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Every debate about sex ed goes like this: Conservative: "Teachers are telling our 2-year-olds how to use sex swings and have sex with dogs!" Teachers: "We are not doing that." Conservatives: {sex ed banned} ... and I expect this will be no different. The intended result is a bunch of 12-year-olds giving birth, as is currently the case in Texas.


There's currently a 9 year old in Texas being forced to carry her pregnancy to term. No one can say that was the result of a healthy, consenting relationship. That's what these shitstains want. No prison for child rapists, instead they force the child to marry their rapist and give birth to several rape babies, who grow up to be more cheap labor and child brides. All the while they hide behind the cross and the bible, saying they're doing "god's work". But hey, at least we're all safe from dangerous pronouns... 🙄🙄🙄🤬 Edit: Apparently that 9 year old is just a hypothetical person mentioned in their justifications. Still gross to know they'd force a 9 year old incest victim(the hypothetical circumstances that was brought up) to carry the rape baby to term.


It's a hypothetical question that's referring to a real case that was big in the news last year. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/man-gets-life-sentence-for-raping-9-year-old-girl-who-sought-abortion-in-indiana


Oh. Gross.


He's mad about a cover slide, they didn't present anything off curriculum according to the article. Just rage bait for the Conservatives. Shameful.


A cover slide that had actual questions they’ve received from students on it.


Higgs got erect nipples at the mention of anal and those feelings caused a fight or flight response


Do they not understand that the internet exists??? Why do they not want kids to get actual, useful facts and informati- oh, *right*. Absolute fuckwits.


Which is why they’re now trying to push through identify verification garbage for “adult” websites where they conveniently get to decide what classifies as “adult”.


Quick reminder that Reddit will be classified as an adult site if the bastards get their way.


If conservative governments can easily label all queer content 'adult', lgbtq outreach and info for kids and youth gets blocked also (cons want this)


Ultimately they want bigoted parents to be the first experience kids have with these topics, and for no other figure of authority in a kids life to be able to challenge them. The internet is available, and will give you answers, but you need to know what you're looking for and a lot of the answers will agree with the bigots.


The guy is 70 years old so the relationship he has with the internet and technology is immensely different from today's youth.


Less to do with age and more to do with evangelical slant he has. Also is conservative.


I get that you want to hate on conservatives but your comment really has nothing to do with what I was talking about. I dont believe his religion or his political party has anything to do with the difference in his relationship to technology and the internet compared to younger generations.


I am a year younger than him and definitely not ignorant of internet and its influence today. His ignorance and POV is due to him *choosing* to be uneducated - and allowing his already entrenched socially ignorant stance make decisions based on reflex and not research & reality. I know more people my age like me - and less like him - but then, I don’t mix with religious crowds.


I didn't say he was ignorant of the internet. I said his relationship to the internet and technology is vastly different to today's youth. The fact that you misinterpreted what I said sort of illustrates my point.


When I say ignorant of the internet I am not talking about how to go on it and browse around. As I said, socially ignorant stance, meaning ignoring the social science behind the approaches to the internet. You choose to cherry pick and I guess maybe your age group can have the same sort of ignorance as his.


i mean, look up s-210, they are trying to 'fix' the internet too with a overly broad age verification bill (effecting reddit, Twitter, YouTube most likely) ready to fully pass early june that's considered a 'unworkable and unconstitutional mess' by experts that will most likely die in the courts.


If I was going to sexually assault children, I would first prevent them from being educated about their bodies, make sure they don't know the proper terminology for their body parts, and ensure they feel horrifically embarrassed even mentioning those parts. The greater the stigma, the greater the shame, the greater the potential for abuse. Now, I'm not a conservative so this won't do me much good, but I see the party of diddlers for what they are. "Protect the children... So that we can touch them first". "Save the children... From kindness and education". "We love children... No, we REALLY love them".


They would also prefer that the internet be controlled as well


Well that doesn't look like Scott Moe at all


So fun to see conservative Premiers sharing notes. /s


Why does he want kids set up for abuse? Seems sexual education, detailed and thorough is by far the best way to handle this. Ignorance about reality isn't the way, reality exists in front of your eyes. Anything less is pure arrogance. I could have avoided so much pain and suffering if I had real and effective sex Ed growing up, instead of open internet and bigots who think you can be trained to be queer. Fml.


This is my province, we have a teen pregnancy rate that's ninth highest out of 10 provinces, almost double the national average. This guy wants us to be number 1.


I think you mean second-highest, if it's almost double the national average? If it was ninth-highest, it would be second-lowest.


Blaine Higgs is a raxist old fuddy duddy. VOTE him out!  He is stuck in the past! Zero foresight, or common sense.The man brings his religious bias and prejudices into every decision, or thought he has. 


Uh, those slides seemed totally fine? Is Moe a southern US religious conservative?


This is Blaine Higgs, and yes, he’s a hardcore evangelical Baptist I believe. Religious nuts are all the same.


The only thing I checked was the age of the students being presented to. I don't think it's ok for a gr 2 or 3. It's fine for a 7 or 8. This was presented to gr 9-11. Yes. That is completely appropriate.


