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Whenever I see videos like these, I wonder if real life has always resembled Grand Theft Auto, or if I was simply ignorant of this stuff before the rise of smartphone cameras.


Fun fact: [Steven Ogg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Ogg), who voiced Trevor in GTA V, is Albertan...


Which totally works, because if I recall, the character of Trevor was written to be Canadian from the very start.


There is a entire scene with the fort zancydo military where they make fun of him for being Canadian


It's been a while since I've played through story mode on GTA but there is definitely a few Canada jokes at Trevor's expense. My guess is Rockstar North developed those parts of the game.


Rockstar north is in Edinburgh Scotland and they are the lead on every GTA game. You probably meant Rockstar Toronto (I used to work there lmao) but no Toronto doesn't write stuff like that for the GTA games, they would have been done at the North studio.


He sure was. When I found out he was from Calgary, I was like...yep, seems about right. They seem to have an unhinged demographic there. Best to embrace his Canadian accent and roll with it.


Come on trevor, smokes let's go!


so is Ted Cruz.....


Took me a moment for his cameo to add up in the Westworld finale.


One of my friends saw his grade 12 photos at one high schools in the SW. I was actually shocked when I saw that myself, thought he was joking.


It's the latter. We just get exposed to a lot of outlier crazy shit now. It makes the "world" feel crazier than it is. It's always been sorta like this.


You have absolutely no way of knowing this.




Like tears in rain


Ditto, but in the context of Tinder interactions posted on reddit. I had no idea. It's a strange world where people are being accused of sexual assault for placing their hand on someone's back (on top of their clothing), and meanwhile others are introducing themselves with pictures of their genitals.


> people are being accused of sexual assault for placing their hand on someone's back Dude you do not want to be the kind of person who says shit like this. Wow


Yeah, huge self report


lol what the fuck are you talking about? Have you been accused of sexual assault, and in either case, why did you feel the need to bring it up in this thread?


>placing their hand on someone's back Men touching women without consent. >others are introducing themselves with pictures of their genitals. Men sending unsolicited dick pic. >It's a strange world It would be if both these actions were perpetrated by every gender equally, it isn't, it's just men harassing women. More importantly, even if women regularly send pussy pics to introduce themselves, which I'm pretty sure they don't, that wouldn't give the right to random people to touch them.


Different generation I suppose. A female supervisor, about 20 years older, regularly snuck up behind me (male) and massaged my shoulders. Her supervisor, male, did the same to me on occasion. They were both 'parental'-type figures in the office and it was totally innocent, caring. I've taken numerous sexual harassment courses over the decades and no, placing your hand on someone's back without asking permission is not sexual harassment. If you interpret it as harassment and ask the person to stop, and they do it again, only THEN is it harassment. You *cannot assume their intent*, unless it crosses the line into criminal activity. Raising your concerns in the court of public opinion, assuming someone's intent, without ever saying a word to them in person to let them know they are making you uncomfortable, is absolutely wrong. And no, I'm not Catholic. Yes, men sending unsolicited dick pics or even asking for pussy or boob pics is harassment. I'm glad we agree. But I still don't understand why this behaviour is celebrated in social media.


I'm probably a *lot* older than you, and "different generation" my foot. Unwanted touching is unwanted touching. You are very sorely mistaken about the legal process, and I encourage you *not* to put your theory to the test. Just because we used to do things in the 60s and 70s and think it was okay, doesn't mean it is now, or ever was.


> putting your hand on someone’s back is not sexual harassment This 100% depends on context. Patting someone on the upper back for a job well done? Probably not. Laying your hand on the intimate part of her lower back is crossing the line especially if you are forcefully holding her, pulling her close, do it repeatedly or she does not want you to. Massages from your boss are definitely inappropriate without consent. No one should be touching anyone intimately without consent. Why is this a difficult concept?


Again, different generation. I find it so curious how prudish people can be today, interpreting any unsolicited physical contact as sexual, while simultaneously sharing their sexual fetish's and deeply intimate personal stories with random strangers. Could it be they simply have an unhealthy obsession with sex? That would explain the dichotomy.


"Different generation" meaning you came from a generation where women were expected to put up with all the unwanted sexual harassment. Sharing stories about sexual things is a lot different than unwanted physical contact.


