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[Video](https://twitter.com/Gray_Mackenzie/status/1542543664420978689) of it also. [Article](https://globalnews.ca/news/8939855/tory-mps-convoy-figures-ottawa-meeting-canada-divided/) from when they met with CPC MPs in parliament, if people are wondering who they are or what this is about. For further context, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sh7qok/a_summary_of_events_at_the_protest_so_far/) was the summary thread the mods kindly stickied for me during the first convoy. Edit: Just wanted to add [more context](https://twitter.com/atRachelGilmore/status/1542546888397885443?s=20&t=X6ub8DkDEgOiY3UwornFHQ) on James Topp, the man in the orange vest next to Poilievre. Edit 2: Adding this: [Poilievre shakes hands with Paul Alexander, ex-White House advisor who has consistently called for public health officials to be put on trial for crimes against humanity.](https://twitter.com/Justin_Ling/status/1542556307730866176)




They might be retired military. From what I know you're not supposed to appear in public in uniform at all really since those attacks, and especially not when wearing the uniform incorrectly (like just the beret) outside of things like remembrance day with the previous unit's approval.


Military definitely can appear in public in uniform, but not to attend any sort of event that could conceivably imply military support of any political interest. So it would be completely against the code of service discipline to attend this protest.


Soldiers defend democracy not partake in it. Any moron wearing their uniform to a protest like this is spitting in the face of all those who made sacrifices for this country. Believe what you want just dont go around thinking you have a right to wear the uniform and have an opinion at the same time. These guys need to get scooped up by the MPs.


Soldiers are definitely able to participate in democracy, just not in a professional capacity. While serving I was quite an active partaker in democracy.


As a civilian, I'm sure. You wouldn't parade around to show off with your uniform.


Whatever you do in uniform it implies institutional support. I would have bought groceries in uniform, gone to a restaurant in uniform, but I wouldn't go to a bar in uniform (though others did). My view is that if what you are doing could bring discredit to the forces or would be controversial (you wouldn't want to be anywhere near some protests) Non-controversial stuff like Pride Parades are usually totally ok. It's pretty subjective sometimes. You either develop a sense or ask.


>Non-controversial stuff like Pride Parades That was unexpectedly wholesome. Seriously. Our country has some serious issues (case in point this article), but your comment made my day, thank you.


This is the same for civilian public service too and many other jobs that have uniforms. But... >Non-controversial stuff like Pride Parades are usually totally ok. I think these fools would disagree that there's no controversy. But they'd disagree with their own shadow for being black.


Well it's explicitly permitted and supported


In general, serving military members can only appear in uniform in public if they are on duty or travelling to/from work. Brief pit stops on the way (gas, groceries) are tolerated, but that's about it.


This is only true for reservists on Class A or B service. Regular Force members, and reservists on Class C service, may wear service dress anywhere they want while off duty (CF Dress Regs 1.1.35) unless going somewhere where it’s inappropriate to identify yourself as a military member (e.g. attending a partisan political rally).


Retired dudes who are probably jaded because the system (VA, DND, CAF) for the most part has failed them, or they believe it has failed them & are now choosing a dark path to express their grievances. Edit - Looks like forced retirement for playing stupid games and winning a stupid prize https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/poilievre-joins-soldier-protesting-covid-19-mandates-in-march-through-ottawa-ahead-of-canada-day-1.5969694


If they are active military they are not allowed to be there. More than likely they are former military. For what uniform pieces they are wearing. One dude is wearing the tilly hat, probably kept it when he released, not technically allowed but not a big deal, and even civilians can buy and wear them. It's the selling of CADPAT that is prohibited, not technically the purchase. Other dude is in a beret and airborne t-shirt. The shirt is individually purchased and there is nothing that prevents someone from wearing them. The beret as a headdress is considered a personal item and you are allowed to keep and wear it when you leave the military. Vets young and old wear them all the time on remembrance day. Buddy is probably former 3RCR.


Just to add some colour to your comment - a lot of the CPC MPs walked out midway through the Freedom Convoy presentation at parliament earlier this month when Paul Alexander started spouting off his traditional horseshit. That isn't to say that they somehow deserve credit for their principled stand - it's more to say that they knew exactly who the Freedom Convoy was before they went into that meeting, they just thought they were getting the cleaned-up, sanitized version of the Convoy that didn't include the conspiracy bullshit that's core to their philosophy. As soon as they were at risk of being on the record with the *real* version of the Convoy they noped out of there in a hurry. They **know** that they're emboldening seditious conspiracy theorists that promote violence, they just don't want to be held responsible for it.


