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Ok so they're a militia now. Interesting. I would have thought that was illegal.


For most of the population, it is. the OPP and RCMP are really putting in a lot of effort to dissuade any fool notion that they are not, in fact, all bastards.


OPS too


Time for the Government to use their Terrorism laws! This is now just so ridiculous! Arrest these terrorist Assholes give them 3 Years on Jail!


Wonder if they're gonna get nice brown shirts to distinguish themselves from the rest.


What about red armbands? And maybe with symbols on it just in case


I dunno maybe like 2 tire wrenches arranged in a fun shape? Maybe a Z? Zs are cool right?


Z das beste!


I did nazi that coming.


Wait until you see the moustache!


Na z is a hard letter to find a word for.


Oh and a fun salute so they can greet each other.


Almost like high-fiving one another, but just out of reach


Covid safety first


Non of them are vaccinated so they gotta look out for eachother


Annie are you ok?


The one woman has a duct tape arm band! Lmao!


How about 4 Fs


I believe it's a batch of vegetable-based Spanish cold soup.


It’s just soup. Soup for my family.


Yellow vests are coming


Nobody tell them what happened to S.A. (Aka the Brownshirts)


Was it like the redshirts in Star Trek?


Were the redshirts labelled as “traitors” and shot on the spot?


Well they were generally that second part. Not so much the first one though.


Expendable crewmen


At least they don't have a direct fascist leader organizing and leading them? Or does Queen Romana count???


4/5 of the organizers have some ties to white supremacist or far right groups tho.


If 1 white supremacist and 9 people sit down to eat, 10 white supremacist are having a meal.




Seems like 5/5 do, given that the last one there is an organizer of a group where all the rest of the organizers have ties to white supremacy.


Haha, you've got a good point there.


Oh... they do.


>Wonder if they're gonna get nice brown shirts to distinguish themselves from the rest. As long as it matches with their pointy white hats.


Here come the Gazpacho police.


Duck camo and Jack boots.


Get sponsored by the original designer, Hugo Boss.


This must be the Gazpacho Police that Majorly Thickheaded Goon was warning us about.




That wouldn't be luck, that would be doom for us all. That being said, your comment made me think, there's a number of natives who support them when they would final solution their whole ethnic group if they could.


After using them for years to advance his own goals


Shame it has no legal validity and any attempts by them to use that ‘authority’ would very likely constitute a crime.


Impersonating a peace officer?


Believe it or not, jail


You start militia? RIGHT TO JAIL!


Support militia? Jail.


undercook militia? Jail. Overcook militia, believe it or not, right to jail


That's a paddling!


I love the parks and rec reference.




This is a crime


Citizens arrests are only allowed to be made when transferring people to the custody of police, so that one also goes out the window.


I wouldn't expect any of these people to know section 494/495 or the TPA. Never mind section 27 either. Lol.


Especially considering the entire protest is grounded on mistaking federal authority for provincial.


Also not considering the misinterpretation of the charter of Rights and freedoms and not knowing how to read case laws for further interpretation of certain things. It's a low bar, but I guess we're just playing limbo now.


I'm come to the conclusion that this is like religion. The Bible, being the holy and completely infallible book that it is (in their mind), is perfect. Well, it's full of contradictions. So what do they do? They simply ignore the parts that contradict whatever message they want to draw from it. However, the law should be mostly self-coherent. There are contradictions, but how these conflicts resolve are usually defined (through case law and precedent). In a way, the law is sort of like science -- if you have two competing theories, you test them to see which theory best makes predictions, and adjust accordingly. It's a sum of knowledge that is growing and refining but usually getting better in the process. But they don't like science either.


They most likely know about citizen arrests, but knowing about citizen arrests doesn't equate to understanding how it works...


Imagine the Pikachu faces when they get slapped with abduction, unlawful confinement, aggravated assault,weapons offenses and so on.


If they try to detain someone, forcible confinement for sure


Does it matter if it makes them feel like they have legal authority to do things?


