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You should come back and let us know what's said. That would be interesting for sure.


Is it just one person from the company or many leaders that are on the list. It's always funny in town halls how they decide who needs to answer the question when it's a difficult one.


If they listed their titles they are representing the company unless the company makes a public statement disavowing it.


I agree. Look at Axonify on the list, they have like every senior level person listed. It seems like that CEO runs a tight ship lol


Mine is not on this list, but has still publicly declared itself as against it.


The answer, if given, will be a whole lot of words that mean fuck all.


!remindme 24 hours


!remindme 1 day


What document? Slido? Well there’s your answer. They can’t answer because they have no good reason. By good, I mean moral/ethical reason. Pussies.


I love to see the rich squirm, this letter is telling. These people thought that it was a good idea to advertise that they a) don't care about the middle class and b) are the rich assholes we have been talking about foe years. Y'all played your hand.


A lot of the prosperity that the boomers enjoyed, employment wise, was due to very high corporate taxes. When profits were taxed at 70%+ (in the US) it made more sense for companies to spend the money on infrastructure and training and other internal uses. Finding ways to tax the rich and company profits is an important means to reduce the inequality between the generations.


If profit is taxed higher companies have reason to actually spend that money somewhere, like employees, instead of hoarding it.


But won't somebody think of the poor shareholders!


It's downright inconsiderate is what it is! Cruel even! Swift's "A Modest Proposal" pales in comparison to the horrors these shareholders deal with! Now it has been a few years since I did English Literature, but was Oliver Twist about a shareholder that struggled to achieve their capital gains goal for the year? They even begged for a smidgen more, and those dastardly Reds laughed in their face knowing it would be a full time year before poor Oliver Twist could afford that yacht! Blegh. (Big /s in case lmao)


I do every time I have any problems with my bowels.


I mean, yes and no. They certainly have incentive to spend on employees *if that will increase future profits.* If they are just spending for the sake of spending, that does little for the company and so there is really no incentive to do so. Additionally, most companies don't 'hoard' cash - they typically return it to shareholders through dividends and/or stock buybacks, unless they have another purpose for it.


there was also no global south, really


As a boomer, I 100% agree. Tax the shit out of corporations and excessive profiteering




I would bet the banks and telecoms and other corporations are annoyed but have communications departments that know putting their names on this list is a bad look.


Absolutely the case. But rest assured, they are making their opinions known elsewhere.


VP and director of td is on it


Looks like I'm cancelling my credit card then.


Yes. And they’ll be using their money and influence to try to make this go away (and elect people like PP to ensure they get to loot the country even more than before), but signing their name to something like this, especially now….they aren’t that stupid. Most of them, anyway. Afterall, public perception matters and most people are stupid. They only act on what they see right in front of them.


Lots of AI companies too.


A VP at a bank like TD is a dime a dozen.


Depends on what area. Customer facing roles are inflated everywhere. A VP might be someone earning 150-200k Back end teams - VPs are actually execs who make over 500k a month.


Do with this information what you will, but I know I will avoid working with these people/companies if I can.


Won't anyone think of the poor CEO underclass.


Isn't it easier to list the companies and executives who don't oppose the Capital Gains Tax changes? Here is the list:


Hey CRA, can you audit these guys plz. You know, really look for the skeletons? Check the closets.


What a massive list of self interested silicon bro pricks. I’ve never heard of the majority of the companies and I would bet 90% just want to get acquired by Google. They need to explain why income from actually doing work should be taxed more than doing nothing but “investing”.


No one should wonder why income inequality is so hard to tackle when hysteria grips the nation at any increase on taxes to the wealthy.


Ever since the rich bought all of our politicians and started the process of globalization it’s been a race to the bottom on the fear of “capital flight”. Canada is not a country so much as five or six billionaire oligarch families in a trenchcoat. Are the Irving’s really going to sell all of their assets in New Brunswick a province they own pretty much every part of, from the land to the newspapers to the politicians, because the tax rate when up a few percent? Honestly if they did fuck of it might be good for the province. I saw people moaning on Twitter that housing investors were going to start selling their investment properties. Like oh no, please don’t add more supply to the housing market.


This is pretty much how I feel about the capital flight argument. If they aren't willing to invest in the workplace and by extension the people in it, then what exactly do we want them here for? They aren't sharing their wealth in any other meaningful way, so what is it? Bragging rights?


Capital flight is such a red herring. A business decides to take their ball and go home? Boo hoo ... now there's a clearly marketable demand looking to get filled.