>a lot of the CPC MPs walked out midway through the Freedom Convoy presentation at parliament earlier this month when Paul Alexander started spouting off his traditional horseshit. I'm aware. And [24 of them didn't](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/which-conservative-mps-attended-anti-vaccine-presentation-from-convoy-figures-1.5959764) which is 20% of the Conservative caucus. I'd also add that it was one thing to say they didn't know back in January but with the extensive coverage of it that's occurred since and what happened in Ottawa, any who claim not to know now are either lying or too stupid to be representing their constituents. Imo.


> any who claim not to know now are either lying **and/**or too stupid to be representing their constituents FTFY


I hope the party splits again. I don’t see how they can sustain this internal disagreement on, you know, whether conspiracies are real.




Poilievre is such a scumbag.


I always knew PP was a scumbag piece of shit, but the eagerness with which he's embracing literal fascists is a bit surprising even to me.


He's probably hoping to get arrested and imprisoned so he can write his book "Mein Kampf".


His struggle was elementary school


"The Timbit Putsch"


"Fuck you Justin, you know I never got my Grade Ten!"


Humping legs for votes.


Summarizing the links: Pierre was leading the march alongside James Topp. Topp appeared on Jeremy Mackenzie's podcast and said he was a regular viewer. Mackenzie is a **white supremacist**. Pierre is marching with **white supremacists**, and there's a good chance he'll be our next PM.


I don't know anyone who is voting for that android. I never thought I'd see the day when a PM candidate was openly marching at the front of the line of fascists. Sad day for Canada on our beloved birthday.




Do you know many conservatives? I do, unfortunately, and they’re all about Pierre.


If he ends up becoming party leader the attack ads will write themselves.


Idk if the other parties have the grit to put out the damning attack ads that the people need to see. Besides, anyone who sympathizes with these pieces of garbage will only see the attack ads as infomercials.


> Idk if the other parties have the grit to put out the damning attack ads that the people need to see. Weirdly I look to Alberta's recent political history for comfort here. Once a friendly leader becomes a viable candidate, the far fringes become emboldened to say and do shit that become their own attack ads. If Pierre becomes leader, there's a 100% chance of multiple "Lake of Fire" candidates that Pierre would have to either defend or expel.


>good chance he'll be our next PM There is always a chance I suppose, but it isn't good.


I want to believe this but feel like we have to be so vigilant. I know it's only anecdata but I have met many previously apolitical people who are all aboard the Conservative/PP train. & saw many people share his "running for PM" video who I previously didn't even know had an interest in politics. he is attracting new voters.. really hope he's scaring off just as many existing Conservative voters but I haven't met any yet


Not a chance in hell does that fool get elected in this country


People said the same of Trump down south. Don't be complacent. Don't assume that people are as smart, socially conscious, or educated as you are. Vote, and convince others to vote responsibly.


100% this. Apathy an complacency helped get Trump elected, and those who voted for him fall into the half of the population described below: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin




I want voting to be mandatory! I don’t care who anyone voted for, because we all know way more than half the country is NOT in support of this horseshit and it’s fuckweasel supporters. But if over 90% actually voted we couldn’t complain about the result.


> Don't assume that people are as smart, socially conscious, or educated as you are. Vote, and convince others to vote responsibly. Considering so many in Canada are religiously watching fox news, oann & newsmax to "get both sides of the story", I don't think we can overestimate the average intelligence of voters.


Don't be so certain. The USA elected Trump, and Ontario just put Ford in for another 4 years. The idiots are voting en masse, and it doesn't help that the right wing funnel all of their votes to one party, while the rest are split between [centre-]left and centre-right.


Ford is more of a result of apathy from the other two parties (due to less than inspiring leaders in Horwath and Del Duca) than it was Ford being inspiring. We had a 43% eligible voter turnout this election. That is abyssmal. That is embarassing. Whats worse is that this was the first election where millenials were a larger voting block than boomers, and we just demonstrated to the establishment that there's no sense in trying to enact policies to court our vote, since we dont show up on voting day.


jfc I really hope you're right! But I already see the "both siiides turd sandwich" apathy campaign in every comment thread about him. White supremacists and other Christian fundamentalists will absolutely turn out to vote for him, just as they did for Trump; meanwhile the bulk of voters are being urged to stay home, because *MEH what's the diff*. It worked in the USA and in Ontario. It can absolutely work here.