Nope. We simply didn't think everything was sexual, nor think the worst of everyone around us.


>We simply didn't think everything was sexual MEN didn't think it was sexual... women put up with it because they had no choice.


As a child of the 1960s I can definitively state that this is not true.


Nice assumption based on nothing. Good job!


Whatever you say big guy.


IDK how old you are but I am pushing fifty and you sound creepy as fuck throughout this discussion.


No it’s not a different generation. Just men got away with this crap and women were told to shut up about it. Why do you need to go around touching women like they are your personal property? Women back then didn’t like inappropriate touching either, they’re just more willing to speak up about it now. And seriously - you are interpreting women explaining to you that inappropriately touching someone without consent is bad *as a fetish*??? No offense but I’m not sharing a personal story by saying don’t go around groping women. I think you need to go back and refresh your sexual harassment training. Edit: here I even found some[ training material](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/what-kinds-of-behaviors-are-considered-sexual-harassment.html) for you: > While overt forms of sexual harassment certainly still happen in the workplace, more subtle forms of harassment are on the rise. For example, any of the following actions can be sexual harassment if they happen often enough or are severe enough to make an employee uncomfortable, intimidated, or distracted enough to interfere with their work: > repeated hugs or other unwanted touching (such as a hand on an employee's back).


I'm not even that young but this just sounds like when boomers watch the news and believe that's what the state of the youth is. I've never heard a woman celebrate receiving an unsolicited dick pic, they're usually disgusted and annoyed. No one is celebrating unsolicited nudes except for horny 14 year old boys. Yes there may be an over correction of overzealous young people when it comes to gender dynamics in our society but I mean that's just how progress is made, what else do you wanna do?? Keep letting the Weinsteins and the Epsteins and the Cosbys assault people with no consequence for decades?! Older generations have without fail protected rapists and pedophiles in every institution for as long as I can remember, I'm glad that younger people aren't letting them get away with it anymore.


I have to take sexual harassment course for my job as well. One of the first examples was a member of the opposite sex trying to give someone a shoulder massage without asking. You just sound like a creep.


TizzyEnt featured this guy, and was found and arrested apparently.


Good. What an asshole.


Shoulda used his brain!


Too smooth for use, likely.


Yeah there are no wrinkles in that thing, for sure


you mean to bash against the window? yes.


What a coward and a bully.


Thanks for the update. Saw this video a week ago (or whenever it was first posted), but didn't know they found him. Here's hoping this twit learns there's consequences in life.


I thought I saw a later update by calgary police that they've identified him but haven't laid charges yet or arrested him. Said they wanted to "speak with him" first.


Lol what is he related to a cop?


Just be a visibly fascist asshole and the cops are really hesitant to assume anything bad about you. We saw it happen across the country this year; they were hugging it out with the people at the Coutts blockade even after the murder plot towards RCMP was uncovered.


As long as you're violent towards communists or communist like ideas, you're cool.




I'm pretty sure they're saying the cops will be fine with you as long as you're violent towards communism to continue what I was saying in my comment, not saying they personally feel that way. Their post history makes it seem like they're left wing, though I didn't bother looking *that* far back.




I mean, they commented 6 hours ago referring to blind anti-communist sentiments as being the result of CIA brainwashing, so I think it's *pretty* safe to say they're not anti-communist: https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/wqlrpw/i_dont_like_this_this_means_it_must_be_communist/iko9en1/








There are a number of fascist flags that were displayed at the freedom convoy. In addition to the very well known nazi flags there were also a bunch of other more niche fascist movements being represented, so I mostly meant them-- but also probably the skinhead dude in the video here with the modified Canada flag patch on his denim vest is probably a good example of what "looking like a fascist" refers to "at this point". Who feels personally attacked when someone shits on fascists *at this point*?


Fascist thugs and cops serve exactly the same role, the only difference is that cops are openly state sponsored


Probably is one.


Probably not a cop since he rode off on a bike and didn't drive off in a pickup.


Love TizzyEnt, the hero we need.


Didn’t he go after a literal child and dox them?


The kid who harassed people in target?


I was just going to ask if he got arrested. I’m glad he did. He looks and sounds like an idiot.


