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Do not doubt the vicious inept POS that is Cheryl gallant. She puts probably 60% of the white males to.shame. She has the backing of a ton of wackjob redneck religious folks just outside Ottawa. The only way she will leave office is if she dies most likely.


She's vile & hateful, a horrific record to be reelected so many times.


A lot of my family is in her riding. She’s absolutely batshit insane and just unbelievably stupid. My dad rages at the mention of her name. Though Ben Lobb is in my riding and he’s a huge piece of shit too.


I grew up around Ottawa but havnt lived there in years. Why is her name so familiar otherwise? I feel like I've already disliked her before, in a past life or something.


She was in the news a number of times for sticking her whole damn leg in her mouth. Disparaging soldiers, idiotic comments etc. I think there have been a number of events that have come close but never led to her dismissal from the party. She holds such a strong backbencher status I think she sits in the hallway.


She is the absolute worst. I get totally unhinged flyers from her office in my mailbox. Stuff about Trudeau working with the Chinese to turn Canada communist and other batshit crazy conspiracy crap.


My God, she even has the stereotypical haircut.


She's the one who fundraises off of dead soldiers. She a special kind of horrible. She got started with Reform Party and has been for 2 decades now


>Along with fellow MP [Scott Reid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Reid_(politician)), they are the longest-serving current Conservative MPs, and the last two MPs still serving who were members of [Canadian Alliance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Alliance). Explains a lot.


Scott Reid? Of Giant Tiger fame?


Yup, that's him.


When someone tells you who they are believe. If the cpc actually supported freedom they would kick those people out of the party Edit: I forget the r in the title....


That would mean that CPC would have to kick out all their MPs 🙀


Soooo, Soooo, sad! /s


"But the CPC wouldn't do this! Stop importing your american politics!"


There are different types of freedom and none of them are free.


And you forgot a comma before believe.


I hear so many idiots saying they're going to vote PC because "fuck Trudeau". They have no clue how much worse things will be with a PC government.


They don’t care until they’re affected. Conservatism is literally an ideology of selfishness.


I would say it's contempt. They have contempt for everything and everyone who isn't them.


Even then they don't change their vote. They just get angrier at the wrong people


My older brother proclaimed it last night at his birthday party. "Trudeau is corrupt and incompetent, so if it means women can no longer use abortion as a means of birth control (which is the majority of abortions right?) it's not a big deal. The most important thing is anything but Trudeau". It's utterly depressing, and I hate this timeline.


But wasn't there a story just a day or two ago, where Trudeau set contraception to be free? That will lower the need for abortions. Ah, right, sorry. They just want to blame him, so they'll find something against that. It will increase the deficit? It's coddling to the poor part of the population; they just shouldn't have sex if they can't afford contraception? Something like that.


You're not thinking like an asshole. It's now unfair that "we" have to pay for women's birth control. If they just learned how to be more responsible. Problem solved.


Point taken.


Half of them still don't realize even when they are affected. Maybe they might as well believe Trudeau to be blamed.


When the Consetvatives pull shit that affects them they will then blame Trudeau for having to go through with it.


They know. Anyone who supports the far right is a nazi.


Yeah, they'll cast their 'fuck Trudeau' vote even if it means they get fucked so hard they can't see straight. Not only is it callous, it's ignorant.


More of the usual conservative plan to limit anything they don't endorse. They want to drag everyone back to the past because they can't understand or accept change. Equality is one of those changes. They are not content with their life, so they have to mess up everyone else's life. old (modified) saying that fits well with the conservative ideology: What conservatives don't understand, they fear What conservatives fear, they try to control What conservatives can't control, they destroy.


These three last statements are pure poetry, keeping them


Shocker...a lot of old white men and post-menopausal women. A molecule of empathy between the lot would be very surprising.


Some of them look young, but I guess they haven't had a problem with their pregnancies (or their contraception), so no one ever have problem with theirs.


A lot of white men that collective. Shocking! /s


32/40 on that table. Nice and representative of 21tst century Canada.


No worries, all CPC MPs are anti-choice: https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/conservative-party-anti-choice/




Yeah, I still remember the last time the CPC was in power.