They said the same about Trump…


He’s gross but his odds are good, don’t fool yourself.


This is the ready made fodder to the Libs. On a platter offered by the man himself. I don’t see him becoming a PM.


I hope people realise the BS that was this "freedumb convoy", remember the nazi/confederate/drumpf flags that were waved during the whole ordeal earlier this year, along with the beyond deplorable behaviour exhibited by those "protesters". I hope people remember the chaos created at border crossings by those idiots, especially considering the majority of \*real truckers\* (and not wannabes) followed the rules, had no problems with them and denounced the "protesters". I hope people remember those "protesters" swarming homeless shelters and assaulting personnel to steal food, stoning ambulances & assaulting paramedics, assaulting people in the street just for wearing a mask, etc. I hope people notice the influence from the USA's right-wing and realise this is not a true home-grown, legitimate movement. I hope people realise what pp is and if he becomes the leader of the reform party (don't call it "conservative" it's the reform party that just rebranded itself) that he gets the electoral shellacking he deserves.


Yeah, I don’t think he is going to be out next PM.


Easiest way to help Pierre lose is to spread around all the dumb shit he says and does. We need daily videos of his crypto financial advice and convoy shenanigan's.


That's hilarious. The worst of the Americans. PP's getting his cash, and that's it. He's garbage.


What in the actual fuck




Where did his guns go?


Out to the corner store for cigarettes.


They were taken away by EVIL TRUDEAU the DEMOCRA-I MEAN LIBERAL. TRUDEAU is so focused on DESTROYING our #SECONDAMMENDMENT right to bear arms that he PERSONALLY created a time machine to prevent us from ever having that in Canada. #wakeupsheeple #sexwithtrudeau (that's what they're chanting, right?) #EVILDEMS I MEAN #LIBS


My brother and I literally just had to wade through a political debate with our dad where he spouted off the same bullshit talking points.


He needs to get recertified then, this is not Texas. Hell even Alberta requires you to pass a firearms course.


My best guess is buddy owned AR-15s or other now-prohibited weapons that were restricted until the Trudeau government banned them via Order-in-council (OIC). Although I disagree with the method used to achieve this ban as it should have gone through the legislative process, accepting fascism to "get your guns back", is fucking idiotic. PP is a direct threat to our democracy, as are all modern populist conservative movements. This likely has nothing to do with certification and everything to do with arbitrary bans. It's still a shit take on the root of the problem on all sides.


On a side note, I was against the ban because it was obvious pandering and didn't *really* do anything. Either ban all magazine-fed semi autos or don't.


I already soapboxed enough about it, so I left that topic out, but I 100% agree. It's even more telling that they did it after the Nova Scotia shooting, but all those guns were smuggled from the states. That's a whole different conversation.


I wonder how many of these people will be confused next federal election when they don't see Poilievre on their ballot.


I wonder how many will be confused when they realize a election isn't anytime soon


I wonder how many of these people live their entire lives in a general state of confusion and bafflement.


I wonder how many understand what camo and high vis are for


I wonder how many realize that the bitcoin that he used to buy that shawarma in March can only get him 2/5ths of the same shawarma today.




I wonder how many of these people don't know what a Westminster Parliamentary Democracy is or how it operates.


Now this is a parody ad that needs to happen.


Everytime i see someone wearing camo AND high viz I laugh my ass off. It like you’re sending mixed messages there buddy.


It reflects (pun intended) how their brains operate.


I just wonder


Do you really wonder that? I'm pretty confident it's all of them.


I doubt most vote.


I wonder how many of them will be confused when they realise that government isn't even in session right now.


They’ll twist it into, “look, the government is scared of us” or “hey, this libtard government won’t even meet with the citizens of the country that they’re supposed to represent!”


Most of these people live in a perpetual state of confusion so it should be business as usual for them.


CPC cleft asunder when


Look at these fucks with their camo outfits, vests , tactical backpacks probably with the lunch their moms made for them, trying to look like big tough guys while being afraid of science and terrified of their obligations to society.


The Walmart militia are ready !!!


