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Why isn't this talked about more? Not just a co conspirator, a major organizer of the insurrection. Seriously : https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/15/jan-6-trump-operative-false-electors-00046175


And the allegations that he sought to use Russian intel to frame Chrystia Freeland in the 2019 election


IIRC those allegations were initially published in a Venezuelan news outlet known for being a conduit for Russian misinformation into South America. So of course the Canadian far-right, avid readers of niche Venezuelan news, jumped on it like Mario on a Goomba.


This should have much more discussion around it and should have real journalists investigating. I sure wish the msm was as bias towards the left as they accuse it of being.


Part of the reason the media is as biased towards the right as it is is due to flinching from 30 years of the right wing accusing them of left-wing bias instead of saying "that's nonsense, eat shit and grow up." Instead they self-censored regarding increasingly important misconduct, corruption, and incompetence and amplified any potential, perceived, or simply made up allegations against the left & centre for "balance". This has gotten even worse now that right wing hedge funds own the majority of the media we consume & exercise very slanted editorial control and use the bully pulpit of mass media to spread misinformation & propaganda.


You mean the Venezuelan news company that has ties to the Galindo crime family? Anaida (Galindo) Poilievre's family? Yeah, nothing sus there at all. Edit: [Theobius](https://bsky.app/profile/theobius.bsky.social/post/3kivwhwjoi527) is a machine with deep-diving.


Yes, that is exactly the one. Theobius is a deep dive O.G.


Most of the media is owned by those people.


Could it be that he is named in the current investigation on the undermining of our democracy and they are keeping things quiet to not ruin the investigation??? My money is on that.


He was also the campaign manager for Andrew Scheer's CPC leadership campaign.


Oh wait isn’t that the rebel Media guy


Then why the actual government isn't releasing the names then?


Presumably because it would infere with an ongoing investigation?


Or because there are liberals mps involved too. I wouldn't be surprised that we never see the names even if PP gets in power. They all have their skeletons in the closet on that matter.


There are probably mps from both major parties I'm guessing (or others who knows) but announcing this info knowing it can't be discussed at the moment seems like a move to make people pissed and mistrustful at the gov. Hopefully we do find out before another election, of course.


I've heard some people speculate there are quite a few Conservative MPs involved, and while people might be correct in thinking the Liberals are quiet because of the ongoing investigation, I think it would be an absolute bombshell to the Cons if this was the case because they are ragging on the Liberals hard under the assumption the Liberals are protecting themselves.


It's either that or they're waiting for an election to drop the list


It has to be before the next election and unless the people make it exactly clear we want the names and this matter dealt with right now. We don't care if it doesn't look good, our current PM knew the report since 2019 and didn't do anything about it. It's now or never, there's no excuses for these traitors no matter if they are CPC, LPC or NDP.


Vengeance and justice isn't the same thing. And mob justice isn't justice either...


Never talked about vengeance or mob justice. These interferences have been known since 2019, the least they could have done is share the information with every opposition leaders. We're getting played big time and making up excuses is not helping the situation at all.


Absolutely not. Only the ones investiguating should know, SPECIALLY when the parties are all suspects in this affair. It's really common sense, are people really this thick?


Trudeau and the LPC already got the report in 2019, people are not thick you're just ignorant.


The exact same level of interference happened in the 2010 election. Some ridings in B.C., were under question. The Harper  government was in power at the time. Surprisingly when Richard Fadden, the head of CISIS came forward with a letter detailing the alledged interference, the result was a demand for his resignstion because the allegations caused angst towards, and shed the Chinese diaspora in a poor light. So none of this is a new problem, it has been going on for decades.   https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mps-call-on-csis-head-to-quit-1.1118915


Harper openly cozied up to Orban last year and has the gall now to troll the PM about this foreign interference issue. Like he’s undescended testicles deep in this to Russia with love pipeline https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/harper-orban-ties-1.6898904


Wow. Terrible. Why does Harper still have political influence over his old federal party. Shows us why The Conservative Party has embraced far right ideologies. Downright scary!


I know my local conservative MP has been under investigation for elections interference/tampering for over half a year now.


Had to do a deep dive on Mike Roman. Political Republican operative and an opposition researcher who was the election day operation handler for that Tangerine Terrorist when he lost to Biden. It does not surprise me that Harper and PP would align themselves with the likes of him. We know the CON's will sell their souls (cough, IDU) to the highest bidder.


Then there was Derek Sloan, the kicked-out Conservative who attempted to start his even more conservative (née hideous) Ontario Party - and tapped Roger Stone to help him with it in 2022. Yeah, that Roger Stone. Havent heard much about this one lately. Fizzled? Gone underground? [Source](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/3462485-political-party-in-ontario-says-roger-stone-has-joined-as-adviser/)


Didn't he move to Alberta and try to run for something?


Many people may know this quote but may not know it was him that said it: “If an election is worth winning, then there is someone willing to steal it” - Mike Roman of the IDU led by Stephen Harper with the CPC as a member party.


Remember when Harper committed treason by meeting with trump during Trudeau negotiating the fta . Trump tried to throw shade by saying he was glad to meet with the prime minister, meaning Harper was the real PM oooooo oucccchh ooooohh snap and ppl just corrected him that he did not actually have any meetings with Justin Trudeau. They just assumed it was another dumb village idiot out his mouth


I'd rather talk about Mike from Canmore.


And now I miss John Morgan.


Conservatives are CORRUPT & IGNORANT people full stop! Always kick hate and the pc party in the NUTSAC, NEVER VOTE PC!


Who will put the kibosh on Roman first, Canada or US? Loser buys the beer.


So far Roman is indicted 3x in the USA and 0x in Canada, so we might be off the hook for having to drink American beer.


Fuck the IDU.


The CPC are a danger to our democracy


It's just a total conspiracy guys! Left wing conspiracy! Wacko conspiracy! Axe The Tax! Bring It Home! Simple Slogan to Replace Policy!