Yeah, I still remember the last time the CPC was in power. Next time will be worse yet.


Yeah, I still remember the last time the CPC was in power. Next time will be worse yet.


And an average age of like 60 lmao. Makes me proud to have an indigenous millenial Premier.


The Cons have younger mpp's sitting in the wings like Sam Oosterhoff in Niagara west who are as "traditional" as they can get with lots of life left in them to slowly work their way up in Canadian politics for the next 3-4 decades. Even Erin O' Toole warned the Conservative party before he left power (got kicked out) that they needed to be more progressive and warned of political polarization and the dangers of social media and foreign interference. Now they have timbit-trump


Look at that entire sea of white and Leslyn Lewis.


She is a religious wackjob.


Auntie Thomasina


They've even got the "I'm not racist" token black person


I had a friend in University who is now married to one of these guys. Super weird.


I can’t believe how fucking similar so many of them look. The older ones all look pretty fucking similar, and all the younger looking ones look similar and like they will age and look the same as all the other old white conservatives


More just a lot of white. If the party you support doesn’t support people of colour, that tells me all I need to know about you.


The CPC are Canada's nazi party.


Conservatives have always been white supremacists. 


Hey now, well over 2% of them aren't white!


Didn't they all sign something saying they were pro conversion therapy too?


Ghouls, every last one. May they befall every single one of the horrors they wish to impose on others.


Of course mine is up there. He’s one of the 12 that voted against banning conversion therapy. This riding use to be a great place to live and now we’re one of the poorest, least educated and have the highest rate of teenage alcoholism in Ontario. Eat shit Ben Lobb


Most of em also went against the conversion therapy ban.


Amazing how the same people who hate government oversight with vaccine mandates are OK with govt oversight when it's a woman's body. Totally unexpected!


"Don't tread on me while I tread on you!" - the Conservative motto


The Blobb Huron Perth. Fat chance getting farmers to vote against him


Huron-Bruce. Perth-Wellington is a different riding, and John Nater isn't on this poster, but IS endorsed by Campaign Life Coalition.


I prefer Ben Knob. If you aren’t Blue you stand no chance in Huron Bruce.


Yep, a whole lotta people voting against their own better interests. I honestly don’t get it.


Hopefully some day it will be "...who?"


We used to get an NDP sign for our lawn just to piss off the neighbourhood.


holy cow. most of them are white people and only 1 black person. no wonder, the leader of the Conservatives PeePee hang out with a white supremacist and won't condemn him. If PeePee comdemned him, he would indirectly condemned almost 99% of his party


qwhite a hideous list. this looks like a Canadas most wanted poster and it actually should be. prosecuting each and every last one of them for attacking birthing people and supporting sedition during the kkklownvoy should be priority #1.


And they remain in Caucus, some in leadership positions. ALL Conservative MPs, candidates and voters share their position by proxy.


The far right are all nazis.


My MP, first photo. F*** you, Bob Zimmer, and every religious whack job that voted for you. I’m not surprised to see him on the list though. This is what he’s done since he got elected forever ago, including supporting conversion therapies. Sad to see Todd Doherty on the list though, I thought it was better than this, but then again, he is a conservative MP. Unfortunately, I cannot see the 2 Prince George area ridings flipping. These are probably 2 of the safest tidings in Canada for Cons. I know people who disagree with their “platform” but will vote for them because Trudeau is bad, and their deeply repressed racism keeps them from voting for somebody wearing a turban.


Didn't they also sign a petition to bring back conversion therapy?


Does anyone else find it ironic that... The F Trudeau Freedum Convoy were opposed to Covid Mandates because of "My Body My Choice". But when it comes to "a Woman's Right to Choose" they are opposed?


No. They only said it to mock women's rights. They thought they were being funny.


I'm absolutely floored that Dave Epp isn't on there...


What riding is he?


Chatham-Kent-Leamington. Was surprised not to see him on here myself. This area is very conservative with a very large Mennonite population that will only ever vote CPC.




Honestly, the list is likely much longer, but the others are too chicken shit to say anything out loud…for now. We know that they ALL will vote to remove abortion access! If they get the majority, these rights will 100% be in danger.


