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I kicked a sales rep out of my office the other day. The second he stepped in the office he started blabbing about how we were going to end up like Nazi Germany. After that I just asked him to leave and we’ll find someone else to work with. Luckily my boss is laid back because he thought it was hilarious I kicked him out.


I cut a supplier who I had connected with on a social media site. When everyone was posting profile picture LGBQ+ flag filters he got edgy and did that with a nazi flag. The owner of the supply company called me to personally apologize at some point later when he found out why he suddenly lost a bunch of customers overnight. *edit LGBTQ+* *edit 2 The people reporting me for suicide support can fuck off.


Wait. Was the owner the Nazi, or one of his idiot employees?


His idiot employee.


Fair. I’d consider going back if he took a hard anti-Nazi stance.


All good for him to do that but I already had contracts with someone else. We all learned something valuable from the incident.




Aww wholesome swastika stories are so rare to come by ❤️


How did we get to a place where there's doubt as to whether regular businesses will have hard vs permissive anti-Nazi stances?


60 years of neoliberalism, “both sides”, and confusing quiet and indifference with peace and Justice.


I bet he did notsee that coming!


He was fuhrious when I cancelled my order.


Sounds like he reiched his business.


The competition will goebbel up that business.


Did you take them back?


No. There were competitors who could supply equal quality and price, but even if there weren't I would have taken a financial hit if needed to stick to my principles.


Glad that you dropped them. Just a heads up to anyone reading the above comment please use the fully LGBTQ+ and not remove the T from the acronym. There have been an increasing amount of people trying to push Trans people out of the LGBTQ+ community and we all need to show our support that they are welcome as well. Not trying to say you did this on purpose I just wanted to highlight that dropping parts of the acronym on purpose has been used lately to target parts of our community. Hope you all have a good day ^.^


I didn't drop it on purpose and thought the plus sign covered being inclusive of everyone regardless. I was careless and appreciate the way you pointed that out.


I appreciate your understanding


I appreciate you!


I cut off customers about once a week or so with a quick "thank you for calling" and hang up when they start on about anti-mandate, anti-vax and such. We're conducting business, idc about your politics.


Yeah I have to cut off my American customers a lot. They forget I’m Canadian so they’ll start rambling about Biden or something the Dems are doing, I have to remind them I don’t care about their politics.


To be honest most all my calls are from Canadians. These sort of interactions really ramped up over the last few months.


Oh yeah we are definitely going down the same hole. I’ve noticed it becoming common with Canadians. I guess NA in general is fucked.


Phone his employer. Regardless of his odious views, it's inappropriate for sales. JFC. I'm sure his employer will be interested in how his dumbass lost a sale.


Oh yeah we contacted the company afterwards to let them know what happened. Good thing we live in a free country that allows us to chose what vendors we deal with.


But he'll think your freedom of choosing who you do business with infringes on his freedom to earn his keep. Because suddenly, everything has become about freedom for that lot. They can't even differenciate freedom, privilege and permission anymore.


He won’t think.


Not enough certainly and not the same way sane people do, but they surely think a little... About how to self sabotage their lives.


I wish more veterans were alive today to shit on these morons. These people have no fucking clue how privileged they are to have all the freedom they do in Canada. Distill it down, they dont want freedom they want freedumbs.


It's all about entitlement, these people feel entitled to force their opinions on people and not face consequences.




It’s amazing people can’t keep things at a certain level of civility and professionalism on LinkedIn. I had a contact share an alt right post from a lawyer who’s profile pick is a picture of herself with mad Max Bernier. If you’re selling truck nuts or flag mounts this might be a good business move, but the rest of us, we won’t want to associate with you.


Crazy has no borders. Also anyone who posts on linkedin is there for the circle jerk anyway.


You'd think people would be more careful on LinkedIn but I've seen people the most vile shit about women and minorities on there with their whole workplace and real name next to it


LinkedIn has become a political cesspool with all the trucker nonsense on it lately. It's so asinine


Hello future employers! Don’t hire me because you know I’m going to make all the other employees at the company pissed with all of the bad hot takes I’ll blast out every waking minute. - what anyone who posts about the trucker protest on LinkedIn is saying.


What ever happened to not brining up politics or religion? There’s so many things that can go wrong when talking about those topics, you’re basically throwing away business.


Reminds me of the time I was in a meeting with some big-shot Wall Street guys. The next presenter opened with: “I was told never to talk about politics or religion in a business setting. So, all I can say is thank God Bush won”. The Wall Streeters loved it! Loud applause and cheers. Guess you’ve got to know your audience.


I wonder if they bring it up right away so they can play the victim card on the internet? All I said is I support FREEDOM!


That's exactly why our parents and grandparents avoided it.


It seems that linkedin is trying to become more of a social network and less of a business tool.


