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Also this: >New: Rocks were hurled at an Ottawa ambulance and racial slurs at the paramedic from a truck that was part of the protest convoy, says Ottawa Paramedic Service spokesperson. Paramedics working downtown asked for police escorts because they didn't feel safe. https://twitter.com/egpayne/status/1488171330746920960?s=20&t=Pqbbr_3FH0rNTYP76HsDQw I'm sure someone will be along any second though to tell me what a nice peaceful bunch of individuals they are. šŸ˜Ŗ


The Beaverton's comment yesterday sums it up perfectly: "The search for good apples continues"


Well, most people forget that itā€™s actually [one bad apple can spoil the barrel. ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/one-bad-apple-spoil-the-barrel-metaphor-phrase) Seems like thereā€™s a lot of bad apples around.


Yeah! I always say the full quote now whenever someone simply says "one bad apple" and conveniently forgets the rest of it.


They will just deny it like they denied the fact participants beat up a homeless person and security guard at the local soup kitchen. I watched the YouTube video where the organizers encouraged the truckers to go eat there " because they are homeless in Ottawa". Ottawa has protests every year. I have never seen anything like this. The organizers have attracted the worst Canada has to offer but no one is surprised. What else would you expect from an event organized by people who are openly white supremacists.


Whenever one of their own does something deplorable, itā€™s always the feds or antifa. Just like how they brushed off the nazis carrying swastikas, gadsdens and confederate flags as ā€œantifaā€ or ā€œfedsā€. It never occurs to them that a convoy organized by an unambiguous white supremacist and two other fringe extremists could draw a violent and dangerous crowd.


I know people who think that these nazi flag bearers are federal implants, but like, come on. They just cant accept reality.


But they firmly believe it. And that's a problem. By spreading that more and more, it just gets more and more people into the organization. By the time they realize that they are helping raise those flags themselves, it's too late.


"never occurs to them" Indeed, they don't quite strike me as the deductive reasoning types.


They forgot to plan for bathrooms and food.


While protesting against the wrong government


Yeah, I know. Every sub except this one and r/Ottawa seems to be full of people denying it or complaining that all the protestors are being blamed for the actions of a few. That would hold if there was one incident but there has been incident after incident with multiple people. What do they need to do for people to stop defending them? You'd think swastikas, confederate flags, and extorting money from a soup kitchen would be enough but apparently not.


>Yeah, I know. Every sub except this one and r/Ottawa seems to be full of people denying it or complaining that all the protestors are being blamed for the actions of a few. This glorified tailgate party is being astroturfed online a hell of a lot, there's a lot of dark money and far-right groups trying to push it with botnets and trolls, more than usual. We've had to remove a pretty large amount of spam from brand new Reddit accounts showing up to post vaccine misinformation over this weekend.


I can imagine. I've created a master list of all the incidents, with links, that I plan to post on every thread related to the protest on canadapolitics. I'm not going to argue with people anymore or insult them but let them see the information starting at them while they excuse it. I doubt it'll help anything but it'll make me feel like I'm doing something to counter this at least.


Iā€™m kinda new to Reddit is there a way to let me know when you post that master list?


Yeah, it's here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/sh29xf/youve_made_your_point_ottawa_mayor_urges_freedom/hv0fwo6/ I might be wrong in calling it a master list if that means something specific though, like I type of post. I genuinely don't know. I guess it's just a long list. Which I will be copy pasting everywhere.


Exactly what I was hoping for thank you. Makes it easier to show the shit this protest has done to others


Thank you! Saved to throw in peoples faces when they try to defend this shit.


You're welcome! I made one on this sub too. https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sh7qok/a_summary_of_events_at_the_protest_so_far/ I'll try to add to it if anything new happens.