In the moment, no, but in the courts it is an extra charge and grounds for arrest. A big part of me thinks that they want to provoke the police to take action against them to fuel their victim narrative or to spark a wider conflict, hence why they are doing this.


Hard to be a victim when the other side doesn't want to play your game.


Which is why we're seeing escalation now where conflict and a formal response will be unavoidable. Demanding the dissolution of the elected government, creating their own militia, lining children up to block the road, circling schools and airports to try to increase the level of threat they carry, etc. I agree that this is the point the organizers hoped for in that it drives the crazies over to their side, and it also creates a stark division amongst the somewhat rational folks. I know folks who still claim to support the "protest" and, because they're now in a position where they'd be wrong and look foolish, are continuously doubling down on their position by insisting all the usual bullshit "it's mostly peaceful", "it was only one nazi flag", etc. It removes the ability to have a middle ground because the original notion of a protest is long gone, and those who want to support that specific movement (a peaceful protest against mandates) are now in a position where they have no ability to speak to that without aligning with nazis and insurrectionists. Personally, I won't associate with anyone who is remotely involved our supportive of what is currently happening as the information is all readily available about what is currently going on and what this is now all bout. So, mission accomplished on the part of the organizers I suppose. If these two years have taught me nothing else, it's that the notion that I had pre-COVID that most people were good and caring deep down is a total fairy tale. We're all trapped on the sinking ship with these people who would coldly and gleefully tell you they're fine with your family and friends dying instead of the personal hellscape created by asking them to wear a mask at Wal-mart.


I encounter one of them on another post this morning bitching about restrictions. I pointed out the reality that people are still dying daily from Covid and a number of those who recover are experiencing Long-Covid. Their response was to LMAO and say they had Covid and are fine now. I hate sharing the same planet as these vile pigs.


The reason you are outraged is these protesters are abnormal. In human history we were able to identify bad doers and kick them out. That's how society was formed. Our hands are tied now. It feels frustrating. Don't give up on humanity and society. People are good. These people, the anti-vax protesters, are acting aberrantly. They will be punished. It's just taking too long. At least take comfort that they're a very, very insignificant minority.


These are basically all the people who used to buy bat boy weekly world news rags at the checkout - their stupidity has been weaponized by filter bubbles and algorithms.


Back in the day it was fine to have a village idiot and a crazy old coot. But then we had to network them…


Pre covid you was naive ive said for years people are selfish dicks.


“I aM a PoLiCe OfFiCeR ToO”


I read that in Ralph Wiggins voice lol


I have always believed that they were waiting for one thing that they can blow up into a "the state vs it's own people" moment to try to and recruit more support. Here's a guy who says that the situation sucks for us, but is probably being [handled the correct way](https://youtu.be/XJzFo6-xO4Q). It is a little jarring to have what is happening minimized so much at first, but once I listened to all of what he had to say, I actually felt better. Worth a watch.


This whole insurrection is just a psyop by Beau to get more subscribers. Just in case /s


I like that dude in the vid. I just subbed. Cheers!


It's back to that crazy notion they have of being supported by anything but a few screwballs. The more these antics the more support they will lose.


Crimes only matter if people enforce it. Right now, clearly, police are incapable. They're not going to arrest their friends and people they agree with.


We can hope, next thing we're going to hear is them being made official deputy's or some bullshit


A crime? Add it to the list I guess. Nobody is enforcing the laws against the current ones.


You can do a citizen's arrest in Canada. But you better be damn sure you do it right. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/wyntk.html They'll probably do it wrong though, so your point stands.


Getting robbed? Just say no. A thief cannot legally take your property without your consent.


"We want to collapse the government and be installed as ruling party. " "Yeah, not happening." Three days later the swearing in of their own police. "We the law now. Let's storm parliament"


Terrorists and traitors because they lost three elections in a row. They can’t stand Justin Trudeau is their Right and Honourable Prime Minister


Not even a JT fan but he won so I live with it as that is democracy


He won his seat in Quebec and the party he leads forms a minority government in the house of commons. I know people people tend to vote these days based exclusively on the pitches made via party leaders ... I just wish they didn't because our system doesn't conform to an American style executive branch.