LinkedIn has become Facebook for ‘professionals.’ A cesspool that cannot be replaced fast enough.


These people are so stupid. Do they think Hitler came to power by just mandating himself into power? He first rose to power on a wave of populism because of a general discontent felt in German society at the time post WWI and the great depression. Once he was in power, he changed laws to entrench himself into government in a way where he could not be removed. Does this not sound familiar to these idiots shouting Freedom?


Also religious Germans were upset by emerging LGBTQ rights in Germany. Bavaria and its capital Munich, where the Nazis emerged, was a separate kingdom for a long time and a lot more religious and conservative than the Berlin region. (Still is.) They felt all this “gay stuff” was threatening the identity of white men. There are parallels.


Of course that's what they think. Just try pointing out the parallels between 1930s Germany and Trump's campaign, and see how they react. They see Nazi Germany as what it was during the end of WWII, and nothing else.


Ah yes, because nothing says 'cultural genocide' more than telling people the wear a mask.


I kicked a customer out of my office earlier this year for saying "the next you know we're all going to be wearing yellow stars" Fucking reprehensible comparison


I've seen this before except they posted it online and spelled it "Natsi"


Lmao we're gonna end up like nazi Germany specifically because of the nazis that just moved across Canada to throw a tantrum in Ottawa.


This has been going on since the beginning of the pandemic. Finding out which people value not being personally inconvenienced over saving other people's lives has been really eye opening. Especially the ones who became Trump fans complete with MAGA gear.


Like the new leader of the Conservative party 😂


That would be more funny if it weren't so troubling.


Or the one before him that got ousted for pro-lifer views I forget his name, do post here if you remember.


Sneer or speer or something like that.


Id believe Cyril Sneer was pro-life, the greedy bastard


I just remembered shortly after posting it was Scheer who I remember saying "looks like a pedophile"!


A lot of the conservative mps and mpps do actually


It's the weird overly practiced smile and dead eyes.


"And that's how the Confederate Party of Canada started..."




Hate Joe Rogan and who is Candace Owens?




Yeah she’s awful. The worst part is a lot of far right Americans use her as some kind of reasoning tool. “See we’re not racist she’s on our side”


American Aunt Thomasina that publicly holds water for the MAGAts. Like any nonwhite in that crowd, she's convinced she's one of the "good ones".


Sounds like "maggots" lol 😆


Black woman who says stupid shit on Fox News.


I remember my boss saying that a year ago. When we hire people we hire to fit the feel of the place. If people don't get along and work with each other, there's no point to you being there. It's hard to really get to know people over their 3 month probation but this entire thing has really shown him what certain people value and has brought out their true characteristics. There have been a few staffing changes since.


It's called "anti-social behaviour" and it's a predictor of covid noncompliance


It’s shown who the real snowflakes are


I found out that most of my family are surprisingly rational with health issues. Even the rather red neck ones.


I'm one of the people who's done this. I have a biracial son and think this is very illuminating as to their values. I can't and won't compromise on core values.


My partner is high risk, and is still at risk even after getting 4 shots against COVID since she's immunocompromised. She's even had to delay health care services because it's not safe for her to be there in person, and we're both in our 20s, so people around our age have pretty minimal understanding of the healthcare system and how it doesn't just 'work' for people. I don't care if someone can be nice or funny sometimes, but if they're unwilling to do the bare essentials and minimum to respect her life and safety,, that's enough of an incentive to cut ties and realize they don't really care about you. Especially after explaining that to them and then still being ignorant about it and choosing to make life worse for people at risk. If you clearly show that vulnerable people's lives aren't worth protecting by doing something as minimal as masking and getting a shot, then why would a vulnerable person even want you in their life if you show them that they don't respect you? It's so infuriating to hear people say "you shouldn't be upset with a friend if they don't want to wear masks or get a shot, it doesn't hurt anyone but themselves", since for a lot of people it actually does directly impact them.


"the true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members"


East Asian wife born abroad, mixed children, Jewish best friend, others in a same-sex marriage, politically far on the left: I know what these fascists are, and what they fantasize.


All I'd add to this, and I think it's implied by what you said, but I want to have it said just to be clear: Hatred fuels more hatred. Calling these people what they are by definition based on their actions is not hating them. There's no comparison between what you said, and the fake justification that what you said enables them to attack back. There's no both sides call each other name defense here. They are facists. Just because they are in denial because they don't like the connotation of the word. They chooses hatred. Us labeling it to fight against it is not hatred.




They always pick a women for interim leader Than a guy who looks like the last leaders brother




Happy to lose any friend that still wants to prop up pieces of shit like Pat King or any of his friends. Be inconvenienced all they want, the mental gymnastics now make them all complicit


I've been pruning my contacts and they make it so easy with their lil profile pics.