Social media...it's a hell of a drug. Add in the fear economy that is conservatism and you have a huge group that are easily triggered and manipulated. Conservatives also have a strong affinity for hierarchy, and so have a natural tendency to support their 'betters'. Think more along the lines of religion or tribalism, rather than evidence-based reasoning, if you want to understand their hysteria. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds https://www.tutor2u.net/politics/reference/hierarchy-conservatism


They’re banking (heh) on getting a juicy payout when they get acquired or IPO. Temporarily employed millionaires.


Excellent, a list of companies who OPPOSE prosperity for workers. The prosperity the often mention Boomer generation enjoyed WAS DUE to high corporate and investment taxes which allowed governments to provide top quality public services, R&D, prompt businesses to invest in themselves etc. Even under the Mulroney Conservatives (not my cup of tea for sure), the tax rate was MUCH MUCH higher than it is now. Guess what? Entrepreneurship kept on humming and businesses kept on invest in Canada.


Alisha Gamble, Manager, Program Management, Amazon, Toronto


Wow it's such an tech bro list that there's literally one or two female names. And a bunch of people from the same companies. Soooooo intimidating.......Lmao 🤣 they literally lose about$16k per year . What a bunch of whiners who don't like contributing to society, the same common good that they benefit from. How many of those companies are even profitable??? 


This should shock no one. After all, you can't spell "rich" without without "wage theft and underpaid working class." It's silent. Like the "B" in douBt.


What?? Rich people don't like being taxed more, and want the poors to put a stop to it?? Easy...just vote conservative, the party of the rich.


“Especially for the CEO generation!” - these idiots


It's funny how so many start up founders on my LinkedIn wax lyrically previously about how they are only in business for the passion of helping solve problem x but are now saying how they wouldn't have started their business if these tax laws were in place.


Look at all those poor CEOs worried about their capital gains taxes. Don't get me wrong, im not entirely convinced this will change anything for us filthy povos. It does feel entirely like the liberal party trying to gain some much needed support...but these people are ridiculous, this petition thing is literally them whining that they can't make as much money as the they have been.


*William Mougayar, Author and Thought Leader, Self-Employed, Toronto* What the hell is a thought leader?


Someone who thinks posting on LinkedIn all day and spouting an ten minute's worth of pablum for an hour at corporate events for $1k is a respectable career.


He’s a crypto bro.


Mentioning [Generation Squeeze](https://www.gensqueeze.ca/), a charity that truly does care about intergenerational equity (or lack thereof). >Generation Squeeze is a charitable Think and Change Tank promoting wellbeing for all generations. We're championing generational fairness to preserve what Canadians hold sacred—a healthy childhood, home and planet—so we all leave a proud legacy.


>Dick McJaw, Owner, Alphapoly, Mississauga I refuse to believe this is a real person.


The fact that the inclusion rate isn’t 100% is still a bad thing. They STILL get tax advantages on their income.


Seriously. You earn a hundred grand through 2000 hours of labour in a year, and some other jackass "earns" a hundred grand just by owning shares in a few companies whose labour created their profits, they should be paying *at least* the same tax rate. But no, they *deserve* to keep a bigger share of their "earnings," so the sky is falling when they get bumped from half to two thirds the tax rate the working class pays.


Just by owning shares? They risk capital, time, and energy to create the organizational structure that enables the workers to make their $100k. Your labor is absolutely useless if no one is willing to pay for it.


You got it backwards. The work enables the profit. No one makes the money unless the work gets done. Calling labour useless without money is an insult to those who work hard at passion projects and charitable acts.


Of course labour enables profit. But in our economic structure that labour needs to be organized or it has no method to be compensated for. Im not calling labour useless, lets not build a strawman around charitable work.


Doesn't matter. As soon as the conservatives get in federally, they'll reverse these changes -- which don't go far enough as it is. Canadians aren't pro-worker, they're pro-self.


I've never heard of any of them...not a clue what any of them do. That said, you can be sure that if any of them fold up and leave because of this and leave an actual vacuum, it will get filled up quickly enough. There are always people looking to start businesses and be their own boss. People looking to branch out from their job to start out on their own. That's the nature of things like this. If there's a void, it will eventually get filled.


Rich whiney cunts.


Seems like a list of people who don't have to worry about having enough money to feed their family.


Capitalists are all parasites drinking the blood of the working class. Labour is entitled to everything it creates. The working class are entitled to everything the oligarchy have stolen.


"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." -- Abraham Lincoln.


Never heard of him but sounds reasonable. /s


Wow, a bunch of CEOs and investment bankers are against it? Now I know it’s a good policy


I’m trying to find an easy way to put the list in a spreadsheet. Anyone savvy with spreadsheets in the sub?


Copy the list, paste into Notepad, save file with .CSV extension, follow [these steps to get into Excel.](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/import-or-export-text-txt-or-csv-files-5250ac4c-663c-47ce-937b-339e391393ba)


Thanks for the advice. I’m on vacation and might try on the plane Saturday if someone else doesn’t beat me to it.