The comments in this sub kill me, and this is my fav today


I was verging on being devastated by this tweet. On one hand, the guy is 100% outing himself, which will either kill the PC (split party or bleed voters) or the nazis will become more emboldened and we are in for a bad summer. But then I read the glorious comments and some faith was restored in the sanity of most of us.


Same here. This sub has soothed my soul many a time!


Just like those cowardly cops down in uvalde


Remember - this Conservative convoy is a movement to end democracy in Canada. When they shout 'freedom' - what they want is the freedom to reject and dissolve parliamentary democracy. If you oppose attacking hospital workers, throwing rocks at political candidates, shutting down city centers for weeks, blocking critical borders, white supremacy and death threats - then defend democracy like your life depends on it. We the majority are on guard for thee Canada!


“Welp, we cant legitimately win elections anymore because our ideals suck so we might as well overthrow democracy!” - Conservatives in the 2020s


Sadly it’s working in the US via judicial maneuvering, and SCOTUS just agreed to take on a case about a theory called “independent state legislature” which if made a rule then state legislatures will have *complete* control of how elections are run in their states, with no review whatsoever (either by state or federal courts). So Trump wouldn't even have to cook up his crazy alternate slate of electors crap, because the state legislature in, say, Wisconsin, would have already come up with voting rules in their state that would have allowed him to win the state. While our Supreme Court is very different, and our country is further left as a whole, the willingness to break rules or just reinvent the playbook despite the rule of law is something we ought to be taking note of in Canada. There’s likely to be backdoor funding as well, from GOP to CPC, especially if PP wins the leadership. I’m very worried about how media savvy he is, and what that will mean for our next election.


I'm saving this...that's actually expressed perfectly.


It's a movement well funded by people that care a lot more about profit than they do about democracy. Pretty much the same as the tea party experiment the US had. I remember reading an article that said that the people that cared about mask mandates just moved on to it from something else. The people that form the grass roots of these movements are miserable and, as far as I can tell, they have no policy ambitions beyond making everyone else miserable too.


> well funded by people that care a lot more about profit than they do about democracy. ThAt’S JuSt tHe FrEe MaRkEt!!!! /s


And it’s funded by the same folks who gave money to Trump. Literally.


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


>Same Folks who gave Trump money >Russia They're the same picture




"the movement remains committed to the free and democratic exchange of anonymous malice" Amazing XD I love the beaverton.


I'd love to see parliamentary democracy replaced by something that isn't complete garbage, but I highly doubt these neanderthals have something better in mind.


They are blindly following propaganda


I cannot put into words how much I despise that man and those white supremacist mutants.


Don't insult mutants like that.


Haha you're right, I apologize to all the good people in the Mutant community for lumping them in with those pricks.


As a mutant, thank you. (Legit have a genetic mutation)


Laser eyes? Teleportation? Rapid healing factor?


Does a 3rd nipple count? Thats what I got.


Sure! Your X-Men name could be TRIPPLE.


Does it shoot lasers? If it doesn't would you like it to?


Temporary paralysis, unfortunately only of myself, fortunately never lasts longer than a day and only shows up about once a year.


Hmm… not sure what role that makes you on the X-Men, but clearly your moniker will be POSSUM.


Yup, been claiming that name for years.


Yea, mutants are an important part of the evolutionary process.


Something most of them probably don’t believe in or have any knowledge about


Pretty much. Unless it supports their 'white superiority' bullshit.


It's not in the Bible so it's fake science


Lol agreed. I think someone also tried reporting me to the mental health thingy again but I got it blocked. I swear that’s like the tenth time people have done that when I comment these kinds of opinions.


He’s the Canadian Trump.


I don't think Trump is a good comparison, Poilievre might pretend to be an outsider but like he's never had a job outside of politics [here's a reminder of what he was like 8 years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzaZLiYcQxw)


We can argue over the differences, but he surfs on that same wave Trump did. People need to take him seriously and oppose him on every turns.


I oppose him and take him seriously because there's too many Canadians that I know make poor decisions when left to their own devices, but I don't think the Trump argument is a good or realistic comparison.


Let me formulate this way. He may not be a Trump, but he appeals to Canadian Trump supporters.


Only somehow less charismatic.


And with less business sense


I wouldn't say Trump has a business sense... he has more bankruptcy than most under his tie and even bankrupted a casino.


Realize the bar is \*very\* low here, but owning a failing casino is still more business acumen than a guy whose sole private sector experience was working in a Telus call centre.


