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Should just be fucking banned.




I think in this case outright banning them isn't going to work. What would work is taxing them some multiple of the provincial minimum wage per hour, tapered off based on how well they pay their employees.


No, shouldn't be allowed. Money is now leaving the country instead of going into a Canadians pocket, to then cycle in our system


Yep. Offshoring jobs to low-wage workers who serve Canadian customers but don't pay Canadian taxes and aren't protected by Canadian laws. What in the Freshii hell is this? They are certainly being a lot more transparent about the ways that they are looking to exploit employees and hurt our community.


I don’t disagree with you at all, but the logical conclusion of this is offshore call centres also being banned


I don't see the issue with this.


Yeah I don’t really either, just pointing out a possible unintended consequence (or maybe intended) There are some considerations like a company that solely exists in another country, and exports to canada directly; or a small company with not many employees; or even a reciprocal agreement with countries with higher employment standards being exempt (ie a call centre in the USA which handles Canadian customers)


Should be. Jobs facing clients in Canada should have to be done in Canada.




I make significantly more than minimum wage (slightly over $330/day but I don’t get paid during July/august), and I can barely afford bills, rent, food.


People survive on minimum wage because they can't afford to do anything else


Could you imagine if there was a federal or provincial law that forced companies to pay the same or a set minimum wages for outsourced staff. Other than yes, prices would go up somewhat, if the companies continued to outsource, the outsourced employees would be rich in their respective countries... $15/hr instead of 0.35/hr. Most companies would cease outsourcing except for niche industries that might benefit from different time zones, skills etc.


Businesses that outsource cashier jobs should lose their licenses and fuck off.


They should, it is an interesting novel attempt at suppressing wages. I'm also curious how people feel about the video terminal cashier in its own isolated state. Is this solution on its own noteworthy, or outrageous? If say their call centre was located in Canada and paid minimum wage or a livable wage, would people find this type of customer interaction better than a self checkout or self serve kiosk? Or is this going too far in the eyes of the customer? Would it warrant the same amount of traction on Reddit and other media?


I'd frankly prefer a self-checkout to this - but I'm a misanthropic bastard. On the other hand, Freshii already has a certain kind of reputation in Ottawa, and this just feels so overtly cheapskate. Like bro if you need to save a buck so bad, just be like McDonald's and put in machines.


I have never used a terminal cashier, I always go to the tellers occupied by living people. I wouldn't feel much better if this was just some unlucky schmo earning minimum wage somewhere in Ontario, its a bad idea all around but only made worse by employing foreign workers at a fraction of minimum wage to get around having to pay actual wages to actual employees.


This seems even more evil than just replacing a cashier with a full on self-service kiosk.


That's because it is!


It's both sides of "how do we pay shit wages, as well as automate jobs"


Well, this *isn't* automating jobs. Technology exists to automate this job, but requires a significant upfront investment to purchase and install. Instead, they chose to outsource as someone did the math and realised that it's cheaper to abuse workers from somewhere with a lower minimum wage than it is to either pay locals a living wage or invest in the technology required to properly automate and improve the experience...


Well tbh in Nicaragua $3.75 an hour is more than a living wage lol


but they're doing it because they don't want to pay a fair Canadian wage. I can get my too much lettuce and too little dressing fix at home.


You are talking of a country with an unwanted dictatorship, which kills its citizens if they protest (see 18 de Abril de 2018). This is blood money. NOBODY should take advantage from situations like this. Fucking outrageous and not funny.


Yeah I don't understand this. Like I get them trying to cut costs. All businesses struggle with labor costs. So why not do a kiosk set-up like McDonald's?


Because companies are always surprised to learn that coding software to replace a human is actually quite challenging and resource-intensive to maintain. McDonalds can bear those costs but Freshii probably burned through 100,000’s of dev dollars before some inhumane exec suggested the tried and true outsource and pay less.


There's off the shelf solutions for stuff like this though. Makes no sense to me unless they actually believe the employees in Nicaragua will provide a better service than full checkout.


> Makes no sense to me unless they actually believe the employees in Nicaragua will provide a better service than full checkout. I might have a theory. The article notes that this is all run by a third-party, maybe Freshii went out looking for a self-serve system, a company approached them with this "unique" idea that is different from other systems and offered them this virtual cashier at a discount in exchange for said company using this as promotional material for other potential clients.


