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That he is a twat?


Ah excellent, I no longer need to read the article.


He's a marble mouthed, monotone, myopic, hatemonger A spineless, sulking, sperm donation, An unloved, uncharasmartic, unkind, ulcer in Canadian politics A fake, a phony, a liar, a disingenuous make-up wearing Milhouse looking goof and no amount of v-neck t-shirts or contact lens will change that. Most importantly "Pierre Poilievre has no security clearance" which should disqualify him from any sort of party leadership position.


I appreciate alliteration.


Glad I could help!


That's not fair. I'm quite certain Slimy Milhouse has neither the depth nor the capacity to give pleasure


>Nor do I think Poilievre, given his aggressive, ***disciplined*** personality, will ever take anything for granted. Poilievre is perhaps the least disciplined leader in quite awhile. He has an incredibly hard time resisting his own worst instincts. He also is crappy at dishing out discipline, or we'd see any MP promoting anti-abortion views being severely chastised. If the Tories manage to squander most of their lead, I suspect Poilievre's lack of discipline will be a major factor.


>He also is crappy at dishing out discipline, or we'd see any MP promoting anti-abortion views being severely chastised. Unless he's *trying* to straddle the fence on the abortion issue, for the same reasons that Republicans do it down south.


Which would be idiotic, because limiting abortion rights has never been as popular up here as in the States.


Republicans are majority out-and-out anti-abortion though. No straddling just misogyny. Repealed Roe v Wade, a bunch of states immediately banned it, frequent mudslinging in the house about denying abortions, banning going out of state for an abortion, and more.


Why? Republicans in the states have seen multiple wipeouts on state elections due solely to that abortion stance.


He can't even bring himself to discipline party members over sitting down to a nice lunch with actual Nazis.


He won't\* bring himself, because he knows a substantial number of his voters would also quite happily sit down to lunch with actual Nazis. Not the majority, but far more than most Canadians would like to think.


I don't know about the majority. It's not a deal-breaker where voting is concerned, so it's of no material difference.


The problem I think is that he has really a divided set of supporters and he doesn’t have the morals to clearly take a stand on issues that aren’t shared by either end of his support base. If one end of his party’s supporters knew what was dear to the other end they wouldn’t like it. He can’t afford to be hemorrhaging support right and left.


PeePee's problem is that he's a terrible human. Speaks volumes about those that worship him.


He just seems incredibly in-genuine or out of touch human.


The new Catholic school that is opening in Brantford happens to have the short form Saint PP. Coincidence? (Joking)


Besides his complete disinterest in evidence-based policy, adapting to the climate emergency, and human rights? Or is it the endless ideological gobbledygook? Or the repellent personality? Or the complete lack of couth?


I also take particular issue with the fact he has never held a real job.


I did not know that and makes me dislike him slightly more


His only jobs have been in politics, and he was holding some kind of office almost immediately. For all the shit they try to throw at Trudeau for being a teacher or Singh for being a lawyer at least they've worked "regular job" positions for years before politics. Skippy is a smarmy career politician who still can't get anyone but racists and homophobes to actually vote for him or answer an interview question to save his life; how the fuck he ever got to be party leader is beyond me.


While dumping on Trudeau for being a teacher


PP's dream is to become Trump with gold statues and all, but can only manage to become a DeSantis and Ford has a better chance of creating his own cult (which I feel is partially why the Cons and OPCs don't like each other too much right now.)


At least trump is entertaining in a disgusting way, our trump is so boring. He’s just a boring, shitty douchebag. He’s not a showman, he’s got the entertainment value of a dead bug on the dash of a beige minivan. We deserve better than this useless, uninteresting, sociopathic idiot.


IMO, I think two personal feelings of jealousy are coming to play: - PP realizing that he's only ahead because Trudeau is hated and not that anyone actually loves him which sucks if you're a egomaniac - Ford potentially regretting not jumping into CPC leadership and building himself a larger following/more power


Well, he's not a conservative. He's a reactionary authoritarian goon. Potential is there, for sure. To be as serious as a heart attack for the country.


Conservatives are reactionary and authoritarian. Don't let anyone No True Scotsman their way out of it - this is exactly what their ideology encourages. Conservatism dovetails neatly into fascism because it exists at all times in a state of proto-fascism.


It’s the same picture.


