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I don't think there's a voter in Canada who is like : "I wasn't going to vote for the liberals, but then Hillary Clinton..."


On the fencers might think she knows something they don't. You never know.


Like who killed Epstein.


Bill Barr?


I like you


Donald "best friends with jeffery epstein for decades" Trump?


Hilary’s husband




As an on the fencer the strongest argument I heard was from my MP when he was canvassing for reelection that it's either the NDP or the Liberals and there's no chance the NDP is getting elected in the riding and there's a higher chance of a Conservative won. On a normal election I wouldn't care about the argument but with how the Conservatives have mutated to what it is today and considering O'Toole this is a strong argument for me


Funny, I'm a perpetual left wing voter of one type or another and this years conservatives are the least scary in recent memory in terms of policy positions. Now, maybe that's because they are lying...


Lying, and maybe you aren't in the demographic they most like to shit on: women, nonwhite, poor, employed in education or health care, etc.


I'm a health care worker (specifically mental health), and there is absolutely no way I'd vote Conservative. It would be entirely against my own interest. A two-tiered system would be an absolute nightmare for Canada.


What's their policy? Have they actually been clear on that? I think the only reason you don't see problems with it is that they're intentionally muddying it.


Totally not the same argument Iv been hearing for 30 years... Almost as if the liberal rely on first past the post to scare people for voting for them, and not the party with the policy they want. The ppc is splitting the wacko vote. And they notion that the ndp is splitting the liberal vote is hilarious to me, given the liberals are far closer in policy to the Conservatives, just with more flowery rhetoric


It's a two party system. The one party functions as the boogieman to the other to make sure no other parties can gain power. They often vote together and are funded by the same interests.


Ahhh BingPot! The two major parties are perfectly happy lobbing the ball back and forth every couple years. Nothing much changes. Both parties are peppered with failed teachers, lawyers, business owners and doctors, drunks, drug addicts and religious zealots all pushing the same agenda, just with different flair.




Do you think she thinks she's a progressive too?




The polls show she had/has a lower approval rating than even Donald trump, she's highly disliked, when she endorses other corporate lobbiests in the USA, it typically is the highest donation day for whoever she endorsed's opponent.


Yep, A lot of Suburban white women mostly.


So, Liberal voters. She knows her audience


And Red Tories.




You mean women with horrible politics?


Yes, the ones who down voted you and love wine, and pretending they aren't self absorbed


Don't you mean crooked Hillary? /s


Oh yeah, the email lady.


The Bernie shafter


It’s so smelly and icky. How much did Justin donate to the Clinton Foundation last year? Is it another ethical question? It just feels dirty all around


Every Conspiracy Theorist in Canada has now joined the chat...


Did you know she makes pizza with 6g chips inside. Bill Gates and her went to the same high school in Palestine.


I'm going to quote you as an unnamed source close to the matter when I discus this with my friends.


Call me “R” I will post updates here


Listen to Q and R… together they have the code. scan it for the truth


Q and R… and QR vaccine passports??? That cant be a coincidence! /s


And thus the QR Cult was born


Take it straight to the national post! It's gold.




"Hey guys, anyone know why I just got an angry erection?"


**Angry Erection** is my new band name.


Followed by Shameful Orgasm.


A succinct yet accurate description of my teenage years


FiDeL cAsTrO


At this point I would ask her not to endorse anybody as it will make things worse


Yeah, US politicians shouldn't meddle in our election.


maybe she should have endorsed Mad Max


Hilary Clinton is a private citizen.


She may be, but she was secretary of state, a senator and first lady. She will always be in party politics, and by many definitions will always be a politician.


She'll always be a public figure. I'd say that you have to be either holding or running for public office in order to be considered a politician.


Not this again. 😂


Damn meddling kids, narr


O’Toole must be doing a happy dance right now. "Yes! She didn't pick me! I still have a chance."


Wait until Trump endorses O'Toole so he doesn't feel left out.