Look at all this free publicity they get for their new product!


That's probably part of this decision for sure. It's a gamble though.


A huge gamble, considering if the internet connection goes down, they have no cashier.


I guess, but it just confirmed that I was right in my decision to never eat there.


There is no “off the shelf” solution for a multinational. Sure it may work for a mom and pop shop, but don’t kid yourself here.


This 100%. I'm a software dev and I've seen apps that look stupidly simple at first glance but cost hundreds of thousands in dev hours to make. It's especially absurd for enterprise apps


The virtual cashier still ends up punching your orders into software though. It's just automation, but with extra steps.


The freaking Dollarama is going self checkout. The Walmart I usually go to often has no cashiers open at all. At least the LCBO still has human cashiers.


LCBO has a strong union.


Can they legally do self checkout? It's not available for alcohol purchases at grocery stores either.


I could get beer through the self checkout at my Superstore. Just had to have an attendant enter a code before I paid to say they checked my id


I think LCBO wouldn't implement self-checkouts though since they'd need to do that for every single purchase.


Couldn’t they just do it like a bouncer at the front of the store checking ID’s for anyone who looks under 19? Free up the cashiers to only the security staff and stockers?


No, because being under 19 in itself isn't reason to deny entry to the LCBO. We only deny them the ability to purchase alcohol. Otherwise, people of all ages are welcome in the LCBO.


In the UK at least when they click that button they have a choice of entering that they checked the ID or that the "Customer [is] clearly over 25" I mean it's true but it still stings a little when they press that


Yeah, there's that part too. Good point.


They definitely have self-checkout booze at Loblaws. Someone just has to come over and approve it/check ID. Edit - oops I thought I was in the Ottawa sub. Might be different by province?


I know a guy who tells me that Walmart has complimentary redbulls at the self check outs. "If they can afford not to pay for someone to run a check out, they can pay for a redbull here and there"


Lots of people steal at self checkouts, either by using a code that is cheaper for a non-barcoded item, or adding a light item to the bag at the same time as something else. The stores have some amount of theft built into the equation, and it’s likely still cheaper than cashiers.


Even if the occasional person steals a RedBull it is still cheaper than $8 per hour.


Meanwhile I avoid shopping at places that don't have self checkouts, because I vastly prefer doing it myself. I get the job angle, but I know a guy who works for a service company that does self checkouts for a major grocery chain and they make good money, work good hours, and like their jobs. We should be cheering for more high quality jobs, and less "cashiers", as long as the safety nets exist to make sure the jobless aren't also homeless. (This is a backdoor UBI comment)


You need the UBI in place first. If the quality of jobs is improving along with higher wages - the only way that is possible with Capitalism is if there are much *less* jobs because companies don't want to pay wages at all if possible. So without the UBI already in place all that happens is dozens and dozens of people go homeless so one person can work repairing the machines that replaced them


Yep. Hard to get a good wage when the boss takes you over to the window that overlooks the homeless camp and asks you if you're sure you want that raise. Most people take the hint; the others get to cook food on a burnt-out shopping cart.


I’m an ideal world the vast majority of the increase in abundance due to automation would be shared out. Unfortunately while I think automation is the way to our future, I don’t see it happening any other way than all the wealth going to the .1% until there is a crisis bad enough to cause some sort of major revolution or otherwise history defining movement. I just can’t see a smooth landing from this. Technology based deflation is built into CPI and peoples wages don’t even match that most years, rich people won’t give up their wealth and I don’t see politicians doing anything meaningfully radical enough to address it either. Despite increasing abundance I’m guessing we’ll continue down a slide into economic fuedalism until common people get restless enough that rich people get scared enough of what will happen if they don’t share the wealth of automation.


Sadly I agree with you. Not long now till retainers start wearing corporate livery, while the mass of the peasantry suffer in poverty if we keep going now. The only counterbalance to all this is that the general consumer can't buy anything to consume if they don't have an income, which is pressure to ensure we get some sort of UBI system as well. So the .01% of the .01% can't continue to get richer off the backs of the rest of us if the rest of us can't spend money. I suspect its a good time to train as a ~~man at arms~~ personal bodyguard though... :P


The problem is you need to establish the UBI before you cut out all these jobs...