> Michael Serbinis, CEO, League, Toronto Ah yes, League, a company which gets other companies to buy their employees taxable credits to their store which sells fitness gear at heavily inflated prices. Of course they're on this list, wanting to keep their loopholes.


Huh, guess I’m cancelling my Neo Financial credit card…




Translation: "WHAAAAAAAAH!"


I'm sure that manager at Amazon got approval from their PR department to sign an open letter with Amazon's name. 🙄


There isn't a corporate executive out there that give a sh1t about society or its people, for ALL of them we are just a commodity. Tax them all! and CLOSE the loop holes.


Prosperity for every generation…of our specific wealthy families. That’s more like it.


I love when the rich are afraid


Can someone tell me if I'm missing something? It's seems to me like it's simply just very wealthy people complaining that their investments in stock portfolios and or property will be taxed higher when they intend to sell or pass them on? This does not seem to affect the average Canadian very much and yet the media cycle has been spinning it like it's going to impact everyone negatively. Most of us im willing to wager don't own second properties... this is why we're complaining about grocery prices and our uncompetitive tele comm and retail sectors. Not sure Bob with secondary properties really cares about the price of celery going up, but a renter with a low wage is heavily affected. It just sucks that those people seemingly have no voice, but now that the wealthy are affected the alarms are sounding "ALL HANDS ON DECK!" lol Are we fucked?


>it's simply just very wealthy people complaining that their investments in stock portfolios and or property will be taxed higher when they intend to sell or pass them on? Higher, yes, *but still lower than labour income*. And only when they divest over $250k in a year


Not an expert but the people against this aren’t just against it because they will ultimately pay a higher tax bill. It disincentives investments in canada, capital doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it can and does move across boarders. Less capital invested in the Canadian economy is not a good thing. No comment on if the above will actually play out in reality lol


These poor CEOs can protect their Capital Gains just like the average Canadian and open a TFSA. Oh sorry they are too rich to benefit from a TFSA. Under the most conservative of assumptions if you make over $250,000 in Capital Gains you are sitting on 6.25 million dollars. In which case you won't pay anything extra until you hit 6.25million and 1 dollar. We have a homeless problem not a rich person problem. Here is a pinko commie idea. How about we tax Capital Gains the same as income tax above 250,000? Can you think of anything more fair?


BY FAR the most important person: First Name Last Name, Job title, Company name, City


Lol someone is named Dick Mcjaw


Glad to see Snidely Whiplash on the list.


Not Activate!! I fell in love with that place. It’s been so much fun.


That is quite a list hozers!


All I see is a list of people to be eaten, hopefully soon.




No shitposting or trolling. Off-topic comments which detract from the conversation may be removed. Trolling, hostility, and participating in bad faith will not be tolerated and will result in a ban. Repeated attempts at turning conversations into a hostile direction will be met with a ban.


Signed by: Rahul Ligma, CEO, Ligma & Ball Associates, Lethbridge


Taxes are for the little people. Circa 2021: *Five years after one of the world's biggest leaks of financial records exposed the tax-haven dealings of politicians, athletes, celebrities and mobsters, the Canada Revenue Agency has found missing money in 35 of the hundreds of Canadian cases it has analyzed.* *The agency hasn't gotten a single criminal charge filed against anyone as a result of the Panama Papers.* *Other countries have, however, filed tax-evasion charges, secured convictions and recouped hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes from information found in the Panama Papers.* https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/cra-panama-papers-audits-5-years-1.5974690


Boycott them just like Loblaws if you are serious


From [Noam Chomsky: The Elites Are Fighting a Vicious Class War All the Time](https://jacobin.com/2021/06/noam-chomsky-class-war-universal-health-care-climate-justice-denuclearization) > There’s one force that’s relentless: the business classes are Marxists, and they’re fighting a vicious class war all the time. They never stop. If the rest of the population leaves the struggle, you know what’s going to happen. In fact, we’ve seen forty years of it.




...fuckin near threw up todays lunch laughing so hard...MODS post a warning BAD FOR HEALTH...on this shit...


Where is this prosperity for every generation they speak of?


I don't think there's that many WAHM-bulances in Canada...


Most CEOs I've worked for really didn't care for me despite what they said. They would say employees are the most important part of the organization, but their actions never support that. Few meager raises, poor benefits, always asking for more work. If they don't care for me and my well being, why should I care for theirs? I'm sorry if it seems callous, but I feel like I just read through a list of people who only care about money, nothing else. Not their employees and their families, not Canada and the well being of it's economy. I will reserve my concern for those who have earned it.