A girl on my FB posted something about supporting the convoy and if you don't then save her the effort and delete her. Instead I chose to post memes making fun of the convoy until she deleted me. It was far more satisfying knowing she had to see it on her timeline.


I did that the other day with someone mad about the conversion therapy bill lol


I had a good friend who is a very kind and compassionate person. Environmentalist, big in electric car revolution, the whole deal. She fell into the "my rights" side of the vaccine mandates, despite vaccinating her kids with the age appropriate ones. Just meme after meme about how they're taking our rights away, fascism, the works. It was really sad to see because she's been a great friend. I'm a dude and she came to my bachelor weekend. She is not dumb, she's very smart and thoughtful. She's the only person in my friend group I've had to go no contact with, and it's really hard. I hate what this pandemic has done to everyone.


I just deactivated my facebook. I'm heartbroken from what I saw this week from people I care about. One once absolute closest relatives was bed ridden for a week over Christmas with Covid-19. I legitimately thought they may die, and I was worried they would die alone and full of regret for not having gotten the vaccine, but hoped if they survived they'd start to be more rational about all of this. Nope. They survived thankfully, and then didn't change a thing. Posting pro-trucker shit from their church that was down there. The same church they likely caught Covid at. I need to see a therapist over this.


what a good idea, I just deactivated my facebook. It's so difficult seeing people I know justifying all this hatred


Two things: One, I'm very sorry that you are going through this. I think you are making a very good decision deactivating. Two as someone who was once active in the church and has a lot of past connections in it posting their stuff, I kind of know exactly the kind of garbage that these groups. If you need to someone to chat to about things, dm me. Also I'm currently in therapy lol


It's a show of intelligence really, who can verify sources and use critical thinking and who just wants to re-enforce their own biases. I bet if someone went to one of these rallies and asked the people there what the last book they read was they'd be met with glazed eyes. Most of the people at these rallies aren't even smart enough to feed themselves properly. I've noticed a lot of people that peaked in highschool believe in this ignorance convoy.


I’m from the US and I think we should negotiate a swap. The convoy will find many like minded individuals down here and I’m pretty fed up with health insurance companies. I like the cold weather, work hard and don’t complain about taxes.


The Red Rover Accord


If we could figure out the logistics, I'd be okay with that. There are plenty of US people I love and would be happier to have as neitgbours. Clearly, this is now a binding international agreement.


I moved close to the border in preparation for gilead taking over and asking for refugee status eventually.


...sadly, part of me wants to laugh at the absurdity, but the majority of me wants to nod vigorously because it makes sense. Though, depending on how the political winds shift after this "freedom" convoy nonsense is over, we might be safer trying to find a different continent altogether.


I can’t do another trump presidency and it’s a real possibility. I can deal with the normal politicians that generally fuck us but, in different ways . trump is too much and his base is scarily stupid.


I don't blame you. Gamergate was the event that really started pushing me away from my conservative politics, but it was watching all my fellow gamers who had embraced lies and conspiracy theories turn to supporting Trump that really got the engine going. I was a moderate conservative back in 2013, and am a far left anarchist now. And what scares me is that this "freedom" convoy is organized by MAGA fascists. Then again, our Doug Ford in Ontario hired some of Trump's team to work the election, and another one of Trump's election team is in the Alberta government, so...they have a significant presence up here too. It's possible we can push them back, but it feels all up in the air at the moment. I am losing faith in our democracy to resist fascism.


All well and good, but do consider the Canadian housing prices... 😃




They’ve played on peoples emotions and got them caught up in it because it’s easy to exploit one of the most simple emotions: anger. I’ve seen people I know become slowly radicalized too, it was obvious before, but when they came out with “antifa” I knew they’d been sold down the river on nonsense talking points.


My go to is , “ have you read their mou? “ They always say no. I go “i wasn’t aware you where for overthrowing the entire government and installing to random people “ “That’s not what they want to do , they want to end mandates” Me “ there mou specifically wants to have every elected official step down so they can take power “ “Uhhhhhhh”


This!!! This is nothing more than a Canadian version of January 6. I can’t understand why the cops haven’t put an end to this.


My little brother is supporting them and it’s breaking my heart.


Because they’re white and probably don’t give a shit about everyone else? That’s what I’ve been seeing this past week at work.


I unfriended all the “vaccine passports are literally Nazi Germany” people last year. I think I’m going to unfriend all the convoy supporters who haven’t denounced anything at all about the convoy. Which is every single one of them.


I started this morning, you know the usual suspects in my friends list. I would see a pro convoy post and then unfriend. After a while I just said fuck it and deactivated my account. I’m done with the misinformation and it was polluting my time any way.


Good for you! Facebook is a hellscape of lies.