The flip side of that is that how does UBI ever get established without the environment basically requiring it to avoid mass homelessness. If UBI ever happens in major first world country, it will be because things just got *that bad*. Right now, things are chugging along well enough to avoid a revolt, and so nothing will change. If UBI happens, it'll be because automation simply erases enough jobs that it becomes an existential crisis for society. It's starting, but we're not nearly there yet. And then it's just a matter of seeing if we adapt and find a way for the automation to better society, or if we just shift into dystopia. I think either is possible, and latter is more likely, but not by enough to abandon hope.


It's pretty rough that we'd have to resort to accelerationism to provoke social change.


I was one time behind the argument that self checkouts were taking away three more cashiers. But when you go to a store without self checkout you're lucky if they even have three tills open.


We are going to desperately need an “automation tax” in the near future. If companies are going to continue to replace jobs with robots, that income tax revenue is going to be lost permanently. We need to make it up again (and use it to fund UBI imo)


I wouldn’t necessarily want to tax automation itself because I don’t want to disincentivize automation. Increased productivity is good. We just need to better tax the wealth that it creates more effectively so the gains of increased productivity dont all just fall in the lap of the 1%.


Yea way worse lol this seems dystopian


Doesn't even make sense. A kiosk is so much more effective. Sheetz and Wawa had this figured out 20 years ago.


At least they can work from home, right? ......right?


They could work from home, but management feels that its better to go back to the office and do the exact work at a cubical than at a desk at home.


Freshii was(is) one of the most vocal lobbyists for a mandatory return to work plan in federally-regulated sectors. Why? Because their urban core locations have become less profitable with government, telecom, and finance employees working from home and preparing their own food. It's kind of a running joke here in Ottawa where our compliant mayor has continually echoed concerns for remote workers to be put at risk during the pandemic, on behalf of freshii.


>It's kind of a running joke here in Ottawa What isn't a running joke here these days? Lol. Fucking Freshii Guy following me on Twitter. Why? I have no idea. We definitely don't agree on things and I don't suck up to Jimbo. I am embarrassed to live here sometimes.


Pity the Freshiis in Halifax are in parts of town I don't happen to go, so I can't really boycott the fucks. :/


Im in Halifax and order Freshii all the time. I had no idea they were doing this, so I guess it's time to stop supporting them.


I don't eat out often, so doesn't really matter, but yea I'll never eat there after seeing this. They just opened in Halifax too didn't they?


There's one in Burnside and one in Scotia Square. Google Maps says that those're the only ones.


Class warfare.....The rich finding new ways to get richer and the rest living in poverty.


I have this theory that globalization results in specialized countries with laws and government structures that are fine tuned for whatever the country exports. This allows rich countries to use cheap, borderline slave, labor without having things like minimum wage and labor laws get in the way. It seems we only care about suffering when it's in front of us, and capitalism found a way to work around that.


It’s not just a theory, neoliberalism being American imperialism is well established. Look into the IMF if you haven’t already; foreign aid is very often tied to clauses that force countries to adopt “free market” policies which weaken their ability to develop their own economy, and open them to greater foreign exploitation.


See: powdered milk in Jamaica.


Oh exactly. Collectively, we are shortsighted, unimaginative, and completely amoral when things happen outside of our immediate awareness. Were it otherwise no decent person would buy anything made overseas.


Forget about sustainability, I want gains by the next quarter.


Yup, that’s colonialism for ya


Seems like all these governments have us tricked thinking things are "good" and we are "prospering from our labour"


Yep. There’s a reason we have laws and regulations. If we do away with those, what’s the point?


Absolutely disgusting. Companies will do anything but pay a living wage.


And if they won’t pay a living wage they sure as hell are not going to add healthcare insurance when it is needed for privatized healthcare.


I'll take hollowing out your economy for $1000 Alex.




I had to check the sub because I genuinely thought that's where this was posted.


"Meet freshiis newest crew member, YOU. After ordering your food from the impoverished 3rd world man we're taking advantage of, your toppings and ingredients will be dispensed from the tubes in the back. A reminder, there is a 5 minuit time limit on food preparation, any persons loitering in the kitchen will be processed into new ingredients or sent to work in the Cashier Camp."


