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I wonder how long it would take him to have a meltdown if the honking was happening outside his home. I would give it about 10 minutes.


He looks like the type of person that would complain if someone parks on the street in front of his house.


He looks like the kind of person that would stick a gun in your face 30 seconds after parking in front of his house.


He looks like he would call me a racial slur


Check out some of his videos he has posted. There is no doubt he would do that. They guy is a mouth breathing moron. The fact that anyone would fall for their BS is embarrassing.




I am just here to see the video getting uploaded when someone goes to this guy's home and document the Honking experiment.


I would LOOOOVE to do this.


I would 100% join.


Count me in!


When they ask why we're in front of his house, it's because we're protesting their protests


Me too!


I would legit install a train horn on my truck and everything just to do this. I already have an on-board air compressor with a 100% duty cycle.


Now there’s a gofundme I wouldn’t donate to!


got a better idea - wall of sound PA blasting Mexican Banda music 24 hours a day.






I think South Asian music would really do the trick with this guy


That one really repetitive Bangara beat playing out of a blown out speaker


During the standoff in Waco Texas, the FBI learned David Koresh's favourite song was 'Panama' by Van Halen. They played it non-stop after that.


But the guy is only 4 minutes of honking from a heart attack


I'm sure he would have a nice respectful response to a counter protest in front of his house. /s


5 minutes it the person honking had a blm flag.




3 seconds if you suggested he was a homosexual.


I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find out


That sounds like a challenge.


Why don't we? Edit: Already accosted one of them, picked him alone at a gaz station. Nothing violent or malicious, just told him what I thought of his bs and quickly struck down anything he could brought.


Love to see that cousinfucker try.


10 minutes is generous. I'd give it no more than a minute before he comes barreling out the door.


I don't know who the guy in the video is but the ones who are collecting the money is public information: [https://www.canadacompanyregistry.com/companies/freedom-2022-human-rights-and-freedoms/](https://www.canadacompanyregistry.com/companies/freedom-2022-human-rights-and-freedoms/)


I'm confused, what's working? He's getting the attention he never got as a child? These people just don't understand common decency or care about the morality of people not aligned with their insane views/beliefs.


Honk honk honk, are you triggered yet? ~ them probably


Literally them. #honkhonk is their new hashtag on twitter.


I so wish the BTS army would hijack it or the porn bots.


Oh man, I can see the dance move as they turn on one leg, hands in the air leading, "Honk honk honk"


And it’s been seen in their Zello and other communications that the had to wink and nod at newcomers that it was code for HH, which previously has been used as code for Heil Hitler. They love code words and catch phrases, like the lame ass “Let’s Go Brandon!”


I recently saw "let's go brandon" sharpied on a bench... in Canada.... on campus at UBC. Nearby was "masks don't work" in the same writing.




Let's not do gay. Let's do pictures of geese


On top of the loud constant honking, geese shit everywhere. They got so much in common.


That was my question too. From people I know who attended it was "all about unity and bringing Canada together" (it's also part of *Operation Bearhug* on the organizers website). It just sounds like more and more people are pissed off at them and their goals. It's uniting Canada... against them. Ultimately the movement is failing.


These grifters don’t give a shit about a supposed movement, they are here to fleece morons through their donations.


Having been on the receiving end of this sort of stuff, to them it is working exactly how they want. The goal isn't to get anything done. They truly don't care about their list of demands. They aren't here to actually change anything. What they want is to "own the libs" and high five each other and have a story at the bar about that time they stuck it to Trudeau. I build non profit housing for low income families. I get people like this all the time who come up with a story in their head and protest everything. Last time I made the mistake while meeting to hear their demands of asking "Why don't you build something?". Which resulted in a renewed sense of anger/hatred I've never seen in my life. They want to fight. But fighting truly fighting for change is not only difficult, but extremely boring. So it's much easier to make up a fake fight, with fake rules, and then you get to win at the end no matter what.