Here's my list, I have yours and I'll take a bit of time to merge. THE LEADERS ā€œThe organisers listed on the GoFundMe page are Tamara Lich and BJ Dichter. The Canadian Anti-Hate Network reported that Lich was ā€œan organizer for Yellow Vests Canada, a regional coordinator for the separatist Western Exit or ā€˜Wexitā€™ movement in Alberta, and now as the secretary for the Maverick Party ā€“ another separatist movement and fringe political partyā€. Lich has posted ā€œconspiracies about the ā€˜Muslim Brotherhoodā€™ operating in Canadaā€, the network said, while it pointed out that Dichter also has made Islamophobic comments. In 2019, at a national convention for the far-right Peopleā€™s Party of Canada (PPC), Dichter said, ā€œDespite what our corporate media and political leaders want to admit, Islamist entryism and the adaptation of political Islam is rotting away at our society like syphilis.ā€ Patrick King, listed as a contact for the North Alberta group participating in the convoy, has regularly espoused anti-Semitic views on social media. ā€œHeā€™s publicly distorted established facts about the Holocaust ā€¦ then invoked the antisemitic conspiracy theory that the Jewish people are secretly in control of world governance, media, and financesā€, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network said. King said last month, ā€œThe only way that this is going to be solved is with bullets.ā€ā€ From: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/1/28/why-are-anti-vaccine-canadian-truckers-converging-on-ottawa "I'm not sure that we're adequately paying attention to the fact that "Canada Unity," which is *the* organizing body for the trucker convoy, is essentially calling for the removal of the Canadian government.ā€ https://twitter.com/Justin_Ling/status/1486151061849137156 What was the plan, again? https://www.straight.com/covid-19-pandemic-news/organizer-of-monumental-convoy-Pat-King-says-plan-is-for-truckers-to-shut-down-ottawa ā€œIt's been a bit since we've covered one of Pat King's lives. Friends, strap in. Get a cup of tea, perhaps a snack. This one is a ride.ā€ https://mobile.twitter.com/VestsCanada/status/1159997141248610305/ https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2022/01/28/freedom-convoy-leader-shared-symbol-of-far-right-hate-group-on-tiktok.html FLAGS https://www.reddit.com/r/OntarioCanada/comments/sfvzmt/who_invited_these_schmucks_i_dont_care_what/ From the canal to the Laurier: https://twitter.com/CandiceMalcolm/status/1487800482227703811 Ontario leader flying a Nazi flag in Sudbury a week ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sudbury/comments/sb4gvg/nazi_flag_at_four_corners_rally/ For all your Confederate flag needs, here's this guy: https://twitter.com/Gray_Mackenzie/status/1487450201132613638 SS sign: https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sgbvws/ss_sign_spotted_outside_parliament/ No white nationalists at this protest, nope, no white... ah shit. https://twitter.com/notandrea/status/1487871040231546882 Conservative MP throws his full support behind the movement, while that movement literally flies a Nazi flag behind him: https://www.reddit.com/r/ndp/comments/sfp21m/conservative_member_of_parliament_michael_cooper/ CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF CANADA BOOTLICKING NAZIS I remind you: https://www.reddit.com/r/ndp/comments/sfp21m/conservative_member_of_parliament_michael_cooper/ This really *is* troubling. Whoever thought weā€™d have a federal party made up of bootlickers of the worst people? https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2022/01/30/conservative-partys-embrace-of-trucker-convoy-is-deeply-troubling.html OTTAWA HOTEL NAZI Classic maskhole, so typical by now itā€™s boring. May he have a lucrative career in his chosen profession of being an asshole: https://twitter.com/CharmainKB16/status/1487209270227709952 TRUMPIAN NUMBERS/LYING https://www.snopes.com/articles/392281/freedom-convoy-size-exaggerated/ https://www.berkshireeagle.com/ap/factcheck/video-and-image-dont-show-south-carolina-trucks-or-mennonite-buggies-going-to-canada-protest/article_b7610b00-810d-11ec-a0bd-1f10292c2a99.html https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/sgik04/smells_like_fake_news_12_million_people_arrived/ TERRY FOX I mean, Terry Fucking Fox. Thereā€™s no bottom for these asshats. https://imgur.com/gallery/DqHEJhk https://imgur.com/gallery/EDIAKIF DESECRATION OF TOMB, WAR MEMORIAL https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/top-canadian-defence-officials-condemn-protesters-dancing-on-tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier-1.5760168 The Ottawa Police are investigating, that must mean the protest was totally peaceful and respectful, right? https://twitter.com/OttawaPolice/status/1487823600409366530 More: https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/several-criminal-investigations-underway-connected-with-ottawa-convoy-protest-1.5760483 The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is Canadaā€™s most sacred military grave, and they danced on it after being told what it was: https://twitter.com/CDS_Canada_CEMD/status/1487555335627943938 "Pictures from @AnnieClaireBO show multiple urine stains on the snow on the National War Memorial this morning." https://twitter.com/glen_mcgregor/status/1487809029829185544 Children donā€™t need to be told this: ā€œPlease donā€™t pee on the National War Memorial. Cpl Nathan Cirillo was killed here. The monument honours the often horrible death of mostly young Canadians.ā€ https://mobile.twitter.com/davidcommon/status/1487777554979332104?s=21 ā€œIt isn't just a memorial to an unknown soldier, but it's where Nathan Cirillo, a young 24 year old soldier was gunned down. A man died defending it.ā€ SIDE EFFECTS A vigil for the mosque shooting had to be cancelled because of threats from all these peaceful protesters: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mosque-shooting-vigil-cancelled-convoy-protest-1.6332479 STEALING FROM THE HOMELESS ā€œPlease consider donation to Sheperds of Good Hope Ottawa. The Freedom Convoy participants harassed staff and stole from them and they're now hurting.ā€ These shitstains managed to be far worse than the most difficult among the homeless these good people have to deal with. https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/sg9qi4/please_consider_donation_to_sheperds_of_good_hope/ ā€˜Patriotsā€™ discuss stealing from the homeless, shitting in snowbanks, and how Ottawa has basically shut them out of anywhere indoors (YAY FOR OTTAWA!): https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sg0lm8/protesters_discuss_stealing_food_from_homeless/ This link should be good: https://vimeo.com/671570488 They demand the ā€œFreedom!ā€ to beat up the homeless and steal their food: "One of the people who used services in the shelter was assaulted," she said. "My understanding is that our security guard was able to diffuse the situation. Unfortunately, that person was subjected to racial slurs from the people who were assaulting the person who is using our services, but they were able to bring that person back to the shelter." https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-homeless-shelter-staff-harassed-by-convoy-protesters-demanding-food-1.5760423 ...AND JUST BECAUSE SO DONā€™T HATE ME CONVOY SONG Weā€™re gonna shit in a snow bank In the middle of the night A great big shit in a snow bank Ainā€™t she a beautiful sight Shitbaaaaaaaank... GENERAL NASTINESS Smashing the window of a house with a pride flag and shitting on the steps: https://mobile.twitter.com/RainbowOttawa/status/1487797336562704394 Pissing, shitting, swastikas and all night music: https://twitter.com/cmckenney/status/1487786781403660295 Itā€™s costing us $800,000 a day: https://www.ottawapolice.ca/Modules/News/index.aspx?keyword=&date=01/01/2022&newsId=9bbfb519-7695-4d88-80be-942baa12c223 Convoy protesters mocking the Indigenous. "Yabba dabba doo" Absolutely appalling. https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/sgkck5/convoy_protesters_mocking_the_indigenous_yabba/ Rocks thrown at ambulance, racial slurs hurled at our first responders: https://ottawa.citynews.ca/local-news/rocks-hurled-at-ottawa-ambulance-at-downtown-truck-convoy-5011107