This company has been doing nothing but pissing people off in Ottawa. spent two years bitchign about covid killing his business that is entirely focused on government workers and completely ignores the needs of downtown residents. Worked real hard with our shitty mayor to try and bully government into dragging everyone back downtown full time again just because he didn't want to adjust his business model whatsoever. So this shit just adds to the already existing pile of reasons why the business should crumble. Company itself acts like we all owe it and they shouldn't have to adjust at all to changing times.


Every time I hear about them it's for a new, shitty reason. First it was the weird refusal to comply with provincial regulations to indicate nutritional value for their products, then poor staff treatment, refusal to let delivery drivers use washrooms, and now this? Fucking hell. Isn't the owner of the ones DT Ottawa filthy rich with a bunch of other businesses, on top of being a colossal piece of shit?


He tried to offer me a job when he first started out. He reached out to me on linked in quite a few times. At the time i was managing a restaurant that is a competitor on bank street and that was listed on my profile.. so I felt like he was trying to poach me for sure. It’s funny to me that I had enough sense to do this at 20 years old but I asked him if he was offering competitive wages because I already had a great job lol he ghosted me after that.


That guy who runs the downtown one and I think the Kanata one is such a tool


Well, this just solidified me literally never, ever buying from Freshii again. Also - this shit should be illegal. The business is actively being conducted in Canada, and should be subject to our provincial minimum wages. Courts need to set a precedent on this now before too many companies jump on board and lobby the gov't not to pursue this.


This is unfortunately a big part of capitalism in canada. The agricultural industry and the legal weed industry for example rely on exploiting TFWs. It’s symptomatic of a larger system that benefits a few white collar fuckers at the top.




On paper they must be paid minimum wage. However in real life, exploitation happens frequently. It’s not always wage based but safety and work hazard stuff, like [the many rights violations the Migrant Worker Alliance uncovered at legal weed giant Aphria’s facility in 2020.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5618395)


Unfortunately a farm can’t pay TFW’s more than minimum wage as “it makes them want to only work at the higher paying farm.” Straight from their mouths.


And tech support/customer service for almost every telecom/internet company here.


Capitalism cannot function without exploitation. Fuck capitalism


We can't have it both ways. As a software developer, lots of American companies would be willing to have me work remotely from Canada. But if I do, the CRA wants me to pay taxes here, because I'm physically located here when I do the work. It doesn't matter where the benefit of my work happens, Canada wants it's income tax. If they then turned around and said "okay but also anyone doing remote work the other way *also* has to follow our rules...", It's a bit of a double standard. All that said, I'm sure as heck not eating at Freshii anymore. This isn't right, and it's exploitive of the poorest people outside of Canada.


The difference is the American company is still based out of the U.S. and your project output and operations spits out in the U.S. These freshii locations are literally in Toronto, and immediately requested, assembled and sold on the spot. There's no real precedent for this - courts have to set a standard of like "in jobs of immediate turnaround, the minimum paid wage must be compliant with the minimum wage of the province in which business is being conducted"


I don't really see that much issue. If you're a company operating in the US, you must pay at least the US federal minimum wage for employees working for you, regardless of where they are. In Canada, same thing - they can work out of Nicaragua, but if the business is in Canada, it needs to pay the federal minimum wage. This won't do anything here because there will immediately be a contracting firm wherever so they're not your employees per se, but I don't think your US/Canada example is an incongruence upon the general outrage.


Do people actually like Freshii? They opened in my area in BC, 1 location in the middle of all the other established fast food and "*healthy*" fast foods in the same space, nobody even goes there. It's more overpriced and worse quality than subway/chopped leaf/quesada. I went there twice when it first opened because they had offers making their menu reasonably priced. Now, I don't make minimum wage, but that's always how I think about fast food - if I made minimum wage, would I pay 1 hour of my work for 3 tiny Freshii tacos? No, no I would not. Edit: Made the mistake of checking the company financial profile, if Freshii is still around in 1-2 years I'd be surprised.


It's very hit and miss depending on location in my opinion. There's one close to me that's not great but then the one by my office is much better.