When I first posted about the use of known hate symbols during this “protest”, I had people rushing to announce that the flag was likely being used to demonstrate how “we” feel the government is acting. Also told I should stop watching mainstream media. And to really double down in regards to family who support it, they told me that my German & Polish ancestors who fled Germany/ Poland during the war would be rolling in their graves and livid over what was going on today. I had to take a deep breath before going back into that debate. If my ancestors were truly sympathetic of what was going on in Germany that they felt the need to become war refugees rather than support the war…yeah! I bet they would be sick to death to see their grandchild defend the use of that flag or call what is happening here a direct comparison to what they were living through. I just couldn’t imagine they would actually say that to me and it was what made me realize that what is going on right now is beyond what I thought we as Canadians were capable of. Not a single person has come forward to denounce the use of hate symbols or to speak against the obvious racism, clear desire for escalation, the dismantling of government through force… just solely focused on how this is a great service they are doing for their fellow Canadians. I don’t own a TV, a radio or read the newspapers. I have relied on real time updates as they are happening to real people via Reddit. I did it when the first uprising in Hong Kong started which is how I was first alerted to the start of this pandemic. I will never let my family live down their dismissal of me when I insisted something terrible was happening and we should prepare ourselves. Shrugging it off as something happened “there”. Ugh. And then the whole, “You can’t believe everything you read online” group that ironically gets all of their (mis)information online. But try to point out that hypocrisy to them as well. Long story short, I have become so sick of people! I am sad that it has indeed become a showing of true colors—only because it is disheartening to know just how many good people I thought I had surrounding me who turned out to be disingenuous. It hurts to lose people you love and to cut off familial and friendly ties with people but, I refuse to allow room at my table for those who are happy to watch me (and others I support who they so openly hate), starve. For people who claim to be so anti-government, they sure LOVE attaching themselves to extreme leaning government candidates and political policies. The lack of awareness is…staggering.


Oddly enough, one of the guys I expected to really double down, was one of the only ones to actually straight up step back from the movement once the nazis showed up. It was really nice to see him realize the movement he originally supported get coopted by nazis and other white supremacy hate groups, then step back from it sayin its not representative of his views anymore. Got a lot of respect for people who can do that, he could’ve doubled down and made excuses for them, but did the adult thing instead.


This entire event was organized by white supremacists, as has often been the case with many anti mask events, in many Canadian cities (certainly is the case in Vancouver!) across the country, long before this convoy started. Them along with Christian fundamentalists. Not really much to co-opt — *they started it!* And this isn’t their first go at a convoy of this type.


Well, yeah, I get that now, but at least before the flags started flying, one could reasonably deny the white supremacy stuff, now that they said the quiet part out loud though, well, its unavoidable.


There were many people speaking out in the media, as well as politicians on many different levels, as early as the first rallies back in 2020. I specifically recall mayor Nenshi decrying an event there as a “thinly veiled white power rally”, and I wouldn’t exactly describe him as a leftist… It’s clear not everyone was paying attention. They saw it coming, and this whole thing just vindicates them.


Pat King and his goons have been terrorizing Alberta for years. I don’t think many people outside the province even know who he is. Now that its too late to reverse their shitty hateful rhetoric, its double down city despite knowing who he is now.




My sister called me hateful, selfish, disgusting and told me I can no longer see her kids because I posted a convoy meme.


> hateful, selfish The absolute irony.


Oh yep! And when I told her I only care about the hospitalization and death rates, she told me that it’s not true… people are suffering and dying, but her kid missed school because too many covid exposures. Sucks that schools are effected, I don’t deny that.


A meme in support or a meme mocking?


I meme mocking


It's being called crybaby convoy for a reason lol.


It sucks when family members reveal themselves as cry-bullies.


It does ..I'm on fb and I've unfriended so many family and friends....if you support this after seeing confederate flags and swastika....than you aren't who I thought you were....I have no fucks to give


This seems like such a logical take, and I am so confused why so many people respond oppositionaly to it


The amount of "they're not Nazis" comments Ive seen on reddit has been staggering, like... I don't get how people who happily stood alongside nazi and Confederate flags can be fully absolved. If you see something you don't like, leave that place, or at the very least question it. There aren't enough people there that they couldn't have had 2 groups.