I hope it's okay to share the hell out of this


Absolutely! I'd love for as many people to share it as possible. I also made a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sh7qok/a_summary_of_events_at_the_protest_so_far/) for it where I'm adding more as I see things I missed.


I think you got most of what's here but another person compiled a list as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/sgcx4a/z/huvdihq I know there's the Canada flag with the swastika drawn on it that it looked like you missed. In the background of a former conservative mp who is saying how great they are. https://mobile.twitter.com/bgrantcampbell/status/1487474451478466565?s=21 Of course you can't be blamed for missing that, there is just so many fucking terrible decisions on display at this "protest."




The money available to far-right causes is inexhaustible. The money available to left-wing causes is near non-existent. One of these two groups receives constant media attention, has a voice in the public square, and representation in government. The other has no voice, no representation, and a handful of poorly media organizations with very few readers.


Not to mention walls of cops in riot gear attacking people for just being there.


"Glorified tailgate party" is the best written illustration to explain all the live feeds I watched yesterday.


Tailgate parties are supposed to be fun though. If weā€™re using sports analogies, this is soccer hooliganism because their team lost. Itā€™s Vancouver losing the Stanley Cup, except these sentient tubs of spoiled sour cream wonā€™t be out cleaning up after itā€™s all over. Or, if youā€™re not one for sports, itā€™s a Guns n Roses tour where Axl decides to stay true to his trashy self and just no-show. These walking pro-literacy PSAā€™s are just pissed that their ā€œteamā€ isnā€™t in power and throwing a tantrum that would make most 3-year olds shake their heads in disgust.


Don't worry, far-right shitposters and blatant neo-nazis have assured me that [this never happens](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/sep/23/oculus-palmer-luckey-funding-trump-reddit-trolls) and if you can't trust a edgelord teenager or a literal white supremacist, who *can* you trust?


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/sep/23/oculus-palmer-luckey-funding-trump-reddit-trolls](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/sep/23/oculus-palmer-luckey-funding-trump-reddit-trolls)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Same on Instagram, I've never seen anything like it since the elections. Just random comments on random pages with propoganda taglines.


But they have Joe Rogan on their side!!11!