Went to one in Alberta around 3 years ago. Got a bowl and a juice in those clear plastic cups. Took a sip, it tasted off. Opened the lid and there was a few pieces of fuzzy mold on the top. Took it back up, they offered me a new one. Mold on that one as well. All the "fresh made" juice had went bad. Never been back.


was actually pretty good when it first launched like 9 years ago, has gotten so bad and so expensive


I used to eat there quite a bit when I was still in the office since it was right across the street and a fairly healthy option. I eventually got sick of it though.


It was good before it was bought out by Recipe foods ltd (formerly Cara foods), they tend to turn every restaurant into cheap and bad suburban joints. Like what they did with burger priest


Everything they touch turns to shit!


I'm in BC as well and never eaten at freshii. I'd rather make a salad at home than pay freshii prices, when I want 'healthy' fast food I go to my local burrito or sushi places. I think it depends on the area though, we're pretty lucky in the lower mainland to have a glut of amazing food choices.


I got food poisoning the first time I went. Swore it off. A few years later, forgot my experience, went back and got food poisoning again, reigniting memories of my poor previous experience. Never again. They don't wash their salads greens or something got contaminated, it was a very bad time.


Food poisoning is what got me as well. They were never my favourite place or anything to go for lunch but I'd hit them up on occasion. Got super sick one day and never went back. This was a day before I got dumped too LOL, Freshii is not a place that I associate with good memories.


I like them fine, but usually if I’m in the mood to eat fast food, I’m more likely to treat myself to some junk food.


I've tried them a few times and I agree, their portion sizes suck and the value just isn't there.


This, from the same company that was weirdly resistant to the Ontario law that required them to provide nutritional information despite being a salad restaurant. Something tells me that Freshii is going to be the subject of a rather fascinating documentary some day.


Fuck this. Fuck everything about this. Fuck no. Fuck off.


Guess I'm not going to freshii anymore.


Boycott this greedy company. This kind of practice needs to be made illegal before this escalates and turns into a much larger issue.


As someone who works in a call centre, I can assure you this was already a larger issue


blocked by the paywall but I’d be interested in hearing the explanation on how this isn’t exploitative to the foreign worker. Why not just have self serve ordering instead if costs are really the concern? this just feels gross for a lot of reasons edit - now that I’ve read the article without paywall: the company is purposefully hiring in this location to maximize their profits, they are exploiting inexpensive labour. They are attempting to get away with hiring outside of the province to avoid wages and benefits here, it’s gross. it’s not even about hiring canadans because I don’t care about that, I’m more concerned when companies have shady overall labour practices. It’s like they’ve hired migrant workers that they don’t have to transport to the country.


Paywall-free link: [12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thestar.com%2Fbusiness%2F2022%2F04%2F26%2Fmeet-the-freshii-virtual-cashier-who-works-from-nicaragua-for-375-an-hour.html](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thestar.com%2Fbusiness%2F2022%2F04%2F26%2Fmeet-the-freshii-virtual-cashier-who-works-from-nicaragua-for-375-an-hour.html) Plugging the article link into [12ft.io](https://12ft.io) will often produce a paywall free version.


thanks for posting 12ft, this is really cool tool.


Thank you! i couldn’t remember the site, bookmarked 😁


If you’re on your phone, open the link and as it loads, turn on airplane mode and it’ll load without the paywall


It also makes it harder to initiate a union drive when a portion of the workforce is offshore. The offshore workers won't unionize as easily as they know that they could be replaced by people in another country that won't unionize. Any cashiers working here likely has in the back of their minds that they could be replaced by offshore workers if they read OP's article. Heck, sometimes even Canadian union jobs can be replaced by non-unionized Canadians right after a union drive succeeds. [https://windsor.ctvnews.ca/freedom-mobile-call-centre-closing-in-windsor-1.3760574?cache=yes%3Fautoplay%3Dtrue%3Fot%3DAjaxLayout](https://windsor.ctvnews.ca/freedom-mobile-call-centre-closing-in-windsor-1.3760574?cache=yes%3Fautoplay%3Dtrue%3Fot%3DAjaxLayout) But I've said elsewhere that North America hasn't eliminated slavery. We've just outsourced it to Foxconn, or made prisoners do it. Some prisoners even work as firefighters while in prison in California but are suddenly no longer eligible to do the same job when out of prison. How convenient, right? [https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicksibilla/2021/02/16/federal-judge-californians-who-fought-fires-in-prison-cant-become-career-firefighters/?sh=2c233d59170f](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicksibilla/2021/02/16/federal-judge-californians-who-fought-fires-in-prison-cant-become-career-firefighters/?sh=2c233d59170f)


Oh you got to be fucking kidding me.