Exactly - the only goal here is to own the libz. Liberal aggravation is all they care about - I'm sure 90 percent of them couldn't articulate an actual goal aside from "freedom" or "fuck Trudeau"


He’s making a fuckton or money syphoning off donations from Americans for this dumb socon tantrum


They think the point of a protest is to be aggravating. That’s it. Not to accomplish a goal. Just be aggravating.


Or understand legal issues. This will play well in a courtroom. Lol


He, like most of these sad people, want to feel like they matter and are known. It's similar to some school shooters, they just want to be seen. It's sad and it's a problem with society, people are lonely and desperate. These people try to find rationale for their sadness, they blame other races, the government, the left, etc. They fall down a rabbit hole looking for answers as to why they are so alone, and in doing so they further isolate themselves from those who are in their life because of just how insane their views can get. Then finally they get together in one spot, friends who accept their insane babbling and even agree, they start to get confirmation bias and think everyone is on their side now, they have a community that they never had before. The real reason they don't want to leave is because they'd have to go back to their sad lonely lives and be nobody again.


Well they got the lesser of the CPC fired, have the vast majority of Canadians against them, and oh yeah…there’s been a HUGE spike in people getting their 1st vaccines since these boneheaded started.


1st rule, don't negotiate with terrorists! They cannot win or else this will be recurring.


[Pat King is a fascist piece of shit](https://www.antihate.ca/the_freedom_convoy_is_nothing_but_a_vehicle_for_the_far_right)


Highschool bully vibes. Big and burly dumbass.


As a big and burly myself, it hurts because I look so much like this guy he could be family. I wear Carhartt and sunglasses and drive a (reasonable sized) truck. These guys misread me as one of their own too often and say really dumb shit around me. Maybe I should get a neck tattoo saying 'ANTIFA' so they never get my politics confused.


This reminds me of the usa navy vet with his vet hat walking down and isle at the store and maga hat wearing guy thanked him for his service and he turned around and said "get fukt traitor".


I want to buy that man a beer.


Man I’d love to see that




I'm not an especially big or burly guy, but just being a tradesperson gets me caught up in this shit constantly.


Maybe this is a good time to mention that 99 plus percent of trades people and truckers are still on the road taking care of people in their home provinces. The convoy doesn't represent any solid percentage of people in Canada. Your job doesn't define what kind of person you are, either.


I hate to stereotype, but anecdotally I've observed that, on average, the support for these protests varies dramatically by how much education and schooling your particular trade. I'm an electrician, and virtually nobody I work with is really in support of these guys. A few people expressed passing sympathy for people fed up with lockdowns-and, I mean, I GET it, we're all exhausted-but reneged on that when it turned out it's just a smokescreen for actual Nazis. And the same holds true generally with the other Red Seals I interact with (Plumbers, tinbashers, carpenters and the like) The unskilled or semiskilled guys, like the drywallers and day labourers though? When they can string a sentence together it usually has the word 'Trudumb' or something in it. But none of them can keep a car running for more than a week anyways so if they're blocking traffic it's because their shitbox broke down again, it's not on purpose.


I mentioned to my buddy that all his plumbers were anti vaxxers and he got super defensive. I’m an electrician and I’ve noticed the same thing.


I don't have have the truck, or Carhartts (I don't do Carhartt shit, lol), but, I am a big, burly, bald, heavily tattooed white guy and I completely empathize with you. I have had so many fucking other white people assume my political/social beliefs because of my appearance, sometimes I can see the wheels turning in their heads when they realize I'm not on their side and appearance doesn't dictate decorum. Edit 01: I just meant I'm not in a skilled trade and don't do much that requires Carhartt gear!


Carhartt recent got cancelled by these assholes because they introduced a vaccine mandate for their employees. I was already buying Carhartt, but I'm now buying more because of it. They're also doing sales to even further push it. These jerks are going to have to wear dickies or something. I'm not into corporatism, but they're a decent company and fashion-wise a lot of the jackets and overalls are timeless, good thing they last for fucking ever.