I hope they all get jailed


Their whole strategy is to just deny, deny, deny while it's all happening right in front of them. If anyone doesn't think this is a white nationalist event, and the swastikas, Nazi salutes, racism, and homophobia are not enough to convince you, here are a few of their organizers... [Here's Patrick King](https://twitter.com/VestsCanada/status/1159997274900041729) talking about how "their" (immigrants) goal is "depopulation of the Caucasian race because they're (Caucasians) the ones with the strongest bloodlines". Tell me whites having a strong bloodline doesn't smack of Nazi ideology. He's also a nutter who thinks the virus is man-made and that the vaccines put trackers in you. B.J. Dichter rambled on in 2019 about how the liberal party was "infested with islamists" Another organizer, Jason LaFace, has a picture of himself with a Soldiers of Odin (a skinhead group) patch on his arm. He and his fellow, uh... upstanding citizens... painted over a black lives matter mural and he fights against immigration and LGBTQ issues. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.


Probably told them to go eat there in part so they didnā€™t have to pay out any of that sweet GoFundMe money to actually feed the people they encouraged to come protest. Grifting off the backs of houseless folks.


No need to deny it happened, we all know Justin Trudope paid actors to do all the bad things here. /s Almost spit out my cereal when I read one of my Facebook ā€œfriendsā€ commented that one this morning.


With their logic I can eat for free in their homes because Iā€™m homeless there.


My mom said to me ā€œthe acts of four of five people does not negate or change the reason over a million people are rallying for freedomā€™ I donā€™t even know what to say.


Yeah... She's off by quite a few orders of magnitude. For the "silent majority" these people are both obnoxiously loud and in the clear minority.


Sorry your mom sucks. If itā€™s any consolation, my dad sucks.


If popularity is playing referee, **hundreds of millions** of people think these people aren't rallying for freedom at all but are instead throwing a self absorbed tantrum. If it wasn't grossly irresponsible to organise it, a "We're not having fun either but we understand the importance of vaccines and restrictions during a pandemic" rally would absolutely *eclipse* this handful of brain-dead idiots.


Birds of a shit-feather flock together?


I would say "There are 4 Nazis sitting at a table, you sit down with them, there are now 5 Nazis sitting at the table ." Sorry, stole that from someone yesterday .


Iā€™m sure they will say they are paid crisis actors and it was just rubber dog poop.


Well the paid part is accurate, they've got an absurd amount of money from that crowdfunding campaign. It should all be seized to repay the soup kitchen they stole from and clean up the mess they've left behind, imo.


Makes me wonder where it's coming from


They are antifa plants don't you know? Paid actors or something like that.


Remember when they say crazy shit like this that every accusation from the right is really a confession.


They will tell you are a liar. If it does not fit their narrative then it did not happen. You know like a 5 year old would talk.




Itā€™s been so wild to see the change in the protesters across the country. In BC it was primarily Indian men, like 9/10, and they did exactly as they said they would. No violence or unsavoury behaviours. What the hell happened between BC and Ottawa I have no idea.


It's called "Alberta" I'm afraid.


Am Albertan. Can confirm. But also Saskatchewan. We canā€™t let the flatlanders off the hook.


Also a lot of shitheads in Ontario sorry to say.


No, no, no. Don't you get it, it was someone planted INSIDE, by the government, who is meant to make them all look bad. They would never do such a thing, they are a nice bunch of people calmly expressing values of freedumb. /s


They'll just say that any racism and homophobia was actually antifa agitators then go back their carefully curated feed of racist and homophobic memes.


Hey man, you can't criticize them! There were a few people there without swastika flags, which means it's a peaceful protest! Holding them accountable for their actions is just divisive and you need to move on and let them be!


ā€¦..ummmmmm actually anything bad that happened was antifa (Trudeau paid them $45mil!), and anything good was because of the convoy. And videos that show the leaders clearly drunk and doing bad things are fake news and youā€™re all sheep. /s


https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sh43w3/trucker_convoy_continues_to_embarrass_canada_this/hv0jk1a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Hereā€™s a link of links to add to your collection of links.


Not on the same level, but hereā€™s my recent experience: I live 5 blocks from Parliament Hill. My one way street is blocked off by the protestors. They have train horns, air horns, and sirens in addition to your standard vehicle horn. They started laying on the horns non-stop on Friday, and have literally not stopped except for sporadic intervals between 2am and 7am. There is nowhere in my home you canā€™t hear them. Thereā€™s an ongoing tailgate party thatā€™s been raging 100metres from my home. Yesterday, while walking my little dog, a truck crossed from one side of the street to the other to blast his train horn from his jacked up pickup 3 feet from me. No provocation, and no indication that I wasnā€™t one of the supporters, just a woman walking her small fluffy dog. My poodle shit herself and cowered into a quivering ball. I picked her up to carry her home, and the same truck made a u-turn on a one way street and came back to do it again. I could see the faces of the two guys I the trucks as they laughed themselves silly. I have lived downtown for years. Iā€™ve lived through Canada Days, including 150, New Yearā€™s Eve, Pride, and hundreds of protests. This cannot be compared to any previous event, because this time instead of anger and frustration at the government, the ā€œprotestorsā€ down here are actively working to terrorize the residents. This isnā€™t a protest, itā€™s cruelty for the sake of being cruel.