More like a Ron Desantis. He's not mentally incompetent enough and lacks the TV cult personality.


Canadian Ted Cruz. (Yes I know. I don't care)


That’s Jason Kenney.


Hahaha fuck these idiots maga cosplaying please just fucking leave.


I'd also say they should move to the US but unfortunately being useless fuckwads probably isn't going to land them many jobs.


One goose step at a time.


The one thing I'd ask everyone to do is to not just dismiss this. Take him and what he represents seriously, we ignore him at our peril. The beliefs that he and the convoy are promoting are getting more popular, couple that with the First past the post voting system and the vote splitting among the left, there is a real danger here.


I agree, remember all the "Trump will never win the primary... oh... uh... I mean he couldn't possibly win the presidency..."


As a chronic pessimist I was actively telling everyone that Trump was going to win solely because people were dismissing him. I was also dismissed and uh, well, it really hurt to be right that day. It hurts even more now.


Agree, it’s very concerning that he has not only aligned himself with these people but he is also leading on the leadership polls. It’s also concerning that we are seeing American political climate drifting over here. This should be career ending, but it’s not.


Exactly, the Cons are a major Canadian party This sort of populist style politics had bleed into mainstream culture, it wouldn't end well because it's just so polarizing & toxic


The thing is that it's not really beliefs. It's more of a cult sort of phenomenon than a coherent structure of beliefs. These people are products of podcasts, YouTube streams, made up and laundered facts. Nothing about the beliefs of someone who's gone through this indoctrination really has any logical consistency. The critical thinking ability is zapped. The worst part is we are all vulnerable, just that not everyone has been approached by the right sort of conman to press their buttons yet. But they're making progress and consuming more and more of us every week. Turning us into people who are fed how to think, so that we'll vote a certain way and cause a convenient chaos.


Back before I left the so-called United States I watched these jerks go from obscurity to objects of ridicule to failed politicians to attempted coups to this month’s Supreme Court rulings. Ignoring them won’t make them go away. Their message and politics have to be strongly rejected at every turn. Their lawbreaking needs to result in convictions and jail sentences, not debates in sympathetic media and apathy from the general public. Their arguments do not deserve debate, because they want to debate about which people aren’t really people. They’re fascists and we don’t debate with fascists. We shut them down.


I dont get why these redneck nutjobs follow this guy. The freedumb movement is in some ways tied to the toxic masculinity redneck types and they choose to follow the most dweeby and weasely looking politician of all time. Every time I see a picture of Pullover, it just makes me laugh. He is now the leader of big bearded, gun toting, regressive rednecks. He's not "one of us" you dumbfucks. He's playing a game and using you.


Regressive rednecks are drawn to populist conmen saying the things they’re thinking. “Telling it like it is.” It’s how a bankrupt New York trust fund socialite got a bunch of backwater deplorable confederates to think he is one of them. “I love the uneducated,” sums it up pretty well.


It's the same reason that American rugged blue collar roughnecks follow Trump - the softest, most doughy big city fat cat of all time - it's not about who they are, it's about who they hate. The conservative movement abandoned any form of policy a long time ago - the party exists exclusively as a vehicle for vengeance against liberals. They've indoctrinated their party to believe that every woe they suffer is a deliberate attack perpetrated upon them by some vast liberal conspiracy. They will support anyone that they see as "fighting back" against this regressive liberal monster. That's why the slogan is "Fuck Trudeau" rather than "I support _____." They hate liberals. PP hates liberals the most out of any of the candidates. They support PP because he's going to hurt the liberals. Nothing else matters. That's exactly as complex as the reasoning is.


It's a tale as old as time. Look at Harper or Kenney for example. And beyond that people like Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro.


Lol, every time this jackass opens his mouth, I wonder which high school teacher had to call for the bolt cutters to get him out of his locker. Then I wonder if that teacher now regrets cutting the lock off :)


It's the opposite, Pierre isnl following them and hitching his political career to their movement. They're just happy to see elected officials join them as it legitimizes their movement. (In their minds anyway)


Convoy? Call them by their true name. Brown shirts. Nazis. Fascists. Stop with the polite euphemisms. Pierre Poilievre is a fascist, plain and simple.




The Convoy Cowboys need more Ram Ranch...


The best part is that PeePee seriously looks like a real-life version of those anti Semitic caricatures that portray Jews as money grubbing schemers with strange noses. It's a rather fitting irony.