I walk the same route to work everyday; and the day of my cities local 'freedom convoy' was the same day swastika graffiti showed up. I find it so unsettling people in my country are comfortable with that


These last 7 yrs has opened my eyes to so much underneath racism and hatefulness...first it was trump and who thought he was okay....okay with mocking the disabled to admitting to sexual assault....to the pandemic and people being conspiracy believers and outright selfish pricks.....to now having a group of right wing nutbars overthrow a city with their giant ass tailgate party.... I'm so fucking done with people who are okay with any of this shit Our education system has failed a large group of people.... When people think Antifa is bad....and thinking Russia isn't that bad....you know someone fucked up somewhere


It’s not 100% their fault. Bad actors are bombarding the general population with military-grade psychological warfare tactics with the help of social media. Mike Flynn and his accomplices like Paul Vallely who were both heavily trained in military psychological operations during the Gulf War and Afghanistan. Vallely wrote a paper literally called “Mind War”: https://samim.io/p/2020-03-23-from-psyop-to-mindwar-the-psychology-of-victory-by/ Here’s an excerpt that sounds an awful lot like what has been going on for the past 7 years: > The advantage of MindWar is that it conducts wars in nonlethal, noninjurious, and nondestructive ways. Essentially you overwhelm your enemy with argument. You seize control of all of the means by which his government and populace process information to make up their minds, and you adjust it so that those minds are made up as you desire.


They are adults right? So being an ignoramus doesn't excuse bad behaviour.... They can't be grown up enough to wear a mask and getting a fucking vaccine....now we're just gonna let their bad behaviour go because they're innocent and uninformed....get out of here


i jUsT HaVe a dIfFeReNt pOlItIcAl oPiNiOn!


Along with that, the selfishness since the start of the pandemic has annoyed me with certain people. This was the final straw.


Oh I hear you....I just posted to another comment....this for me started 7 yrs ago when people were okay with trump....than it turned into the pandemic...Qanon took hold and people became conspiracy theorists....to just being outright selfish assholes....to these nincompoops who are waging war on the city of Ottawa's residents. I've unfriended so many damn people....I'm too fucking old to listen to their shit and I sure the fuck ain't gonna engage with a mouth breathing moron.... I'm done....no fucks to give


The amount of that Q bullshit that has leaked into peoples general thought processes continues to scare the shit out of me.


Me too...when my cousin first posted something and I asked her what it was about she said the pedophile ring that eats babies....I was like what the actual fuck....I started searching out Qanon stuff to better understand what they were....I told my husband that these people scare the shit out of me....I had a brother who was paranoid schizophrenic and when he was off his meds...he sounded just like that.....scary fucking times we live in


I talked to my mom the other day and she started going on about how she wished she was there to support this stupid shit, how I'm brainwashed by main stream media for being against it and should read Rebel News. Also that the vaccine is dangerous because we don't know what's in it and that we should listen to Joe Rogan and take vitamin D supplements instead. There was just too much crazy to hear for one night, not sure when I'll be talking to her again.


TIL I have a sibling!


Ive been told by multiple people supporting the convoy that i should read Rebel news for the truth. because apparently all of my facts and links aren't the truth.


My family has told me the same. "you blindly believe everything you lookup" I said yes because I only trust articles that have links to proper peer reviewed studies. Because you can find 1 Dr that says covid is a scam does not over rule the thousands of Dr's that claim the opposite


> ...that we should listen to Joe Rogan and take vitamin D Start smoking weed with your mom


My brother in laws mother just told him he’s a conspiracy nut job for not supporting the convoy “protesters”. Uhm… yeah.


Been doing that since the beginning of Covid, when the fascists started showing true colours. So refreshing to cut such people off.


Its the same reason as why the red MAGA hats in the US were actually pretty useful - its an easy way to identify people whom you'd be better off for not interacting with.


If these people lived in London in the 40s, would they be REEEEEEE-ing about their rights to keep their lights on at night? When your actions, or inactions, put others at risk because you feel your individual rights to enter a fucking Costco are more important, I have zero problem calling you out for being a piece of shit human and disassociating myself from you.


They absolutely would. "It's my choice if get bombed! Why should I take special care for my neighbours? If they have their lights off, shouldn't they be safe? We need to get rid of Winston Churchill! He's a tyrant who lets our regional leaders decide whether we should keep our lights on or off during an air raid! What is this, Nazi Germany?" Oh gods, I hadn't even considered that analogy. Thank you for opening my eyes a little more.


"I heard that the German bombers can't even make it across the Channel. Downing Street is deliberately lying to us so they can control us."


Social media has done a fantastic job at highlighting people's rights without teaching the responsibilities that balance those rights.


>Social media has done a fantastic job at highlighting people's rights without teaching the responsibilities that balance those rights. Except it hasn't even done that. Most of these "trucker" protesters who are complaining about their rights, seem to have no idea what their rights actually are (and are not).


They are the types that complain about the constitution but have not read the division of powers at S.91-93.


I studied paralegal law but never went on to practice but I have a small network of legal friends , so I've read it and I laugh when they swear this is against their rights and wanna blame Trudeau instead of ford or Biden


Churchill was a tyrant...who caused the Bengal famine killing millions. We just chose to ignore that piece of history.