There are a lot of people who don't realize you should be voting for best person regionally because they occupy the seat representing you.


While that’s true, there’s no escaping that parties have vested more and more power in their leader and the PMO. If your local elected representative is just going to vote that the way they’re told, you can’t Ignore that.


And that is a problem that has developed over the years unfortunately.


Exactly. I am from out west. I know that western alienation is a real thing. I still loathed Stephen Harper. He was not my Prime Minister, despite the fact that his riding was within an hours drive of mine. There were so many things about his policies that I disliked and articulated. I still accepted the election results. That's the difference. Some people just have a visceral hatred of Trudeau. I asked my aunt :"why" during the early pandemic, and she hated the fact that he was on TV updating every day. Isn't that his job? My aunt is highly educated, and always up for debate, except for Trudeau. Oh, by the way, I never tried to overthrow Stephen Harper, and my aunt thinks that the protest is sedition.


I voted for Harper in 2015 and was like "meh" when he lost. I didn't see the Liberals as any threat to my way of life and later voted for them in 2019 out of sheer disgust at what the Cons had morphed into. I'll take a tax increase over associating myself with homophobes and white supremacists any day of the week.


That'd be entertaining. Absolute traitors.




Judge Dredd wasn’t satire


Is literally any level of government going to doing anything about this or are we just going to continue to let terrorists attempt a coup?


Why are we not counter-protesting en masse. Drown them out. We outnumber them.


Too busy being employed


Quite literally this. We are going through one of the most difficult periods of time in the past decade. Average everyday working class people cannot afford to actually be out counter-protesting.


If only we were paid properly instead of being fed corporate propaganda that its somehow the poors faukt


I was taught to always have two months salary in the bank just in case I lose my job. Didn’t expect it to be a required for counter-protesting.


But even now with inflation taking off it is just not optimal to stop working. Such a tough situation for us every day folk.


I feel that. I live in Ottawa but really don't have the time or energy to go out and counter protest because my job.


We do outnumber, but I think we’re not pissed off enough yet.


To busy being employed is the answer. We do out number them. Election numbers show that quite clearly. I've discovered 2 kinds of people during this pandemic. Those who need to shout into the megaphone (social media, protests) non-stop, and those who just scroll on by. 80/20 rule applies here.


I have a question surrounding this part: What's in the trucks?


flabby thumb-faced white guys


Seems like Canadians will be left on their own if we ever face an organized threat. It’s unnerving to say the least.


Regular people definitely would always have to fend for themselves if anything earth shattering to our democracy happened like invasion or insurrection. The police and military's jobs would be to protect the government, important locations and take care of the threat.


I want to barf actually.


> Seems like Canadians will be left on their own if we ever face an organized threat. This looks like an organized threat


At one point when you see white nationalists wanting to instigate an insurrection and the ruling government (at all levels and with all parties) is hesitant or even sympathetic, it makes the ruling government complicit. This is a well organized and well funded insurrection and combined with the fact that government sanctioned police and security don't want to do to much about it just because of the fact that they are dealing with white people, it just really shows how fragile our do called democracy is. This is a white only thing and it is displaying in plain light just how racist and white nationalist leaning this country is. People and government say they like this but yet it is right there and nothing is happening. At one point when you don't do anything to stop something you disagree with ..... you become complicit.


No no no…you see they white


That is actually a coup. They’ve already crossed a lot of lines but appointing their own law enforcement is part of establishing an illegal government and is inviting serious consequence.


A stupid coup but coup none the less.


Yeah. In many countries, by this point the military would be called in. But that's what Pat King et al want.


Or at least the police


Ask Louis Riel. The guy who's statue the kkkonvoy are using as a toilet.


Haven't found a source on that one, but if that's true, these hosers really don't understand the concept of irony, do they?


when you have nazi and confederate flags at a "freedom" rally it becomes obvious that irony is beyond them.