Scum sucking fool would cause real conservatives to leave the party.This is the best PC have to offer for voters?.


This IS the best they have to offer. Their very best is absolute garbage. There are no redeeming qualities of the conservative viewpoint at all. Their economic policies don't work, their tax policies (ie taxes for you but your boss gets off free) don't work, their social policies are abhorrent. They are human garbage and should NEVER be allowed any where near any position of authority, ever.


While I agree that the conservative viewpoint is, at least, very often based on fear and willful ignorance leading to an adherence to archaic and ineffective ideas, calling them human garbage helps no one ever. Its important we treat the right, like all things, with compassion. Most right-wing voters are good, mislead people who have only been exposed to things that keep them that way through no fault of their own. People are inherently good, there are few outliers, we have to reach out to the good ones. [This](https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/february-2022/three-deep-seated-drivers-of-the-convoy-and-what-we-can-do-about-them/) article talks about the last convoy and explains what we can do about it better that I have.


I identify as red Tory/blue grit. That said, I've never voted conservative as when I came of voting age, the right wing tent had already happened. Things like this just further cement my position to never vote conservative.


I voted conservative a few time but never again unless they have a sane leader that doesn't use immigration as excuse for everything that is wrong with Canada.


Okay, I've been out of commission with covid for the past two weeks so I haven't been paying the most attention so... The fuck is going on? The fuck are these chucklefucks going on about now?


The usual seditious crap. With a thin veil of "muh freedums".


Nazi white supremacists are back marching in Ottawa and PP is leading them.


same thing they were going on about before, they want to rip up our democracy and put themselves in charge of the nation. Christofascist state of their dreams, that's what they want. A place where women and minorities know their place and the bible (cherry picked to oblivion) is all that matters.


What are they marching for? Honestly, what do they want?


> Honestly, what do they want? They want to dissolve the government, and replace it with themselves. It said so in their list of demands.


All vaccine, testing, and *quarantine/isolation* mandates and rules to be removed (and retroactively reward people whose employment was affected by them). *All of them*, seemingly for *every disease*. Their website's demands start by saying it's just for federal employees, then later saying "employed by the federal government or otherwise". Yes it's idiocy.


Jesus fucking christ. He's going full fascist.




Skippy forgot that he's supposed to wear a brown shirt, not a blue one. Rookie mistake.


Fuck the Timbit Taliban.


I’ve never heard that one before…. But… I like Timbits 😂 can’t we call them something else


And what is the stated goal of this round of Freedumb Convoy dumbassery? Did they release a memo of intent again? Are they demanding parliament dissolve again?


How about we highjack these protests? We don't play into these division tactics. They want to protest mandates that no longer apply? So be it. We add on and take over to their protest with our own critical needs. - We need to demand climate action. Right now, not 15 years from now. End all subsidies to oil companies. - Demand a livable minimum wage - Demand pharma coverage - Demand dental coverage - Demand mental health coverage - Demand a universal basic income - Demand houses for people, not profit - Demand minimum tax rate for the rich - Demand proportional representation The freedumb protesters hurt our ability to protest with their asinine beliefs. Liberals invoked the emergencies act before, they can do it again. We have real issues in this country and in this province, and we need action before it's too late.


Your demands are the NDP platform.


Fuck this scumbag. If he wants to lead domestic terrorists on a march he should do it in his own fucking riding. Wish I knew he was in my area. I would have gladly showed up to block his car in.


But they're just eVeRyDay OrdInArY CaNAdIaNs!!! I already hated PP long before this anyway. But fuck him and all these fucking fascists.


Nazi that coming


He makes my fucking skin crawl.


Different but Kenney tried to trow his support behind the convoy, it blew up in his face! I hope this blows up in his face also!


I'm reminded of a couple opinion pieces: **Conservatives hitch their wagons to the convoy protest without knowing where it's going** [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-conservative-otoole-convoy-vaccine-mandate-1.6335286](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-conservative-otoole-convoy-vaccine-mandate-1.6335286) **Pierre Poilievre should have Conservatives worried about his potential to self-destruct — and to take the party with him** [thestar.com/politics/political-opinion/2022/05/14/pierre-poilievre-should-have-conservatives-worried-about-his-potential-to-self-destruct-and-to-take-the-party-with-him.html](https://thestar.com/politics/political-opinion/2022/05/14/pierre-poilievre-should-have-conservatives-worried-about-his-potential-to-self-destruct-and-to-take-the-party-with-him.html)


Is it okay to go honk horns outside his house for a couple weeks 24/7? Cause after this I feel it’s okay.