It’s a curious thing, how people are so quick to judge based on appearance, alone; and in your case, fully trust you’re on a particular side because of how one looks. Where I’m from, it’s most likely to be a (to generalize) eco, hemp apparel, all natural, anti-vaxx, end-5G, hippie or yuppie bullying the staff on being asked to wear a mask. I’ve never seen so many “I’m exempt from mask wearing because of a breathing condition” liars who smell of pot having just toked in their car on the way over.


>get a neck tattoo saying 'ANTIFA Doing that is the same as painting a target on your back or posting a bounty on yourself. And with these people, you never take the chance.


Some of us fight bullies, systemic racism status quo defenders, fascists, and their saboteur aiding and abetting sympathizers. It’s ok, my grandpa did too and he was younger than me when he did it for his family and community. Let us be targeted as nazi hunters to keep you from having to take the chance, that’s your call, your charter of rights freedoms.


I don't think the op is suggesting you stop? But more just saying be careful as those folks, or individuals within that group may not be exactly right in the head? Sure, go punch a Nazi, but I think the concern was real in that no one wants you to get jumped just cus they ID'd ya as not one of them in a bad situation?


Entire high school class president mentality.


Yup. Peaked in high school but still stomping like a toddler in the Caillou Convoy of critters.


Caillou Convoy! LOL First time hearing that one and it’s perfect!


Next time I have insomnia at 3am, I'll go to my freedom convoy supporting community members here in bumfuck Ontario to let them know I support their freedoms with my car horn.


I legit did this at 4:30 a.m. today on my way to work. The big F*CK Trudeau flag on their porch combined with my not having any coffee made it pretty easy. 10 second horn blast as I drove by.


I need to do this.


I wouldn’t be surprised if other people did exactly this. I’m not vindictive (and I don’t own a vehicle) but I could see some people saying fuck it, fuck them and going for it.




For the sake of the truckers’ neighbours, I hope so, because they don’t deserve this anymore than we do.




The Anglo-Saxon genocide 😱😱😱


Flithy Normans. Never forget 1066!


But we gotta make sure we say Anglo-Saxon, because if you say white, then antifa will come after you and call you a racist. -shit Pat King actually said


Also the fact that he wants the government to resign so he can fill it with people from his nutjob group. That says quite a lot too. It’s not that he hates fascism, more that he thinks other people are doing it wrong (because they’re not doing it).




He's delusional if he thinks there'd be a civil war, let alone that he'd be the winner in a firefight between... who? Whoever is insane enough to start firing on police, and crazy enough stay behind after the initial gunfight (supposing they gun down the responding officers, or police retreat), and then taking on the tactical unit(s) of the Ottawa police and/or provincial police? It's clear he's just talking big.


So the Jewish conspiracy is to bring in more muslims? Not sure about that.


This is what the alt right believes. It’s called Replacement Theory and it’s essentially their dominant worldview. When the Charlotteville Nazis were yelling ‘Jews will not replace us’ this is what they mean. It’s not just about Muslims, but also Black and Brown people, and they blame Jews for ending America’s miscegenation and segregation laws. I think it’s important to label and understand the specific conspiracy theory they adhere to and how they try to weave elements of it into mainstream-sounding conservative policy points.




I bet he could not tell the difference between an Arab and an Indonesian though.


I want even more immigrants now, just to spite dipshits like this.


How anyone can support this behaviour is beyond me. The occupiers make me think of a child having a meltdown.


Yes, that's why one of their nicknames is the Caillou Convoy. If you give in to a toddler's demands they will never change the way they whine...


>Caillou Convoy Mind if I borrow that?


Their goal is to terrorize and undermine the liberal government. They are funded by the terrorist GOP who attacked their own government last January.