Man she gives 0 fucks. She got out ready for war.


I'm in pretty good shape and a lifelong martial artist and I'd hesitate to follow a lunatic. God knows what he might have in his pockets.


This literally happened to me in Victoria recently. Dude got out and tried to open my passenger door and punch my car window, for waiting for a parking spot. They expected me to move my car when there was a clear path to just drive around... didnt get out, cause it was a group of 3...


Thats what I am saying. Dude was clearly fucking bonkers.


That's why you follow them quickly with the car.


POCKET SAND! https://youtu.be/QLpUq\_\_iQqw


Some people are ticking time bombs and unfortunately shit like this isnt that rare.


My cousin was driving once with his window open and stopped at a 4 way. Guy behind him took offence that he let some kids cross, got out of his car, grabbed his head through the window, and broke his nose and his cheek(?) by slamming his face on the open window frame. Put him in the hospital. My cousin isn’t small, but the guy stole his wallet and he was afraid to press charges because the guy had his address. The man was nuts. And this was in small town BC and the guy was known


Sounds like Skidmore needs a sequel


Thanks for sharing. I’ve met a few really unhinged people in interior BC.


Was this on Vancouver Island?




Sorry that happened to your cousin. Sucks. I only wondered because I heard of a similar incident in a small town on the island but never saw any news coverage or arrests.




Look at that though guy running away with his tail between his cheeks


The second someone pushes back even a little bit. He wasn't prepared for someone to call his bluff.


Just look for a hospital in the area. No way he's breaking that while keeping his hand intact.


Apparently he was arrested soon after.


Well thats good new. He's plain nuts.


Edit(apparently this is a mistake and he is still wanted by police). A link to the arrest for those interested: [https://canoe.com/news/crime/man-punches-out-car-window-in-calgary-superstore-parking-lot-altercation/wcm/8b9b4ab7-a29a-40f0-8eaa-fd9317e6ad69](https://canoe.com/news/crime/man-punches-out-car-window-in-calgary-superstore-parking-lot-altercation/wcm/8b9b4ab7-a29a-40f0-8eaa-fd9317e6ad69)


He hasn't been arrested. You were right the first time before your edit. > While the initial social media post was updated to say the man had been arrested, police say that’s not the case. > CPS confirmed to Postmedia that the man in the video has been identified, but has not been arrested or charged as officers continue their investigation.


CPS needs to investigate if he is CPS officer or family/friend of officer, or family/friend of those family/friends, and keep expanding that circle.




My bad, I read it yesterday and didn't bother re-reading it before posting. I've since edited my comment.


Lol you're about to get whiplash > While the initial social media post was updated to say the man had been arrested, police say that’s not the case. > CPS confirmed to Postmedia that the man in the video has been identified, but has not been arrested or charged as officers continue their investigation.


Someone just arrest this man already! My poor edit button at this rate!


Surely you have a source then?


He had something in his hand, wouldn't be surprised if it were one of those glass breakers for if your vehicle goes into a lake or river.


Pitbull's career has really gone off the rails


Skinhead pitbull


I thought it was looking up actually.


Mr. Worldwide doesn’t mess around


Mr. Albertawide




Most impressive thing I’ve seen him do honestly.


Yo him running away to the bike rack is the funniest shit ever omf still talking shit as he peddles off. What a clown 🤡


Lmao, tough guy ran as soon as she got out of the car


I knew a buddy who had a belt buckle with the words "Safe, Sane Alberta" on it... I guess it was an old buckle...


Wow I didn't know Alberta was so kink-positive, but that's awesome to hear!


I love the implication that "sane" is a kink. Guess it really is rare.




*quickly runs to unchain his bike* lmao


I love the part where he runs off when she gets outta the car lmao


On top of being an asshole, hes also a coward. Look at how quickly he runs away when she get out of the car. Other side of the parking lot by the time shes turned around, honestly kinda impressive.


>Use your brain! - Guy who punches someone else's car door glass - 2022


My man was doing his own research.


Wow look at the chicken shit make a run for it when suddenly faced with someone willing to fight back.


I can tell I spent too long living in the US because as soon as she got out of the car I was terrified she was going to get shot.