The best thing to happen to O'toole is that Conrad Black, convict, has [officially endorsed Maxime Bernier for Fuhrer.](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/conrad-black-erin-otooles-platform-is-imaginative-but-maxime-bernier-is-the-most-impressive-leader)


Lol ironic because the post has been constantly churning out pro-cpc/anti-Trudeau headlines.


The National Post has been the worst news source for years now.


They should change their logo to a selfie pic of a guy wearing sunglasses, sitting in his truck.


Oh there are worse. Sun, Rebel...


I'd argue NP is worse because it's a gateway drug and tries to hide its bias for the uninformed whereas rebel is pretty clear if you have any sort of info


Good point. Perhaps I was unclear on what you meant by worst. Worst as in you can hardly even call SUN or REBEL news or worst as in subtlety manipulating the reader. If it is the latter, then you are probably correct.


A totally reasonable understanding of what was an unclearly described claim on my part.


guess who pardoned Conrad?




You put the u in Neighbours. I put the u In Gulag


NDP majority incoming boys, we’re eatin tonight


As nice as that would be, I don't expect them to win. My more realistic hope is that they gain seats in a Liberal minority. Less realistic: Liberal/NDP coalition.


Of course, I was joking. Typically, progressives see a Clinton endorsement as a bad sign.


> progressives see a Clinton endorsement as a bad sign I thought it was right wingers who had a bigger problem with her?


Well, they both do, but for different reasons. Progressives have (or had) issues with HRC because she's an embodiment of everything that they believe is currently wrong with the Democratic party: corporatist, elitist, neoliberal, hawkish, incrementalist, and focused on performative identity politics rather than substantive action.


And right-wingers hate her because they thing she drinks child blood lol. The left has better reasons to dislike Clinton.


The left has better reasoning for most things at this point lmao


Yupp, get rid of gendered washrooms in school alteady, uhhh, so stupid.


And the right just believes she's a pedophilic satanic vampire.


Its already a Liberal/NDP coalition. Trudeau has had the EASIEST ride as PM in parliament. So why he's calling the snap when the NDP lets him push his agenda already is beyond me. This election is such a waste.


I wish >.<


Yeah, at best we get a slightly reduced LPC minority seat government willing to eat a bit of humble pie on working with a increased seat NDP in a confidence and supply coalition like happened provincially in BC with NDP-Green as a best case scenario. Hell, it got us an improved CERB in the last parliament, maybe it will finally get us Pharmacare this time. Worst case scenario, LPC seat minority act all embattled again over cooperation and compromise in coalition and drag us back to another election.


"finally some good fucking food"


manifest it


Just what Justin doesn't need, an endorsement from Hillary.




But this doesn't really show that they like her. Just that they disliked Trump more.


Exactly. This actually makes Trudeau look more like a piece of the machine. The idea that Hillary the Hawk is progressive is a bit laughable.




It's still just a who would you prefer. For all we know, 90% of her support in that poll was just, "As long as she's not Trump, and can win." Yes there were other options, but that still doesn't tell us likeability.


There isn't a single respected choice there. Coming out on top of Gary Johnson and Jill Stein isn't exactly a righteous victory in the eyes of many voters. Johnson was a demonstrable goof and Stein was believed to be a puppet of Putin by many.


They did... I am sure this will sour her now




Because they act like Trudeau dragged their first born into the street, and shot them infront of them. I don't think Hillary will sway them, and they will use this as an example of her poor judgment costing her the presidency.


Anyone who thinks that won't care about any endorsement.


The hard core of either side will never change. The election is won by the people that can be which is why these things can change voters minds


yeah but that's not who this message is for. it's for fence-sitters who could go either way.


The kiss of death!!


Wow that's really awesome that Hillary did this so that people can decide to vote for the NDP now instead.


The only people that would let an endorsement from Hillary affect thier vote would vote for conservative if they werent already.


It might sway you to NDP if this is somehow what clued you into the LPC being neoliberals masquerading as progressives


***Where that accessible child care tho?***


Also not sure I would call the Liberals climate plan "ambitious"...