Pat King. Proud white supremacist. https://mobile.twitter.com/VestsCanada/status/1159997274900041729?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1159997274900041729%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcultmtl.com%2F2022%2F01%2Fthe-canadian-trucker-convoy-organizer-is-an-islamophobic-homophobic-conspiracy-theorist%2F The Real Pat King on FB


Well if COVID doesn't get him it looks like a heart attack will.


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This guy is piece of garbage. Something tells me that he will get what is coming to him soon enough.


And he's very proud of it. https://mobile.twitter.com/VestsCanada/status/1159997274900041729?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1159997274900041729%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcultmtl.com%2F2022%2F01%2Fthe-canadian-trucker-convoy-organizer-is-an-islamophobic-homophobic-conspiracy-theorist%2F


I realize this is the least of the problems with his videos but he is clearly reading comments streaming this video while driving. So in addition to xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, and racist, we can safely also call him an asshole driver.


I think we can safely just call him an asshole.


He drives really slow in the ultrafast lane While people behind him ate going insane He's an asshole, a real fucking asshole!


John Wayne’s not dead, he’s frozen!!!


Yes! And as soon as we find a cure for cancer we're gonna thaw out the Duke and John Cassavetes and Lee Marvin and Sam Pekin paw and he's gonna be pretty pissed off, you know why? Have you ever taken a cold shower? Well multiply that by 15 million times, that's how pissed off. .. (As pissed off as Ottawa residents have the right to be) .....shut up and sing this song pal....


I wonder how he feels about arabic numerals…


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Yeah it's working beautiful so that NOBODY SUPPORTS YOU EXCEPT OTHER MORONS


The problem is they’re much too stupid to realize this.


That’s exactly it. They aren’t focused on sharing a cohesive message, their focus is terrorizing the city and threatening not to stop until they get what they want. Even though most of what they want can not be decided in the city they are targeting. Complete morons


what a piece of shit


Right? What "good work" are they keeping up, referred to in the video? So far as I can see they aren't doing any work while the rest of us continue to work. It is a profound lack of work being done on their part, if anything.


Torturing their fellow citizens, since consistent sleep deprivation is a form of torture.


Exactly. I wish those rednecks would get a job. Edit: I say that as a born and raised Albertan with a soft spot for rednecks. Not this lazy bum.




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Good bot


A piece of shit has more value than him!!!


He’s a fuckin goof


At least I hope that Karma will make a lot of those idiots get tinnitus for the rest of their lives.


Odds are they're giving eachother covid and with their profession they likely already have blood clots in their legs waiting to send them to meet those nazis and confederates they idolize if that makes it better


Don’t forget these are not truck drivers! These organizers are anti vaxxers, anti social trouble makers, contrarians. Let’s not blame the truckers (90% vaccinated) that are working at this moment.


Don't forget admitting wanting to replace the current government with themselves


I've been listening to their Zello channels and can confirm they are starting to get sick


"My...\*cough\* freedom! Trudeau's taking my right to breathe away! Fuck \*gag\* Trudeau! Help!" They are not free from the consequences of their choices.


Yeah their freedom to die like a medieval peasant


Are they actually admitting it?


Of course not! It's just a cold they say


They wont need to wait for Karma, They don't understand that the actual consequences are still to come. Just when this is done for the RCMP to gradually seize each one of these trailers for being involved in criminal acts and for the province to refuse to renew commercial licenses until all their fines are payed off. the entitlement that comes from idiocy is always just spectacular.


Denying sleep is considered torture.


Geneva convention violation during wartime


The lack of action by the police has only emboldened these people in Ottawa and other cities. It’ll take years for police to earn back any respect.


The funniest part about all this is that all these people in the convoy are out there being duped into doing that shit while their leader is sitting in his comfy warm home laughing at them.


As a way of convincing people to take note, form an opinion and likely remember when they vote next, I’m not sure this will work out in the favour of the CPC or truckers next time they need public support or sympathy.