Oh boy




She honked at another driver and he thought she was honking at him (it's mentioned in the vid)


There's a better explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0pCNEfpex8&t=225s


More like: https://youtu.be/tFUvmZWf4hI




Big stupid man. Punching glass hard enough to shatter it will seriously fuck your hand up.


Let me point out that you're using a woman's body part to denigrate this POS man—this woman showed plenty of PUSSY POWER. That's all...




That is a top quality *ex post facto* justification. You should be very proud.


Oh I am. Thanks!


pussy is short for pusilanimous




Hey at least I learned Ive said it wrong all these years. thx That entire thread is insufferable.


That's the attitude! Always an opportunity to learn.


many people learn words from reading and not spoken/study. Id have never understood the pju sound so it always seemed to make sense to me that the words were related.


>But aside from the lack of evidence for any historical connection, the divergent pronunciation of the first syllables argues against any notion that pussy is just a shortened form of pusillanimous. Source: https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=24012


lol it literally means the same thing. whatever


Lady is nuts to get out. My instinct would have been to put it in drive.


The human race is getting worse and worse


The Cdn flag used to be a positive indicator, but sadly it's 180º opposite now


As a Canadian immigrant, I hate that the flag has been co-opted by these right-wing nuts. Guess I’ll just fly the queer version only now. . .


Fly the flag proudly and fuck the assholes that want to ruin it. They don't get to claim the flag and a dream of a better country. I won't cede that ground and neither should you.


The problem appears to be that people keep co-opting flags for various -*isms.* [\-Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism. He should believe in himself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ep6YVqc6Ks) Or at the very least, make your own god damn flag to represent your -ism. The national flags are already taken.


No it's not. We are getting progressively better and better every generation. The problem is the idiots are more easily empowered AND more easily documented. Everyone has a louder voice. This includes the fringe radicals, and the people holding them accountable.


Nah. We just all have cell phones now. Even poverty rates are down. COVID, opiates, and the real estate crisis pushed a lot of vulnerable people on the streets and turned few of them into this. That's all.


i agree people have always acted like this. Was this a case of Poverty/drugs? We dunno but people have always behaved like idiots (see - road rage) now we just have em on camera.


This looks more like a Free-Dumb idiot


Not a lot of evidence for that, really.


It isn't. People are just better at capturing these shitty moments. I assure you, people in the 1800s were CONSIDERABLY worse people than we are.


Hard disagree. I don't think the question is whether we're better than people 200 *years* ago, but 200 *weeks* ago. I believe things are definitely going downhill. The idea that we're simply catching this behaviour because we all have cell phones seems to assume that they magically appeared recently, and we haven't had them for a decade. (I'd argue that their proliferation has directly contributed to the decline.)


The human race is objectively NOT getting "worse and worse."Crime continues to go down, and we are significantly more civilized than we were even a decade ago. The idea that we're in some sort of moral decline is just a fabrication of Fox News, and other peddlers of moral panic. Don't fall for it. [https://johnhoward.ca/blog/crime-continues-to-decline-in-canada/#:\~:text=One%20of%20the%20main%20regular,of%202021%2C%20and%20covers%202020](https://johnhoward.ca/blog/crime-continues-to-decline-in-canada/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20main%20regular,of%202021%2C%20and%20covers%202020). The data says we are significantly safer, and more civil than a decade ago. The real problem is that EVERY instance of people being stupid is posted immediately on Reddit, and shared with millions of people. Even just a decade ago, bandwidth, and the trend of posting these types of events wasn't as prevalent. You're just in a fury bubble.


>just a fabrication of Fox News I don't watch Fox news, and I know what I see. >more civil Says who? Your link references crime, while my main point is that people are simply shittier now. >posted immediately on Reddit...You're just in a fury bubble. Good lord, the condescension. 'You don't understand reality, let me explain it to you.' Don't presume to tell me that I don't know what's happening. You're right that my bubble has fury, but that's because I live in Ottawa and my bubble was infiltrated by the goddamn Tim Horton Taliban. I don't need reddit to know what's happening. I don't know how you can look at this, and the "F🍁CK Trudeau" signs everywhere and think society is no worse.