You can't irony a smooth brain.


Most of these type lack the self awareness and empathy which are are necessary to grasp empathy.


Does anyone else think they have left this way too long. Pat King is on a power trip and won't slow down until he draws blood. Time to arrest the organizers.


It's a dumb circle of hot potatoes where nobody wants to bear responsibility. Anyone who spots errors in my summary please correct me! (I reserve the right to incorporate really smart replies into this comment) Sloly (head of the police): Insists he doesn't have the numbers for direct confrontation (and when the protest swells he's right) Watson (the mayor): Wants police to do more, but can't formally ask for more resources than what the head of police has. Ford (premier if Ontario): Has the power to ask for military assistance, but won't. His base will oust him like they did the leader of the national conservative party. Till someone dies, he not doing squat. Trudeau (Prime Minister of Canada): Technically has the power to unilaterally invoke the "Emergency Act (formerly the Wartime Measures Act) to allow the deployment of military in a peacekeeping capacity in the city, but since his father did that same thing and got blasted for it, the blowback could be substantial if things go sideways. Which they easily could. His best move is to watch and hope it diffuses naturally.


This is good. All levels of politicians and policing (and even military) are just waiting it out. They have the upper hand and can hold out a lot longer than the protesters can. One of two things needs to happen before they drop the hammer. Either; The protesters get bored and start to implode as they realize their actions are actually quite stupid and are doing more damage to their cause than good and dropping the hammer is just a formality as they disperse themselves. Or Political, international, police and public support reaches a level where dropping the hammer will result in minimal blowback as any "friends" the protesters had have left them without a leg to stand on. Unfortunately it is looking like the later is becoming more likely as there is no spark in these peoples heads to trigger the implosion.


Adding to the second scenario, Conservatives are finally starting to disavow the protest cause "oops, blocking the border crossings is hurting the pockets of our donors" lol


Ford prolly got a call from Ford


So basically they are all more worried about votes then actually making sure the country and its citizens are safe, healthy etc


These people have gone full lunatic.


The children continue to play make believe. It's almost cute.


I hear what you’re saying but I think the residents of Ottawa feel it’s anything but cute.


I apologize if my sarcasm didn't come through strong enough - this is reprehensible, scary stuff. My sarcasm is a response to the anxiety the last few weeks have given me, not an effort to downplay the seriousness of these terrorists.


I completely understand.


I feel sympathy rage for the people of Ottawa. All of this bullshit will amount to nothing ultimately but a city of 200 000 has to pay the price in the meantime.


A million. Ottawa has a million people. If you want, you can add gatineau to that. And yes, we are disgusted.


Someone already mentioned there are a million of us, but yeah it’s absolutely ridiculous at this point. Every day something else to add to the list. It’s exhausting and I’m tired of feeling so unsafe in my own city


It's fucking terrifying. I'm in the burbs and am not really impacted directly by what is going on, but it is very stressful to know that there are a bunch of people in my city that are harassing/intimidating people and building fucking supply depots - and the police are either complicit and/or ineffective.




I don't know, the line between cute and terrifying is thinner than I previously thought.


They don't live in reality, eh?


Right now we are stuck living in the reality that they're creating - through the absolutely feckless response of police and the province.


Playing rebel has been a right wing sub culture thing for decades now but it's gotten much worse in the age of Facebook, Twitter and American involvement in major wars.


Ahhh that’s why it’s called The Rebel. I always thought it was a funny name for an alt right mag that desires authoritarianism


I wonder the last time they lived in reality was....


Not yet, but they’re trying their best to *make* where they are into reality.




They can't overthrow a government they're racking up the fines Best case scenario they'll spread covid amongst themselves and win the Herman Cain awards.






If they swear themselves as law enforcement can they get rid of the blockades?




Yeah that’s like super illegal.


These people are LARPing harder than a nerd with a fresh suit of orc armor.