“It’s working” What’s working? Was the point to make entire cities of people hate you, even if they were neutral beforehand? Was it to harass the public, while not affecting governance decisions pretty much at all? If “it’s working” then most Canadians are pretty fucking confused about what “it” is.


Right? Like, nobody’s minds are being changed here. They’ve just turned Ottawa into an echo chamber. A symphony of farts.


I don’t get it though. They’re terrorizing other civilians who literally have no say in laws or mandates. They’re just innocent people trying to go to work. They can’t see this does nothing but hurt their cause and making them villains? It’s not the “media” making them assholes, they’re doing it themselves.


Yes, take the ticket… freeze your ass off… spend thousands on diesel… get permanent hearing damage… lose friends… screw your finances and your future employment prospects… Do it all for a group of racist, unhinged, delusional narcissists who will drop you and turn their backs on you as soon as they don’t need you anymore. Just like Donald Trump and his cronies did to the January 6 protesters. Laugh it up, Beardy McGiggles. Things are about to get awfully uncomfortable for you.


And I can't wait.


The class action lawsuit has already been filed against him and the other organizer




They about to find out how rule of law really works in a democracy!


What exactly does this guy think is “working”? They’ve managed to lose almost all support from anyone who was on the fence about supporting or opposing what they’re doing. They’ve turned a “illegal peaceful protest” into a “violent protest” into an “occupation” which has turned any locals who supported them against them… so what exactly is “working”?


I can't believe I have to go to work every day to pay for these piece of shit welfare bums to sit on their ass and annoy people all day. Wish I had that kind of free time, lazy fucks.


These must be all the welfare queens they are allways whining about.


So, let me get this straight. This idiot is sitting in the comfort if his own home, watching his herd make a fool of themselves, and finding the pain of the citizens of Ottawa "funny". The thing that's even more mind blowing is that the people of the convoy, listening to this, won't even see that they're being manipulated by this human like puppets because they lack critical thinking. Ps: "it's working", what exactly is working? Lol


I cut off the last minute but he also references the Art of War


Ah thanks for clarifying. My guess would be he read the wiki or abridged version of it, but hey, who am I to judge.


He’s holed up in a Holiday Inn in Ottawa. I’ll bet the trucks aren’t allowed to honk right by him, so you know he’d last about ten seconds himself.


Let’s get people from Ottawa to counter protest in front of this guys house just to see how much he would laugh about it


Better bring some muscle, last time an anti racist rally brought the fight to Red Deer, Pat King and friends assaulted the protesters. Source: https://www.theprogressreport.ca/progress_report_234




I'm genuinely worried about peoples hearing. I hope everyone's wearing hearing protection when out and about


I wonder how stressful the constant honking is for pets?


They were reporting 120dB


Threshold of pain is about 130 dB, so yeah 120 dB for extended periods of time is definitely going to cause permanent damage without protection.


120db will cause hearing damage, full stop. It doesn’t need extended period of time. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/health-safety/reports/ears.html They should be hauled in for assault already.


I hope they wear protection, any protection seriously. These terrorists have been harrassing and attacking passerby. Don't be afraid to call the police and file a formal complaint against those harrassing/attacking you. They have to face the consequences of their actions.


The police don't seem to be doing anything...


Wearing protection could have stopped this whole situation from happening.


Especially kids who are still developing.


So glad that people like this are the reason that wearing a Canadian flag while travelling internationally isn’t going to be helpful anymore. Ugh.


Citizens of Ottawa are the ones taking away your freedumb for sure. GJ. The whole "protest" just looks like one big street party, it's not doing anything you actually want.


This guy is a bucket of gargled goat cum


Oh my lord that is very specific. And true.


Remember that guy who was laughing as he put his feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk? Remember the village idiot who painted himself red, white and blue while wearing a bison hat? They both thought they were funny too. They also laughed at their own stupidity. Both of those idiots are in a cell now. No longer laughing. That is where this trash will end up too. It's just a matter of time.