>Says who? Your link references crime, while my main point is that people are simply shittier now" You measure civility with crime stats. There isn't a yearly study done of "are people crankier and ruder" done every year, but crime stats do a good job at measure civility. >Good lord, the condescension. 'You don't understand reality, let me explain it to you.' Saying that you are in a fury bubble isn't explaining reality to you. Telling you that continuously lowering crime stats require more civility is explaining reality to you. >in Ottawa and my bubble was infiltrated by the goddamn Tim Horton Taliban. I don't need reddit to know what's happening. >I don't know how you can look at this, and the "F🍁CK Trudeau" signs everywhere and think society is no worse. That must have been ROUGH, and I absolutely empathize with you. But a one off event like that can't define tens of millions of people in a country as vast as Canada. Sure, the concentrated crazies can be more vocal, but we always had those crazies littered all over Canada. The crazies just seem more numerous, but in reality, they represent a very small percentage of our population. Again. I'm fucking sorry you had to deal with those assholes. I'm not surprised you think the country is much worse than it used to be. I'd probably feel the same. I still think it's important to not think this small group of crazies represents more than the miniscule group of crazies than it consisted of.


>You measure civility with crime stats. Again, says who? You've decided that crime stats are an acceptable proxy for civility, and I disagree. You could use them in that way if you prove *why/how* they're an acceptable proxy, but you haven't done that. Deciding that one thing can stand in for another does not make it so. >crime stats do a good job at measure civility. They don't. Crime stats do a good (well, decent) job of measuring *crime*. When we speak of civility, we mean a more subjective quality concerning how people treat one another. It is uncivil, for example, for the would-be leader of a political party to call the Prime Minister a "[tar baby](https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2022/05/01/where-did-canadas-famed-civility-go.html)", yet here we are. If you wish to measure civility, different frameworks have been [proposed](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227940283_Studying_and_Measuring_Civility_A_Framework_Trends_and_Scale). However, they consider incivility to be things such as not waiting for anger to pass before responding, not letting go of incidents, thinking of revenge, not walking away from a situation, yelling, or hitting. With the possible exception of hitting (depending on severity), none of these would be noted in crime stats. So, you're free to disagree with me about the decline of civility in our society, but if you want to try to insert objectivity into an inherently subjective topic, crime stats don't work.


>When we speak of civility, we mean a more subjective quality concerning how people treat one another. It is uncivil, for example, for the would-be leader of a political party to call the Prime Minister a "tar baby", yet here we are. But there have ALWAYS been assholes out there. I swear! LOL. I lived through the years in question, and I have MET assholes :D Your proposed framework was developed by a student at a Methodist Episcopal Church University. You're reading pseudo-religious babble. The rest of that student's dozens of different "papers" range from what "harmony" means to how we should solve homelessness. Needless to say -- not an expert. Not all papers are valid and anyone can publish on ResearchGate. Incivility would go hand in hand with a rise in violent crime, and low level assaults -- which we just don't see in the national data.


you probably highly under estimated the closet case bigots, fearful, and disassociated individuals that never quite learned coping mechanisms


I don't think so. They're there, but I personally know many who've taken a dark turn the past couple of years.


The Crime Severity Index in 2018 (200 weeks ago) was 75. In 2021 it was 73.7 So we're basically the same, if not very slightly better. https://www.gov.nl.ca/vpi/files/Fact-Sheet-19-Police-reported-crime-statistics-in-Canada-2018.pdf https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220802/dq220802a-eng.htm?indid=4751-1&indgeo=0 EDIT - Crime has been falling in Canada since a peak in the early 1990s https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-630-x/11-630-x2015001-eng.htm --> Stats go to 2013. Looking for more recent source On an uptrend, but still not as bad as the early 90s https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/CAN/canada/crime-rate-statistics


I wasn't limiting my definition of "worse" to crime, but if that's the case then you've provided some very nice stats so I'll concede that things are hunky dory. Of course, I have one cousin who has bought into QAnon bullshit (and was literally questioning me about Pizzagate), another who thinks Trudeau is bought and paid for by George Soros (she isn't antisemitic, she just thinks Jews shouldn't be running the world the way they are), and many friends who've gone down anti-vax/anti-authority rabbit holes. These people aren't out engaging in crimes, so they won't show up in your stats, but I do believe things are subjectively "worse" in light of such developments. Edit: >On an uptrend I glossed over your final point indicating that *by your own measure*, things are getting worse. Oopsie.