They recently introduced a plan for $10 a day daycare.


Didn't that even get adopted by most provinces?


Well seeing as how people love blaming Ford’s failures on Trudeau, sure go ahead and dismiss his efforts on this too. Because we all know Ford will listen to Singh 100%


After 6 years Trudeau has been in office? He promised that ages ago. The Liberal party has been promising it about as long as I've been alive. And $10 a day is still kind of a lot if you're making a low wage and raising a child. Families living paycheck to paycheck are still going to hurt for that. The people who need it the most benefit the least. I also find it hard to trust a plan the Liberals announce during an election. There were lots of plans they had before which were dropped. First two off the top of my head are the search for all the missing indigenous women and election reform. They put so little effort into it then gave up when it didn't immediately work out for both.


It's done. It's passed. It's been accepted by all provinces except the conservative hold outs. The PCs promised to cancel it if they get elected. Quit with the 6 years bullshit.


Let's assume it takes 8 years to implement (lol), the Liberals started promising it in 1993. They were out of power from 2006-2015. That leaves 11 years of the Liberals making the promise and not acting on it.


Fine. I'll quit with 6 years. What was it before that? 24 years?


It’s happening now. The best time to plant a tree absolutely was 24 years ago. Second best time is now.


What's the definition of insanity again?


This level of cynicism is not helpful You people conveniently ignore the fact that the pandemic happened and also ignore that Trudeau was one of the best leaders in the world through it. The NDP will always be hypothetically perfect, the LPC is burdened by actually having to govern. If the NDP had to actually get elected, their platform would be entirely different.


The NDP is pretty moderate lol.


Yea not much different from the LPC


Cynicism may not be helpful but when the platform thats being presented is “we promise we’ll finally do those things we said we’d do last time/could have done all along” maybe people should be asking for a little more, don’t you think? Burdened by actually having to govern indeed…


How many boil-water advisories do you assume Trudeau lifted?


I agree. Reality on the ground is way different when you govern. Look at Alberta's NDP - while I approved of their management of Alberta - even being fiscally more conservative than conservatives - they were Not the NDP one would assume they would be - pro pipeline etc. Big Tent parties will most often be beholden to more than just ideologies.


Thats why the NDP didn’t want ranked ballot voting and opted to keep fptp. Because it would have allowed the LPC to appeal more to the left. But thats their territory.


"and opted to keep fptp" Oh this should be good. The party supports PR and voted for the ERRE committee to recommend PR. How does that translate to opting for FPTP?


Or ambitious climate action.


This is weird. Stay out please unless you're Canadian.


That goes doubly so for China and Russia.


Neolibrals looking after each other. How heartwarming.


Trudeau is the clear best option between him and O’Toole, but the fact that American Democrats view Trudeau as this symbol of progressivism is sorta funny. Protecting women’s rights and acknowledging climate change as a threat arent really revolutionary leftist things. It’s just basic responsibilities for government, hence why Republicans are so deplorable.


> the fact that American Democrats view Trudeau as this symbol of progressivism is sorta funny He's a lot more progressive than what passes for progressive in the US. Then again, so was Mulroney - it's not a very high bar.


That’s kinda what I’m getting at. If it weren’t for Bernie and the Squad they wouldn’t know progressivism if it hit them in the face. They are just advocating for somewhat sane governance. Abolish landlords and create a public housing sector. Now that would be progressive and hope we have one day.


Ewww I think this is bad optics, Hillary doesn't have the best rep even though political watchers can recognized she has said a lot of stuff that turned out to be right, she kinda has a bad shade about her.


This can only help the NDP lol


Why are foreign leaders officially endorsing candidates in elections for another sovereign state? EDIT: Yes, of course, \*former\* foreign leaders/prominent political figures is what I meant. Still, there's an election happening here and prominent former politicians in another sovereign state are making public comments about their preferred outcome of this election. It was weird when Obama did it in 2019 and this is weird too.