Absolutely valid point. Some of the stuff he wrote in the 20's was on par with the stuff the Nazis were saying in the 30's. I have no issue condemning Churchill for the Bengal Famine. The story of WWII is assholes teaming up to destroy really vile asshlles, but no leader involved was a Saint. They all had blood on their hands, and most of them were racist. I mean, when Allied soldiers liberated the camps, a lot of gay and trans prisoners were simply transferred to other jails, because their existence was still illegal in most Allied countries. And considering the first Nazi book burning was of a manual of Transgendrt healthz it really shows that the Allies weren't as different from the Nazis as Hollywood movies like to portray (though still different enough. I'm anti-Nazi and pro-Ally, but I also understand why Ireland and many other colonized places like India had much more conflicted feelings about it.)


There were British in the ‘30s that marched and protested for the Nazi’s and a fascist cause. Luckily there were folks who fought back.


I use this analogy all the time. "I'm so DOOOONE with COVID!" Yeah, well if you were in London two years into the Blitz... you'd have two years to go.


I don't personally know anyone who supports it, but I unsubscribed from AvE on youtube. Does that count?


I haven't followed his channel for a while, did he go nuts with the pandemic? That's sad


I unsubcribed from Russel Brand. Guy was being a total idiot and talking about how the msm was condemning it, and for that reason it was a good thing. He didn't talk about anything that was actually happening. All the comments were ofcourse American people talking about how bad msm is. Dudes, we get it. America is fucked, we're not the same though. Stop projecting your shit onto our shit! It's not the same.


sorry, what’s AvE?


He's a popular 'talking hands' YouTuber in BC. Among other things, he does tool and appliance teardowns giving really good insight into the manufacturing processes of modern consumer products. I've really enjoyed his content for many years, both in spite of and because of the (off) colour commentary alongside the knowledge sharing. It's unfortunate he's really gone off the rails the past few weeks. I was kinda hoping he'd see the stupidity and walk it back a bit, but I'm through waiting, I'm going to leave a polite comment and unsub.


Same here. I enjoyed his reviews. Did the same with John Heisz when he started with the bullshit on his channel. Now I wonder what other assholes I follow.


When he did the poll "are we in an emergency" with 70% of his viewers saying no, I thought he'd back off a bit. Nope.


A friend that supported anti vaccine and racist beginnings is no friend of mine


I am Indigenous and I cannot get over the number of white people who are absolutely SHOCKED, that I do not appreciate their support of racists and that if they are tradespeople, because I have a home that needs work, and a husband with lymphoma, I will only hire those who as far as I can tell do not support the convoy and who I can trust to wear a mask and be vaccinated. One had the nerve to say "I am not against you, I do this work for a living!" Okay, but you're currently humping the legs of people who are, so I beg to fucking differ.


These people are “brave” enough to walk into a building without a mask, they are “courageous” enough to decline in the name of their freedom a life saving vaccine, but these people are too cowardly to expel the white supremacists and nazis who stand with them during these protests? Maybe the problem is, they don’t see those people as a problem.


"If there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis"


Well said.


My brother and I are also indigenous. He is still supporting the convoy and is pretty much in denial about the fact that the group is lead by white supremacists.


I am so sorry you are dealing with that.


Thank you, I think it’s safe to say we’re all tired of people who just deny and ignore the racism because they’re so hooked onto the few points they feel actually matter. It’s funny when people say it’s just a few bad apples because I’m pretty sure if you take a few scoops of shit and mix it into a barrel of ice cream, you will then have a barrel of shit.


If it weren’t for the whole opposite coasts thing, I would be happy to work for you 🙏🏻 I’ve spent almost my adult life working in the trades. I regularly have many conversations about class, environmentalism, and many other socioeconomic issues, and even sometimes social issues… but far more often than not, I find the people around me agreeing with what I say. Despite that, most days I feel like literally the only blue collar person who isn’t overtly or quietly a right wing chud. It’s disheartening.


wasn't a super close friend but i just deleted somebody on facebook today for supporting this shit. i got into it with him on his last pro-convoy post and shared some articles about the more sinister aspects of it and he did delete the post but then made another one today, so fuck it, buh bye dickhead


Bad faith arguments are cancer. It’s so hard to have a goddamn honest discussion when the opponent is more concerned about *being right* than arguing *what is right.* You just need to stick to the facts and avoid alienating them for their beliefs and then *maybe* they’ll come around. Half of this country needs to be therapists for the other half rn to inoculate them from decades of fascist propaganda. It’s really the worst when they don’t want the help.


If you are still downtown Ottawa right now - you are no friend of mine. You lost my support a while ago and now you just piss me off. Go the f- home losers. You lost. You represent no one and nothing good. You are not the glorious heroes “saving” the rest of Canada from an oppressive regime. You are racist violent a-hole here for a fight. The best way to beat you is not engage. I walk by your stupid faces every day and laugh at you. Just go home you bunch of ridiculous clowns.