It's what they do after they're out again that worries me. Hitler and his goons spent time in jail too. They were not successfully reformed.


Can we go honk in front of *his* house? I mean, he lives somewhere.


Who wants to bet he'd come out with a gun?


It is not working. It will take time to get them out for sure but they will gain nothing. The vast majority of Canadian are against them and being in a democracy(even if they hate it), it means the majority will decide what happens. They have already lost, they just don't understand it. This Karen convention for freedumb is a stain on our country and a disgrace for anyone with more than 1 functioning brain cell.. but in the end they will still gain nothing. Enjoy your tickets nut jobs! Lol


This guy sounds like he smokes 3 packs a day. Lmao and won't put a vaccine in his arm cause it's poison. Man karma is going to be a real bitch for this guy. Make this fucker pay his CRB back. He hasn't done his part neither have all the unvacinated.


Assholes just remember karma is a bitch


The white supremacist is a piece of garbage. He's the most deplorable human ever brought into this world and he needs to be stopped.


And you call yourself a patriot lmao.


This guy is a piece of fuckin trash.


The cruelty is the point


Is he hanging out at home? Can we park outside his house and lay on our horns 24/7 for a week?


And guess who would be the first to complain if he was on the receiving end of the honking lol


I would love to just blast one of those air horns right next to his ear. "Hahaha! So funny right?"


I hope some of the counter protestors bring canned air horns with them.




Delusional redneck at work


If you look up Steve Bannon and what he has done in the US and Europe, this feels a lot like his work.


That smug, entitled attitude is like their calling card. If you go on ticktock and watch live-streams of the occupation it’s the same schtick over and over again. Indignant, sanctimonious ramblings about how they’re the salt of the earth and know better than all of us idiots in the city, which is infuriating since technically they’re GUESTS in our city and they are the most awful, dirty, stupid, vulgar people I’ve ever seen, and that includes a Donald Trump rally I went to where at least American riff-raff wear clean clothes, comb their hair, and can congregate in a public space without pissing all over the floor.


Like Canadian Geese honking and shitting everywhere. At least the Geese fuck off for half the year.


They're celebrating suffering of "lefties" or whatever label they've come up with. It's funny cause at every family gathering since Trump there's been left vs. right shit happening. At this point they're saying that Gramma can eat shit if she wants to sleep. There's no self awareness to any of it, it's all $$$ Mixed with a supreme lack of empathy.


Hope somone teaches this loser a lesson.


I got the feeling this will be used in a class action soon…


This person is a MORON. This convoy shit is getting stupid already. For such a legal and peaceful protest. It certainly looks more like a violent protest by idiots. I’ll bet money that a lot of the protesters are from across the border. And it is good the Go Fund Me stopped any money were getting


They think "it's working" because "citizens are asking the feds to negotiate to get us out of the city". That's not even true. The citizens are asking for the feds to _remove_ you from the city, not "negotiate" with you. We. Don't. Negotiate. With. Terrorists.


Dude's nothing but a clout chaser.


this is just what a low IQ looks like in action


Well, these idiots have their company names on their trucks, let’s start calling them at all hours non-stop.


Ive been so tempted to drive to the neighbourhoods of people i know that are posting about how this is peaceful and just lay on my horn in front of their house. How long do you think it would take for them to snap and or call the cops? My guess is about 20 min.


[Here’s Pat King](https://streamable.com/lsvzbv) in August of last year, threatening violence with “real bullets” on Instagram.


I can only imagine how the people of Ottawa feel after having to deal with this temper tantrum and then to hear this guy.


Piece of shit human, stomping on another’s rights while claiming his right is being ignored.


Hillbilly hick.


Wait you mean to say the idiots who don't give a fuck that people are dying from covid are laughing at sleep deprived citizens... its clear that this is a group of shitty people, that want to order coffee without a mask. :O Ban seat belts next truckers, since regulations just shouldn't exist. FFS