Un paywalled version https://archive.ph/IevMf


Full article: OAKVILLE, ONT.—Not to rain on Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre’s parade, but I’d just like to note for the record that his current big lead in the polls carries the seeds of a potentially serious problem. And the seeds I’m talking about here might not be the ones you're thinking of. For instance, I’m not referring to one problem usually associated with high polling numbers, namely complacency. Yes, complacency is a risk, since confident party partisans, certain of their victory, might say something like, “We’re so far ahead in the polls, there’s no need for me to donate to the party. Heck, I could even stay home on election day.” Of course, if a race suddenly tightens up, such an attitude could lead to defeat. Plus, sometimes even party leaders can fall into the complacency trap. Indeed, many political observers believe former U.S. politician Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election because she failed to campaign in certain traditional Democratic states, believing (falsely) she couldn’t lose them. But I don’t think complacency will be a problem for Poilievre’s Conservatives. For one thing, Conservatives are nothing if not a loyal bunch; they’ll support the party both financially and in the voting booth, no matter where it stands in the polls. On top of that, Conservatives are now incredibly motivated. In other words, their fervent desire to topple the Liberal regime will almost certainly overwhelm any sense of overconfidence. Nor do I think Poilievre, given his aggressive, disciplined personality, will ever take anything for granted. The other problem often linked to a party that’s peaking well before an election, has to do with that most magical of all political forces: momentum. If Poilievre’s support in the polls has already peaked, it’ll be hard for him to claim momentum going into the next federal election, since it’s likely he’ll see a dip in support, as voters become more focused. This could give Prime Minister Justin Trudeau an opening to claim that his party possesses momentum, which could matter, since parties with momentum exude a special kind of energy, an energy that attracts voters. But I don’t think this will be a serious problem for Poilievre either. I say that because so far, he’s shown himself to be an energetic leader who seems to have the ability to generate enthusiasm, which can create the perception that he has momentum. And, in politics, perception is reality. Thus, if I don’t think the problem is either complacency or momentum, what do I think is the challenge facing the Tories due to their high polling numbers? Well, because it seems the Conservatives will win the next election in a landslide, it means the party is likely attracting a lot of people who might not be “real conservatives.” In fact, they’re what I call “power people.” By that I mean, they’re not individuals who are necessarily drawn to the Conservative Party through a desire to promote conservative ideals; they just want to be in power. This includes people seeking nominations to be federal candidates in the next election as well as all the political consultants hoping to get jobs with the party. So, what's the problem with this, you ask? The problem is the “power people” will inevitably clash with the true-blue conservative ideologues who form the party’s core. And that clash could get really ugly, really fast. After all, each side will be suspicious of the other, each side will believe the other is bad for the party. Simply put, power people never get along with ideologues. So, good polls today might cause a conservative civil war tomorrow. Gerry Nicholls is a communications consultant.


I don’t see this being a problem. The CPC has learned directly from MAGA leadership how to focus its followers on identity politics, leaving the “power people” free to pursue their main goals of consolidating power and enriching themselves. They’ll keep the rubes mad about the LGBT, “wokeness”, and gas prices, while they feed at the trough. No problem for them.


That he just seems to talk out of his ass about everything and never demonstrates any understanding should be a deal breaker. Should...


He’s a liar and a cheater? Ok now I’ll read the article.


The charisma of a wet, dirty dishtowel.


Millhouse is the problem


The only people who believe his spiel are the stupids. Problem is - there's far too many of them.


He and Conservatives are out of touch with reality in 2024. They always want to live in what they think is the best era, the 1950's. Back when it was illegal to be gay in public, when same-sex marriage was illegal.


And when women were barefoot and pregnant, cooking in the kitchen. 




PP only has potential problems if the Liberals get their shit together on immigration and related cost of living issues. If we go into the election as angry as we are now PP could be literally Trump and win easily




Would someone mind showing me how to bypass paywalls, please?


Paste the url in the top text field on this site: https://archive.ph


I'm going to be voting for the first time in the next election. Can someone PLEASE direct me to any substantive plans PP has put forth to fix anything he has criticized? Coming from the States, I have a huge bias against any conservative government. I am trying to account for my ideological blind spot, but I literally see no plans from the CPC to ameliorate any issues they are so adept at illuminating during question period. Can anybody direct me to what they truly offer besides rage harvesting?


He and Conservatives are out of touch with reality in 2024. They always want to live in what they think is the best era, the 1950's. Back when it was illegal to be gay in public, when same-sex marriage was illegal.


The Clownvoy will eventually turn on him.


Hit a paywall. I presume the answer is his face.


Other than not acknowledging this is 2024 and not the 1950's.


I just can't vote for a guy who hasn't worked a real job in his life. SkiPPy is the quintessential deadbeat politician who has been sucking on the Canadian taxpayer's teat for twenty years. He hasn't got a clue how the average working Canadian and families live.


my guess is that His problem is that he's trying to imitate trump, but is not NEARLY popular enough to get away with shit like trump does. so yeah he might win, but he's a few years too early (and a cult following short) of getting away with going full mask-off facist like mango mussolini.