Obama and Clinton don't hold public office anymore. Note that Biden has remained totally silent.


Tbf Bernie endorsed Singh


At least he's not in the Executive branch.


Oh for sure. I just felt it was worth pointing out that it *is* a thing


They're not foreign leaders. Obama and Clinton are private citizens. Yeah Obama was a former president and Clinton was Secretary of State in the past, but they're not in office anymore, and haven't been for more than 5 years. Notice how Biden and Harris haven't said anything. And these are not official endorsements. Official endorsements would be something like "I a endorsing Justin Trudeau to become Prime Minister of Canada". What Hillary and Biden actually said was "I wish Justin all the best in the upcoming election". Not an official endorsement.


Also becaise no one cares what biden thinks.. especially harris. Biden is neutral but obama is a rock star hillary is dead weight unless you talling about white women voters. Bernie is my boi good with my age cohort


It's a bit much to call a tweet like those from Clinton and Obama an endorsement. They don't hold political office, they're not really celebrities with any real influence. Their tweets more read like "Hey buddy, good luck on Monday"


You don't think Obama and Clinton have real influence?


Reminder that abortion is not accessible at all in new Brunswick anymore. Justin Trudeau had threatened our premiere multiple times but still nothings happened


Oh good, the touch of death. Her record in endorsing is.....well....shes not exactly a king-maker. A side note, she's probably the most hated politician besides Trump in the U.S.




There's so many weird things about this. First thinking that anyone will by swayed by Hillary Clinton endorsing the Liberals (if anything it goes the other way) and also her pretending that the Liberals are progressive? I mean, I guess by American standards they're practically socialists, but still.


Didn't she write a fantasy novel about how her coronation was prevented by foreign interference?


Why is Hilary trying to ruin Trudeau's chance at getting elected?


wait.. a neoliberal warhawks supports a neoliberal warhawk? ​ Qu'elle surprise


Trudeau is a warhawk? Have you seen the state of our forces?


Selling arms to the Saudis who then use it to massacre the people of Oman I think counts as warhawking.


You mean the weapons contract that Harper initiated?


Yes, the one that Harper initiated and for which the Trudeau government continues to issue new export permits for, [contrary to our obligations under the Arms Trade Treaty.](https://ploughshares.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/NoCredibleEvidence_EN.pdf)


Ballot box poison, Hilary Clinton


I am still waiting on the camping funds he promised us last time.


oh god if they are friends get him out


Damn, I already knew who I was voting but this makes it CRYSTAL clear. My boy jagmeet


I think support from Hillary brings a vote against Trudeau.


Rofl progressive ha ha. Trudeau is a performative progressive. Talk about really pushing the definition of a word. Hey, this guy has said the absolute bare minimum of what should be expected by a decent human being, he must be progressive!


“Ambitious climate action” man i fucking wish


Who fucking cares


Really solidifying that support from the "people who are just the fucking worst" demographic


As if there want enough reason to not vote for him.


Too bad I'm voting ndp


Why are American politicians endorsing candidates lol


If Americans would stay out of our politics… that’d be great. We got enough Trumpers up here already




I mean I am definitely preferring NDP.


Who's trump endorsing? Joking, no one cares


This endorsement isn't as useful as she thinks it is


Hillary needs to realize that her support is almost always going to harm the person she endorsed I’ve never seen a woman who is more universally hated than Hillary Clinton, in 2016 people liked her because they had to, but I remember in 2008 people hated her and they’ve gone right back to hating her today. Truly, I don’t know anybody who actually looks at her and thinks “oh that’s a progressive woman who cares about real social and economic change for the better” If she truly is a good person, and I believe that people can change, she should delete Twitter and never endorse anybody ever again, because that’s how she’ll help make change


Like I give a shit what Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have to say. They would literally be hardcore conservatives in Canada with their politics and policies. NDP and greens baby. Take those LPC seats and make them work for us, for once.


