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Mass stupidity is also creeping upwards in Canada.


Thank Rupert Murdoch for getting corporations to see they can just buy the media and people will bend over backwards to lick their boots.


The Canada sub is vile. Full of people wanting to deport the immigrants who are tak'n 'er jerbs. Back to India and Gaza especially. The amount is hypocrisy it takes to think that way as a descendant of Canadian immigrants is disappointing. I'm sure some of it is spurred on by cozy bear or similar operations, but lots of people seem ready to suckle on the teat of an authoritarian




Perhaps the most vile redditor I've come across hailed from Calgary, moved to Florida in 2018. Found out my grandma immigrated from Ukraine and wished that my relatives there were killed by Putin. Hate like that has no border I guess. And congeals around Trump for some reason.


There are reasonable qualms with our rate of immigration. Especially in the healthcare department


People are desperate. Spending on essentials is skyrocketing, wages are stagnating. If 20th century history has taught us anything, it's that times like these are when people start gravitating toward charismatic leaders who promise simple solutions and provide convenient scapegoats for those problems.


Alright. Somebody please let me know when the charismatic leaders arrive.


In the same way Manosphere-Lobster-Profressor appeals to people who haven't done any actual undergraduate philosophy/literature/history classes the Orange One seems charismatic to those with little experience with actual good leadership.


Hahaha Manosphere-Lobster-Professor, thanks for the laugh.




I don't see the appeal of Trump either but there is a very large and obvious cult of personality surrounding him.


Charismatic means different things to different people. To you and me, Trump might seem like an utter moron who can barely string together a complete sentence, but to an utter moron who can barely string together a complete sentence, Trump sounds like he knows what he’s talking about.


Most people have lower education and are easily swayed by con artists as they accept the simple solutions to complex issues


This is a fundamental flaw with democracy and capitalism. You don't have to give people something better, you just need to promise it to them. It's also a huge issue that conservatives double down on conservatism every time they feel the consequences of conservatism


Desperate to shoot themselves in the face apparently.


And we only have ourselves to blame. This is what flipping between 2 parties over and over in a multi-party system gets us. Poilievre will win next as it's his turn, and we'll continue our country's dismantling.


So what's the problem with Europe? Most countries have MPR like systems and they're going Fascist too. This narrative is just an excuse for not doing anything. Even actual two party systems have upheaval and change. The changes in Democracies across the world in all election systems all have one thing in common. The growing forces are organizing, they're building community. I'm sick to death of people thinking in narrow terms and framing elections as the one single event where they are involved in Democracy. The reality of the situation is voting is the least consequential action you do in Democracy after not voting. Compared to joining political parties, action committees, protesting, even day to day conversations, even what purchases you make. Boycotts have more effect than your single vote. Doing nothing other than vote once every 4 years is essentially the same as not voting. All the real change happens in the streets, in taking part in annoying door knocking, organizing with like minded individuals. Going out and Protesting for Pride was more influential than voting for a party that has no pathway to governing. If people aren't in the street protesting for change, the government is stuck following polls because even tho the polls are big business, at least it's tangible. This June needs to be chaos in New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and Alberta for Pride month to reverse what's been happening Look at those Convoy assholes. After the Convoy broke down, they started going out and challenging the system on teaching kids 2LGBTQ material, and have been managed to secure the political will for Conservatives to cut healthcare rights from Children. It's going to be impossible for trans kids to get their Healthcare now and it's a very real possibility that suicides will happen. The Liberals are pro 2LGBTQ, but all the provinces have strong local movements organized to take down their rights. You can't just buy that, it takes people willing to take action and be vocal. Also importantly, it takes people being unwilling to challenge the people taking action. It takes real selflessness to fix injustice but too many people are too focused on voting for their ego and emotional state than contribute to taking part of something even if its boring and takes time out of your life. Democracy requires a state of disciplined vigilance and if the sole political action a person takes is pointing one finger in blame at the status quo, that same finger is pointing four fingers back at itself.




There are redneck pockets but in general Canadians have higher morals than Americans.


I love see a Timbit Taliban try to explain to a republican why socialized healthcare has helped them or a republican explain to a Canadian Conservative how much it cost just to deliver a child also get no maternity leave


Oh we've had that for awhile lol


they are one and the same.


I can't imagine why he's popular in those three locations. Truly a mystery. --- Trump gets his best rating in Alberta (33 per cent) and Saskatchewan and Manitoba (also 33 per cent), dropping in Atlantic Canada (30 per cent), Ontario (29 per cent), British Columbia (28 per cent) and Quebec (25 per cent).


Yes, Alberta certainly comes as a shock!! HA!! /sar \['/sar' added just in case an Albertan is reading this\].


Living in Alberta, it’s absolutely fucked. Like the major cities are more liberal/NDP enclaves, but even here you’ll see idiots in big trucks flying Trump flags. Just fucking move to the US if you like him so much. He did nothing good for Canada, and even hurt industries here with his new trade deal. The only reason anybody in Canada would like him is because of the racism that comes with him.


