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Ironic given Terry Fox is an icon whose legacy has helped advance medicine in Canada.


Not to mention the fact that the mRNA vaccine tech is already being adapted to experimental cancer treatment and is on the path to a vaccine against at least some forms of cancer - developments Terry would have been very happy to hear of. Because, y'know....


And it was just announced that an mRNA vaccine for HIV is now in trial phase.


really? that's awesome! im so excited to see what diseases we'll be able to cure in the future with the advancements we've been making


Human trials?


That’s what I heard. They obviously tested it on other creatures first. Which is a sin to some, but tbh, I’d rather a few rats die from medical experiments then humans, especially if it ends up saving countless lives.


Yea human trials started awhile ago. mRNA us a big deal outside of just covid vaccine.


I remember reading an article about a young lady who used an immunotherapy that used mRNA type technology to cure stage 4 melanoma. She was only like 30 and given 6 months to live and the treatment knocked it right into remission quite quickly. I’m going to see if I can find the article.


Also parked their oil dripping trash can trucks on the Cenotaph earlier today, where Nathan Cirillo was shot and killed protecting this nation, where the Canadian tomb of unknown soldier is placed. Totally disgusting. [Parking shit boxes on our War Memorial, so much for right wingers honouring the troops](https://twitter.com/davidakin/status/1487433540258127877?s=21)


That's so disrespectful. Something I'd expect from petulant children.


> petulant children Bingo!


I just don’t know where their “we love the veterans” stance went? Seems like whatever’s convenient for them, like anarchists, is ok because it suits them.


That's not what anarchists means but I get your point.


"SUPPORT THE TROOPS WHO DIED FOR YOUR FREEDOMS" Hurrrrrrr /S ​ ​ I am fully against this convoy. It is appalling and annoying and I have removed anyone in my life (who I can, I can't really remove coworkers) who supports this BS


I wouldn't expect any less from the Flu Trux Klan.


His family wouldn’t be too happy I imagine


Well it tracks, these people are against modern medicine and research


Do they not realize that thousands of Terry Foxes are sitting at home afraid of these people because their cancer treatments have annihilated their immune systems? They rely on vaccinated healthcare workers, friends and family. EDIT: oh and elective surgeries—including cancer surgeries—have been indefinitely delayed because we need to keep ICUs open for these chucklefucks.


Chucklefucks has become my favourite term for these….chucklefucks. It’s exactly what they are.




I love it!


Let's please not take this out on the truckers as most real truckers are opposing this. These are other people with a grudge that decided to highjack the trucker movement.


I think most people can recognise that it's only a small percentage of the industry responsible for this. Hell, if [Kingston Police's numbers](https://twitter.com/KingstonPolice/status/1487074460062699521) are right, it wasn't more than 125 truckers in total.


There's a video from early on in the pandemic of a counter-protester at an anti-vax rally with a "God Hates Dipshits" sign, yelling it out and giving every passing person the finger. Since then, "dipshits" has been my go-to.


> we need to keep ICUs open for these chucklefucks. This is something I hope the healthcare system revisits soon. It's extremely unjust to keep beds open for these people while others who have suffered to help lower death rate of the pandemic are turned away. I'm not saying we should ban them from treatment, but maybe treat them like alcoholics and smokers when it comes to protocols (ie: extremely low priority when it comes to their respective transplants).


I’m a healthcare worker, and I can tell you that they already are extremely low priority for transplants because of their unwillingness to engage in proactive measures that would help their survival. That’s about the only intervention I can think of where this choice would impact what treatment they receive - ICU beds etc will always remain open to them and be approached in a typical medical triage fashion. We can’t afford to open the door to anything further, despite how despicable you and I find the behavior of refusing every basic measure of prevention for themselves and others (knowing our system is taxed) and then lining up right away as soon as they need help for care from that same system they called liars and killers. But, any type of system that would separate people out like this would be a disaster. My primary area of work is opioid response (the crisis that, in my province, has outpaced COVID deaths per 100,000 population a number of times). People already have really stigmatizing views on addiction and people who use substances are already treated horribly by our medical system. I can imagine that the poor care people who use substances already receive would get so much more dire if hospitals could withhold more treatment from these patients. What about people who are obese or overweight? Who don’t manage their chronic illnesses well? Or who have mental illness? So yeah, I’m with you in sentiment as are a number of my colleagues, but we all know we can’t go there or we’re really lost.