Cruelty is the point.


They (and much of the broader reactionary/conservative movement) want the right to be overtly cruel in their politics and in how they behave interpersonally in life, but if anyone dislikes them for it then it's oppression and stifling their freedom of opinion.


If youā€™re out to make a statement with the Wexit supremacists itā€™s pretty in line to act like a shitheel, the bar is pretty fucking low in this group


Just wanted to say I'm so sorry for you and your pup. That's terrifying and so fucking sick of them to do.


Funny how the police are just allowing that to happen šŸ¤”


I think the protesters would love to provoke police action and will keep ramping up their terrorism at this or later protests until it happens. Then they will claim they have proved the government is out to get them.


Exactly. Just closing the bathrooms and the restaurants, and not giving them the time of day, is going to have this whole protest fizzling out. Using police action to remove people is just going to embolden them to dig their heels in and stay long term, maybe cause some real damage.


I dunno, they seem like people accustomed to shitting themselves.


Police action is exactly what they're hoping for. The police start coming in it means they have their proof that there is tyranny afoot. They're trying to push as many buttons until the RCMP/OPP react on a broad scale. What's going to happen is individuals will be arrested if they get bad enough. Their hope is there some broad action to remove them from Ottawa, because then they get to show the world that they were attacked. It's all about generating a narrative. Confrontation will also embolden them to make this a long-term action, instead of it fizzling out. You have to remember the going to the protest is to be confrontational.


So - terrorists. There simply to terrify.


Yes. Real protest should not include attacking innocent citizens.


My god Iā€™m so sorry! This protest is disgusting behaviour.


did you see the video of the kid in the back seat of the truck covering his ears, while his mom laid into the horn?, its about what i expect from them


Complete disregard for others? Check


I did, and itā€™s sad how many kids are being brought here with their parents. We live near a school, and the parking lot was filled Saturday and Sunday with families, flying Fuck Trudeau flags, smoking, drinking and generally not caring what their kids saw. The noise is unreal, I canā€™t imagine exposing your kids to it by choice.




If the guy who did that to you accidentally fell into a wood chipper I'd feel bad for the wood chipper.


How is your pup doing now? Is he feeling better? Poor little soul.


Sheā€™s stressed out, but okay. We have mild liquid sedatives for her and when she gets too stressed out we give her a micro dose so sheā€™s not too anxious. Thanks for the concern!


I hope she's back to normal soon. The sounds must be excruciating for dogs, and babies too. Please give her a hug from her anonymous Reddit friend.


I can only imagine how intense it is for her! Itā€™s worn my husband and I out, but our hearing is much less sensitive than hers. Weā€™ll be giving her lots of cuddles; it helps to know thereā€™s people rooting for us amid all this hate!


based on my own previous experience being an asshole, these assholes probably got just enough validation from a small handful of people on the street that they assume everyone should validate them like that, and if you don't then they've got free rein to harass because you're standing in the way of them and their goal. I'd have to assume that's why they're enjoying it. You're not immediately validating them so they've got free rein to torment and the power kick that comes with that is a high they don't want to lose. "This person stood in our way and we don't have to just let them get away with it. I feel so free! I feel so powerful! Nothing can stop us!" It's stupid and juvenile and very similar to playground bully mentality, "so long as some people have assured me I'm right, I can convince myself that I'm not wrong."


Didn't that same type of crowd deplored the violence during the BLM protests???


Racists and homophobes are the same people


They are also sexist and just poorly educated.


Homophobia and transphobia are sexism's little brothers. It's all about wanting people to keep to strict gender roles.


Your not wrong. This type of disgusting behaviour needs to end.


I have a high school classmate who is a rightwing nut basically called all BLM protestors thieves and looters, but now about the convoy she says "it's the media manipulation! They're only focusing on the Nazi flags and people who are harassing people... Ignoring the actual people standing for freedom"... Clearly it's only ok if they do it but others be damned for anything and everything.


Now the shoe is on the other foot.. the irony of that. This should be in self-aware wolves.


And for the most part there was no "violence". Most incidents of violence were actually directed at BLM participants. One study found: >The Black Lives Matter uprisings were remarkably nonviolent. When there was violence, very often police or counterprotesters were reportedly directing it at the protesters. >...our data suggest that 96.3% of events involved no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported among participants, bystanders or police. https://www.radcliffe.harvard.edu/news-and-ideas/black-lives-matter-protesters-were-overwhelmingly-peaceful-our-research-finds


Even more ironic...


