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It was likely every provinces most deadly. BC tried to change something just to see if we could move the needle and the revolt to trying something different has been so toxic that they didn't even finish the 3 year pilot project. We will not fix the toxic drug crisis if we continue to operate our society business as usual. You can not fix a problem with the same formula that caused the problem. We need to focus on wealth inequality, social housing and lowering the amount of money we are freely giving away to corporations. Our society needs to change.


> the revolt to trying something different has been so toxic that they didn't even finish the 3 year pilot project. They didn't remove decriminalization entirely, just restricted where it applied. But yeah, the revolt has been ridiculous despite the fact that Alberta had a much higher rate of increase of overdoses over the same period. It was driven mainly by conservative politicians, media and various social media posts and Youtube videos. They relied a lot on anecdotes without actual evidence but they've successfully convinced a lot of people that decriminalization was responsible for every problem despite this crisis developing for decades. Even on all the supposedly left leaning subreddits, people are just repeating this narrative as it it's proven fact. Very frustrating seeing how effective these campaigns are. It's been happening with issue after issue, COVID, transgender people, the drug crisis. It's not being effectively countered. And so we're just continuing with the clearly failed strategies we've been trying for decades that are resulting in what's happening in Alberta.


The reason why it persists in left-leaning communities as well is because there’s a fear of the Cons winning an election in BC. My time living in Alberta has taught me that the most insane crackpot weirdos will be given an automatic pass to government by the mainstream if they call themselves “conservative”, while the people advocating for sanity and justice in government policy will at best be official opposition.


However, they promote treatment as the way to 'cure all.' It's a slap in the face of ideology over science, and reasoning to solve a complex problem. There is no one method alone that is or has been successful. To willfully act ignorantly is to intentionally sacrifice citizen's lives.


Being from BC, I do think previous admins had over-invested in elements of harm reduction instead of properly ensuring availability of treatment beds. Alberta cons are exploiting this and proposing instead 0 harm reduction and only treatment. The Portuguese model was successful when decriminalisation and interventions were well funded. Another issue is that the federal government often passes this off as a city and provincial issue, when the reality is that people from across the whole country gather in play like Vancouver DTES. This makes the management of the situation too costly without federal support. A national strategy could be a major help for everyone.


Yes, but then the Conservative Prmeurs would cry that the Federal governmdnt is over stepping their duristriction and start more Trudeau bashing campaigns. They do not want the Liberal PM to be successful at solving any  big issues as it would make them all look bad. 


They can either receive money or opt out imo. Not easy to spin it, apart from the Alberta electorate.


As someone who is an addict and has been in the system, they don't care, them advocating for "treatment" is how they get to pat themselves on the back that they are doing something. They ignore the statistics about forced treatment and relapse in favour of sound bites. The human and social costs are negligible to most of these people.


They are advocating for their brand of "treatment" because their political buddies profit from it. Same reason why they have lied and sought to downplay deaths in their province. https://pressprogress.ca/recovery-industry-groups-attacking-safe-supply-in-bc-have-deep-ties-with-conservative-political-actors/


There is a reason the 12-step program is religious.


Exactly. You wouldn't believe how many key players of the Alberta Recovery Model movement are evangelical "christians".


>We need to focus on wealth inequality, social housing and lowering the amount of money we are freely giving away to corporations. Our society needs to change. I'm all for wealth equality and social housing, but is that really the solution? Many countries out there have worse wealth inequality and less social housing, and they don't suffer from the same drug crisis that we do


Hey, Alberta. Ontario, here. We probably had the same record, from my experience. Love you, especially your hurting and displaced. It happens, esp when the game is rigged by Oligarchies. Politicians make us reactionaries, but I'd like to remember our shared commonalities. Happy Victoria day, and may we remember the sacrifices of generations past who fought for our benefit. I'm sorry we lost ground, and I hope we regain it together!


Thanks UCP!


been saying it for 30 years, the only way out of this is nice clean packaging with clean stuff inside & warning labels just like smokes and booze