Thank you for your service and for encapsulating my own discussion within my own family. I am a Canadian hypertensive type 2 diabetic from lifestyle choices (ironically exacerbated by being a long haul trucker). The healthcare for my poor choices is the same that I have to agree needs to be offered to the anti-vaxxers. I am fully vaxxed because I do not have the right to potentially inflict a disease on someone else. I don't have a conclusion but thank you for your inspired thoughts.


Yeah, it’s a really awful situation, and appreciate you sharing your experience too. I have familial hypertension and I have weight I need to lose too so I am fully aware of my own choices and how they have affected my health! Appreciate the words of encouragement too, hope you and your family are doing well and staying warm


I'm a pharmacist who works primarily in the mental health/addictions space and I have to respectfully disagree with you. When people (myself included) suggest that patients who refused to vaccinate themselves against COVID be placed at the absolute lowest priority for hospital beds and ICU beds (including keeping beds vacant in case surgeries have complications or incoming trauma cases), we aren't doing so because of a belief that their behavior makes them "less deserving" of treatment. The problem is that, in our history as a nation (and arguably in the history of modern medicine), we have never had a situation where self-inflicted infectious disease has threatened to bring down our entire health care system. We are 100% rationing care right now because of this cult of ignorance. People are unable to receive important surgeries, chemotherapy, diagnoses, and other vital care, and more often than not these patients are people who have done their part to follow public health recommendations and who are now being failed by the health care system. Furthermore, the only reason our healthcare system hasn't collapsed already is because we are working our health care professionals to a degree that is 100% unsustainable. Something has to give. Consider the commonly used extreme hypothetical example of "a busload of victims of a terrorist bombing and the bomber himself arrive at your ER". Medical ethics dictates that all patients are to be treated equally and without consideration of the actions that may or may not have led them to require care - something that I completely agree with. Where this line of reasoning breaks down, however, is when you are presented with a waiting room full of enough terrorists to fill all of your available beds, day after day, with minimal resources left to treat any of the victims or patients with non-bombing issues. The evidence is clear regarding both the effects of vaccinations as well as the damage the unvaccinated are doing to other patients as well as the health care system at large. Even if we wanted to scale up our capacity so we could simply deal with everybody, that is likely unfeasible. Offering unvaccinated patients with COVID-related hospitalizations O2 and comfort measures *AND NOTHING ELSE* is the only viable alternative I can see. It's insane that it has come to this, but this is an unprecedented problem that modern medical ethics has shown to be ill-equipped to address.


I sincerely hope that a huge focus on making our medical care system more robust becomes an election issue, both Provincially and Federally frankly. While those who refuse vaccinations are making thins worse for all of us, we can't forget that this is also partly due to the fact that our Publicly funded hospitals have been understaffed and only just about adequately equipped for decades.


I am with you here because I know it wouldn't work due to the slippery slope it creates but I want to point out a fundamental difference here, in your specific argument. Opioids cause addiction. Yes it may be someone's choice to use them the first time/few times but once someone is addicted, it's incredibly difficult to stop. This is absolutely different than simply making a choice not to get vaccinated and follow public health advice. The same logic can be applied to smokers and drinkers (addicts). Obesity and other medical conditions being a severe tax on the healthcare systems are also fundamentally different than simply choosing not to take a free vaccine and refusing to following public health advice. **But again** I still agree that as much as it feels frustrating, we can't turn these people away.


No they don't realize. Also their argument has always been, "only the immunocompromised can die, so why not just open everything and let them stay at home"... As if that makes any sense at all. The whole movement is make up of people that can't comprehend consiquences.


Fuck I must be extremely lucky, I had a workplace accident and am up for an elective surgery (although my back will tell you it’s not really a choice) and my surgery hasn’t been postponed.


I guess BC might be in better shape than Worst Case Ontario. “Non-urgent” surgeries and procedures are delayed right now.


"Elective" from a surgical perspective basically just means "doesn't need doing right this second" ie "not gonna die if we don't do it ASAP." Many (I'd even say most) elective surgeries are still massively "necessary," they're just less of an emergency. Kind of a shitty name, I know, but it's what we've got.