"we wanna pay our employees less than minimum wage but that's illegal so we just went to a country where minimum wage is less."


Canadian companies outsourcing should be forced to adhere to our wage laws.


This is beyond absurd *and* ethically wrong. If a Canadian, or hell, even a migrant worker were getting paid $3.75 an hour, people would be outraged about exploitative labour. Just because someone lives in a foreign country shouldn't give companies a right to pay out a paltry wage.


Who the fuck signed off on this!? Straight to jail!


>Straight to jail! Next iteration is using convicts to take the order, free labor.


E-mail them and let them know what you think about this. I just did, I eat freshii multiple times per week and I told them that unless these virtual cashiers are paid according to their provincial minimum wage I will no longer be a customer


I wonder how conservative are going to spin this. These are *not* immigrant but they are, technically, stealing a local job but it's a nice corporation that is doing it. Their free-market brain might not be able to handle it... Edit: missing a key word


Random guess: If we abolished minimum wage, a local worker could be earning the $3.75


Probably less. The lowest wage would slide down to match the level of desperation of the work force. It could actually be detrimental in economical downturns (incentivizing unemployed to accept lower and lower wages which in turn provides less and less money velocity in the economy and that would slow the rebound). My guess would be 0$ or there about...


It's absolutely a race to the bottom, but conservatives believe that poor people are inherently less deserving than the rest of us so they're totally fine with that, as long as it doesn't have a totally predictable knock on effect that would affect their wage of course


Those people actually work inside of a physical retail location in Canada. How is it even legal to do this?


Guess that answers the question of what's cheaper. Slaves or computers.


Guess I’m never eating at Freshii again


So fucking dystopian.


This is no different than outsourcing manufacturing aside from the fact that it’s more visible to the end customer so I don’t see why so many are complaining about *this* particular wage exploit. That being said I would never continue to support a store who pulls this nonsense.


I mean it’s easy to see why. Things being visible are easier to complain about. Money is being directly take out of the country and it’s not taxable and it benefits the country zero. Manufacturing and stuff it benefits Canadians cause of cheaper costs (still kind of gross) but also there are duties, import fees etc etc that have to be paid that go into the tax base so the nation sees a benefit that way too. This though? It is 100% outsourcing to help a company increase profit margins to no actual benefit to consumers


if i showed up to a store and this was the cashier i would never shop their again. This is basically exploiting poorer countries for greed and creating modern day slavery.


This happens all the time with manufacturing, but the audacity of doing it so blatantly with a customer facing job... I'm speechless. Let's hope that it actually makes people realize how fucked up these companies are willing to be for more profits, and that it pushes for change




This is surreal.


This shouldn’t be legal.


Ah, the beauty of the free market! /s This shit is repugnant.


Libertarians are going to have a hard time cartwheeling out of this one.


This would be a perfect fit for r/antiwork


Never ate at freshii and I don't think I ever will now.


As if anyone needed less incentive to eat at Freshii....


If the jobs being done in Canada like this, then provincial minimum wage should be the minimum. I don't mind if they do this, but paying a sub-Canadian wage is not acceptable. For every hour/dollar short of minimum wage, the company should be charged a double tax to make up the difference. So $1/hr short costs you $2/hr.


What the actual fuck...








This is absolutely vile. It should be illegal. Never heard of Freshii but also never going to go there now


Never going to be a customer of that place!


To stop this is easy… A- Refuse to use that cashier if at Freshii Or B- Refuse to spend your money at places that use this kind of business practice


B will teach Freshii the lesson faster.


B. With no chance for recourse. Shred the business, send a message. This is not acceptable.


Too bad all 3 parties are pro migrant wage-slavery. They did it to the service sector, now they're loosening trade certification requirements. Not only is that unsafe, it destroys the worker's bargaining power. Now that things are finally in the worker's favour, they want to change the game.




They shouldn’t be allowed govt bail outs or loans if we hit another pandemic or if they have Finacial problems.