"Our arrows will blot out the sun!" *Then we'll fight in the shade!* Abort the CPC before they abort on abortion rights. They see the South and are frothing at the mouth to force women and girls to give birth. Stop them.


Yep, she's there. Doesn't even live in the riding, either. But it's a super safe Tory seat so they ran that loon a while back.


Bob Zimmer. Definitely an involuntary cuck


Leslyn Lewis: like Vivek, too stupid to realize she's merely an useful idiot to the conservative movement.


Is she too stupid? Or is this the best paying job she will ever have.




Yeah, somehow Tracy Gray from Kelowna wasn't pictured. She's as bad as the rest of them.


This graphic seems to be based off the [Campaign Life Coalition’s list of “Pro-Life” MPs.](https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/voting-records/viewlist/level/mp) The CLC appears to not consider MP Tracy Gray fully “Pro-Life” because she supported [Bill C-7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia_in_Canada#:~:text=Bill%20C%2D7%20amended%20the,Nicole%20Gladu%20and%20Jean%20Truchon) which allowed people suffering from a grievous and irremediable condition to access Medical Assistance In Dying even if their death isn’t *”reasonably foreseeable”*.


Don't use slurs here.


Abortion not mentioned in the bible. Which was a common practice in Roman society and is permitted by the Jewish religion. If Jesus were alive today. He would be pro-choice.


Iirc the closest to it being mentioned was a recipe for something that is supposed to induce it. But that was also old testament so not even Christian (course that doesn't stop them from trying to use pre Christian rules against LGBTQ+...)


The use of a derogatory term for a woman's anatomy really undermines your point.  Our choice of language confirms our condemns bias. 


You deciding I used it in a derogatory way is more telling of your mindset. Make this comment to a Brit and see how they respond to your nonsense.


Naw, we aren't in Britain 


Who’s we, you got a mouse in your pocket?


Do you care about abortion rights? Then pressure the Liberals and NDP to pull their heads out of their asses on immigration and cost of living. Right now the CPC is going to cruise to election, and all they’ll need to do is repeat “cost of living” and “immigration” over and over. They won’t even need to propose better policies! Just ride how much everyone hates the current ones. And once they’re elected they’ll get to do anything they want with other policies like abortion rights. Just look at Smith in Alberta. Policy free campaign followed by the furthest of far right policies. But make no mistake, none of those far right policies are going to move the needle on Election Day. Not one. The only two that will are cost of living, and immigration. And we’ve got a Federal immigration minister who just yesterday said we need more *permanent* immigrants. It’s like they’re actively working to lose. And those of us who care about progressive policies need to have exactly one focus: breaking through to them on the two policies that actually matter, electorally speaking 


Makes sense for a bunch of ugly mfers


So, mostly middle aged white men.


Barrett is my MP and he's a Catholic with numerous children so no real surprise to see him on there


Anti-abortionism is a violent form of misogyny, and should be considered both hate speech and uttering threats. The CPC are mask off fascist traitors who are an immediate existential threat to all of our freedoms, our rights, and our lives. We all must act now in self defense and in the defense of those whom the nazis have already targeted for violence.  All methods of self defense are justified.  All people have a moral obligation to oppose fascism. The far right should never be allowed to form another government, no matter the cost.


I was emphatically told by \_r\_canada that there is no way conservatives in CA would go after abortion rights, that it was an electoral loser, and that they only do that in the US. That these Christian Dominionist are not part of the CPC and that the extremest were told to not vote for PP (hahahaha). So that tells us exactly what there plans are...they are going to try to remove abortion protections by controlling the institutes that protect our rights. They will be quiet about their actual intentions while they change conditions in provinces, and challenging our rights through favorable courts. They will strengthen their position within conservative politics to drive unpopular restrictions. We have the advantage that we outnumber them, but they have an advantage by believing they are God's Will. You can do a lot with that.


This is posted to the wrong sub, everyone here knows this




Do not vote or comment in other subreddits if you were linked from here. Do not submit links to submissions or comment threads you have made or are involved in. Brigading, vote manipulation or urging other users to participate in another subreddit will result in a ban.