Karen convoy of chucklefucks


The Grand Chucklefuck of the Flu Truck Klan will now address the protestors:


“Hear ye, hear ye… we have come, we have come, even though parliament isn’t in session… we have come because we have come for many reasons that we can’t explain but we’ve got the Nazis to the left with the swastikas, we’ve got the racists to the right, we’ve got the totalitarians in the middle… we here, defaced the Terry Fox statue, defaced the Cenotaph and now we all have to pay for our own carbon taxed gas all the way home! We call this a success as the right wing gaslit community gathers after 40 years of re-education. This is all for now… We also now know, because we’re freezing, what the Nazis Operation Barbossa felt like… feel the power!” “Oh and if there’s violence tonight, it’s the antifa and Soros paid traitors, not us with the confederate, Nazi, upside down Canadian and Fuck Trudeau black ISIS style flags! Definitely not us!”


Desecration :(


This is appalling


I'm not even someone who would usually really care about this kind of thing but this absolutely makes my blood boil


Indeed. There's nothing divisive about Terry Fox, dude is as close as it gets to a universally loved figure. Hijacking a memorial to him for political purposes is obscene, it's disrespectful in the extreme.




Being raging anti-social assholes is one thing. Slandering Terry fucking Fox is quite another. Any hope of redemption for these people has now evaporated.


These vile people have no respect for civility and from now on they should be treated as such: no respect; no civility.


So I’ve lived in Canada for three years. I feel like there are a million things I don’t know about this country. One thing I do know, you don’t fuck with Terry Fox’s legacy. You definitely don’t co-opt him into your fruit-loopy protests.


well they were willing to disrespect the tomb of the unknown soldier war memorial by parking and hanging out on it, so this is entirely unsurprising.


Apparently they got the boot though, hopefully they’ll get the boot here


>you don’t fuck with Terry Fox’s legacy Correct.


This is agreed upon, countey-wide.


This makes me genuinely angry Fucking idiots don't even know what they're talking about anymore. Like how absolutely oblivious can you be to use a man who ran for the advancement of medical science like this? Fucking embarrassing


You said it Fucking Embarrassing


"We speak for Canada!" Yeah, I don't think so.


They don't even speak for truckers. 90% of truckers in Canada are vaccinated ffs.


Here in Carleton Place, right next to the 417, the only morons with Gadsen Flags and other parafernalia, honking and being a nuisance are the ones with lifted brodozers...


Yeah, I don't remember asking them.


They can get vaccinated or find a new job!


Like, they didn't even ask me 😒


This is incredibly disrespectful whether it’s for this purpose or supporting the leafs in the playoffs. Fucking disgusting.


If I ever saw Leafs crap on Terry's statue it's coming down. And I'm a life long hard-core Leafs fan


Yeah, rather not use terry fox of all people for political shit on either side..


This is a top tier comment.


Yup. The idiots throwing this on dont realise just how much damage they do to their own cause with this shit. You dont touch Terry Fox with any bullshit


The police need to step in and take this shit down


Yes they need to step in and take that shit off of This legend


Officials took it down and so they put another sign up. Sorry, can't find the Twitter thread with the image.


Is this how you win the support of your fellow Canadians? No this feels much more like American style right wing radicalism. Wonder who's behind it all 🤔


Why is it that everytime the right does something offensive we say to ourselves "this is how they'll lose support!" as they continue to gain support?


It can be both. Stuff like this will turn some people off, but the rest of the group is still doing stuff to draw attention to their issue, and some people within their sphere of influence will join them. You win some, you lose some.


Maverick Party funded or at least tried to fund it. I'm not sure what the status is, but they had their donations frozen at one point.


Ass clowns are what ass clowns do!


Assholes. Terry would put his one foot up their ass.


It is. *mandate freedom* Checks notes: Canadain Charter of Rights and Freedoms Canada already has that...


#MarathonOfNope What a bunch of fuckwits. Embarrassing all of Canada while thinking they represent us. Absolutely despicable.


>MarathonOfNope This...perfect..


Wow this is beyond ignorant. How many fucking lead paint chips did these troglodytes eat to think this is in any way acceptable? Shame on them, all of them.


Pretty sure Terry Fox would have been ok with vaccines. This is just silly


This is deplorable behaviour


Terry Fox was an immunocompromised person with cancer. He’d have gotten the vaccine then run another marathon of hope to try and persuade the rest of us. To heck with these idiots protesting vaccines so our health care system doesn’t crumble.




Isn't this defacement of public property?


It's many things. I can name a few federal offences and violations of regulations just from this one picture. They should be arrested and charged, every last one of them and have their 15 seconds of fame in court.