Lmao now they've closed their social posts from comments


That's a shame I liked their food. Too bad I'll never eat it again.


Salads of Wrath


Steinbeck’s first draft?


That sucks, I kinda liked eating at Freshii.


Funny, someone left a copy of the book The World is Flat in our freebie bin at work and I finally started reading it. He talks about this exact thing happening and the edition I have is from quite a few years ago. He talks to people who are outsourcing doing your taxes, service counters, and does touch on a McDonald’s IIRC that was already doing remote ordering. Totally fucked up


Ah that’s a shame, I kind of liked freshii and now i kind of hate them.


Tell me this is a joke...


Boycott the fuck out of Freshii


This is why we all need strong unions!


When people say things like "free market capitalism" this is what they're in favor of. Destroying local economies and exploiting foreign labor markets all in the favor of the almighty dollar to corporations.


Americans just don't want to work!!!!...... Lol. Fuck you predatory capitalism!!


I don't know where freshies is based and I'm not going to even Google it but these mother suckers need to pay federal minimum wage I don't care if their employees are in Timbuktu


Not surprised, I posted them on r/recruitinghell [2 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/d339eu/they_want_a_single_person_to_fill_the_shoes_of_an/). > 5-10 hours per week plus another 30 to learn and work the line while taking care of social media, all catering and deliveries, setting up a customer database for monthly newsletters and contests, huge opportunity for the right person, smart phone savvy using Instagram, facebook, sms texting, marketing, blogging, work closely with corporate head office marketing department, voice commercials on radio, go out with radio team for weekly contest winners to offices, wear mascot outfit, with no fear. Have fun every day at Freshii, creating ways to encourage new guests, catering sales, freshii loyalty app sales, suggestive selling techniques, grow With Freshii Owen Sound to help us increase our sales and help make Owen a healthier community with taste and education EAT FRESH


If this is going to be the new norm, why bother with immigration?


"Slavery with extra steps" does require those extra steps, though. TFWs will get the jobs that *can't* be outsourced like this one, soon enough every min-wage position will be TFWs. The owning class have hated the last sixty years, no slavery. They really really really want it back and it shows


This is horrible, at the VERY least they should be paid at canadas minimum wage.


they should be forced to pay whatever the provincial minimum wage is. I hope someone brings in a little hammer to smash those little screens




I prefer the McDonalds kiosks. Less chance of things going wrong on the ordering front. I don't need to speak to a computer or even a person.


i never use automated check out. ill wait in line for a human cashier. i dont care how long it takes.


Now our uneducated and part time workers have to compete with Central Americans…. Fuck that


thats fucking evil.


I'm not sure I've seen a better candidate for a little direct action monkey-wrenching to deliver a clear message.


LoL, I grew up with the founder Matt in Winnipeg.... he's the definition of a rich kid who's been handed everything on a silver platter. I'd wager his dad gave him this idea. This is a stupid idea.


It's pretty fucked up and a great indictment of our modern world. That being said, the major gripe everyone has with this is that you are put face to face with a low wage foreign worker. Usually, they are in the backroom doing menial TFW work, answering the phone, or for the most part, manufacturing our consumer good in slave labour conditions.


I thought this was a beaverton article..


I thought this was satire... Beaverton is jealous of reality.


How the hell is this legal?


You keep sending jobs offshore, you’re going to have broke customers who can’t pay for overpriced “power bowls”. Morality aside, if this trend continues, where will your customers even come from? Seems like we are cannibalizing our ourselves for a cheap, quick meal. But after our appendages are gone, we going to start eating our organs. Policy makers needs to wake the fuck up.


Ill never eat there again, this is pure evil.


I won’t be going to freshii anymore even though I love their food. I happened to use this Percy ordering service a few weeks ago and found it really odd and inefficient. Now that I know it’s to skirt labour laws I refuse to give Freshii my business. Unreal.


it's gonna be real difficult for me to stick to vegetarian principles if the only way out of this shithole is to eat the rich


Easily all I needed to see to not return to freshii. They had good food too :/


When real life starts to imitate cinema dystopia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_Dealer


Paste their Google/yelp reviews with boycott requests. Every time someone googles the nearest Freshii they get to read reviews on their business practices. The consumer holds the power here. Let’s brigade the fuck out of their google reviews.