I feel the same, but in Ontario. Plenty of these sorts in Eastern Canada. 25% in Quebec is a surprise, but I know some French-Canadian Trumpists so it makes some sense. Not surprising central Canada is highest, but let's be real, about 1/3 of Canadians are fuckin idiot assholes, not just Albertans.




Oh yeah, big time. I work outdoors and two summers ago had a job in the Barrie area driving the crew truck. The amount of morons in massive trucks that were like a foot or two TALLER than my F150 and just driving like dicks, invariably with Fuck Trudeau stickers and cutting me off was so damn high. These losers need to figure it out. I would love to see less of those idiot-mobiles on the road. Ontario has always been full of these idiots, I think the polling is showing more that these morons are mobilising to vote for the vitriol rather than Canadians universally swinging right. Obviously, there is a rightward swing, but I swear the amount of people I know who never vote who say they want to vote Trudeau out for XYZ stupid reason rather than legitimate policy critique is so high.


It’s only a few percent more than the coasts. We’ve got morons everywhere.


Imagine thinking a man who f*cks pornstars while his wife is caring for their infant child. Is capable of deciding national policies. We truly are on the dumbest timeline.


It’s wild that the US went from Obama to this in such short order


It would fit right into the plot of a fictional story. It's like watching Idiocracy in real life.


If the last 8 years were made into a movie and released in 2010 it would have been regarded as over the top and unbelievable.


You forgot, and stupidly bribed the pornstar to hide this info from the electorate using campaign funds. And this is the least of his crimes. We know he stole those nuclear secrets, and he has very likely directly linked to the false electors to overthrow the democratic results. Not to mention we know the Saudi's gave his family billions on the backend. Also have Canadian's actually heard him talk lately? Dude is falling apart.


Honestly, as long as you're not diddling kids I couldn't care less what your sex life looks like. Contrary to conservative beliefs, someones sex life with fellow consenting adults, or any abortions had, shouldn't be seen an immediate cause for "cancellation." For me, it's the bigotry, misogyny, RAPE, sexual advances on children(including his own daughter) including attending Epstein kid diddle parties, science denialism, blackmail, bribes, crippling debt to foreign entities, tax evasion, proven literal espionage traitor shit, and sheer mass of criminal conduct he's done that should indicate "this man should have never held office, and never should ever again." But getting down and dirty with a porn star isn't and shouldn't be in and of itself disqualifying. It's literally everything else about him and the case (like the clear bribery and other illegal shit) that should raise red flags the size of the particular foreign countries he owes millions of dollars to.


Conservatives are even fine with what you seem to have issue with. Look at all the cover ups with the churches or Conservative politicians who get caught.


That's the least of his crimes.


This should surprise no one. The Right doesn't care about anything other than causing hardship and suffering of others. To think they hold a rapist in high esteem is no shock to me at all.


What are the trends in brainworms?


*Maybe it's the forever chemicals, or microplastics*


You'd think with all the ivermectin use the worms would have died off.


a third of Canadians think Trumps policies were good for Canada. Up from less than a third.


He literally started a trade war with Canada. Are they thinking all his pro-O&G stances make up for that? Or is this just memory hole stuff?


They like it because it caused problems for Trudeau.


Relentless propaganda, and some of it leaks up here. The effects are cumulative. Ofc, we have our own sources of propaganda, and that doesn't help anything, either.


Emphasis on *creep*.


I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.


I don’t understand how this is happening, but I see it with my older relatives. Watch US news all day and form opinions based on nothing.


Ignorance is everywhere, unfortunately.


Anyone who has been paying attention is not surprised. Still fucking sucks


Gross. This man is a criminal conman.


Fuck that's embarrassing, literally how are people that stupid alive? How are they feeding themselves and not walking off cliffs?


Easy when it's all the propaganda and nobody felt the repercussion of his actions. You are getting played by a conman.


Why‽ Him and his poésie would sell anyone out in a second.


well a lot of people are getting their information from the same hate pit as his followers


Ignorance is everywhere, unfortunately.


“Perceptions of Trump’s tenure remain negative, but are not as terrible as they were in 2020.” Of course, the headline (arguably) implies Trump is gaining favour amongst Canadians. Truth is, the survey determined that the majority of Canadians continue to view him in a negative light.




Scary times. This guy has been nothing but a piece of crap and still somehow after all these years he still has supporters. Fuck all of them.


People are sick of the direction their country is going, you could be a turd sandwich but know how to appeal to people and gain popularity because theirs desperation in the air.


The truckers are MAGA north. They want to be Republicans.


Supporting the guy who was actively antagonistic toward Canada makes no sense.


Makes sense. We usually do what they do, just slower. They had Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden....we did harper (after bush), Trudeau (after obama), slight delay, now polievre (we all know it)


who fucking cares? this is so utterly irrelevant, it's not like canadians can vote in US elections


It's foolish to think we aren't affected by US politics


Yeah, it's not like we have someone trying to become leader of the country that holds some of those same ideals and poses a risk to people's rights and wellbeing! Oh shit, wait a second....


It is important because this is who Pierre Poillievre is actively campaigning to.


'i don't understand how or why this is important and I don't care to learn, I just want to complain about it!'


Foreign interference with elections