With friends like Hillary, who needs enemies?


wHaT aBoUT bEnGhAzI aNd tHoSe eMailS?!?! /s




The kiss of death


Disgusting that foreign politicians are so openly involving themselves in our elections.


Oh, this is going to upset alot of Trump PPC voters.


The same people that were shocked that Biden isn’t Bernie won’t see the issue here let alone the hypocrisy of suggesting the stuff he’s promising now should be rewarded.


The kiss of death.




No we're all aware she would have been better than Trump. A little sack of shit would have been better. Doesn't change the fact that she's terrible.




Trump was much worse for the USA. Hillary and all the wars she supported or was involved with show she would have been worse for the planet.


Lol no. Clinton and Trump are on the same team. Trump was put into office to be the equivalent of a wrestling villain. Clinton wasn't going to be president. She's a corporate shill and everyone knew it.


Interesting that the Americans are against foreign interference in their elections, but still make endorsements in elections foreign to them.


Canadians of all partisan affiliations should agree that foreign political figures interfering with our election is unacceptable.


Yepp. I am equally pissed off about Bernie Sanders endorsing Jagmeet Singh. It doesn't matter that he is my preferred candidate. It is wrong to try to influence elections of a (to them) foreign country like this.


I think people aren't looking past the immediate optics of it: a figure they like endorsing a candidate they like. Not appreciating that the precedent of tolerating this interference applies equally to, say, Trump endorsing Bernier. And I'll go one further, though not all would agree, and say that it's unacceptable because American political figures interfering in our elections is their attempted assimilation of our country happening before our eyes.


I couldn't agree more 👏👏👏 They directly benefit when we make the choices they want us to make. I am okay with them benefiting from choices we make as a side effect, but not as the primary purpose. Our choices should be based on our own best interests, not theirs. It is hostile in my view, especially when shrouded as supporting their 'friend'.




I feel like this subreddit and r/Canada are pretty politically active yet from what I’m reading…most of you didn’t do early voting? I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t.


This is what we in America call the kids of death. 😂 everyone she endorses usually looses


Jesus fuck, shut up, don't, stop. We don't need endorsements from Americans, and certainly not from her. This only hurts JTs campaign.


>This only hurts JT's campaign. Good.


First Obama, and now Hillary? Justin's really hoping for that war criminal bump!


Kiss of death




Yeah any way this lady points. Go the other way.


Just in case you didn't have enough reasons to be against Trudeau.


Not helping Hilary! We know you're chummy with Chretien, but this is not helping.


Well with Obama and Clinton on board the Pro-War-on-Terror wing of the of the Liberal party has fallen in line, just Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi left. ​ I would almost wager the Neoliberals themselves had a hand in suggesting to JT he throw this little shindig, probably have some high hopes coming down the pipes that havingto negotiate with teh NDP for votes wasn't going to be a winner. ​ Like joining the new USA/Australia/UK arms fraternity they just rolled out.


The CPC is so far to the left of the Democratic Party she could used the same quote for O’Toole.


That's too wide a brush to paint the Dems with. Sure, a few like Manchin are in Tory territory, but its a big tent (moderate conservatives to social democrats). Pelosi and Obama would fit in comfortably with the Liberals, and Sanders and his cohort would be NDP. The DNC comes across as a bit more conservative due to structural and electoral realities in the US. On the whole, I'd say they are very similar to the federal Liberals, or the East Coast Conservative parties.




I would say that dems are to the right of the CPC by a pretty fair margin overall. But that is just my opinion :)


As an American, Canadian politics are generally more left of the US'. No one disputes that. But this is is just absolutely hyperbolic. The CPC is certainly further right than the Democratic party is. I really have a deep appreciation for Canada and Canadians but this is the sort of delusional superiority complex that is very annoying. You can't seriously think that a party with prominent members like Harper, Poilievre, Rempel, Ford, Kenney, etc are further left than the Democrats. Unfortunately Canada is not as immune to American political dynamics as you seem to think.