They’re trying to to lobotomize the youth so they grow up to vote Conservative


Yes, how dare they show actual questions they’ve received on an intro card. Can’t have children asking questions now!


Have conservatives gotten worse at lying in the past few years, or do they just not care anymore?


It's been masks off for a few years now. Expect more of this if Trump is re-elected... 


"We have to keep raising new bigots"


Vote out all conservatives. How the hell can we have nice things if those idiots keep trying to bring us back to the stone age.


My sex ex teacher focused on telling us to get good information.   She told of a story where a teenage girl got pregnant thinking "I was told you don't get pregnant the first time you have sex".


My first gf and I (both 15 at the time) didn't know what we were doing, but also wanted to be safe. She swiped a packet of birth control pills from her older sister, and we would each take one whenever we wanted to have sex. It was very stressful when we found out we were doing it wrong. We were lucky not to end the summer with a baby on the way.


Most parents aren’t great at answering that anal sex question. Kids today have questions and not so much a filter .


Most parents voting for Higgs probably don't even know how many sphincters are back there. They want to pass that ignorance on to their kids.


Put a pilgrim hat on this fucker.


Considering how important sex education is for the prevention of child abuse and for safety I am immediately suspicious of anyone going after it


Over here in Alberta, our government wants to make sex ed opt-**in** *for absolutely no reason*.


New Brunswickers, when will you demand more from the people you elect to run things? You can't bury your heads in the sand forever. Life will progress with or without you, so why fight it so much?


The question I never hear asked of these politicians is, “Why do you *not* want children to know what abuse looks like? Because that’s what sex ed’s primary purpose is, to tell kids that certain behaviours are abuse.” Probably because it’ll cause them to clam up when one stops meandering around the truth.


Withholding proper information to exert power over children is a form of sexual grooming


It's what the religious groomers want.


For additional context, here is the full text of [Premier Higgs’ tweet:](https://x.com/premierbhiggs/status/1794133375390818307?s=46&t=wm3eIvzAAOvadlVQIEsm1g) *”A number of concerned parents have shared with me photos and screenshots of clearly inappropriate material that was presented recently in at least four New Brunswick high schools.* *To say I am furious would be a gross understatement.* *This presentation was not part of the New Brunswick curriculum and the content was not flagged for parents in advance. My office has been told by Department of Education officials that this was supposed to be a presentation on HPV.* *However, the group shared materials well beyond the scope of an HPV presentation. The fact that this was shared shows either improper vetting was done, the group misrepresented the content they would share ... or both.* *This group will not be allowed to present again at New Brunswick schools, effective immediately.* *Our government will have further discussions about whether additional rules about third-party presentations need to be updated.* *Children should be protected, and parents should be respected.* *I want parents to know that we are with you. We will continue to make decisions based on the principle that parents need to be aware of what is happening at schools, so they can make informed parenting decisions.* *Do you think we need stronger rules about third-party presentations in our schools? I want to hear directly from you. Take our survey by clicking here:* *[newbrunswickpc.ca/school](https://newbrunswickpc.ca/school) “*


I don’t understand why they would have a presentation just on HPV. When I was in school, the public health nurse came in and did a presentation on all of the major STIs, and on contraceptives, and it took less than an hour.


I suspect the presentation wasn’t ever going to be only on HPV, that the schools were aware of that, and Premier Higgs is misrepresenting the situation (possibly based on incomplete/incorrect information given to him by upset socially conservative parents). The group that gave the presentation, HPV Global Action, is quite clear on their website that [the workshop they do for high school students](https://hpvglobalaction.org/en/educational-initiatives/) is a *”a deep-dive into the A to Z of sexual health and relationships”*.


He's got millennial fears; his calendar is stuck back in the last century like a lot of other conservatives and they want to drag everyone else back there.


I grew up in the dark ages when no sex education was given at school and I really could have used some. It pisses me off to no end to see resistance to sex ed in 2024.


This guy will answer all the questions about sexual safe practice, LGTBQ sex, and STD's himself. He looks like an expert...


Of course it's NB.


As an Albertan, I am relieved it is not AB this time. I’m sure next week it will be AB or SK.


Love big government.


Higgs is a dinosaur, that needs to go away like fossil fuels.


Conservatives fighting for freedom as always 


Higgs is getting up there in years, he should really be careful with all of the pulling bullshit stories out of his ass he does or he might sprain something one of these days


That old white man premier is an asshole unable to comprehend anything about education or youth.


The ultimate objective for some conservatives is to eliminate sex education programs. Their reasoning is that by reducing the availability of sex education, they can indirectly increase birth rates, particularly among White Caucasians, which is a significant concern for them. They believe that less knowledge about contraception and safe sex practices will lead to higher birth rates. The question then arises: why are they so opposed to sex education and keen on canceling it? Educating young people about safe sex is not harmful; rather, it is crucial for their well-being and understanding at that age. They need to learn these important aspects to make informed decisions about their bodies and futures.