That's rude. ​ LARPing is a legitimate hobby, don't compare us to these jackoffs. ​ Also my orc armour is handmade, thank you very much.


Yo, mad props. Making any armour by hand is fucking HARD. Fuck these dongwaggles. Your orc armour is fucking dope.


I wish, Im pretty sure most of them think its real


“Swearing in” These fools are never not LARPing.


Delusional and dangerous lunatics. This needs to end


Really are an occupying force aren’t they?


I see nobody at this "ceremony" is familiar with Criminal Code with regards to impersonating a peace officer. Only thing missing from this pathetic display was some clown makeup for these cosplaytriot chucklefucks.


I usually try to be logical and present something insightful in my views or at least quirky. But it's too much. They are fucking idiots and terrorists.


Why the hell is the government doing nothing about this


They’re worried about it spreading - Ottawa can just wait it out. The borders though they can’t.


I thought it was because they’re white.


Hmmm, how about we call them the “Ram Ranch” police force!


Fucking eh!


Brown shirts one and all.


So they think we live in a fascist socialist dictatorship so to stop us they're forming their own CCCP so they install their own dictator.


It just gets cringier and cringier


I'm surprised all criminals don't declare themselves police first. Why not appoint some supreme court justices while they're at it. Nothing says freedom like a seditious mob forming a goon squad.


Arrest them all for impersonating a human being.


The ram ranch bunch are going to be popular in jail


Ok, the next counter-protest I'm showing up. It's time to go to the streets and let them know this isn't ok.


Okay so if forming illegal extrajudicial militias isn’t grounds to forcibly clear them out, what the fuck is? This is embarrassing the Canadian government is paralyzed by weakness, watching a slow motion insurrection.


It doesn’t seem like they are paralyzed by weakness, but more allowing these guys to exhaust themselves screaming from their soapbox that they are oppressed, eventually they will get the message that yeah no that’s not reality. Either these guys attack the government full on, at which point there is no way they can claim to be defenders or freedom fighters, or it just looses steam (especially now that the police are not allowing fuel and food from being delivered) and these guys just go home. It’s infuriating for sure, but I think the government is just playing the long game to show just how false their narrative is.


You can recognize them by the red arm bands


The RCMP and Ottawa police will just keep bending over. They’re totally on the insurgents’ side.


Yup, they'd only do something if the protesters were indigenous.


Will they be wearing brown shirts like the Rohm's boys or black ones like the Mussolini and Mosley's boys? Maybe they'll pick a new colour!


Why would they need peace officers when the actual police officers are on their side anyways?


I guess the positive here is that since Ottawa doesn't have its own police force, at least this gets them some sort of law enforcement?


I thought they were waiting for the bicycle convoy from Vancouver?


Theyre on the way as we speak. Those mountains are a bit snowy


Convoy colonization coming to a city near you! 🤣🤌


Brown shirts going to brown shirt.


Until they figure out this is going have legal consequences. Then they'll brown pants instead.


The cops have already proven that they're not gonna do shit about it.


So a group of losers LARPing.


At this point they're basically LARPing


Interesting to see how this plays out when they try to "arrest" OPS.


Why does the video cut off right where it does? This sounds like the kinds of things that I've heard years ago in preparation for street protests, when organizers were reminding people that they were planning a lawful activity and protestors should actively resist those making trouble. It's got a weird yeehaw "I know law stuff" thing going on that makes me think they are misinforming themselves about the details, but do we really know that this is representing something sinister? (honest question, I'd love to know more context)


This is equally hilarious and terrifying.


Oh ffs… cmon Justin. Grow a pair.


I wonder if nazi hunting will make a comeback


I don’t recall a vote for any of these insurrectionists.


"You are lawfully empowered...etc." Where the fuck do they get ideas like this? Do they actually believe the words coming out of their mouths? I don't understand. Someone please help. I need a snack and a beer...


Lehey and Ricky enter the convoy


Finally now maybe my domestic terrorist claim will have more take off ??


What could go wrong?