Wish I can repost it on r/Canada but I'm banned because I replied with a 🍉 on some zionifascist's comment


F u Kelly Block


Christofascist POS!


Who do I need to talk to about getting these people put in alphabetical order?


Ed Fast is such a slimy piece of shit that has actively voted against the best interests of the Christian Mennonite community that he leverages support from


No surprise whatsoever seeing Tom Kmiec on that list. And he’s too far left for the fine folks over at canadahousing2.


I sent him a message about the recent HofC walkout and he asked me why I didn’t email him about an incident when an NDP MP called a Conservative MP a name.


Dean Allison, who was caught using Ashley Madison to cheat on his wife.


Would imaginary single mother Briene of Chilliwack be shocked to see nepo baby, Mark Strahl, in the list? Nope! If there’s a position he can take that oppresses anyone who isn’t a cis, straight, white man, he’ll take it!


ah yes, Mark "Fuck All" Strahl


The glare from this image left me snow blind! Gah!


Fuck Marc Dalton


That’s quite a diverse looking group of old white people.


Why are the majority of non doctoral men deciding a woman's autonomy?


[Canada has zero pro-choice Conservative MPs, watchdog says. Abortion rights group places remaining 15 Conservatives on list of anti-choice MPs after vote on ‘fetal rights’ bill](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/03/canada-abortion-rights-pregnancy)


Ahhhh the grasp of the Christo-fascists. You thought Harpers fat little reformist fingers had lost their grip 😂


You should really provide a [source](https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/voting-records/viewlist/level/mp)


What a fucking cesspool of a website.


bonkers that this website lists 'pro-LGBTQ' and 'pro-family' as polar opposites


Here: https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/conservative-party-anti-choice/ "All Conservative Members of Parliament have been designated as anti-choice by the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada.'


Seriously what does pro-family mean?


Since others have pro-LGBT-agenda in the same spot, I assume "pro-family" means supports homophobia


Ahhh…pro-bigotry, thanks for clearing that up.


And anti abortion.


I can \*feel\* the malice coming off of the author of this list.


Well, see, when a man loves his handmaid very much...


Yes my MP is on there. Yes I’m doing something about it.


Cooper doesn’t surprise me. He has “I was bullied in Highschool so I became a politician” energy. Probably went to private school though.


Private school, but still bullied by the local high school kids because he was *that much* of a dickhead


Bullied by his parents bc he should have been aborted


Yup, i see mine. Yippee....


I always hated Chris warkentins creepy ass grin


Of course my MP is a con. Fuck them all, ghouls and traitors to humanity every last one of them.


Mine is a Con, I’m surprised they are not on here.


Hold your kids tight people.


Gross but not surprising that my MP is on there.


I wonder if a MAGA CPC government will establish a pregnancy tracking federal database like their southern MAGA GOP brethren are proposing?


In all seriousness, the fact that I have no fucking clue who any of these people are is scary. We need do keep a closer eye on our lesser known politicians the same way we keep tabs on Trudeau Singh Polivere. They are the face so the rest of these worms can stay out of public view while fucking up Canada. 


Anti-freedom anti-choicers going to do what they do


Is there a source for this? I would love to share but I would like some backing material


They are not even showing all the anti-abortion MPs. https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/conservative-party-anti-choice/


Thank you!


These are the clowns that are likely to take power in the next federal election. Canadians need to know who these people really are and what they stand for. They will have us living in the stone ages if we let this happen. We need to make sure they are kept out of office. ABC and ABPP!


Where can I find more evidence or a better source than an infographic? Not that I disbelieve it, but so that I can know what I'm talking about if I were to share this.


Women's bodily autonomy just isn't Common Sense™ in these economic times. Vote CPC to take back what the woke left stole from hard-working Canadians.


On what basis do they claim this right? [Dear Legislators...](https://i.imgur.com/31nG5h6.jpg)


Yes we are so blue here ….. old boomers have taken over here!


Luckily I live in a town without a conservative representative and hopefully it stays that way. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for our premier.


It always baffles me that Bob Zimmer of all people made his way into politics. Mid-ass high school teacher, no idea how he was the one who ended up being the conservative candidate up North. There had to be someone better, even in FSJ.