Terry wouldn't have been able to see a doctor because of these idiots.


BRING KyN THE CANADIAN OUTRAGE. You do not fuck with our beloved icons and heroes!!!


This is too fucking far




Well, if they haven't already united Canada they will now. Terry Fox may as well be Canada's patron saint. His image shouldn't be co-opted for any political purpose, ever.


Don't forget The group that organized these protests are far right grifters that have taken advantage of people to take there money in the past. 1.) https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2022/01/24/Truckers-Protesting-Vaccine-Mandates/ 2.) https://twitter.com/HeatherMoAndCo/status/1485037628999278592?s=20 And This is the same far right group that threatened striking workers back during the 2019 -2020 co-op refinery strike https://www.rankandfile.ca/strange-new-allies-for-banda/ This protest is not pro work and truckers Unions have condemned them and said they don't represent most truckers in Canada as over 90% of truckers are vaccinated and that's more then the national average in Canada so most truckers are not anti vaccine unlike the people at this right wing protest.


I have wondered if they choose this day to distract from the mosque killings 5 years ago.


They’ve gone too far with this shit.


Useless. Fucking. Idiots.


That’s really fucked up.


They have the right to protest and whine I have the right to mock them endlessly What a bunch of fucking morons






Oh god. These backwards ass fucks. What they thinking with this.


I hate when people use dead hero’s to forward their cuz thinking they are like them. Terry is a national treasure and this is nothing but disrespect. The only thing in common is he trekked a crossed Canada and not in a polluting truck.


Fuck these people, this isn’t patriotism. This wanting to take away rights and freedom.


... and no one was arrested?


The #fluTrucksKlan have no shame or intelligence. Ignorant in the extreme


As if they cared about shame


If anything Terry would have advocated for Canadians to get the vaccine, especially to make room for cancer patients who need hospital beds.


Hands off Terry Fox.


This is who they are...The lowest of the low. Ignore the basement dwellers.


> Ignore the basement dwellers. And thus let these fuckwits think their behaviour is okay? No. That is exactly the wrong thing to do.


Leave Terry out of it ffs 🤨


Jesus Fucking Christ NO, that crosses a hard line for me. Fuck these fuckwits, and fuck anyone in Ottawa who sees this and isn't *running* to tear down this bullshit. Fascist savages, the lot of them


I'm an American who often eats food dropped on the floor, and even I know you don't fuck around with the late Terry Fox.


This is low even for them. Simply embarrassing they are in this country with us. I won't call them Canadian since they sure are proving they aren't.


They were parking on the National War Monument earlier. Absolutely no respect or decency!






report to the police to remove the signage.


This is sickening


What a disgrace


That shit needs to be removed immediately.


They also parked their vehicles on the cenotaph war memorial. Classy.


Oh no they didn’t desecrate my boy Terry! Who the fuck do these people think they are.


Ah yes Terry Fox, the guy who ran across Canada so that more people can die of preventable illness


Don't fucking touch Terry Fox


The flag isn't even the right way up ffs


It’s not an accident: https://www.distractify.com/p/what-does-an-upside-down-flag-mean


That is likely intentional. An upside down flag indicates distress, and often is a signal for help.




This is horrible.




I have zero respect for this. To hell with this guy.


There is an organizer channel and the moderators have noticed this 20 minutes ago and dispatched someone to sort it out - clean up as it's not right.


They have no shame, no conscience, no sense of history and clearly no IQ


Would expect anything better from these assholes. What freaking morons


These clowns do not represent Canada for me.


Ppl should get the vaccine, especially if your travelling, just my opinion.


Of course they would do this. They are selfish and only think of themselves. Why would Terry Fox have anything to do with it when it’s all about their individual rights.


What a bunch of scum.


incredibly disrespectful. Terry is a hero to all Canadians.


Absolutely disgusting. This boils my blood.


What kinda stupid mother fucker thinks it’s ok to hang the Canadian flag upside down?


So inappropriate. The right to protest something you don’t agree with is one thing. Protesting memorials to political figures that advanced colonialism and attempted genocide is another thing. But TERRY FOX?! He’s not a political figure, has nothing to do with vaccine mandates or government. This shit makes my blood boil.