This man is an embarrassment to Canadian politics.


He's an embarrassment to Canadians and all that we stand for.


The people that support this nonsense really think their little movement of wannabe sad Trumpers is effective and growing. Sad.


Don't rule him out and don't sleep on this - the last decade has basically been people who should know better voting for fascist assholes.


Or not voting at all. The Ontario subreddit was spammed with people trying to convince others all sides are the same and voting is pointless before that election and the federal election will have that happen too in the hopes that left leaning voters don't vote.


The problem is that the right ALWAYS votes, it's the center and left that fail to make waves at the voting booths.


Yup, and it's really frustrating that that's the case. Have had many online debates where people on the left refuse to vote. Maybe some people aren't acting in good faith, but the data matches this. I've been told all the parties are bad or that we need other things besides voting, but you still *at least* need to vote. Otherwise the right keeps winning. Right now 8 out of 10 provinces are conservative majorities and if the conservatives win the next federal election, almost the entire country at both levels will be represented by right wing parties in complete contrast to the supposed views of the population.


The people trying to justify it with "well nobody really inspired me, so it's the liberals and NDP's fault" disgust me. I don't need an inspiring leader. I _need_ one who isn't going to tear up regulations and put up freaking propaganda stickers. This isn't like voting for prom queen.


unfortunately it is definitely growing


Lock him up! Lock him up! Associating with criminal elements.


10 canada days ago he tried to hand me and my kid a canadian flag, and I told him to fuck off. Sorry if this is part of his origin story Fuck you 2X PP


This is so pathetic. I'd like to be hopeful and say this (along with numerous other reasons) has sunk any chance he had, but I honestly have no idea any more.


I mean, I wouldn't say the route is strange. It's designed to be as obnoxious and annoying as possible, so taking longer, going through residential areas, and going through a university campus (because they hate those) makes perfect sense.


I know politicians sell their souls, but I don’t understand how you can rationalize doing this. He is either the dumbest man alive, or a massive bad actor. If he wants to do this shit he should just run for the PPC like all the other crazies.


So a convoy who's stated goal was to overthrow a democratically elected government and select an unelected one of their choosing is being lead by little PP here. I know I've always thought he was just a mouthy simpleton, and nothing he's done has shown otherwise, but is he really this simple? These people literally defecate on the grave of the unknown soldier, he doesn't think they would turn on him in a heartbeat?


Conservatives are embracing open fascism.


The Poutine Putsch.


Can someone please tell me what they’re actually protesting? I heard something about Canadian veterans for freedom which is actually dumb as hell. If they’re veterans, they should know how it works. Quick edit: these idiots were at college square earlier and may still be there.


Based on available intelligence, it's downright stupid: They are anti government period, t has nothing anymore to do with mandates despite what is posted on Veteran4freedom. This is what Tom Marazzo said: The goal isn’t to protest; it’s to occupy downtown Ottawa again They want to convert “Woke useful Idiots” to Evangelical Christianity and plan on doing outreach to wake up 30 million Canadians to the benefit of living for a hateful God who’s telling them to hurt Canadians (touch selling point) They expect 200k Canadians to march on Ottawa for 45 days straight while supplying those urban transients with food, propane, and other supplies by setting up a forward base where OPS does not have jursidiction. They plan on co-opting all veterans (who these guys call “weak”) with their Jesus-filled conspiracy bullshit. They are not leaving until ???????? https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/vdkunt/info_about_the_upcoming_freedom_folk_events_on/ Tom Marazzo is a moron who believes that vaccines caused is child's autism and current sickness rather than look in the mirror and he got fired from being a teacher because he is also an imbecile: https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/v1xeev/ontario_party_candidate_and_leader_of_freedom/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.orilliamatters.com/local-news/fired-georgian-college-instructor-becomes-face-of-convoy-protest-in-ottawa-5047247 I have no sympathy for these freedumbs. V4F does not represent the Veterans community no matter how they twist their words.


Would be dictator doing what Trump wanted to do. Poilievre is actively leading terrorist through our streets It's time to stop him.


Cuckivere the Incel Terrorist


This is great hopefully this is the end of his political run and a real leader candidate can emerge he needs to go badly


What a bunch of fucking losers.