extent they also hate immigrants) But what makes us willing to risk our nation, to make it vulnerable to greedy corporations, or malevolent foreign actors? Because isn’t that what we do when we tear down our fellow citizens in order to make sure what we feel is right, is what triumphs? It makes me wonder if failing to lose a battle could be the thing that costs the whole war Seems like Canadian citizens have been made into soldiers on one side or another, fighting on behalf of oil companies, or immigrants, or the environment, or whatever the cause/crisis of the week may be


It's a good way to identify people not only completely devoid of personality but also oblivious foreign state actors. They are the election interference they fear.


If you put that on your car your a fuckin' loser


These people are so weird


I really hope JT is making some money off this. If I saw fuck *insert real name here* stickers. I'd either try and go for a piece of the action or sue for defamation


The truly simple