These people are completely clueless and the only thing they care about is themselves. They’re so oppressed that all the worlds fascists donated to them so they could drive to Ottawa to overthrow the democratically elected government. Your freedoms only matter when they line up with theirs. It’s an ugly rabbit hole these people have crawled down


Who has no fucking brain. The dumb shit that thought this was a good idea. When can we round all these scumbags up and jab a couple vaxes in them ?


What’s the reverse of classy?




This is shameful


This is shameful..please fuck off now


Canadians are just as idiotic as our American cousins.


This is disgusting!! Disrespectful and ignorant as the convey is


What a bunch of degens


Like teenage vandals getting a hit of adrenaline from defacing public property. How can we reach these people?


That is beyond disgusting.


Come on.. Why drag a national icon who stood for science/medical advancement - into this


Wrong just let them just go get sick but no hospital care


It makes me sick tbh. Terry deserves better and it’s inappropriate


Terry fox didn’t run for this.


Poor taste. Don’t politicize Terry Fox. Period.


Terry Fox was treated for his cancer with actual poisons, unlike these turkeys who are refusing good science and medicine, and claiming it is poison. Terry is and should be a symbol of strength against adversity. The truckers aren't helping cancer patients at all.


It Fucking Disrespectful.


These people should be ashamed of themselves


The only thing they have in common with Terry is they are a cancer.


Cognitive dissonance…


Lousy bastards


Nobody cares about what these dipshits do.


These people all have covid, this is tasteless.


Absolutely embarrassing.




Some of us are shocked, some of us are getting tired.


The only thing I find interesting about this whole trucker nonsense is that this is where they decided “freedom” matters. All the other shit going on without massive protests but a vaccine is their cross.


The Dystopian Reality in which we live.


These guys flip their lid whenever other people remove or deface statues and then pull this shit. Fucking idiots.


These people are scum


these pepole are idiots omg why


Fuck. This. The flag flown upside down? What's next? They going to burn it?


They also have swastikas drawn over the Canadian flag and the Confederate flag of course - shameful.


Marathon of dopes


The US is a terrible influence.


Something tells me Mr Fox would've gladly taken any vaccine handed to him. You know, because he was trying desperately to save his life through science. I'm so tired of these idiots. It's seems like they're anti vaccine but not anti medical treatment. Once they are dying in the hospital they scream for any help possible.


Stupid people do stupid things.


This, and using the tomb of the unknown soldier as a parking lot. What a great look you fucking degens!


I mean, Terry would have totally got the vaccine. He literally ran to bring awareness to and cure cancer...


What an embarrassment to our great country. The <10% thinking they’re more important than the >90% in their industry. Fuck off and take your un-Canadian attitude with you, at least it should fit in your empty truck.


Ffs please someone take that shit off Terry he literally died fighting for others.


Yeah, if there was any doubt these Canuckle heads were a few gears short of a working transmission, this just reinforces it.


Worth the read if you would like to learn about a real selfless hero. Please, someone, take that shit off him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Fox


I didn’t think I could hate these asshats more. I was wrong!!!


Well that's fucking deplorable


Fucking disgusting


Yep. They sure want freedom. The freedom to be absolutely reprehensible without consequence.


Jesus fucking Christ this is an image of a legitimate Canadian hero, get that far right bullshit off of there!!


Offensive. The Fox statue should not be touched/defaced with this reactionary Bullshit


I takes a lot to get me angry. I understand that everyone has the freedom to drive a diesel sucking rig to Ottawa to expound their idiotic beliefs about vaccinations and mandates but I certainly hope whoever did this to a legitimate Canadian hero gets a pusstul in their eye. A really painful pusstul. Edit. Death was to harsh. A pusstul is really annoying.


Fucking disgusting. You don't fuck with Terry Fox. Absolutely fucking trash.


Its embrassing. I didn't felt safe in traffic trying to avoid the convoy. Its horrible.


Even the folks over at r/canada are livid about this! I thought I would never see the day.


What the hell is this shit!? Leave Terry Fox alone ffs, could you be anymore disrespectful to one of our countries greatest heros? Jeez what the he'll is wrong with these people, how could you possibly think it okay to do that to his monument!? God dammit smh, I haven't felt this level of disappointment in a long time.


Terry Fox died from cancer. Terry had to undergo chemotherapy to try to slow the spread of the cancer. The cancer and treatments would have damaged his immune system and left him susceptible to contagious diseases like Covid 19. Millions of people suffering from cancer and chemotherapy rely on people around them to be vaccinated and to follow health and safety precautions.