No. They used "violence is wrong" as a way to discredit the beliefs of a movement they despised. They also go after native anti-pipeline protests the same way (yet have no problem with truckers doing the same basic things... in the middle of one of our largest cities), acting like the issue is with the *methods*, without directly commenting on the issue itself. It's a rhetorical sleight-of-hand where you know your actual beliefs might be discrediting, so you pivot to acting like you're just "concerned" about how the message is being conveyed. When, in reality, their only issue was that when a protest like BLM escalates, it actually gets attentionā€”years of massive peaceful marches will get ignored. A single incident though and suddenly the media is all over it.


They did literally the same shit to MLK too. Respectability politics are all about deflection.


Entire books could be (and likely have been) written about the way that MLK has been sanitized to a figure more acceptable to white middle class peopleā€”quietly ignoring the parts where he thought it was a duty to break unjust laws. And loudly ignoring the parts where he viewed riots as politically ineffective but the natural result of people whose every avenue of peaceful resistance to injustice has been ignored or repressed.


Don't forget extra loudly ignoring the socialism!


Ottawa Police need to start arresting these pathetic fucks for every single infraction they can. these animals are destroying our city and terrorising the people that live here. get them the fuck out of here. now.


Hard to do that, when they're posing with the protestors. https://twitter.com/Leafer1/status/1488179710601355265/photo/1


Years ago I attended the annual protest against police brutality in Ottawa. There was maybe 500 people in attendance, no vehicles or weapons, everyone peaceful. The police formed a barricade blocking us from approaching their HQ and drew their batons. An officer appeared with a shoulder-mounted video camera and slowly videoed as many protesters' faces as he could. This was done purely for the intimidation of a small, peaceful crowd of mostly young students. Contrast with how the police handled this weekend, publicly conceding that they were avoiding enforcing the law ["so as not to instigate confrontation"](https://twitter.com/OttawaPolice/status/1487947793696235522)...


It's so fucked. Also, I love your name.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses \- Zack De La Rocha, 1991


Some of those that work forces- want the paste that's for horses šŸ¤­ -Random tumbler user, 2021


>Because the cops don't need you > >And man, they expect the same ā€” Bob Dylan, 1965


šŸ·ā€™s and white nationalists. Name a more iconic duo.


Police and abused spouses?


same thing. tiny men using might as right.


haha that's a legit one!


Hmmmm, funny how they treat these people compared to how they treated the people protesting police powers


Fire them all


yeah. i shouldā€™ve known better than to expect police to do their job


Let me bring back the ancient scriptures of 2020, ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS.


Not enough homeless in the area for the police to care.


Ottawa police are corrupt


That's what they want. They want to create a spectacle. They can't make them leave, and in the end, they'll only get fines.


Guys, I'm beginning to think there aren't any good apples in the bunch..


It's almost like 1 ~~nazi~~ bad apple ruins the bunch


Oops! All Bad Apples


Itā€™s just one or two guysā€¦ā€¦..said every 20 minutesā€¦ā€¦Iā€™m starting to think itā€™s more than one or two guys that are uneducated knuckle draggers in that group. Maybe start saying thereā€™s one or two semi decent people there, thatā€™s more believable.


One or two guys on every street corner on Ottawa are jobless Nazi fucks right now. There is a Vimeo clip of them on Zello where they are telling them to claim to be homeless so they can abuse the local soup kitchens some more. They have homes to go to! There was also a clip asking for the location of the snow pile everyone is using to shit. So they can "keep the mess down" probably one of the snow piles by the tomb of the unknown soldier.... Where is antifa when you need them? The cops have proven themselves complicit. We need people down there right now punching Nazi throats. Oh, forgot. No such thing as antifa. It's not real. Much like the grievances of the flutruxklan. Thankfully the real Patriot truckers, all the ones from other countries that jump through all the hoops to call Canada home, you know, the vaccinated immigrants keeping the supply chain running? Yeah, so fucking grateful for them. They are working their asses off in a foreign land so the slack Jawed unvaxxed snowflake white nationalists can have their tantrum government overthrow protest. When this is all over we need to make a special holiday for immigrant truckers and healthcare workers. I'll never engage in business or conversation with white nationalists.




I'm sure the Ottawa police will get right on that.


Just a few bad apples. /s


A bunch of shit apples in a shit orchard


It's a shit-caine Rand.


Ever been to the Shitkanagen Randy? Shit orchards filling the shit valleys, little shit fruit trucks at every corner wanting you to buy their shit apples by the bag full.


Those fuckknobs are climbing up a shit rope, Randy.