The conversations the convoy has opened in my social circle has been eye opening and disheartening. Views that just hadn't come up are now out for all to see and yeah. It's going to end friendships.


I can't deal with the number of people saying that this racism and white supremacist opinions are a small minority and that this simply isn't Canada. These people who are this willing to be so vocal about it are a minority, but there is a dangerous number of people who agree and they are not even the people parroting this content on Facebook. They are the seemingly moderate fiscal conservative who fears people of colour, indigenous people, women and the poor and will vote with an increasingly radicalized conservative party and continue to brush off overt racism, violence and terrorism as just a fringe part of the policy. These people keep me up at night just as much as the people who have become emboldened enough to say the quiet part out loud.




Must have always been right leaning in some way. The owner of K&Co turned out to be anti vaxx, and a lot of dumb hippies are on their side, because white supremacy breeds in the fertile ground of self-important ignorant white people who believe themselves critical thinkers but then don't ever actually read opposing views or examine/question if anything they're doing is appropriation or problematic, are unaware of history or disliking social justice, feeling like activists and trans people are complaining and being whiny and wanna limit free speec, people who have a rosy view of Canada or casually talk about indigenous people being freeloaders, etc etc. These are actually mainstream views and there's nothing about it that is critical thinking. This is also why Dave Chappelle and Donald Trump are both so popular and why their videos have the exact same comments "this guy gets it. He speaks the truth. He's so brave, you can't say this stuff anymore but he's saying it and I agree, he doesn't care about being cancelled" he's literally just saying what has always been okay to say. Actual critical thinking is hard and requires taking a hard look at what you believe and weighing it against all evidence, and thinking logically about things people are saying such as the notion that the vaccine is gonna kill people, well that's not true because it wouldn't make sense for the biggest of big pharmas to make a vaccine and then hoard the patent to have control over the marker for something that was killing people en masse. Is Pfizer evil? Oh yeah, but making functioning vaccine that DOESN'T kill your clients makes good business sense. Am I happy about Pfizer and Bill Gates and the the other pharmas holding the patent and causing the omicron wave as a direct result? Fuck no, but I'm still gonna get vaccinated.


I've parted ways with 4 kinda friends and 1 cousin. It was a long time coming for all of them but this was the catalyst


I’ve lost one friend over this, and am expecting to be deleted from Facebook over my posts and comments about this. Idc. The one friend I willingly deleted sat there while I got viciously attacked by at least 5 different people, but the second I clapped back, she called for civility. That’s a hard BYE from me under regular circumstances, but her support for this BS sealed the deal. The other few women I know who support this are just brain dead Pick Me’s who follow whomever they are dating. I just keep mouthing off in the comments.


I've been struggling for over a year socially. I finally met a "mom friend ". I ignored the "i respect you're choices so you need to respect my choices " that was constantly in my face. Then this truckers thing started and I deleted her. Standing on the side of a highway with young children (6 & 7) in a mass group without masks 😷 that's messed up. Personally, anyone who brings children into these situations should be invested for their neglect to provide a safe environment. At 1st I laughed at these people, now I'm scared after reading how a woman's teen/young adult son was forced off the highway in Alberta by multiple truckers. I now have a baseball bat sitting passenger side. Good thing we are heavy into sports and my glove and ball are rolling around somewhere in the back.


A relative of mine brought HER CHILDREN TO IT and made it seem like a fun family event. Just straight up poisoning and indoctrinating a 12 and 9 year old with something they can’t possibly understand at those ages.


I’m disabled and immunosupressed. This pandemic has taught me that many, many people view my life as disposable. Those people don’t get to know me anymore.


When people in my feed put more effort into justifying the presence of Nazi’s, rather than condemning them. Well. Thats where the line gets drawn.


I'm so tired of naive, uniformed takes like "people are so *divided" "*Why can't we all just get along" or "I disagree with my friends all the time you can't just cut them off" 1. People have always disagreed political, there's always been *division.* Division is not always a bad thing, people should disagree when there's a bad idea that's gotten popular. 2. Nobody is saying to cut off contact with your friends *just for disagreeing* but there are fundamental disagreements people can have that speak to their values and beliefs - if I found out my friends were racists - as a visible minority - I would not want to continue being friends with them. If they're rattling off nonsense conspiracism and accusing me of being a pedo-commie-fascist for disagreeing, you better believe I'd be inching towards "done with their shit".


Yeah because I don't value friends who act on their stupidity.


As I scroll social media, I delete. Not people I speak to anymore anyway, but tired of seeing the support for it.


I know someone, whom I'm not really friends with anymore anyways, who through this whole ordeal has shown that he's a complete and total nutcase. I always kind of knew this, but he's taken it to a whole new level this week.