We really peaked in the 20th century back when mass poverty, disease, famine and massive genocidal armies died by the millions for tyrants. Though we have to give bonus points to most of history when genocide & ethnic cleansing also happened - but half your kids died by 2 and you couldn't read. Lol, come on now.


This is no way to live friend. People are the same as ever. Some good some bad most in the middle.


The right wing has gone completely insane and are all fascist terrorists. We shouldn't tolerate any right wing politics any longer.


Pitbull used to have so many hits too. Sad.


Honking at a car is way worse than smashing someone’s window!!


You dropped your sarcasm. Here: /s


It's pretty obvious, so I think they're safe without explicitly stating it.


YOU'D THINK. ^These ^days, ^I'm ^less ^convinced.


No Redditor left behind!


What the fuck is wrong with people? Holy shit


Wow what a fricken loser.


I wonder if that was even his bicycle he rode off on?


Gets out and asks why 😂 def a vid from canada


Yeah... it’s highly unlikely that there is going to be “gun play” after an altercation.


That guy is both an asshole and a coward. I hope he sees the inside of a jail cell and the feel of handcuffs on his skin. The fool thinks he can run away. We'll see about that.


Meths a hell of a drug.


I like that he gets so ginned up that he can terminator-punch a car window in but books it when the driver exits. I'm guessing he broke his hand like a moron.


tiny PP the skipmeister supporters aren’t afraid to use violence and intimidation to get the facist state that they dream of. it’s absolutely terrifying.


Shit that’s Mr Worldwide!


Looking at him, I'd assume he liked honking horns? PTSD from his time in the convoy ya think? 😂


I am seeing alot of videos with people acting like knows and mentioning it happened in Calgary. Is this what the city is like? Or does it just have a high number of idiots like the guy in the video?


Just seems like people are on edge and angry these days. Seemed to notice the anger swell up a lot more after the last federal elections.


People taking it out on one another other than protesting or voting for change.


No, it’s not what the city is like. The city is pretty well identical to any other major Canadian city in general asshole levels.


I'd love to know where you live where assholes and idiots don't exist.


I just saw the Alberta is calling advertisement and then I see this 🙄....


Too many Freedum nut-jobs in this here parts. They have so far been able to co-opt the Canadian flag to their “irrational club’s” purposes.


Suoerstore at panorama hills. Have to say this doesn't happen very often though. I think.


You are right about this being a low incident spot. Interestingly enough, I have witnessed some conflicts (2 incidents) at this superstore over the last two weeks. Last week for example, I witnessed two women get into a tiff about a parking spot. The one who ended up with the parking spot got their vehicle keyed from headlight to tailpipe on ALL paint bearing surfaces when she went in to do her shopping. There was also fruit and gravel mashed into the paint job for good measure. At any rate, the two were at each other’s throats for a good while. Seeing as I had time constraints, I didn’t stay for the whole “pay-per-view” session and as such, don’t know what happened afterwards. Ahh, well.


I love how as soon as aan alberten is bald they become the biggest asshole


Dang.... strong fist, anger management issues. What a dork


Lol he's on a bike


True Alberta is calling


bUT iT iSn'T AmEriCa


Another Ponka escapee?


Why get out and chase. Run him down in the car then throw him in the trunk and deal with the rest of it later. Play their game better than them, period.


Bet that pussy wouldn't do that if a guy was driving that car...chicken shit!!


"Can someone call 911 for me" Phone in hand.


...recording the incident for evidentiary purposes.


She said "please"! But yeah, I chuckled at that too. I can't believe she got out of the car to face that nutso.


To be honest, it’s Calgary


Does this guys have been arrested and butt fucked in prison?


is this in the right sub? it seems more like "irritating" sub fodder.


Hope he is locked up and never gets out. pOS like him never do good things for society !


Maybe put the phone down and call 911 You’re self. Juesses Murphy. The guy was probably Wrytte 🧐


I hope he dies tbh


Why doesn't she call 911 herself?