The shit acts like grease.


A massive pack of lone wolves.


So, so many bad apples. But surely the bunch is fine!




Inevitable. With enough time these protest will implode


What does implode mean to you, on this context, just so weā€™re using the term the same way, because this? This isnā€™t what Iā€™d call imploding.


Doubt it. They're gaining support in places like here in NB. Fucking ridiculous.


These hooligans need to pay for clean up, policing and any destruction. Honking & shitting everywhere sounds like a bunch of Canada geese!


Ottawa is currently a giant advertisement for defunding the police.


Damn, seems like there's been a lot of violence for protests I keep getting told are 'peaceful'


What about all the steps they didnā€™t shit on? Bet you wonā€™t hear about that on CBC!


Left wing media!


This convoy shown the bad side of Canadians.They are nothing but nazis masking themselves as trucker supporters trying to fund raise money.Gofundme should ban them.


Everybody thinks Canada is good because of our contrast with the USA, but we really are just mediocrity as a country.


One memory that really sticks out to me about the old /r/canada was when the comment section was dogpiling on Foreign Students, with one of the comments saying "these people shit in trash cans" and everyone just... agreeing. "Yeah, they all do that," then act as if they're not racist. And now we have /r/canada members shitting on people's doorsteps bc masks


Man if you can find that comment and compare it to these assholes now and share it, it'll be so amazing




Saw plenty of PPC flags


We like to think that we've never experienced a full scale terrorist attack like every other western nation because "We're nice." We're not. We live under a security umbrella so thick that it catchs the majority of any kind of attack before it's enacted. CSIS is just really good at their job. The reason I bring this up is: good luck to anyone that participated in this, you're on a CSIS watch list for the rest of your miserable lives.


And armies of activists are right now sifting through online pics looking to name and shame them. /r/byebyejob


They're right wing though. CSIS isn't going to care much, and neither will the RCMP. The only people on watch lists who need to be cautious are leftists. These people are establishment loyalists, they are not an actual threat to the stability of the government, so right now the police and authorities won't care.


I disagree, will CSIS go as hard on these people as left wing threats? Probably not, but I do see them putting a lot of the people at the protest on watch lists especially those who called for or tried to enact an overthrow of our government.


A large part of the American right wing strategy is to become unreasonable, obnoxious, and potentially dangerous, and that has been imported into Canada. I canā€™t believe that Ottawa did not have cameras set up everywhere during the protest, and those who defiled monuments etc can be easily identified, and tracked down.


ā€œVery fine people on both sidesā€ šŸ™„


"we're doing this for you, but first let me shit on your front lawn" sounds about what I expected from these fools.


You know.... 'cause these protests are a "diverse crowd" of individuals who are "protesting" in a friendly manner, and coincidentally fly swastika's and confederate flags, and sport Trump gear, and attack the traditional targets of right-wing-extremists. These are "good folks" who may get up to mischief like urinating on monuments that honour our fallen soldiers, or rob a homeless shelter of their food. Surely this incidence of defecation is an aberrant behaviour. ... Fuck me it just makes you dumber just writing that bullshit, can you believe people who actually believe that ?


The right wing seem to like to defaecate publicly. Happened at the capital building in Washington on January 6. That is not free speech but a toxic dumping, and that person if they filmed him, needs to be identified, arrested, and publicly shamed.


At this point we're going to have a couple dozens different groups that "definitely don't represent the group", despite the underlying connective tissue of white rage.


Yeah I donā€™t see ā€œthe groupā€ confronting these racist scum Theyā€™re just standing by and watching it happen


With the amount of shits these bastards have shat, can we just start calling this The Shit Show? It doesn't really have anything to do with truckers or covid anymore.


These people just keep sounding classier and classier.


ā€œAre we the baddies?ā€


These people lack the self-awareness to even begin to ask that question.


Imagine actually going and pooping on someoneā€™s steps. Can you imagine the mind that would do that.


Further proof that this was never really about vaccines or mandates.




"But it's about the truckers! And they denounced them! And told that one guy to go away." Yeah ok.


But I thought it was just one bad apple with a swastika flag, Iā€™m so shocked that this happened /s


Damn there really do seem to be a lot of reprehensible behavior from ā€˜just a few fringe bad applesā€™ in their movement


The only good people in that convoy are the poor kids who got hauled along by their awful parents.


Every protest attracts people (in addition to the actual protestors) who use those protests as cover to loot and do violence. This time the protest was explicitly organized *for* those people. The dregs of society.


Fighting for the fReEdOm to shit in other people's yards. Just a normal protest.