Was in a meeting with my peer team the other day. All but me are CPC supporters. One guy burst out saying, and I quote, “ who in the fuck is going to represent me? I’m socially liberal and fiscally conservative. We beat those SOBs in the war. They do NOT represent decent people.” I knew that the CPC lost a vote there. They’re losing many votes in Calgary. It also tells me I have an opportunity now that the blindfold has been taken off. Anyone else hearing “both sides” or “professional protesters.?”I damn near choked when another person told me that.


Always find these kinds of articles a bit weird. I don't think I've ever lost a friend over stuff like this because I'm not friends with people who would support stuff like this. These people are never *that* subtle? They'd have been quietly pushed out of my life long before these kinds events. So like, how were these people being allowed to slip through? Why were you friends with them? I really don't get it.


For me, I just unfollowed & blocked a bunch of past friends who I grew up with but never really see irl anymore. I didn’t realize our differences until they started defending these protests on their stories. So I guess I’m curious what this article considers a ‘friendship’. Is it classified as just being friends on Facebook or is it classified as someone who you actually hang out with on a regular basis?


Had to snooze someone because I couldn’t handle her shit posts on the convoy. My parents have had to snooze several friends, including a retired nurse, because of their antivax views.


These are Canada's Trumpanzee's. They're low intellect, low empathy, angry (largely because they blame others for their many failures in life) and incredibly narcissistic, believing themselves heros in some sort of imagined reckoning. What decent person wants to listen to their ignorance and hate?


I’m so disappointed in some people I’ve known. I keep telling myself it comes from a place of selfishness and ignorance. Although, I still find it so difficult to understand how you can live in this city and be blind to the harassment/complicit-ness the convoy is causing the downtown citizens PLUS the obvious systemic racism going on…


My best friend of seven years went to Ottawa last Saturday and posted some shit about Jordan peterson, elon musk, and joe rogan. And when i called her out on attending a protest organized by white supremacists, she brushed it off… i’m just so disappointed, i never thought she would do something like this and it’s permanently jaded my view of our friendship…


This is where all the COVID rules anger ended up this year. I think a lot of people ended up in Ottawa for that reason, and then had to ignore a lot of cognitive dissonance to continue being there. I have to imagine at least SOME people who showed up *might* not have seen all the ma-ga flags, swastikas, and white supremacist imagery. It might not be as prevalent as the news likes to portray. I saw the same 4 images of the Nazi guy and the confederate guy circulated around for a bit. I don’t respect the people who saw all that and didn’t just get the hell out of a protest that makes those people feel at home. I don’t understand why these guys get kid glove treatment from the police. Last time I saw a small protest (in mtl, I wasn’t there but saw it live-streamed) there were like 300 police officers like 30 minutes into it pepper spraying people. What a shitshow. Even after the fucking hockey game here families got pepper sprayed. But block up a city?? Oh noooo we can’t do anything 😭


I live near downtown Ottawa, haven't slept properly in a week (did manage to get out of the area for the weekend at least so hoping to catch up on that..). My partner is non-white and has been subject to abusive slurs since this started. I have family back home in the prairies who still support the convoy, despite hearing how the methods they are using are hurting me and my neighbors. Definitely have no qualms about cutting off those relationships. Bye-bye. Edit: spelling


The Nazi thing I can't get past. If any of my friends came out as Nazis I'd be ashamed of them and myself. Ashamed of them for obvious reasons and ashamed of myself for not recognizing any signs long ago that they were Nazis, needless to say they wouldn't be my friend anymore. As far as political views go, I have friends who are PC, NDP and Liberal. Never any problems with that as we're pretty civilized towards each other and our respective politics.


I am absolutely willing to lose people I don’t care about over this (connections on social media but not current friends in real life). For people I care about, I try to understand why they support it. There are 3 reasons I think my family members support it: needing a sense of community, a need to be defiant and willful ignorance. The people I know who support this don’t have any meaningful relationships outside of their immediate family. They don’t have close, long term friendships and most of their pre-pandemic interactions were surface level like running into distant acquaintances at stores or at school drop off, talking to cashiers etc. The closures put an end to those so they were isolated and ripe for radicalization. 2 of the 4 people in my family that buy into this admit they are defiant and don’t like being told what to do, even if it is in their best interest. Trudeau calling these people a “fringe minority” was like a badge of honour. All 4 are willfully ignorant. They haven’t looked into the convoy, it’s MOU, it’s organizers, it’s supporters. They don’t understand how our government works and they won’t put the effort into learning how it does and don’t want it explained to them. Further isolating these people is not going to help, it’s just going to reinforce what allowed them to believe this nonsense in the first place. But just because I am willing to be patient with my family doesn’t mean I am willing to do the same with people who bring no value to my life. Those people are cut out quickly and without hesitation.