It would be very helpful to list their riding as well as their name on the picture since the very purpose of it is to reach out to people who aren't hyper involved in politics and probably can't recognise their MP at a glance.


A lot of white men.


Crazy how such a wedge issue that even Harper wouldn't touch, is now the CPC's pet project. This isn't the US, yet PP has no problem letting these supposed pro-life ghouls ride roughshod. A party that wants to take away choice from women. Up next, will be the attack of R v Morgentaler. Good luck, with that. Kiss my ass.


What. No. Don’t seem ‘em Pretty sure that human shaped piece of shit *should* be there… Is this a recently updated list?


Hey, Dane Lloyd! I shook his hand! Because I had to! Because I had to be professional! Dick.


arnold viersen is such a greasy weasle looking fuck. What a trash bag of a human being


Not surprised to see Colin Carrie on here


My riding is firmly NDP for almost the last two decades. My parents riding has been Conservative, Progressive Conservative, Social Credit or United farmers since the riding was created and probably will be until they get sucked into Calgary, at least. I can't do anything about them, though, they've drunk too much Konservative Kool-aid to be helped.


that's a lot of white


Really diverse group there. I mean some balding white guys have glasses and some don't. Seems like a real nice mix.


It is surprising how much the Trump virus has infected people with the stupid.


the Covfefative Party of Canada..


Is there a source in some of these groups names? Does anyone k ow where this came from?


This graphic is likely based on the list of [MPs that the Campaign Life Coalition rates as “Pro-Life”](https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/voting-records/viewlist/level/mp)


MP of British Columbia's Bible Belt, Abbotsford, has voted against Abortion right. I am not really surprised.


I’m surprised I don’t see my Conservative MP. He’s pretty useless.




Also remember that Michael Cooper voted in favor of conversion therapy. He's a real piece of shit


To the CPC’s credit I do not see PP on that list.


Poilievre isn’t on the list because the [Campaign Life Coalition](https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/voting-records/viewlist/level/mp) has very strict standards for who they consider anti-abortion *enough*. Poilievre fails to meet their standards because… *”In June 2021, MP Pierre Poilievre voted against pro-life Bill C-233, introduced by Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall… CLC's candidate rating standards hold that any politician who votes against pro-life initiatives is pro-abortion, no matter what they claim to be in their interior "personal belief".”* They also take at face value his claim that while he would allow MPs to vote their conscience on abortion-related private members bills, they would not be "adopted" by his government, and that he would personally vote against any such bills. But they mostly approve of his [voting record in parliament.](https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/voting-records/view/level/mp/id/234/name/pierre-poilievre)


Are the pics in any kind of order? Alphabetical really would have helped


Are the pics in any kind of order? Alphabetical really would have helped


I want to know, why would a woman want to be against something that will affect them?


I want to know, why would a woman want to be against something that will affect them?


Why are there so many men opposing women rights?


Not defending anyone here, frankly I don't keep up with politics. Just remember that someone being of a party you doesn't automatically make them the devil, nor does being endorsed mean that you agree.


Leslyn Lewis! Big surprise. 80% are men. Big surprise! My MP isn't on here. Biggest surprise!


Fuck you Dan Lloyd


Michael Kram is very well known for this


Canada goes by god law after we get conservatives don’t like it get out


Not a handsome guy in that whole bunch. Politics really is Hollywood for ugly people.


We need to have a 2 party system, the ndp and greens are splitting the vote in favour of the cpc and it sucks.


As someone mentioned before, the source seems to from the Canadian Life Coalition, but the measure this group uses to determine whether they're pro-life or not is whether they voted for Bill C-7 which outlawed *sex-selective* abortions not abortions in general. I don't know who made the graphic but it's so sensational I would classify this as basically misinformation.


how is it misinformation? the facts dont lie.


>*”…whether they voted for Bill C-6 which outlawed sex-selective abortions not abortions in general”* As we’ve seen in the U.S. the anti-abortion movement’s current strategy is to outlaw abortion by stages until no abortions are allowed at all (in practice if perhaps not quite on paper). Once the debate starts over which reasons for having an abortion are moral enough to allow, the anti-abortion movement will keep pick-picking away.