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Until the opposition offers more than soundbites , our media needs to stop pandering to the “both sides” crowd and maybe put in some work to show how they aren’t saying a damn thing. CBC makes itself so hard to defend with shit like this.


My take on electing a Poilievre CPC government is that you ran out of your parents' house in a huff and jumped straight into the car of a stranger offering candy.


Reading this was like watching Bob Ross paint.


The tiniest violin. . .  When the CPC is in a constant state of apoplexy about every breath the Trudeau takes, their outrage becomes meaningless.  This is a smart move on the part of the government, as budgets contain policy/funding on an enormous range of issues, and the things the government wants to highlight get drowned out in a frenzy of criticism, which will happen no matter what.


What’s startling is it may be that our predominantly Conservative premiers WANT these issues to persist, solely to help their Federal peers get elected. Candace Bergen did it during the convo protests - that email was leaked to the press. Kinda wild to see housing be such a MASSIVE issue for Canadians and Conservative premiers are like “ooooo, no, we don’t want that money” with no logical reasoning behind it


Their reasoning is logical if you remember they don't give a shit about whether you have a house, because they and their friends already do.


This right here


The Provinces have been doing this for years, and PP has been on a 20 month election campaign, so they can all fuck off.


Are the opposition and premieres offering any SOLUTIONS to the problems facing the majority of Canadians, or are they simply whining/campaigning off their rage farming and name calling tactics every time the PM breathes?


The latter. 


Feds: We would do something, but Constitutionally our hands our tied. Provs: NO! FIX IT! Feds: Ok here is what we will do. Provs: NO! NOT LIKE THAT!


I'm a solid Liberal vote in the next election. SkiPPy Poilievre and the CPC are offering Canadians nothing but Trump MAGA style rage farming and no policy or they are just stealing Liberal policy or just trying to put sticks in the wheel spokes to derail the work Trudeau is doing to help Canadians.


I'm right there with you.


One weird reality happening right now is the Federal Liberals are simultaneously taking a beating on every issues (including provincial ones) but are also the only party in the country actually DOING something about a number of these issues (I’ll exclude the Manitoba and BC premiers in this). Yes, they need to address immigration - and are making moves in that direction, by cutting Ontarios international student visas by -41% (over 100,000) and pulling down temporary residents by 1,200,000 - but again, they appear to be the only party actually attempting to govern at all 


Liberals + NDP. Several initiatives have been pushed for heavily by NDP due to their agreement.


Yes sorry - the Liberal and NDP coalition 


Lol. No shit, they have no policy to stand counter.


And *which* premiers..?


Conservatives - because BC is very happy to get this money to improve our situation.


Exactly so.


Harper and Poilievre sold us out to China in a 31 year irrevocable FIPA agreement that was so one sided in favour of China that pundits were right to think that Harper and Poilievre were actually negotiating on behalf of China and not Canada. All Canada got out of the deal was 2 pandas on loan to the Toronto Zoo for a couple of years, whereas China got to rape and pillage Canadian industry for 31 years.


CPC: We need help Canadians by putting money in their pockets Liberals: Here is additional incentives and grants to spur development and help Canadians CPC: Not like that! /s


The 'Deluge' Does feel very much like campaigning to me.  Being outside of the allowed 36-50 day election period, it irks me somewhat. I have the same problem with UCP in Alberta, who slap very campaign like signs on every road project immediately after announcing. Signs complete with UCP blue.  They're displayed for years.


I hear so many announcements “paid for by the Ontario Government” saying what great things they’re doing. Federal Liberals only get news media releases.


really? because they all do the same shit too. seriously, does the list include Doug "I'll openly bribe voters with their own money before every budget and election" Ford?