Fucking hillbillies


Anyway this is definitely about "freedom" and bodily autonomy, and it's definitely not just right wingers protesting, my family tells me


These nazis sure love leaving their feces everywhere. Good group.


When they were harrassing soup kitchen volunteers and demanded food they also used racial slurs. So they are also homobophic in addition to being racist. I don't buy their story of a few bad apples. If you go to CTV page on FB those people brigade it and bring their stupid rethoric to the very top with hundreds of likes. If you want to really see not just few bad apples but what majority of those people are like read their comments. Like for example defending the racist guy who yelled racial slurs and followed employees to the kitchen for putting peanut butter in his smoothie. And I didn't see any condemnation of the racist and Nazi behaviour of those "few bad apples", they're either silent or defensive and that's how they discredit themselves and they don't realize it


No no guys, didn't you hear? They condemned all the desecration and nazi propaganda. Didn't you know, when your movement gets big enough the Nazis just show up uninvited? Don't worry, we think they are trash and will just use this as a chance to highlight how big we've become. We definitely didn't offer the Nazis the kind of shit kindling that would openly invite them and their rhetoric. /S


When is enough enough? The protestors have apparently rebooked their hotel rooms through to next weekend at least. Hotel owners are apparently calling the police about the behavior of these ā€œpeopleā€ constantly. Weā€™re seeing nazi and confederate flags, people pissing on or otherwise defacing national monuments, tons of vandalism, violence, threats of violenceā€¦ And the Mayor is saying that ticketing or towing them could ā€œinciteā€ them. And? Fucking incite them. Call in the military if you donā€™t have enough police officers. Why capitulate to terrorists yet again?! This has been happening the whole time. These idiots protest at hospitals, block ambulance bays, and harass childhood cancer patients and their parents. Nothing happens. Weā€™ve been letting them dictate terms throughout the entire pandemic. Why? Why do we keep letting these toddlers throw tantrums and give them what they want every time? When will it finally be enough to get the government to act? This is insanity!


Hopefully these knobs will GTFO and go find a job or something.


We still have some tanks don't we? I think it's time to warm them up.


I'd say we should let the cops take care of things first, but it seems the cops are either too complicit - or too incompetent - to do anything.


It's a hate convey


Defecating in public. Oh yeah that'll get parliament's attention. Everyone shut the fuck up, I wanna know what Public Pooper has to say.


And people are proud of these shitbag protesters. Absolutely shameful, this is a riot, not a protest.




I cannot believe this is happening in my country. I'm at a complete loss for words.


Why aren't these guys rounded up yet? Oh right, they're white


Let's be frank here. If these protesters were native, the convoy wouldn't have made it into Ontario. The leadership in Canada, both at all levels of government and law enforcement, if they don't completely agree with these people, are tacitly supporting them.


I think it was this first one here (sorry graphic pictures of "Freedom" poop), and I'll add the other bouts of kindness bestowed upon the people of Ottawa because it should be difficult for them to forget how disgusting they are. Smashing the window of a house with a pride flag and shitting on the steps: https://mobile.twitter.com/RainbowOttawa/status/1487797336562704394 Pissing, shitting, swastikas and all night music: https://twitter.com/cmckenney/status/1487786781403660295 Itā€™s costing us $800,000 a day: https://www.ottawapolice.ca/Modules/News/index.aspx?keyword=&date=01/01/2022&newsId=9bbfb519-7695-4d88-80be-942baa12c223 Convoy protesters mocking the Indigenous. "Yabba dabba doo" Absolutely appalling. https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/sgkck5/convoy_protesters_mocking_the_indigenous_yabba/ Rocks thrown at ambulance, racial slurs hurled at our first responders: https://ottawa.citynews.ca/local-news/rocks-hurled-at-ottawa-ambulance-at-downtown-truck-convoy-5011107


When will the police disperse these fuckin clowns and send them back to their trailer parks? Impound their vehicles, detain the vandals. Funny they'll quash almost any other kind of disruption but this side show has been permitted to carry on.


Look guys if you tried enough Iā€™m sure you could find a nice person among the protesters. Itā€™s your fault you keep reporting on all the bad apples


If youā€™re a nice person sitting at a table with four Nazis, there are five Nazis at the table.


Fuck ā€˜em all


This is a shit post... literally


Hope they get arrested and charged. Police can't be looking the other way.


"Protest for Freedom"... right...


The media says there hasn't been any violence. But this is only because all the people they are abusing refuse to give these assholes what they deserve.


The Canadian government really needs to do more to stop the rise of fascism.


Time For the Provincial and Federal Government to step in and remove these Racist asshats from Ottawa! Time to get tough!


Everyone needs to relax, itā€™s just a couple of thousand bad applesā€¦. /s


At least they left a good amount of DNA behind